Business and Pleasure

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They're not supposed to be mixed.
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Author's note: this is just a fun little infidelity fantasy. If that's not your speed, don't feel obligated, but I had fun writing it, and hopefully a few people enjoy it.

"So several of you are going to Raleigh for the week," James began.

"Oh, cool," I responded, trying to not convey too much trepidation.

"Yeah, we need someone to support the product launch there," he acknowledged. "The team in their office is panicking more with each passing day. I figure we send you guys, you work from there, have some meetings with them, smooth things over, and come back Friday night. Egos calmed, problem solved."

"Who all is going?"

"You, Vijay, Rochelle, Allison, and Denise."

Fuck, I thought. I could deal with or liked most of those people, but Allison was going to be a problem. A huge one.

I'd taken this job 9 months prior. For many years, I'd been consulting, basically acting as a liaison between the business guys in a company who go "We need an app that does this and that thing," drawing up requirements for the tech guys who actually build it and know what's possible and what isn't. It'd been good overall, I'd done long contracts for bigger banks and tech companies, and it had allowed us to pay our kids' college expenses, as well as stockpile a bit away for eventual retirement. However, the constant travel had definitely taken a toll on our family, and particularly my wife, who had gone into a depression over the last two years. She'd lost much of her zest for life, worked a lot less, and started staying home and just watching a lot of TV, also gaining a good 80 lbs as a side effect of both the medications and depressive eating. She'd even tearfully urged me to leave her or fuck someone else in her lowest points, which I didn't want to--I'd cheated on a girlfriend before her, and also my ex-wife's affair had broken up my previous marriage, and I wanted to make this work. Besides, I tried to convince myself that a large part of it had been situational--my daughter and her daughter and son were all close in age, and when they all went off to school and moved out over a four year span, I figured it was just a matter of time before she began to snap back to who she used to be. Thus far, it didn't seem promising though.

When I took this job at a major mortgage company, I was stoked to have a permanent gig with very little travel. Even though they employed a lot of rather attractive women, many of them were in their 20's and 30's, and with me pushing 50, I felt relatively safe from any office indiscretions. Until I met Allison.

Classically speaking, she wasn't gorgeous, but she was exactly my type. She looked stereotypically Irish, if you will, with long fire red hair, pale skin, lightly freckled, cute little upturned nose...but those eyes...God Damn, those gigantic, blueish-gray eyes. They locked on you and didn't let go. She was smart as a whip, an Analyst that understood our software platforms backwards and forwards, plus she was funny, self-assured, and she had this quiet grace about her every move and word spoken that was just incredibly, undeniably sexy as hell. Between that, and her mouthwatering figure that resembled something out of a renaissance painting (wide, curvy hips, a beautiful rounded ass, and big, ripe, mouthwatering breasts, it was difficult not to just stare at her sometimes. And the biggest problem, by far, was that we had chemistry.

At first I though maybe I was projecting. I'd catch her looking at me a bit, but then she'd shake her head or look away like she was just zoning out, and I'd chide myself for seeing what I wanted to see, a woman I fancied into me. But then I'd felt it several times. Like when we'd accidentally brush hands during a meeting and both reacted like a small jolt had hit us both. When we'd chat and lock eyes a little bit longer than appropriate at corporate happy hour, and one of us would look away quickly. One time, when we played on the company half-court soccer team, I'd reacted quickly on the field after a game and picked her up to spin her out of the way of a collapsing steel pole. It was hardly a life-threatening situation, she would have had some nasty bruises at worst, but something about the adrenaline and the close proximity was insanely sexy. I held her cradled in my arms to keep her safe and balanced, and as we separated, we lingered a bit, both panting, staring into each other's eyes intently. I both silently thanked and cursed the noise and concern from people around us, as it brought us both back to reality quickly. Had we been alone, I think there's a reasonable chance we would have torn into each other right there.

So it was a problem. But I was trying to be good. And mostly, I was succeeding, although this trip worried me. The rest of the team would help distract us, too. Rochelle was a bit of a flirt, but also a drama queen and, I suspected, a functioning alcoholic. Vijay was a typical software engineer, quiet, brilliant, but also personable and slightly funny. Denise was a literal grandmother and virtual one to the group who was very sweet, and often played peacemaker when tensions got high from too many meetings and not enough action. So I thought I'd be okay with all of them as a buffer on this trip. I'd spend days at the office, and at night I'd go back to my hotel room and beat off to kill the edge of being around her all day. No problem.

But it'd been hard enough being around her five days a week. When she'd worn a mesh lace shirt (with a built in bra that really didn't show off anything indecent), just the sight of her bare back and delicate tattoos had forced me to cross my legs to keep from getting too hard. When she'd worn perfume and sat right beside me at meetings, I'd had to force myself not to lean in and try to kiss her lovely neck. Even when she wore a loose-fitting flannel shirt on casual Friday, I had to keep myself from glancing at the tiny hint of cleavage that peeked out the top. And the truth was, when I'd actually talked my wife into sex roughly once a month, I'd several times replaced her face and closed eyes while she took me into her mouth in my mind with Allison's gorgeous orbs, staring back up at me. I was smitten, and I could try to lie to myself, but I knew deep down what a lie it was. So I was a bit worried, but there was absolutely no way for me to bow out of this one gracefully.

We landed early evening Sunday, and after the six-hour flight from LAX, we were all a bit wiped. We quickly descended on a place to eat, chatting amiably about the upcoming week, sprinkled in with a bit of personal conversation. Vijay had just gotten married, so we joked with him a bit, and attempting to be PC, I remarked tamely "I'm sorry we're making you travel and interfering with all of the newlywed sex." He immediately began laughing and blushed almost comically.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time, though I noticed Allison was being just a bit distant. I asked her if anything was wrong, and she responded, "Nah, I'm just tired and my body's clock is a bit off." I shrugged it off, and we caught a Lyft to the hotel, our home for the next week. I groaned internally when I realized that we were all on different floors, except for Allison, Rochelle, and I, who were in a row on the third. At least having the office gossip and drama queen nearby will keep me honest, I thought.

I flopped down on the bed, turned the TV on low, and called my wife. She was nice but a bit perfunctory, mostly telling me about her day and her discussions with my daughter Christine, who was coming to visit the next day, secretly to help distract her while I was gone. We chatted amiably for about 15 minutes, and eventually she told me she wanted to go lie down. I cursed a bit inwardly, as it was only 6pm there, so I knew that she'd likely go to sleep and not wake up for 12 hours or more--the depression made her want to stay in bed most of the day. She'd sleep through letting the dog outside, and he'd likely pee or shit in the house, and then as she cleaned it up she'd curse herself under her breath while she slid further down into her hole of self-hatred. I held back tears, forced my voice to be normal, told her I loved her, and we disconnected the call.

So I sat there on the bed, in my boxers and a tee shirt. I flipped channels a couple of times, and nothing was on that piqued my interest, or perhaps I was just too far lost in my own thoughts. Thoughts about my wife, about the state of my life, and that literally next door there was a girl I was incredibly attracted to but couldn't do a thing about. And then I was snapped out of my thoughts by the knock.

I sprang up, and went to the hall door. I swung it open, only to see no one. I poked my head out, and looked left, which was empty. Turning my head to the right, I noticed a Latino woman in a housekeeping uniform about a hundred yards away slowly pushing a housekeeping cart. Was I losing my mind?

Knock knock knock. I craned my neck and listened hard for the sound. The adjoining door. Allison's room! My stomach dropped, and letting the hall door close behind me, I went over and undid the slide and deadbolt, opening the door.

"Hi," she said in a slightly small, unassuming voice.

"Uh, hi," I responded.

"Can I come in?"

"Yes, sure, please," I said, quickly gesturing her in. She reached to her side, grabbing a grocery bag off the credenza. I took her in as she stepped inside, her bare feet showing off cutely painted red toes that matched her fingernails, her full thighs and hips covered only by a pair of high thin shorts, her skin creamy and smelling fresh, like she had just showered. She wore a simple but flattering T-shirt with some design on it that I tried not to read, because then I'd have to stare at those glorious breasts. She padded over to the little round table by the window, setting the bag down as she gracefully settled in the chair.

"What's in the bag?" I asked as she dug in.

"Beer," she said, producing a 6-pack of some local looking craft brew. It had some graphics of fruit and something else on the side, I didn't really scrutinize it too hard.

"Ah. What's the occasion?" I replied.

"I wanted to talk to you about something a little weird, and I wanted to try and make it a bit more comfortable," she responded, twisting off a cap and handing me a bottle. I shrugged and accepted it, and as I sat, she quickly uncapped one for herself. She took a healthy swig, paused, took another, and then looked at me for a few beats longer than comfortable.

"So..." I began.

"Yeah." she paused again. "Sorry. I'm just trying to pick my words so they sound, well...less bad."

"Why don't you just spit it out. It'll be easier." I was uncomfortable and feeling like I was about to have a talk I didn't want to have. Was she going to accuse me of leering at her? Of being a pervert? I was her boss, and we both reported to James, so this could get uncomfortable really quickly.

"Okay," she began. "I was going to say I've noticed the way you've looked at me," Shit. "But that's because I've looked at you the same way. I can probably safely say that there's a bit of a between us. Like we're these two horny coeds just dancing around things, waiting until one of us makes a move. I was hesitant to say anything for a long time, but I've suspected it for a minute. You don't have to respond either way, I know the situation makes this potentially, erm, volatile or, uh, weird, but if you don't feel that way and it's all in my head, please correct me before I say anything else and make a bigger fool of myself." She stared directly at me with those damned eyes. I wanted to lie or just get out of this awkward conversation, but damn...

I took a swig of my beer, glanced down, took another, and then looked back at her. "You're not wrong," I said with a nod.

"Okay..." she took another big swig, and looked at me again. "So, the thing is, it's never been an issue before. We see each other at an office where nothing happens, and occasionally at some function or sporting event where nothing can happen, and everything is fine. You go east at night, I go west, we go home and kiss our respective spouses, and all is good. But when we were at dinner, all I could think about was how I was going to be near you all week, and I'd have these little thoughts creeping in the side door like going over in a robe with nothing underneath, and how I was going to fool around with you and we would fuck and suck and lick each other dramatically and..." my breath caught a bit as she said these words, and as she paused, I noticed her lower neck and her chest were beginning to flush a bit, which caused my thick cock to twitch and engorge a bit in my boxer briefs. I forced myself to breathe and bring my brain back to the present instead of imagining her with her legs over her head as I plowed into her, or her on her knees looking up at me as she swallowed my length. "Sorry," she continued, "I should have said at the beginning that no matter what, I'm not telling a soul about this conversation. Not work, home, friends, anyone. Can we agree on that?"

"Yes," I added with a vigorous nod. "Absolutely."

"Okay. So to be totally honest, things haven't been that good at home lately. I love my husband, don't get me wrong, but it's been a bit tense on a couple different fronts. And then when this trip came up, I was actually a little excited when I realized you were coming, too. I didn't quite want to admit to myself why, but if I'm being honest, I realized this little part of my brain was going to this point of saying 'Hey, just fuck him until you're both spent, get it out of your system, and you'll be able to concentrate on work again and not think about how great he probably is in bed and how you'll both be together,' and I realized it was insane." She put down her bottle, which I noticed was empty, and uncapped another, sliding it over to me, then doing the same for herself. I was about to decline before I realized that even though I thought I was nursing mine, there was less than an inch of liquid left in the bottle, so I nodded a thanks, drained mine, and grabbed the new one. "Sorry, I'm nervous. That's why I wanted the beer, I think. So...yeah, anyway, I realized that was an insane thought. I have a husband I love, and a 13 year old daughter, and you are in love with your wife, and I've been married for 16 years, and you for...sorry..."

"12 years," I added in.

"12 years, and I don't want to fuck things up, and I don't want you to fuck up your life, and I was just scared and felt like maybe, maybe, if I shared this with you and acknowledged my feelings and we just got it all out, we could just, you know, nip this stupid shit in the bud or something." She took a deep breath, tipped her beer back, took two healthy swallows, and looked at me expectantly. I took a swig, exhaled, and nodded.

"Yeah." I paused for another breath. "Yeah, I think you were right to do this. Thank you."

"Okay. Erm, cool. Thank you."

"No, I appreciate it."

"So, uh..." she started. "Uhhh...are we okay? Like, can we work together without thinking about boning each other all the time now? I know it's weird, but like I said, I don't want to fuck up our lives, so...."

"Yeah. Yeah, I think we'll be alright. To be honest, I feel a little better already."

"Yeah," she said. "Yeah, me too." With that, she took another sip of her beer, and I matched her. We sat there in silence, not looking at each other for a minute, just sipping our beers. She stretched her legs out in front of her, and flexed her toes, which, despite me never having had a foot fetish, I thought were impossibly cute. I glanced up at her legs, and was once again caught up in the momentary thought of kissing my way up between those thick, glorious thighs, working my way toward the center of what I was sure would be a beautiful pussy, and as I felt myself began to harden again, I took a deep breath and shook my head out of this reverie. I will be alright, I thought. We will be alright. I looked up, and her glance was fixated on my crotch, and I noticed that my member was actually quite engorged, a bit beyond half mast and producing a pretty good show in my underwear. I looked back up at her, and her nipples were rather prominently on display in her tee, despite her having on what looked to be a decently sturdy bra. She flushed again, although I attributed this to both embarrassment at being caught and aroused simultaneously. "Ummm," she said, nervously, "I uh...."

"Listen..." I began.

"No, it's okay," she said, smoothing her shorts down self consciously as she got up to go. "Let's just chalk this up to we have a ways to go before we're totally comfortable. I'm going to, uh, go to bed. Thank you again for being so understanding. Seriously." She walked across the room and almost reached the open door, before she turned around, dashed back up to me, hugged me, gave me a peck on the cheek, and dashed back over. She pulled my door shut as much as she could behind her, then I heard the click of the locks behind her. I stood there dumbfounded for a few moments, then I crawled into bed. I laid there considering the events for a few minutes before I gave up, reaching down and pulling my shorts down. As I stroked myself, I thought of her, of the points of her nipples, her beautiful form, those eyes, and the smell of her body wash as she had pressed that glorious body against me for a brief moment. I came with almost violent force, and after I cleaned up, I drifted into a glorious, wonderful sleep.


The next day was work-filled and gloriously nondescript. I got into the office early, around 7. I should have bleary since it was 4 my time, but I was energized and wanted desperately to get some real work done since I had meetings beginning at 8:30am, and running most of the day. Allison was behind me by only a few minutes. She was dressed impeccably, professional in a blazer and showing off nothing, so even though I was distracted once or twice by her proximity, it seemed to be working. We got through the day with ease, and later our LA team went out to dinner with one of the local bigwigs at a Thai place he recommended. Finally, exhausted, we made our way back to the hotel. I said goodbye to Vijay and Denise in the elevator, and Rochelle and Allison in the hall as I got into the room. I quickly showered, and grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. As I sat on the bed, I considered TV for a minute, but decided against it. The adjoining door opened slightly, but the slide lock caught it. I heard Allison's voice gently say "Knock knock." I walked over and opened the door, but instead of coming in, she stayed in the doorway.

She stood in front of me in a robe, her hair wet from the shower, pulled back in a ponytail, and makeup washed off. She looked so incredibly sexy, it took me a minute to shake off the thoughts I was having. "Hi."

"Hi," I mirrored back.

"I wanted to just thank you for last night's talk. I feel like it helped a whole lot."

"Yeah. For me too. Thank you."

"Today was easier for me," she said.

"Me as well."

"Good...that's good..." she looked down at the ground. "Well, anyway, that was it. I should get some sleep. Thank you."

"Okay. Thank you again." as she turned away.

"Uh, sure thing..." I stuttered, unsure what else to say.

She paused for a second, then turned on her heel and faced me again. We just stood there for a pregnant pause, unsure what to do next or what the other wanted us to do. Then, after what felt like an hour but was probably only 10 seconds, she closed the step between us, reached up to my face, and kissed me. I'm 6' even and she was probably 5'4" and flat footed, so she had to slightly stand on her tiptoes, a little off-balance, but as her lips pressed into mine, I melted a bit. I was ready to let my mouth fall open and her tongue inside, but instead she just backed off after a few moments, and said in a nearly inaudible tone, "Thank you. I needed that." And with that, she turned, shut the door behind her, and I heard the lock click. I pushed my side closed again, making sure this time that I switched the deadbolt closed. I couldn't afford to slip again, I knew it deep in my core that the next time, I'd end up doing what we both agreed we weren't going to. I called my wife, and after a 10 minute call, I stripped my boxers off and came again to glorious thoughts of being deep inside Allison.