Caleb 91 - Danny


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She'd obviously thought that he had more money than he had and when she started asking rather pointed questions about how much money he did actually have, he called her an Uber and threw her out.

"That's going to make him a little gun shy in future," Arnie said. "Why can't people just be honest about what they want?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes people don't know what they want," I said. "But unfortunately, the world is full of people whose only criteria is how much money they have. It's also a sad fact that there are some people, men and women, who's only chance at getting any real wealth is to marry into it.

"Look at me for instance," I said, earning myself an elbow from Ness.

"That's not even funny," she said. "You never asked for anything, from anyone, and you've worked your ass off since I've known you."

"She's right," said Mary. "I remember the conversation not long after we first got together when we talked about money. When we told you we'd share ours with you, you damn near had a fit."

"The point is still valid," I said. "But there are also good people out there. How do we know that there are good men out there? Well look who Sarah landed, and if you want proof that there are good women out there too, then just look around you.

"Tell Danny not to lose heart. There will be someone out there for him, and he will find them."

"I think he deleted his dating profile," said Arnie.

"Give him time," said Mary. "Now he's starting to socialize again, he'll meet people and things may happen. At least he's open to the idea now, rather than shutting himself away like before."

"I guess," said Arnie. "I just hope that he doesn't retreat back into his funk after this."

"We'll keep an eye on things," I said. "As a last resort, we could always stage another intervention but I really don't think it will be necessary. You say he's been going out with buddies much more recently. I'll bet that continues, even if he avoids women for a while."

"That's true," Arnie replied. "He's been out more this last month than probably the last three years. He always turned invites down before."

Amanda giggled "He must be backed up like a drain," she said.

"Ugh...please don't." said Arnie. "That's my dad."

"Perhaps we could find someone willing to help him out?" said Amanda. "Gerald's wife has empathy, doesn't she?"

"Stop," said Arnie. "Dad's not like that. I mean, no disrespect to her or any of you guys, but he wouldn't understand. We had to make sure he was in his room before we came in here tonight. He's kind of old fashioned."

"We'll stay out of things," I said, gently squeezing the only part of Amanda I could reach, it was her ass. "Won't we?"

"I guess," she huffed, but wriggled her ass in my hand.

"Speaking of backed up..." Ness said, from where she was pressed to my side.

"Are you feeling a little... needy?" asked Melanie, who was behind her. She ran her hand down the younger girl's body. Ness shivered when Melanie leaned in and kissed her neck.

"Was this morning not enough for you?" she asked. "Greedy little minx."

"To be fair," said Jules. "She has gone without all week."

"Not all week," said Amanda. "We did give her a little quiet relief on Wednesday when she got home. You guys were asleep."

"But even so," said Mary. "That's still only twice."

Ness groaned. She was laid against me, one leg thrown over my thigh, and I felt Melanie's fingers invading her from behind, in a slow rhythm. Ness started to rock her hips against my leg.

"You like that?" I asked leaning my head down. Melanie used her free hand to tilt Ness, head back so I could kiss her. Melanie continued her ministrations, but nipped and licked at her neck as she did.

Ness was shivering with need as we kissed, and I brought a hand up to cup her breast.

I felt the bed move as the other girls moved, and a squawk of surprise from Arnie. I wasn't sure who had done what to him, but the moan that came immediately after it told me that he didn't object.

"Take your man," Melanie whispered in Ness' ear, as she reached over and pressed my shoulder back, pushing me onto my back. It was a moment's wriggling for Ness to get her legs either side of mine, and, still locked in a heady kiss, to slip herself onto me like a scalding glove.

I moaned as my heat mingled with hers, and she pressed forward taking my entire length inside her.

Ness broke the kiss and rested her head on my shoulder, rotating her hips slightly.

"I've so missed this," she said.

I sneaked a look at the rest of the bed. Melanie had also turned on her back, and was currently duelling tongues with Amanda who'd been on her other side. To my right I saw Arnie, also on his back, with Sarah firmly planted on his face facing south. Mary was currently lying between his legs, paying homage to his maleness with her tongue. As I watched, I saw Mary look up at Sarah, who nodded, a big grin on her face.

I thought I knew what was about to happen, and wondered exactly how Arnie would feel about it.

Then my concerns for Arnie were dismissed from my mind, as Ness began to move, grinding her hips into me squeezing tight on my cock as she started the dance.

I moaned, pulling her lips to mine again, selfishly seeking out the kiss that would maximise my pleasure, knowing that Ness would plunder my mouth with her tongue and love the control it would give her over me.

I reached up holding her to me, my hands on her ass. Somehow she'd lost her T-shirt that she normally slept in and I could feel her nipples scraping against my chest as she moved. One of us started to whimper in need and I couldn't for the life of me figure out which of us it was.

Ness broke the kiss and sat up, riding me cowgirl, as she built up both speed and ferocity of her movement. She was crashing down on me, almost painfully, as she whined, feeling herself building towards the climax she knew was coming.

Melanie and Amanda were locked in a 69 by now. Coos and slurping noises were coming from that side of the bed, while my prediction as to what was going to happen with Arnie had come true.

Sarah was still seated on his face, grinding her pussy into his mouth as he ate her feverishly. Mary held her face in her hands and was locked in a deep kiss, as she rode Arnie as Ness was riding me. I could feel confusion from Arnie. He knew exactly where Sarah was, and he knew that his cock was inside another woman. Although he wasn't certain who, he had his suspicions.

There was some worry about how Sarah would react to him fucking someone else, and some guilt too, but mostly he was just enjoying the moment. His orgasm fast approaching, his body's responses pushing all of his rational thoughts aside.

It was Ness that broke first. Probably because, for some reason, Jules had gone behind her, and was holding onto her, as she reached around and worked her clit as she rode me. I looked up to see the two sisters locked in a kiss, the sight of which blew my mind, and tore down any resistance I had. I roared out my own climax, arching my back as I pumped my seed deep into the young teen's body. She moaned in appreciation as she felt my cock pulsing within her and the heat of my cum bathing her insides.

Jules held Ness as she writhed on me, riding out her climax and coming down. Then Melanie managed to take Amanda over, which brought Mary to a sympathetic climax, the two girls squeaking out their orgasms, since both of their mouths were more than occupied. Mary's pussy pulsating on Arnie's cock took him over, and he too arched his back as he emptied himself inside the tawny eyed twin. I guessed that the thought of her fiancée dumping his load into another woman was the trigger that sent Sarah over, and she released Mary from the kiss as she keened out her orgasm for everyone to hear.

Melanie was the last to succumb, Amanda having not relented in her ministrations even though she was enjoying her own climax, and I heard Melanie hiss in pleasure as Amanda finally conquered her.

For a few moments we all lay in a heap in post orgasmic bliss. Then Mary and Ness hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later they returned with washcloths and Ness tended to me while Mary cleaned Arnie gently. He shuddered as she did so.

He looked at Sarah, who was lay beside him propped up on her elbow so she could look down on him. I could sense his anxiety in his aura. Surprisingly Sarah's aura was completely calm.

"Thank you," she said. Arnie's eyes went wide.

"Y-You're thanking me?" he asked.

She giggled. "That was amazing. You made me feel awesome."


"But nothing," she said. "Seeing Mary enjoying you, while I got to enjoy you too, made it even better for me."

By this time Mary had returned and had laid down beside him on his other side. She too was leaning up on her elbow.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask," she said with a small smile. "But Sarah said it would be okay, and...well... you just looked so delicious sticking up there, I couldn't resist."

Sarah chuckled.

"I-it was okay?" he asked. I wasn't sure who he was asking. His mind was a tumult of confusion. He wanted Sarah to tell him it was okay that he'd fucked Mary, and he wanted Mary to tell him his cock had been enough for her."

Mary leaned in and kissed him.

"It was wonderful," she said. "The way you moved inside me made me feel amazing."

When Mary broke the kiss, Arnie's eyes swivelled to Sarah.

"We're all together," Sarah said to him, settling down beside him and putting her arm across his chest.

"I love you, more than anything in the world." She continued. "I know you love me as much. Thank you for making that even better for me, and for making it good for Mary."

While that was going on, I got kisses from Ness, who once again was settling down to my side, and Jules who I'd thought had finished her 'on' week a couple of days ago.

"Steak night," she whispered as she broke the kiss, and grinned at me.

Sarah and Melanie went to the Dojo the next morning. I decided to take a run. I'd started to have a little fun, egged on by the two girls, when we got up, gently positioning those left in bed.

Today Arnie would be waking up with his face pressed between Mary's breasts. I wondered how that would go.

To my surprise Arnie figured it out.

"I know you're doing that on purpose," he said as he came into the kitchen. I looked up trying to keep an innocent look on my face. Mary had followed him in, and was grinning.

"What?" I asked.

"You deliberately positioned us so I'd wake up with my face...." He tailed off, surprisingly he didn't blush, "where it was."

I quirked a smile. "And?" I asked.

He grinned at me. "Thanks," he said. "That's an amazing way to wake up."

Mary laughed. "I'm glad you approve," she said.

Just then Danny walked into the kitchen. He looked around, since everyone had stopped talking.

"Should I go out again?" he asked.

"Not at all," said Ness. "They're just being stupid kids. Grab a seat. Pancakes, okay?"

"I can see why Arnie's getting tubby," said Danny, grinning at his son.

"I'm not," Arnie said defensively, although he'd definitely filled out a little since we'd met. "Although I might start to join you for some exercise in the mornings if that's okay." Then he seemed to consider.

"Although that would mean..." then he remembered that Danny was in the room, and broke off.

"That you didn't get to stay in bed with all those gorgeous women?" asked Danny.

Arnie went scarlet, his jaw dropping.

Danny laughed. "You think I was born yesterday?" he asked.

"You knew?" Arnie asked.

"I had a visit," he said. "After you told me about powers, Dianna came to speak with me. She told me about how important it is to keep the secret, and also the likely outcomes if I didn't. She also told me what you didn't, i.e. about sharing.

"She explained Sarah's need, and that you'd probably all end up together. She also told me that you and Caleb would likely..."

Arnie went even redder if possible.

"Dad..." he began. Danny shook his head.

"All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy," he said. "If this is what makes you happy, then I'm happy for you. Dianna said that, while this isn't exactly common in Powered circles, its not unheard of to have a polyamorous relationship, and that they work.

"She also told me that Caleb has made it so nobody can get pregnant until they're ready, so that settled another worry. Are you and Sarah just going to have babies together? Or will Caleb...or you and one of the other girls?"

"I..." Arnie began.

"We've not discussed that yet," I stepped in, having not even considered that. Maybe one of the twins or Melanie might want a baby by Arnie, or Sarah might want my baby.

"Until Arnie joined us," I continued, "I was the only male in the group, and so it wasn't something to consider. Now it is, and maybe it's something we'll discuss in the future. But babies are a while off for any of us. We have so much to do before then. However, we'll not hide the parentage of any of our children from you, and we were hoping that you'd be a Grand Daddy to any and all of them, even ones born to say Jules and I, or Mary and I, as well as any born to Arnie and Sarah. Would that be okay?"

Danny looked stunned at that. The sudden prospect of having so many grandkids seemed to overwhelm him.

He looked at his son, his eyes bright.

"I'd be honored," he said.

Arnie went to his father, and embraced him.

"Thanks Dad," he said.

When they broke apart, Danny settled back to the breakfast that Ness had placed on the table for him. We all settled down to eat.

"I have a meeting with the lawyers from the rental company today," he said. "I believe they're going to make me an offer. They know that you've given me authority to accept on your behalf. Do you have any idea how much you'd be happy with?"

I looked at him.

"I told you," I said, "I don't need the money. Ideally what I'd like, is for you to get enough out of them that you can buy the Baron. No matter how much they give me, that's what it's for. The more you can get from them, the less you'll need to finance."

"But it's your money," he said.

"Do you not like Sarah?" I asked. "Is she not good enough for your son or something?"

"What?" he said completely thrown by this sudden change of topic. Sarah looked up, also looking a little puzzled.

"It's a simple question?" I said. "Are you disappointed in your son's choice of partner?"

"Of course not," he said. "Sarah's wonderful. But I don't see..."

"Family," said Arnie simply, realizing what I was getting at.

Danny looked at him still puzzled.

"What Caleb is saying," Arnie went on, "in his rather melodramatic and theatrical way, is that we're family. You're family, and family helps one another. Trust me...Caleb REALLY doesn't need the money but, even if he did, he'd still give it to you, because you do need it, and family helps family."

Danny looked at me and I nodded once, before returning to my breakfast.

Sarah who was sitting next to Danny looked at him.

"You think I'm wonderful?" she asked with a grin.

Danny's eyes went to her, and he blushed a little.

"I think you're pretty amazing yourself," she went on, giving him a brief side hug.

After breakfast, we all got ourselves together. Ness would be leaving later to go to the restaurant. She'd be back for dinner. All the girls would be heading to school. Danny, Arnie, and I would be heading for the airfield. Danny and Arnie to their school, and me to take another Rotary wing lesson.

And so with kisses all round, we split up to start our week.

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WickedCitrusWickedCitrus8 days ago

I do so hope this is not the end of this.......

LawnchairManLawnchairMan12 days ago

Postmaster, I have missed the near weekly additions to this series. It has a great plot, that sometimes made me laugh and sometimes cry. I think that is what makes a true writer. I would love to read more.

If there is one thing that could improve your writing it would be to stop using phrases like "kind of, or sorta". It weakens the character. Intentionally using this to develop one character's traits could be good, but not all characters, and this certainly should not in the narration. This is just a bit of polish. Your content is fabulous.

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

would love to read more on the Caleb series

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

I loved these stories and always look forward to the next, I guess money is always going to

out do loyal fans. No new additions free this sight but if I will pay 4$ I can get more on another

that sucks but is a fact of life

OhioTeddyBearOhioTeddyBearabout 1 month ago

I think PM has had enough of his "Caleb" series. No new posts in two months and he has blocked his other sites where the stories are posted from new members. He also is no longer responding to email messages. At least I hope that is all that it is. I do know he posted about being ill and I sincerely hope that the illness is not extremely serious and he is just recovering. At the very least I wish he would release the last 5 chapters he wrote or open up his other sites to new members. He is well and truly missed.

SpinThatVinylSpinThatVinylabout 1 month ago

The author has posted an additional 5 chapters at his patreon site back in March. Then he posted about being sick. I hope he's doing well and returns.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

You are missed and appreciated!

usmcdadusmcdadabout 2 months ago

This story is amazing... Been reading start to finish... Cant wait for the next installment.

Dawson2009Dawson20092 months ago

Hey PM have not heard from you in awhile. Seems you have a great following hoping that you are getting better and nothing serious. Please leave a message on your Patreon site to let us know how you are doing. Still looking forward to the stories in the Caleb saga been checking every day for new chapters. Please get well soon! Your sorely missed!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Started reading the story from the beginning while I wait for your next instalment. I really enjoy the whole book to date!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I have been reading your stories about Caleb with such joy. And check new parts almost every day. If you are unable to write yourself, please find some co writers, for as a fan of this serial i would love to see it to continue.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

As always good plot and like how I'm many posts leave something or someone to come back to like the pizza girl at the bank heist.

More important hope are keeping well,

Hope you have not given up posting here or on ROM.

Please keep up the diverse storylines

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Looking forward to the next installment of this series & hope you are doing well.

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