Cam Slut Mom Ch. 05


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"Don't bother." I turned my head and spit. "You leavin' was the best thing ever happened to us."

"I'm not talking about me leaving all those years back." He looked around not wanting to meet my eye. His foot kicked at a clod of dirt, messing up his pretty shoe shine. "I didn't mean for it to go so far as it did."

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"You see, I was just angry at first. I thought it was only with you, but now I suppose I was also angry with myself some, too. I wanted to find a way to hurt you. To punish you for what you was doing. I had no right to do you like that."

"If you don't make yourself plain in the next three seconds, I'm goin' inside, gettin' the shotgun, and if you're still here when I come back I'm gonna use it."

"I didn't think it'd go as far as it did." There was real anguish in his eyes that I tried not to let get to me. After all these years of hating him, that man still had a way of getting at my heart. "I had to come see you to see if there was a way I could make it up to you, or if maybe me and you could..." His voice caught in his throat.

"I'm goin' to fetch gun now." I turned and headed for the door. "Better git!"

"Darla," he was the only one called me that, "I'm him. On the computer."

I stopped dead in my tracks, not daring to turn to face him.

"BeaverMan four-one-five." My voice was low and tight. "Four-fifteen, you remember? I never could wait till four-twenty." A humorless chuckle followed. "I'm not proud of it, Darla. I saw you doing those things in front of the camera, acting like a whore for everyone to see, and it pissed me off. Pissed me off real bad."

"It was you all along."

"I didn't think anything would come of it, but then took the money to do that stuff."

"That was your son, you sick fuck."

"Our son, Darla. I only suggested it, but you're the one did it."

"You knew I was desperate. That I'd do anything for the money to protect my family. The family that you abandoned."

"And you really think you were protecting your son by swallowing his cock?"

Something snapped in my head. I spun and charged at him. I clawed for his eyes, but he grabbed both my wrists before I could. I tried to kick him in his shriveled balls, but he turned me around, crossing my arms over my chest, and pulled me tight against his body. I hated him with a white hot passion. I hated his good-looking face, hated his nice-smelling cologne, and hated his strong arms wrapped around me again like when we horsed around all those years ago.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I know you was only looking out for the two of you, and I took advantage of that. I wanted to hurt you at first, but then I got to feeling bad, and...I guess I got to missing you."

I tried to drive my heel into his bad knee, the one he hurt playing football in high school, but I couldn't reach. "Fuck you! Let me go!"

"I screwed up, Darla. Back then and now. But I want to make it up to you. And Jesse. I'm doing real good for myself now, and I can take care of you. Despite what I done, I'm a better man than I was when I went away all them years back. I can make you happy, Darla. I swear I can."

He eased up, letting go of my wrists. I stepped away and turned to face him. There was a part of me that had been wanting to hear this from him for so many years. That part was the stupid girl I once was and would never allow myself to be again. I didn't have my shit together by a long shot, but there was no way I was going to let myself fall for his bullshit again.

"So you got all this started," I said in a voice that sounded much calmer than I felt, "and now you come here thinking you can say sorry and I'm going to take you back like nothing happened? You are even stupider than I gave you credit for." I wished I had something to throw at him. "What happened? You see Jesse and me fucking the other morning on the computer and get jealous? Did it piss you off that your boy has a bigger cock than his good-for-nothin' daddy? Or that your old lady cums better fucking your son that I ever did with you?"

I was satisfying to see how my words stung him. Guess I managed to hit a few nerves.

"I get that there's a lot for you to be angry about, and I can't blame you for that. But when you think about it clearly, you're still not in a good spot when it comes to the house and money."

"Jesse's workin' now, so we'll be just fine."

"For now. What happens when he shows up for work hungover and gets fired? What happens when people stop paying to see the two of you screw on the computer? And the Sheppards are going to get bored with you two after a while. You can't depend on them forever."

"What the fuck do you know about the Sheppards?" I took a step back, ready to go for the shotgun for real.

"Oh...yeah, that. Well..." He realized too late that he'd said too much. "Okay, I should have told you about that right off. I messed around with them a while ago. Cherie picked me up at a bar one night and brought me home. This was before they was big shots. Keith watched me and her go at it, then we both did her at the same time. It was a long time back."

"While we were still married?"

The way he avoided answering the question told me what I needed to know. "Me and Keith kept in touch over the years, he's the one got me started in commercial real estate and all. He'd send some business my way now and again over the years. Anyway, when I saw you on the computer, I told him about it. He always had a thing for you. Asked all the time for me to bring you along when we'd get together. Said Cherie wanted you more than he did."

"You fucker," I hissed.

"Hey, c'mon, you made out alright. Didn't you?" He cleared his throat and tried his pitch again. "Maybe you got caught up on some bills, but that ain't going to last. I'm doing real good now and I can take care of you."

"And this time it's gonna last?"

"It'll take some time to work things out, but I believe it can."

"Let me get this straight. You want us to all get together like a happy family so you can sit around and jerk off watching your son fuck your wife?"

"No, it's not like that-"

"What's it like, then? You want me to watch him fuck you? You want to suck your son's cock? That it?"

"No! I said I was sorry about that, and I meant it."

"Were you sorry when you were watching your son cum in my mouth? Were you sorry as you jacked off your little cock while Jesse ate my cunt? Yeah, I bet you were so sorry when you saw how good your boy fucked me that you blew your pathetic load all over yourself."

"Darla, I..."

"I'm not your fucking Darla." I marched across the space between us and shoved him. "I'm not your anything anymore or ever." Another shove pushed him back a couple steps. "It might have been all fun and revenge for you, but it was something real for me. For me and my son." I could have gotten a shot in at his balls, but I didn't bother wasting the effort. "You didn't need to come here to apologize. Matter of fact, I should have tracked you down to thank you. You thought you were fucking with us, but it turns out that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm happier now that I've ever been, with you or anybody. I love Jesse more than the whole world, and he loves me back in a way no one else can. I don't care that he's my son, or that it all started as a sick joke from a sick fuck like you. We're together now, and he fucks me better than I deserve, and that's all that matters."

I was out of breath and the tears were suddenly falling fast.

Austin looked at me for a long while with those sad eyes of his. There were wrinkles there at the corners that hadn't been when last I saw him. He nodded, slowly put his sunglasses back on, and rubbed his chin in that way he did when he knew he was beat.

"If you change your mind..."

I didn't dignify his proposition with an answer.

"Good seeing you again, Darlene. Take care of yourself. Tell Jesse..." he trailed off, apparently at a loss for what to say. "Anyways, like I said, take care."

He got into his fancy Escalade, backed over the dead grass of my brown lawn, and drove off.

I stood for a moment not wanting to understand everything that just happened. I remembered the pint of vodka in the freezer and moved to head in after it. The approaching crunch of tires on gravel grated at my spine before I reached the door. He was back.

Before I could find a rock to throw through his windshield, I saw that it was Jesse's pickup. All the stress and anger and hate melted away the instant I saw my handsome son get out of his truck and flash me a smile. I managed to wipe the wetness from my cheeks before he noticed.

"Who was that just left? I told you I didn't want you fucking around with anyone else but me." The joking way he said it assured me that he didn't really think I was screwing around with someone behind his back.

"That was nobody," I said as I held my arms out for a hug. "Just some loser selling something we don't want."

Jesse scooped me up in his arms and spun me around. He set me down and kissed me. I was a newlywed again all over.

"Your eyes are red."

"Allergies. Been working in the yard."

He grabbed my ass and pulled my hips tight against him. "You're all dirty, Mom."

"How 'bout you take me inside and get me even dirtier?"

"Exactly what I was thinking."

I squealed as he picked me up, cradled me in his arms, and carried me into the house.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I lay in bed. It was getting late, but I was feeling too relaxed to get up. Jesse had officially moved into my bedroom a while back. I could still feel the kiss he gave me before leaving for work on my lips. I could also feel his cum squishing around inside my pussy. I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with the sex drive of a horny 18-year-old male, but I'd adjusted quickly to fucking at least once or twice a day. Sure, I'd still get sore after the occasional four-fuck days, but that was a good problem to have as far as I was concerned.

I caressed one of my bare nipples lazily as I considered my piece-of-shit computer sitting in the corner. I hadn't attempted to turn the thing on in almost two months. The screen was covered in a film of dust. I should have gotten rid of the damn thing already, but that old hunk of junk held some sentimental memories for me. Silly, I know, but every time I saw it I was reminded of those desperate days when I guiltily accepted bribes to show Jesse my cunt, or suck his cock. If it wasn't for that computer I would never have become a cam slut, and I never would have known how happy I could be having my son as my lover.

I climbed out of bed, and began unplugging stuff. Mouse, keyboard, monitor, power cord. Time for it all to go. Jesse was doing good at his job, and I was taking classes to become a licensed massage therapist. Things were still tight when it came to money, but I didn't want to be tempted to going back to spreading my pussy online. A big part of it was not wanting Austin, or the Sheppards, or anyone else who might know me, watching me play with myself and screw around with my son. But more than that, I wanted to share myself with no one else but Jesse.

When I moved the keyboard I found a dusty buttplug underneath. I wiped it off, spit on it, and slipped it in my asshole. That would make a nice surprise for my boy when he got home from work.

I finished wrapping up the computer junk, then threw on a long t-shirt before I began hauling everything outside to the trash can. It felt good hearing that crashing thunk as I dumped each piece into the garbage. The monitor was a bit of a struggle, but I managed it with a little sweat. I turned away from the over-filled garbage can and checked on my flowers.

Everything was blooming. Our house might have looked like a white trash shack, but at least we had some color to dress things up a little. I turned on the sprinkler. Instead of just a few patches of green, the lawn now only had a few patches of brown instead. Jesse grumbled about having to do some mowing now, but I think he liked it. I also loved when he came inside all sweaty and smelling of fresh-cut grass. Something about yardwork made that boy fuck like the dickens!

I moved the sprinkler to a better spot, getting a little wet in the process. As I headed back in, I was surprised to see a Fed Ex van come along down our drive. A handsome black fellow got out with one of those big, cardboard envelopes. He spotted me and headed over. What could this be, I worried.

"Mornin', Ma'am. Just need you to sign here."

I couldn't help but notice that carrying around Fed Ex packages apparently kept a guy in pretty good shape. I signed his little computer machine and he handed me the envelope.

"Thanks. You have a nice day."

His eyes flicked down to my tits, and only then did I realize that I must have looked like a contestant in a wet t-shirt contest. I should have covered up, but I didn't bother. Before he turned to go he had himself a good look at my naked legs. This one wasn't shy. I was tempted to lift my shirt and flash my puss. Nope, my exhibitionist days were over when it came to strangers. I didn't need that anymore to make myself feel like I was still desirable. Jesse's cock pounding into one of my fuck holes several times a day took care of that.

Even so, heading back into the house with my envelope I couldn't help bending over to pick up a stray leaf that had blown onto the front walkway. Was it my fault if my shirt rode up in the back enough for that nice delivery guy to see my naked, white ass? Though, to be fair, I wasn't completely naked back there - I was wearing that pink buttplug after all. Modesty is my middle name.

The van didn't pull away until I was inside the house. I wanted to finger my pussy after that naughty encounter, but I wanted to see what was in the mysterious envelope more. The return address was a law firm. Oh shit, someone was suing me.

I opened it and there was a letter and some legal documents. I had to read through everything three times before I was sure I understood what it all meant.

The house had been paid off. The deed was in with the legal documents. According to the letter, the house was mine free and clear. No more mortgage payments. It seemed impossible and I read through everything again before I was willing to believe it.

The lawyer didn't name who the party was that paid it off, but I knew it had to be Austin - or BeaverMan415 as I thought of him now. He said he wanted to make it up to us, and I guess this was his way of doing it. I still hated his guts to the border and back, but at the same time I couldn't deny that if it wasn't for him things wouldn't have turned out how they did. And I was very happy with how things had turned out. Especially once I held that deed in my hand.

I was so excited that I had to celebrate with someone. I pulled on a pair of jean shorts, not bothering with panties, and hopped in the car. I got to the lumber yard and Jesse was able to take his lunch break early. He took me out to his truck where I sucked his cock and balls. The loose sawdust coming off his clothes and hair made me sneeze, but I got a nice load out of him just the same.

I told him about the house being paid off by an anonymous stranger. He pulled me up on top of him when he heard that and fucked me hard. When his roving hand discovered the buttplug in my ass, he fucked me even harder. I should have been more afraid that someone might see us, but I was so happy that I didn't even care. Jesse blew another load deep inside my cunt.

"You are one damn fine motherfucker, boy." I held his face in my hands and kissed him long and lovingly.

"You make it easy, Mom, with that sexy pussy of yours."

I humped his hard cock until I came again, then got my shorts back on and my shirt down from up around my neck.

"Thanks, sweetie, I really needed that."

He slapped my butt as I got out of his truck. "You know I'm going to fuck that slut ass of yours when I get home."

"That's good because this little toy isn't doin' it for me - I need my son's big cock in there."

He just shook his head and smiled as I closed the door and sashayed back to my car. I was so turned on that I had to struggle not to masturbate on the ride home. I wanted to save my orgasms for Jesse. Luckily, I was distracted from diddling myself when I passed the pharmacy.

It reminded me that I needed to pick something up. The cum from me and my son's fuck was beginning to soak through the crotch of my shorts, but not enough for anyone to notice.

As I strolled through the aisles, I spotted Jeremy Sheppard. He had a certain boyish charm, but not the manly bearing of my Jesse. I pictured him sucking his father's dick and had to laugh. He spotted me and there was a flicker of recognition.

"Hello, Jeremy, home from school for the summer?"

"Yeah. School's been great, but it's good to be home."

"I'm sure it is." I plucked a box of condoms off the rack that happened to be nearby and handed it to him. "Say hi to your mom for me."

I gave him a wink and headed off to find myself one of those early pregnancy tests to pee on when I got home...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The End

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Baqfid12Baqfid1215 days ago

Great story! Really well done!

Mr_BradyMr_Brady9 months ago


Dorsmine4Dorsmine4about 2 years ago

This was fantastic. A thrill ride with deep emotions. Thank you

QuietJohnQuietJohnover 2 years ago

Very well written. If I were to guess you are a professional writer of some kind. The subject matter makes one admit that life in not only roses. Please share more words with us!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

This is a rough story about rough people. That being said, mother and son were capable of loving each other in their own limited way.

FXBradshawFXBradshawover 4 years ago
The only way to go is up.

Fantastic story about a woman who thinks she's hit rock bottom, only to find that she had a ways more to go. Then her surprise at finding that was her path back up. Loved the complex relationship between mother and son, and how they both had to work through guilt, shame and desire to get to where they needed to be.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This was the best story ive ever read is there a change of more :O?

ErostaticusErostaticusabout 8 years ago
Wonderful Erotic Story

Enjoyed this story from beginning to end. It brings up questions which make us think about some implications of incest. There is humour and drama. This author has great talent in writing. I was not disapointed and "Dirty Minded Mom" is certainly one of "my top best five authors of Literotica".

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Loved the whole story, beginning to end.

Really really well written and flowed faultessly throughout - hope to read a lot more from you in the future!

AZMotherLoverAZMotherLoveralmost 9 years ago
5 *

Fantastic finish to the best story series I've read in years.


jaccorjaccoralmost 9 years ago

I am a follower of yours. Your writing makes most of the story easy in which to become immersed, it's easy to forget the rest of the world exists. Thanks again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great series

The stories are well written good back story. All around good.

OOAAOOAAabout 9 years ago

Amazing chapter!!!!

Thanks :)

Married_Man_63Married_Man_63about 9 years ago

I really enjoy your work, without being too graphic, I mean REALLY enjoy. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Really really strong finish!

I will concur with previous commentors that the first couple chapters were not the typical fodder that feeds my wife and my reading sessions, but chapters 4 and 5 were straight up blazing hot literotica at its best. If we could have given it 6 stars we would have. We had to stop three times to finish chapters 4 and 5 to put out the fire in my her pussy. Look forward to more from DirtyMindedMom.

SWIM21SWIM21about 9 years ago
Bravo! Bravo! Encore!

I have to hand to you. You are an incredible writer. I had my doubts about how this story would end after what happened in chapter 4, but you pulled it off and then some! You perfectly captured the tangled web of conflicted emotions that having a mother like Darlene can engender, and Jesse's reactions towards her are disturbingly realistic and familiar. Like I've mentioned before, this story is a cathartic release for guys with slutty mothers everywhere. Thank you so much for writing this.

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Cam Slut Mom Series Info

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