Burning the Witches Ch. 02


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As the man drew near them the Yellow Mustang started up and slowly drove over to where they stood. The little girl looked up at the man and smiled although she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Hi Daddy," she said and climbed up into his arms. "We saved the world."

"The whole world?" he asked. His answer was the sound of her snoring. He turned to his wife and shrugged his shoulders. "She saved the world," he said. He turned and started talking to the car. "And you..." he said. "Garage doors aren't cheap." The car revved its engine as if it was growling in response to the man's chiding. The car opened its doors and the man gently put the little girl on the back seat. He was about to get in, when his wife stopped him.

"Oh no, cowboy," she said. "I'm taking Chrissie. I'm tired. We drove all night. You take my Chevelle. You drove it here. You can drive it home." He nodded and she kissed him. She got into the car.

"Hey, uhm wait a minute," I said. I walked over to them with my Aunt Angela trailing behind me. "My name is Sarah. We're going to regroup and talk about what happened. Don't you want to know what happened to your daughter?"

"Hi," he said. "I'm Tim Matthews. I'm sure my daughter Christa will tell me all about it, when she wakes up." He smiled at me.

"Tim doesn't any of this freak you out?" I asked. "There are dead werewolves and vampires all over the place. Your child was in the middle of it all. She's going to be a very powerful witch someday. Why aren't you two freaking the freak out? I would be."

"Sarah, you're talking to a man who drives a Mustang that is inhabited by the spirit of his long dead first love. My car, Chrissie, does whatever she has to do to protect us. My daughter Christa was uhm...conceived on that car. They've had a connection since she was born. It's not unusual for Christa to go out to the garage and sleep in the car. What is unusual is for Chrissie to take off in the middle of the night. But we figured it had to be a case where Chrissie was protecting her."

He walked up the hill, headed for the Chevelle, while his wife drove away in that Yellow Mustang.

Evie and Savannah had the rear hatch of my SUV open. Evie had grabbed a blanket and was stretched out in the cargo area. She pulled the hatch down. Savannah was on the second row of seats, she had her feet up but was lost in thought. Chris handed her a blanket too.

Angela and Rebecca followed me down the hill to where Prudence and Jason, along with the other two leather clad women stood. There was a body on the ground in front of them and the four of them looked as if they could barely keep the tears from falling.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I said.

"Sarah, you're a witch," said Prudence. "Can you...?" I shook my head.

"I'm a private investigator," I said. "I'm kind of new at the whole witch thing. And my ability is more along the lines of clairvoyance than anything else. My Aunt Angela and Rebecca here are the real witches."

"I'm truly sorry," said Angela. "But two things are working against us. The first is that too much time has passed. If we'd gotten to her earlier it might have been possible but under these circumstances I'm not sure we could have done much even then. She wasn't killed as much as she gave her life away. She wanted to die. She didn't think there was anything left to live for."

"Another one bites the dust," spat the big woman dressed in green leather. She turned away and Jason went over to her. "Why the hell are you touching me?" She screamed. "Surely Prudence is enough for you. You've already gotten her pregnant once. Good lord man how much sex do you need?"

Jason moved his hands like he'd touched a snake.

Several hours later, just as the sun came up we'd all gathered to discuss what had happened. After filling everyone in on the big picture, we separated into two groups. Jason and Prudence went back to their house, taking the two women with them. I still couldn't believe they were nuns. The four of them were very quiet. Piety's death was weighing very heavily on them. Mason's death hurt them just as badly.

Savannah and Evie were asleep upstairs while they waited for Chris to drive them to the airport. My Aunt Angela and Rebecca were talking out on the porch. I could see Angela shaking her pretty head and Rebecca, in her face, demanding something. Finally it looked as if Rebecca had won the argument. I found myself wondering if Rebecca had used her powers on my Aunt. Of all of us my Aunt had snapped back the quickest. She'd called Uncle Mike as soon as we got back and told him how much she missed him and loved him.

I felt the need to tell Chris that same thing so I looked for him. I found him staring out at the water from the deck behind the cabin. "This one took weirdness to a whole new level," he said. I just nodded and molded myself into his arms.

A few minutes later Rebecca came strutting out onto the porch. I couldn't put my finger in it but there was something different about her. She seemed happy though. She was looking for Joey who was throwing rocks into the lake.

"What did you do?" I asked her. She just smiled at me.

"I got rid of something I never wanted and never asked for," she smiled. I looked at her in confusion. "Sarah thanks for all of your help. I know that this was all about making sure that I kept my power and all of that, but I have nightmares about that final scene in the Carrie movie. I never wanted to be a witch. Look at all of the pain and heartache it caused Joey and me. Thanks for explaining to him that it wasn't a case of me cheating on him."

Even when she said it she was looking at Joey in front of the calm waters.

"Rebecca what did you do?" I asked.

"Sarah, I'd be an awful witch. I simply have no interest in it. I know it's crazy and simple, but my only goal in life is to be married to the idiot over throwing the rocks. I got your Aunt to drain me. She has all of the power now. I'm just your average everyday house wife now. I need to talk to my average every day husband. Thanks again for everything you've done."

I shook my head. It just all seemed like such a waste. People and things had died. I guess they really died to prevent a demon and a long dead witch from gaining enough power to take over the world, but we also fought to keep Rebecca's abilities in her own body. And as soon as it was over, she just gave away the power we'd fought to keep out of the wrong hands. In the end I guess if anyone on the planet shout have that kind of power, my Aunt was the best person for it. But still it seemed like a waste.

* * * * * *



I still had no idea what I was doing here on Halloween watching my soon to be ex wife, ignoring men who walked over to her just so they could stare at her tits. We'd had a good run and I love her more than I could say. We really tried to put things back together again but it just didn't seem to work.

I guess it was mostly me. Beck seemed to find things between us even more important. We spent even more time together, but it took us a while before we even kissed. She kept trying and I guess she understood. I tried to understand too, that she hadn't really cheated on me. In a way it was as if she'd been drugged. We got counseling to help. Beck even took a lie detector test. The test proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that she had no memory of ever cheating on me and that she never would do it consciously. She really did love me and that made everything worse because I love her too.

I guess I'm just fucked up in the head, because for the first couple of weeks after it, I threw up at the thought of having sex with Beck. She did all of her tricks. She walked around the house in next to nothing, flashing those huge titties at me and it was all I could do not to empty my dinner into the toilet.

One night after I'd gone to sleep, she took a different tack though. Beck got on top of me rubbing her furry red pussy on me until I was as hard as a rock. Then she put it inside of her and started gently rocking while she kissed me. A curtain of red hair surrounded our faces as she gyrated her hips slowly and lovingly. I started to get worked up. I rolled her over and started slamming my dick into her faster and harder than I ever did before.

"Joey, I don't like this," she said. I knew that I was about to cum and I wanted it differently. I tried to slam my dick in her ass the way the homeless guy did.

"Joey, Honey you know I don't like that, Honey," she pleased with me.

I stopped. I just laid there on the bed. "Joey, Honey, what's the matter?" she asked.

"Beck, you know I love you, right?" I asked.

"And I love you too, Honey," she said. "I love you more than anything."

"If that's true, then why can't I fuck your ass, like all those other guys got to? You loved it. You really did. You got into to it. Why won't you suck my dick like you did them? It wasn't like those shitty little blow jobs you give me on Christmas and my birthday. You were sucking on them like a fucking Hoover. Why won't you do that for me?"

She looked like I had hit her. Then she erupted in tears and rolled away from me. Then those green eyes flashed in anger. "Ooh," I said. "I'm in for it now. Are you going to strike me down?"

"Joey, I can't strike a match unless I do it with my hands. I gave all of that up, because all I wanted to be was your wife. I don't really like blowjobs. You're the only man who's ever stuck his thing in my mouth. And no one has ever stuck it up my other hole. That isn't me. I'm not that kind of girl. So deal with it.

I couldn't. I kept imagining those guys fucking the shit out of her. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her sneaking off somewhere to screw other men. And she was giving them everything she denied me. I never imagined myself ever doing it, but I walked away from her. She was crying her eyes out and she called me a fool.

Of course I was miserable. I loved the woman more than life itself. But I was sure that I'd done the right thing. I spent a couple of days watching her. I wanted to catch her in the act. The only thing I caught was a cold. To be truthful, I did peek in one of the windows and caught her still crying and looking through old photo albums that were full of pictures of us.

I decided that the only way to get over her was to move on. A couple of my friends invited me to go out for an evening. Even drunk, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't as much as talk to another woman.

But then, I heard that a mutual friend had convinced Beck to come to this party. He told me that she'd be here looking for a man to replace me. I had to see it for myself. Perhaps if she could move on, I could too.

I watched her for about a half hour. It was depressing. Even though we weren't together, we were together.

I turned to leave the party and found myself face to face with her.

"Joey, I need you to come home," she said.

"Do I know you?" I asked.

"I thought you did," she said sadly. "I thought you knew that I love you more than anything on this planet. I thought you knew that I'd do anything for you. And I thought you knew that I'd rather die than be without you. You win Joey. I'll suck your thing anytime you want me to. And you can stick it in my butt...just please come home." She huge tears rolling down her cheeks and ruining her makeup.

"Joey if you want me to be a whore, I will," she said. "But I can't take this anymore. You can do whatever you want. Joey, I was wrong. I love you, so I'll give you whatever you want whenever you..."

"No Beck," I said. "I was wrong. I was selfish. I guess I couldn't get over what I saw. You kept telling me that it wasn't you, but I didn't believe you. But I love you Beck. I'll take you back any way that I can get you. Forcing you to do something that you don't enjoy isn't love. It's just ego. I'll get over it."

And then we were in each other's arms. We left the party and went home. And we lived happily ever after.

The end

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TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

This was definitely not something that I was expecting to find in this section of the website, but it was pretty entertaining despite it being a rather simple story (with a fair bit of deus ex machina in there, literally with the way the vampire villain died). Also, to everyone giving Joey shit - there's a big difference between knowing your wife was possessed and SEEING her having a gangbang with a bunch of homeless dudes. His reaction is totally understandable and the fact that he's even able to get past it a little bit shows that he's intellectualizing what he saw.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

To the prior commenter: did you read the story? She was literally possessed. She had no control or recollection as to what she did. It is as bad as being raped but drugged so no memory. She gave no consent. You obviously didn't bother to read the story. He needs to get over theninages in his head, get therapy and man up. She did not cheat her body was being used. If you read the story and assert that it was her fault that is just nonsensical.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was a good story right up until the end when it went to hell. After everything she did and everything he saw there is simply no way they belong together.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A great story except for the epilogue.

Joey is an idiot. The woman was possessed.

He say, with his own eyes, what evil forces were at work. Yet, he acts like she wanted all that. This whole ending is a ridiculous trope.

Jesus, what possessed the writer to do something as stupid as this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have to agree with anonymous from 2 years ago, in that that was the damnedest thing I've ever read in this forum. That was two different stories merged into one, and a hell of a way to do it. Don't get me wrong, it was long, but it was also interesting and kept the reader involved the entire time. I'm guessing this was an entry for a Halloween series, as it sure felt that way. Thank You for sharing it with us, as it sure as hell wasn't the usual Cuckold/Cheating Wife story you normally see posted in this forum. I gave both parts 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the commenters below who want to demonize (yes pun intended) Rebecca for (supposedly) cheating on Joey and doing things with the homeless guys, she did (no ever eanted to do) with him, two words: Grow up! Yes thrnimagrs he saw are hard to deal with, but the circumstances should change everything. She had zero control. She was possessed. No control of her actions. No memory. Thr husband wad a putz for playing out the reconciliation so slowly and poorly. Not even sure how it exactly happened at the end. He went for being a loser to suddenly apologizing, all because she offered to be his slut? Grow up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing stories that merge with reappearing characters from previous stories.

This tale of possession infidelity without divorce was refreshing for loving wives.

Very unique weaving of a Gothic tapestry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Looks like Joey was the only one to get screwed in the end... and his wife.

drycreeksdrycreeksover 1 year ago

Awesome awesome awesome great story i love it when n author brings in characters from other stories great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What??? Just like that he forgets everything? Verry rushed...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This may be the best story you have ever written.

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 2 years ago

Damn Stang, you came up with another great tale. I loved how you wove so many of your characters from other stories into a cohesive fighting machine. KUDOS BIG TIME!!!!!

bereznikbereznikover 2 years ago

Excellent story with some good characters. I agree with Rimmerdal in that it could do with some areas being explained in more detail. Who was the demon and what did he really want, where did the nuns come from i.e. how did they come to be what they are etc. The aftermath is rather sketchy and needed more explanation:- How did they discuss the indiscretions, how did they try to overcome what she did and what she was? Did the witches and nuns come to any agreement about how they would interact where they really on the same side - they where witches and the nuns are hunters. Overall I enjoyed the story and thought it was well written, there are a few grammatical and trans positional errors but that happens to all of us. 5*

RimmerdalRimmerdalalmost 3 years ago

Great story. But weak in the fight scene....way to short. Epilogue was too weak in the fact that it was too short and not in depth. Take both 'Chapters' flesh them out to about 4-5 chapters. Make it more in-depth and this could be a really good book I'd buy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That is the damndest story I ever read. Somewhat difficult to follow completely, and very long. But, still, I gave it 5 stars.

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