Bunny Paws Avenue Family Reunion

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Bunny's Little Brother learns some of the Avenues secrets.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 11/26/2022
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Daddy grinned while picking up Bunny's phone. As he looked down, he noticed a text from Noah. Bunny's brother.

"Hey bro, I will be in town tomorrow for the family reunion. I know I am excited to get to see you and Amanda and can't wait to do some catching up. We haven't gamed in forever. Oh yea, mom told me the great news, congratulations on the baby. I am sure you and Amanda are excited. Hopefully she is not being too big of a pain with those late night cravings. Before I forget Mom said her and Dad wouldn't be able to make it with me tomorrow. The weather has been bad at home. They are still coming though and can't wait to see you."

This was too easy Daddy thought, as she licked her lips looking down at Bunny who was happily bobbing her head up and down Daddy shaft. That cute little mouth gobbling the thick throbbing rod down like a magic trick, as Daddy decided how to respond.

"Hey Noah, great to hear and I can't wait to catch up. Me and Daddy...." Daddy hit the backspace quickly correcting the error before going back to typing out the response back. "..Amanda have work tomorrow at the bakery, but you should stop by. We are normally dead in the afternoons and there is this real hottie named Cherry that I think you might like. I know you broke up with Lindsey not long ago. Cherry might make a good rebound or who knows maybe something more. I got to look after my little brother either way. Hit me up and let me know if you're going to stop by the bakery or not. That way I can make sure Amanda sends Cherry out."

And within a matter of minutes the phone notification went off with Noah's response. "Just like you to go trying to hook me up, but yea with a name like Cherry she has to be a lot of fun. I will bet she is a redhead to boot and complete slut. Hahaha, but yea look forward to seeing you and I will stop by the bakery if nothing more. I read about the famous donuts, milkshakes, and even pasties the place is producing, aren't you selling pies soon? Damn I love pie and a good coconut cream pie. I hadn't had anything like that in forever. Should totally hook your little brother up. Until tomorrow, talk to you soon."

Just like that Daddy had set up the foundation for the next employee at the bakery. She had big plans for Noah she thought grunting. Daddy looked down at Bunny as Daddy's balls tightened and her cock throbbed. Bunny looked up with those big happy eyes as Daddy unloaded her entire sack into Bunny's tummy. A ritual they had started performing more and more. There was one thing Daddy had learned over the past few weeks or had it been months. Keeping time had become hard with everything going on.

Her stamina kept going up and up. She could cum several times a day when she had first been changed. Now she could cum constantly. Bunny and Cherry were having a hard time keeping up with her, especially in their pregnant states. Though thankfully they both seemed to crave her thick rich cum even more when knocked up so she kept them knocked up. Which made Daddy extremely happy there was nothing hotter than seeing a whimpering Cherry or Bunny kneeling between her thighs licking and loving on her swollen member.

The fact she knew Bunny used to be Ashton made it all the hotter. Then Cherry was on baby number two with her and it was pretty hot. Though Cherry wasn't showing yet. Ashton would be popping out baby number one soon. Which brought her to her next dilemma. Despite having had plans for Noah to help with her output. She hadn't decided what to do with Ashton's parents yet.

They were good people and were excited about becoming grandparents. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage. She smirked, grabbing her phone as Bunny pulled off a string of cum connecting Bunny's lips to Daddy shaft as Bunny licked it away. Then started to clean Daddy properly making sure not to waste a single drop as she rubbed her big fat tummy. Thinking about how she had once been a boy. The thought now seemed so icky it was much better being a female. Then Bunny started daydreaming about her brother and what might happen to him soon.

Bunny's mind wondered, as Daddy started calling and talking. Bunny didn't pay much attention to the things Daddy did anymore. There just wasn't any point. Instead Bunny focused on being submissive to Daddy and making sure all of Daddy's needs were taken care of. In return Bunny knew her needs would be taken care of also. Bunny no longer worried about anything which was nice. Which was why she was thinking about her younger brother Noah.

They hadn't seen each other in almost a year, and the last time they had, he was with a pitiful girl named Lindsey. That girl was no good and nothing but trouble. She always wanted money and always treated Noah so poorly. The thought made Bunny so angry as she licked the underside of Daddy shaft letting her tongue glide over Daddy's balls just enjoying the way they felt on her tongue. Yea Noah could do so much better. Bunny knew Daddy would make sure Noah was taken care of.

She was excited to see her brother but also nervous. What if her brother didn't accept what had happened or wanted nothing to do with her? Though Daddy had said to banish such thoughts. That nothing like that would come to pass. That Bunny need not worry that her family would accept her for who she was and had become. That they would be happy and even proud of her. Which made Bunny smile as she finally finished cleaning Daddy cock completely.

Looking up Bunny could see there was a smile on Daddy's face "Daddy did the call go good?"

"Hmm?" Daddy looked down at her Bunny and smiled ruffling her hair "Very good sweetie, we got everything planned out confirmed and even better we have permission from the higher ups. They are ecstatic about my idea. Hmm what do you say we go get some rest. I am sure after getting your tummy full you're ready for some sleeps."

Nodding "Oooo sleeps, and I can cuddle you" Bunny said excitedly.

"Yes, exactly Princess" Daddy gave Bunny a smack on the ass and took her into the bedroom. They were both soon sound asleep. The start of their very big ambitious plan would start the following day. Plans that would change their lives once again forever.

Noah stretched in his car looking down at the Avenue from the entry street. He was both impressed and shocked as he turned down the street. The place was much more luxurious than he had expected. That wasn't all though, it had a warm homey feel also. The sort of place that wouldn't have looked out of place twenty or thirty years ago. Then again it had a modern vibe. The entire place left him a little confused as he drove down looking for the bakery.

He didn't need to drive far. The Bakery was almost at the front of the Avenue, though he made a mental note to check out the Sis Sis Burger; it looked like a Diner across the street.. There was an art gallery he thought he spied at the other end of the avenue. He would have to make it a point to go check that out also. There was a Salon he was sure Amanda must have liked. She always hit him as a girly girl. Then there was a boutique that claimed to do fashion for everyone.

That was interesting, he thought as he pulled into the parking lot of the bakery, the tires crunching on the asphalt and the engine dying down with one final roar. Stepping out he could feel the warm sun on his skin causing it to tingle. That wasn't all there was, something else was causing him to tingle. He ignored the sense of wonder and danger in tangled. The feeling sort of reminded him of the time he fell out of the tree. His body's way of saying something was about to happen.

He was sure it was just nerves and excitement, he hadn't seen his brother in almost a year. Then there was the baby. Would he make a good Uncle? he wondered as he made his way to the front of the bakery pushing the doors open and walking inside. The cool air and smells of freshly baked bread and deserts assaulting him.

The door chimed, startling him, as a bubbly looking Redhead perked up from behind the counter.

"Hiya, you are Noah, right?" She asked excitedly, her eyes big as she smiled warmly.

Noah was a little startled; he had expected a cute redhead but this was beyond his dreams. She was a complete knock out ten out of ten easily. Then for her to know who he was. He wasn't sure if he should be flattered or a little scared.

Waving her hand Cherry grinned "Don't give me that look your si.. Brother and... Amanda told me you were stopping by and described you. They both told me to take extra special care of you. That you're a really good guy." She winked making sure to drag out that last bit just a little putting some suggestive undertones to what she was saying.

Noah fidgeted for a moment he felt so far out of his league as he finally found his voice stepping closer. His eyes focused on her massive chest that the glass counter did nothing to hide. He hadn't even caught the slight misstep Cherry had almost made about his brother.

"Umm yea Hi you must be Cherry right?" he looked up smiling trying not to be intimidated. Instead standing a little taller and trying to be a little more impressive.

"Holy crap your umm brother didn't tell me you were such a cutie. Though I shouldn't be shocked, your brother isn't bad to look at either." She winked.

That took Noah slightly off but he remembered his brother said Cherry was a bit of a slut so her flirting wasn't really outside the norm. He was sure Amanda would put her in her place if it ever got to be too much.

"Umm, is Ashton or Amanda around?" He looked at Cherry trying to look past her even as he felt himself hung up on how gorgeous she looked.

"Hmm they had to go run some errands for the baker, but they will be right back." She smirked, clapping, bouncing up and down slightly sending her massive chest jiggling. Which instantly grabbed Noah's attention. "They said that we could get you a slice of coconut cream pie and a big Banana cream milkshake." She nodded.

Smiling his eyes locked on to her chest as he leered completely forgetting himself, he nodded his head wholeheartedly.

"That sounds like a really good idea, I bet you guys have amazing pies and shakes." Noah spurted out as Cherry chuckled and smiled.

"We use only the very best ingredients, and everything is so fresh. Dad..The bakery made it fresh just today and Ashton said how much you love coconut cream pie. I told him that boys always like pie." She giggled at her little lewd joke. She winked to Noah who seemed to be completely enthralled with her.

Noah couldn't help himself. There was something about Cherry that was sort of intoxicating and completely took him off his game. He couldn't divert his eyes no matter how hard he tried. The temptation of the sweets sounded too good to be true. Then that underlining hint of something more. He bet her pie was delicious. Especially if it was anything like the rest of her.

Finally snapping out of his stupor, as he looked at Cherry sheepishly "Umm do I just take a seat anywhere or?"

Cherry had already turned to the back, the double doors being pushed in as she swirled around. Sending her entire body jiggling once more showing off all her curvy assets. That made it very uncomfortable for Noah to stand. His cheeks turned a bit red.

"Yea anywhere sweetie, we aren't busy, then I will come join you with your pie and milkshake." She winked and vanished into the back.

Noah looked at the seats choosing the closest booth, he was extremely excited after that little interaction. He knew he wasn't exactly tiny. He was just glad the counter hid most of it. Otherwise, the giant tent in his jeans would have been fairly embarrassing he thought as he slipped into the seat. Shaking his head. He wondered exactly what sort of place the bakery was. How had his brother gotten so lucky to work with someone like Amanda and Cherry.

Cherry slipped into the back greeted by Daddy who was just out of sight of the double doors. The Massive grin on Daddy's face said it all.

"Cherry you're doing amazing and it's cute how flustered you got him." Daddy gave Cherry's head a pat.

"Thank you Daddy, glad I could make you happy, how is Bunny doing? I know she was a bit worried about her brother."

Daddy peaked over at the nervous Bunny and smiled giving her a quick hug.

"She will be ok, she just worried what if her brother doesn't like what happens or refuses to accept his new self. I told her not to worry that it isn't good for her or the baby and that everything will work out and he will be ecstatic and so will her parents. She just needs to remember Daddy is in control, there is nothing to worry about."

Bunny snuggled into Daddy not saying anything as she watched Cherry pick up the plate of pie and the milkshake. She knew exactly what they would do and what they were made of. Least she had an idea of what they might do. She hadn't seen them tested nor had Daddy but the idea was sound. She trusted Daddy even if she was worried. She knew it was natural to worry and while Daddy was always right. There was always that nagging voice to what if.

Knowing she needed to steal her nerves not only for herself but the baby also. She rubbed her tummy absentmindedly. She knew she was due any day now. They had tried to plan her parents coming and her brothers coming with the birth of their first born. Cherry had already had hers days ago and had bounced back quickly which was exciting she thought. She watched Cherry slip through the double doors. The plan in play as her mind snapped back to the moment at hand.

Cherry giggled making sure to wiggle all her assets as she let the door catch her boobs squishing them slightly and sending them quivering. She was good at seduction Daddy had said, she was laying it on thick with Noah. She made sure to wiggle her hips as she walked over. She wanted him as distracted as possible, as she put down the plate and glass.

"Let's see one yummy banana milkshake with whipped cream" she let out a little coo and moaned at the word whipped. Watching Noah's face and cheeks blush a little brighter. She wondered what he was thinking. Then she put down the coconut cream pie in front of him with a fork. The thick creamy white whipped cream smelled delicious.

Slipping into the booth next to Noah she made sure to brush her large chest against his arm. Her heavy tits finally resting on the table putting a mountain of yummy eye-catching cleavage on display. She licked her lips, leaning in whispering into his ear.

"I hope you really like it all, maybe when you're finished you can help me add a bit of cream to a special pie."

Noah didn't know what to say he was so overly stimulated. His cheeks were burning, he always been a bit of a playboy, but he never had a women come on so strongly. He never had anyone as hot as Cherry before. He was flustered and his pants felt overly tight. He tried to find his voice his words. He was struggling as Cherry cooed pushing on him.

"That sounds umm really good." He said with a hitch and studder looking down at the plate doing his best not to stare at Cherry or her Assets that she was more than happy to display. When he moved his arm picking up the fork. He felt her warm side boob against his arm sending tingles through him.

Noah wasted little time as he brought the fork to the pie, spearing it and grabbing a bite lifting it to his lips. Cherry's hand slipped under the table. Soon as the pie entered his mouth. She brushed her hand against his tented jeans feeling the throbbing erection.

Groaning Noah's eyes went wide he wasn't sure what was going on, but the pie was beyond words it was beyond fantastic. He could have sworn he was leaking. Then Cherry had brushed her hand against his bulge. His eyes practically went cross. The pleasure he felt was like nothing he ever imagined. He couldn't even think clearly. His mind became so foggy with lust and need.

Picking up another bite of pie consuming it as Cherry slowly rubbed his throbbing shaft through his jeans. His cock leaking thick streams of precum into his boxers. Once the pie had completely vanished, he was out of breath, a bit of filling dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh you got some on the corner of your mouth sweetie." Cherry teased as she placed a finger on his lips scooting the filling on her finger between his lips as he happily sucked it in without a thought.

He didn't know how to respond, instead he just looked at her eyes dazed wide and unfocused, she smiled her smile filling him with warmth and a glow. His entire body felt strange almost tingly. His orgasm building and building pushed him further and further into his lust. He never felt anything like this, and for a moment he wondered if Cherry had spiked the pie with something.

That thought soon vanished as Cherry slipped a straw between his lips. Her voice in his ear again caused him to shiver.

"Be a good girl and suck."

Did she call him a girl? Noah wasn't sure his mind fogged over with lust and need to even start to think clearly. Instead he did what he was told, sucking hard on the straw, his tongue instinctively flicking over the tip. He finally tasted the Banana sweet and creamy with just a hint of something tangy and bitter.

The flavors were just so intense and his lust even more so. He felt Cherry unbuttoning his jeans unzipping them and pulling his thick throbbing shaft free. He wanted to complain, he wanted to ask her what she was doing. He felt the cool air of the bakery kissing the tip of his fat bulbous purple tip. He couldn't make words. The harder he tried the more the lust and need overtook him.

Instead, he focused on what was important: the feeling of Cherry's hand on his shaft, his precum lubricating her fist keeping him slippery and slick. Pumping his shaft up and down.

"That is such a good girl, just give into the pleasure and enjoy the milkshake" She teased, pumping him harder and harder watching and feeling his cock throb in her grip. She wondered if the pie and milkshake would even work. Then remembered Daddy said that the best results would happen at the end once he came that was when it would start to really take effect.

Cherry was a little upset she knew what was going to happen, and for him to lose such a yummy cock was sad. Then again, he would be so much happier and that was what mattered. She heard him take the last few sips from the straw. The lewd loud slurping noise of the empty milkshake glass caused her to giggle, as she added her thumb into her strokes feeling him throb.

"That's it, I bet you want to cum so badly don't you. I want you to cum all over my hand, such a naughty thing. Cum for me Noah please." Cherry begged with a seductive voice right into his ear. The sensation of him pushing his thighs into her fist combined with the overwhelming pleasure. He finally let out a moan, his cock erupting as he practically passed out from the pleasure. His mind was completely overtaken by it.

Cherry squirmed, feeling his cock erupt and his warm wet cream spill out. She felt his body quiver and start to transform before her. She had seen it happen a few times, but it was always so startling to watch. She did what Daddy had instructed her to. She brought her cum coated hand to Noah's lips pushing the cum between them. Just as Daddy had said to do. Noah started to clean her hand Noah's tongue lapping up the salty sticky goo.

Noah was just floating. That was the best way to put it as he felt the tingle over take him the eruption of his orgasm mixing with something else. Then he felt the pressure on his lips and his tongue instinctively came out hoping for more of the treats he just had been given. He wasn't disappointed it wasn't completely the same. He could taste something bitter and tangy yet with undertones of sweetness as he lapped at Cherry hand completely oblivious to what it was. Instead, he focused on the feelings going through him.