Can You Only Watch

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She goes beyond watching when she sees him masturbating.
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Can You Only Watch

I guess you would say we are about as normal as you get. My name is Shelly Baxter and I'm forty-two. My husband Derek is a mechanic for an auto dealer, and with the economy the way it is he has been as busy as I can ever remember. I work in retail; I am a shift manager at a local big box store. This last year has been the strangest I, and I am sure you, have ever experienced.

Our daughter Monica, now turning nineteen, just graduated from high school this last year; if you want to call an online ceremony a graduation. They canceled her senior prom because of COVID, I felt really bad for her but what can you do. She plans on attending the local community college this fall and hopefully it will be in person, we have yet to hear.

Our son Daniel is twenty and just finished his sophomore year of college, all of it online. It's a bit easier in college; most of his courses could be done online. He is taking his labs this summer since they finally are doing some things limited in person.

Like I said, we were just your average American middle class family struggling to survive the economy and this weird virus that has thrown all our lives into chaos. It especially hit ours when I developed a cough about three months ago. Yep, I tested positive. The entire house went into two week lockdown, I got sicker and sicker; honestly I thought I was going to die.

I've never been that sick in my entire life; and after three weeks in the hospital, I finally got to go home. To say I was as weak as a new born puppy was an understatement. Thanks to my loving family, they took care of the laundry, cleaning and all the chores mom did. I think they were all a bit surprised at how much I did behind the scenes to be frank.

Me, I spent the next month roaming the house trying to find ways to occupy my bored stiff brain. It was March so it was too cold to go for walks in upstate New York. Television was never my strong suit, and reading can only take you so far.

Now that you have a bit of the background, I will start with how this all happened. It was a Wednesday afternoon; I remember it like it was yesterday. Derek had called and said he was working later, with the economy and so many people out of work, everyone was fixing their cars instead of replacing them, and stimulus money was driving people in for those much needed but unaffordable repairs.

I was bored out of my mind; I had been hoping Derek and I could go get some shopping done. So, I wandered the house looking for either Monica or Danny (yes he hates that name); a chauffeur is a chauffeur. Finding Monica is like looking down the rabbit hole, how that girl finds ways to hide I have no idea, but she can literally disappear for hours and then magically reappear. Danny on the other hand, is your typical twenty year old male; he thinks a half closed bedroom door is a sign of total privacy.

Half closed was exactly what it was when I walked up, I swear to God. I had just reached up to open it further to step in and ask him if he could take me to the store, when I heard his soft grunt. Now to your average mother, a grunt usually means pain or injury; and that was my first thought as I pushed the door open. It swung about two inches more and I glanced inside; and froze on the spot. There, in broad daylight, was a sight I had never seen in my entire forty-two years. A full grown man, and he WAS a man; totally nude, stretched out on his bed. He had his IPad propped on his chest watching or looking at something, fortunately it also blocked his view of the door where I stood transfixed.

I stared at the thick solid member rising from his groin; the head purple and swollen. His hand was gliding up and down as he wrapped his fist around it. He wasn't huge, I'm not going to lie and claim he was ten inches or something; but he was respectable, I would guess maybe eight inches. There was a slight curve just before the head that gave it a slight arc; and the thing glistened in the light, I presume from baby oil or some other lubricant.

Now I'm not a prude; Derek and I have sex; and fairly regular. I admit it had been almost two months, my getting sick and being so weak had put all that on the back burner. But it wasn't like I was some prude or anything, I knew young men masturbated, I had found evidence in Danny's wash in the past. It isn't a crime, and I never said anything, it was his private business. Except this time I was standing feet away, watching him do his private business, and it was the most fascinating thing I had ever seen.

While Derek and I have sex, I think you would consider us pretty vanilla. We do it at night, with the bedroom door locked; it's very private. No whipping or handcuffs; and please don't get that thing near my butt, sorry exit only. We do various positions, so I know spooning and doggy and all of that; but it's all pretty much traditional. Whether Derek actually masturbates himself I don't know; I would think he has since we haven't done anything in a while. But it wasn't something that never crossed my mind, I mean masturbating is natural, even women do it sometimes; but I had never seen a man masturbate in my life. It was captivating as I watched his hand glide slowly up and down; I could see how his hips arched just slightly when his fist hit his groin; and I could more clearly hear his soft grunts as he pumped away.

"Oh yeah, suck it baby" I heard him grunt.

So my son likes oral, I thought. I have done it for Derek; and while it has never been my favorite thing; I love having my pussy eaten and have always considered fair is fair.

"Cum in her mouth...come on dude" Danny moaned softly.

I stared at his penis, and could actually see it throb as he got closer and closer. I knew I should leave; that this was his private thing; but I honestly couldn't tear my eyes away. I knew he was very close when the speed of his hand picked up; I glanced lower and watched as his wrinkled balls bounced on his thighs.

"Fuck want it comes...drink it baby" Danny grunted again.

It was like watching something in slow motion; his ass rose about an inch from the bed; his hand jammed down to the root and stayed there. I watched as his penis jerked in his grip; and then a fountain of thick white goo shot straight up into the air.

As the first round reached apex, and then splattered down onto his belly it was rapidly followed by a second thick blast.

"Unnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" I heard his guttural groan.

I finally found movement in my legs as the third round shot out much weaker, barely clearing the tip, and dribbled down the shaft to coat his hand. I back pedaled out of his doorway, pulling it back to where it was; and stood in the hall trying to collect myself.

My God I was breathing like a racehorse, my heart was pounding; and I was sweating from head to toe. Worse, I was soaking wet; I mean it was a swamp between my thighs. I wobbled my way back to my bedroom and stripped off my jeans and drenched panties. As I pulled a fresh pair from the dresser, I looked at myself in the mirror. Overall, not to bad for a forty-two year old mother of two, I thought. Oh I could stand to lose a few pounds, and I had that post baby pooch a lot of women have; but my breasts were still pretty damn firm, standing out proud for a pair of 36 C's. MY things and legs were in good shape, yoga had always done me well. Between my thighs I kept a neatly trimmed landing strip, always ready for my husband to take a flyby down my runway. Overall...not too bad.

I knew I couldn't put fresh panties on right then, I mean I was literally almost dripping down my thighs. I grabbed a dry small hand towel from the master bathroom and stretched out on the bed to clean myself. It wasn't planned, it wasn't something I would normally do; but it took less than five minutes to go from wiping myself dry, to two fingers buried to the knuckle inside me.

"Oh God...oh my God..." I moaned as the image of that spitting member filled my brain.

"Cum for me" I whispered; and then my brain fried as my orgasm slammed home.

I have masturbated before, usually when Derek is away with his buddies or at some training seminar. My orgasms when I masturbate take the edge off, but have been nothing spectacular. This one...was mind bending. I saw Danny's thick cream shoot into the air behind clenched shut eyes, as hot juices poured out of me to soak my hand and comforter; God it was massive.

Exhausted, I collapsed onto the bed, the thought of shopping long gone from my frazzled mind. I had just masturbated to the image of my son...masturbating. I was sick, I was evil; and God was I sated. Sleep finally relieved my guilty conscience and I slept for over an hour. By the time I awoke it was time to get dinner ready, and I didn't want Derek to come home hungry and tired and have to do it. I figured we could have pizza so I rose and found my purse and cell phone.

It was later that night when we were in bed, that Derek said something. Like anyone who has been married for over twenty years can tell you; you know when your partner is bothered by something; and my guilt kept haunting me over what had happened.

"So what's going on?" Derek asked as we lay side by side.

I wanted to say nothing, I wanted to deny everything; but it wasn't in me. Derek and I have always based our relationship on being honest; and while we have never strayed, we have always maintained an open and honest communication about temptations we have both faced. In some ways those conversations had only managed to draw us closer. So, laying there staring at the ceiling, I spilled my guts. I told him about wanting to go shopping, and I told him what I found when I opened Danny's door.

"So he was jerking off" Derek's voice sounded amused.

"Yes" I choked out.

"How long did you watch?" he asked me.

"I...I couldn' was...oh my God" I whispered. "I watched him finish" I admitted in shame.

"Did he cum a lot?" Derek asked.

"Derek!" I exclaimed, turning to him for the first time.

It was then I saw, Derek had pushed his sheet down, and his hand was wrapped around his own member, and God help me it was rock hard. The purple head glistened with his seeping pre cum, and his fist was pumping up and down.

"Oh My God" I gasped as my eyes locked to his hand.

"Did he cum a lot?" Derek repeated, this time his voice deep and husky.

"Yesssssssssssss" I hissed as I watched him in fascination.

"Where did he cum?" Derek was driving me insane.

"All over his belly" I rasped as my thighs turned to a swamp again.

"Was he watching porn?" God his hand never stopped moving, and I watched him throb as he grunted.

"He was watching...some oral..." I stumbled out.

My hand was already under the sheet, my fist grinding into the heat between my thighs as I watched Derek stroke himself. I was captivated; I was lost as his hand glided up and down.

"Did she swallow it?" he grunted. God he sounded just like Danny.

"Yes" I moaned softly.

"Did you want to swallow it?" he cajoled me.

"Oh God...Derek...don't..." I whimpered, even as I ground my fist harder between my thighs.

"You did, didn't you" he smiled.

"Yes" I admitted my most heathen confession. "I wanted to swallow it" I told my husband.

My eyes dropped back down, and just like Danny; I watched as his member throbbed in his grip and I knew he was close. I felt the most surreal urge, it was overwhelming me. I propped myself up on one arm, leaned over, and swallowed that engorged head.

"Fuck yeah...suck my cock baby." I heard Derek grunt. It was like being back with Danny again.

It was a was a was a was a pussy; everything just melded together as my head bobbed up and down. Derek was grunting and panting as I devoured him like some all day sucker.

"Oh" Derek tried to warn me.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM" I hummed as I increased my suction.

Derek knew I didn't give a lot of blowjobs; and he knew I rarely if ever took it in my mouth. This time...I wanted it. I wanted his cock in my mouth; I wanted his seed in my mouth; I wanted his thick hot cum sliding down my throat.

"Oh fuck...oh God..." Derek moaned above me.

"Ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" I heard him give a guttural soft growl.

His cock jerked in my mouth, and thick slimy goo pulsed out filling my mouth. I swirled it with my tongue and then swallowed the first wad. When the second wad exploded, I held it in my mouth and waited. After I was sure he was now done, I slid my mouth free, lifted my head up and stared him in the eyes; and swallowed.

"Holy fucking shit" Derek whispered in awe as he watched me.

I just shrugged my shoulders in resignation and lowered myself back to the bed, glancing at his now softening cock sprawled across his belly.

"Do me a favor?" Derek asked quietly.

"What?" I asked back.

"Watch him again tomorrow." Derek told me.

"What? You're serious?" I turned and looked at him in shock.

"Baby, that was the best fucking blowjob of my life; if that's what it takes...then do it." Derek gave a goofy grin.

"You're sick" I muttered and rolled over.

The funny part was it wasn't Derek who was the sick one; it was me. He was right, I wanted his cock, I wanted his cum, and I WANTED to drink every drop. And it had all come from watching Danny.

The next day I felt like some kind of stalker. I watched Danny all day. He wandered the house, he did his homework; he played his video games, he ate lunch. Then, about two that afternoon, he disappeared.

I gave him about an extra half hour and then silently crept up the stairs. I felt like some thief as I crept down the hall to his half open door. I eased the door open a couple of inches, peeking inside; and it was like Déjà vu from yesterday.

He was stretched out on his bed, shamelessly totally nude. He had the IPad again, which gave some comfort that he was focused on it and wouldn't notice me. This time I looked, I mean I looked at my son as a man, not my little boy. Daniel had played soccer and run track in high school; he had gotten accustomed to working out as a part of sports and continued it to this day; and it showed.

Now Derek is no slouch at forty-four years old. As a manual worker he stays in shape, he eats fairly right, and he is pretty active. Having him on top of me in bed at night is nothing to complain about. But, there is something about a firm toned twenty year old body; and now I understood the phrase cougar a bit more. I could see why a woman my age would hunt for someone like Danny. His legs were stretched out lean and powerful; his chest muscles, while maybe not a six pack, were well defined and taut; and his biceps bulged with just the right curve as his hand slid up and down.

Sliding up and down...up and down; dear God he was so hard. Derek gets hard, don't get me wrong; but that thing looked harder than a steel pipe. That just a hint of a curve made me wonder what it would feel like inside, and I shuddered at the perverse thought. It also brought out a curious question; was Danny a virgin. He had never been vocal about girls, but he had dated through high school and into college before the pandemic

Had that thing ever been inside a woman? Once again I shuddered as such thoughts poured through my brain. I stared at his hand as a gentle slapping came across the room to me; he seemed to have extra lubricant on this time, and he was gripping himself tighter. I wanted that thick purple head distend as his fist slid down and then bulb out as it slid back up.

I unconsciously licked my lips as I watched a drop of pre cum seep from the tip. He expertly swirled his hand across the top, smearing it into the oil glazing his cock. A cock, my son had a cock; it was no longer a penis; but a man's cock.

"That's it fuck her" I heard him softly grunt. "You want that A don't you?" he panted.

Wanted an A? Fuck her for a grade? Oh my God was he watching some male student doing his teacher for a grade? Was my son into watching mature porn? Is that what he had been watching yesterday; some older woman giving a blowjob to some young stud?

My hand automatically traced along the elastic waist of my yoga pants, and then dipped inside. God I was soaked as I slid my fingers and palm down my belly and into the valley between my thighs. It felt like a flood of juices broke free as I dipped one finger into my steaming crevice, soaking the cotton of my panties. I was shameless, I was perverted; I was standing here watching my son masturbate, and I was fingering myself. The sick thing was, I was racing towards an orgasm of epic proportions, and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it.

The thing was it wasn't me that put the brakes on, it was Danny; or rather it was his IPad.

"Fuck" Danny suddenly blurted out. "Fucking short clips" he muttered.

He suddenly released his throbbing cock; and I heard the wet slap as it landed on his belly rampant. He used both hands to start playing with his IPad as he apparently searched for another clip. God help me, temptation didn't open the door, it threw it wide as I stood there staring at his throbbing cock.

"Do it" Derek's words echoed in my head.

"Fuck" I heard the frustration in Danny's voice.

I kicked into autopilot, and without even removing my one hand from my yoga pants, I took the two steps to his bedside and eased myself down beside him. His head came up as the weight shifted the bed; his eyes growing wide as he suddenly saw me sitting there.

"Mom?"He gasped.

"Shhhh; just keep watching." I told him.

I reached down with my free hand and wrapped it around his slick cock. God the thing fit perfectly in my palm as my fingers barely reached the full thickness. He was about the same size as Derek, but thicker; and I could feel a vein pulse under my hand as I began to slowly pump up and down.

"Mom" Danny groaned as I stroked his cock.

"Keep watching" I reminded him.

I don't know if he actually found another clip or not, I couldn't see the IPad; but it really didn't matter at that point. I spent the next few minutes stroking and exploring his cock. Hard was not the word, God he really was a steel pipe in my grip. I swirled my palm over the tip, teasing the small hole; then felt every inch as my hand slid down. I traced the crowned head with my nails, and then squeezed the blood filled shaft as I stroked. All the while his eyes kept darting between the IPad and my chest.

I knew my nipples were hard, unbelievably hard. I glanced down and sure enough twin bullets pressed out against the thin fabric of my blouse. I looked up and his eyes were on my face, his cheeks bright red knowing he had been caught.

"Do you like my tits baby?" I said; my voice husky.

"Yes" Danny choked back.

"Do you want to see them? Do you want to see your mother's tits?" I whispered.

"Oh God yes" he moaned as his entire body shuddered.

I pulled my other hand from my yoga pants and reached for the buttons on my blouse. God, you couldn't miss the juices clinging to my fingers.

"I'm very wet" I told him. "You've got me very, very wet" I smiled, trying to relax him.

"Oh Godddddd" Danny moaned as his hips lurched.

"I'll show them to you" I told him as I popped the second button. "But you have to cum for me." I said. "Can you cum for mommy" I cooed.

"Oh my God" Danny groaned. "I'll cum, holy fuck am I going to cum" he croaked out.

"That's a good boy" I said as I released the last button.

I pulled the two halves of my blouse open, exposing my bra encased breasts to his view. His eyes grew huge as he stared at the twin mounds. Reaching under the shirt at my back, I popped the two hooks of my bra, and then gripped it between the cups in the front.

"Here you go baby" I husked as I lifted the cups free.