Cancel All Our Vows Ch. 02


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Part 8 - 'Come To Jesus', Part III

9:00am, Friday, May 20th. Lieutenant Joanne Warner was escorted by Chief Moynahan's assistant Cassie to the Chief's Conference Room. Inside were Chief Moynahan at the near-end of the table, me to the Chief's left, my back to the window in the far wall, Captain Claire Michaels was to my left. To the Chief's right, sitting in her wheelchair, her back to the door, was Deputy Chief Tanya Muscone. And at the other end of the table, her back to the television monitor, was Captain Janice Holloway of Personnel & Records... she was the HR person in the room.

"Have a seat, Lieutenant." the Chief said. As Joanne sat down in the only empty chair left at the table, between Tanya and Janice, the Chief said "Do you want your Union Rep here for this?"

"No sir." said Joanne. "Unless this deviates from what I was told it would be."

The Chief said "It won't. By the way, how do you like your new offissss?"

"It has a window, sir." Joanne said. Tanya was unable to prevent herself from laughing. Joanne's new office was Tanya's old office that Lady Ironside complained about even to this day. Even with the recent renovations, the four Lieutenant offices in the suite were small.

"Yezzz." replied the Chief. "But its best feature is a door that cloze-ezz. So! on to business. As you know, your complaint that Detective Roark Coleman sexually harassed you has been summarily rejected, ultimately by me. You have the right to contact the Inspector General's Office, but I have already discussed this with Inspector General Goodwin, and he a-greeeed with me that your complaint is without merit."

Chief Moynahan: "You can file a grievance with the Union, but they want no part of this... neither your complaint nor Coleman's counter-complaint. They will '86' that file as fast as they can find a trash can. Last but not least, you can hire a lawyer and sue us... but you will be wasting your money. And while the other actions will receive no further action from me other than rejections, a lawsuit will result in your termi-nay-shunnnn. That is not a threat, merely a statement of longstanding policy."

Chief Moynahan: "As to Detective Coleman, what we're going to do is hold his counter-complaint in abeyance. Like a suspended action. None of us in here believe that you will stoop to the level of using your superior rank and position to harass him in any way, but should there be a legitimate incident, we can bring it back up. And now I'll shut up and let Commander Troy tell you about the bright fu-turrre he has planned for you. Commander?"

"Thank you, Chief." I said. "Lieutenant Warner, first of all you did an exceptional job overseeing the construction of the Interrogation-3 room, updating the audio-visual facilities in all the Interrogation rooms, and renovating the Lieutenant's offices. And thats's why you received a well-earned Achievement Medal."

Then I said in a softer voice: "But I knowwww what you're thinking... I knowwww what you're thinking. You're sitting there scared to death that we're going to force you into the Captain of Physical Properties slot, and worse, you'll have to do the job as the Lieutenant you still are. Well let me reassure you... you will not be assigned to that job, neither now nor perhaps ever."

Joanne looked visibly relieved as I continued: "Due to several factors, including your years of experience, of leadership here in the Police Force as well as the Army Reserve, and your Top Secret clearance, you are an extremely valuable resource to us. So the question is where to put you that works best for you and for us."

I passed Joanne a piece of paper, which had the lines and boxes of the Police Force's org chart on it. "When the Sheriff reorganized the Public Safety Department structures, he formalized the position of Training. It falls directly under me, with 'input' from the Operations Commander. And I'm going to be assigning you the responsibility of it."

Me: "You will still be in MCD. You will eventually be assigned a team of Detectives, like Lieutenants Parker and Washington have. Those Detectives may come from the Uniformed Divisions, but they likely will come from Vice. So in your capacity of Chief of Training, you'll have the chance to evaluate the Vice Detectives as well as other Officers, for the time we expand and you're assigned a team."

Me: "There -is- one other thing. I have spoken to your Army Reserve unit's Commander, other Officers, and Senior Enlisted personnel. To a man or woman, they tell me that you are an excellent trainer, and that you are being strongly considered for Warrant Officer Candidate School, which is a seven-week course as opposed to the months of OCS and MP OBS courses as a full Officer. And this might just happen to be ju-ust the right time for you to grab that brass ring and make it happen."

Everyone except the Chief showed surprise on their faces. Joanne became thoughtful; she was considering it. Chief Moynahan said "We will talk more about it lay-terrrrr. I do think Mister Crowbarrrr has thought of an excellent idea, and Lord knows the Army needs highly qualified Warrant Officers like you will surely be."

After everyone else was dismissed, leaving the Chief and me alone in the room, he said to me "That was a damn fine idea you had, and it's a win-win-win all the way around; for us, for Mizzz Warner, and for the Army Reserve and Military Police Corps."

"Thank you, sir." I said. Yes, I'd had a huge insight in seeing that. Almost Carole-worthy. Almost...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:30am, Friday, May 20th. Detective Roark Coleman was brought to my office by Captain Claire Michaels. My assistant Helena did the all-proper thing by buzzing me to announce they were there, then getting up and opening the door to admit them, then closing the door behind her as she left.

"Have a seat." I said. Claire sat down in the far-side hot chair, and Roark in the near-side hot chair. Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle was sitting on the sofa behind them.

I began: "Detective Coleman, this is to inform you, and you also, Captain Michaels, that Lieutenant Warner's complaint against you has been dealt with. It was rejected on the merits. Your counter-complaint was not formally acted upon, but is essentially being shelved. It's like the Sword of Damocles:: it's hanging there, but nothing will happen unless and until Lieutenant Warner actually does take some unwarranted action against you."

Me: "I don't expect that to happen, though. And Captain Michaels is going to make sure nothing happens. Having said that, remember that Lieutenant Warner is just that... a Lieutenant. If she gives you legitimate instructions, you'll be expected to comply with them."

Me: "You've done a good job these last few months, Mister Roark, and I expect you to continue doing that good job. We'll be sending several of you Detectives to school over the next few months, and you're on the list to go. In the meantime, keep working with your team, keep up your training and education, and stay out of trouble. You're dismissed; you can go."

"Thank you, sir." Roark said. He got up and exited the office.

"And Captain," I said to Claire Michaels, "I really am expecting you to keep them getting along, or at least separated, while finding ways to maximize both their potential abilities. And one other thing... you too, Commander Croyle... is that if and when Lieutenant Warner takes leave to go to Warrant Officer Candidate School, do not send Roark to Detective School at the same time. When one is here and the other is not, then they're separated and we have peace in the House."

Both women nodded. I dismissed Claire to her duties. Teresa asked "So is this resolved?"

I replied "Maybe for as much as the rest of the year. And it'll also depend on what the USDOJ does when they come in on their witch hunt..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Friday, May 20th. Laura was behind the counter in the auditorium classroom where she was teaching her final undergraduate psychology class. It was the same room where Jen Sakai had taken her hostage, and her husband had confronted Swamp Frog Federal Agents. (Author's note: 'Big In Japan', Ch. 05.)

"Okay, your final exam is on Wednesday." Laura announced as she ended her lecture. She took out her iPhone and said "And I'd like you come down to the first few rows, so I can get a photo of you, my last class."

The room erupted into applause that became a standing ovation. Then everyone came down, and Laura took some photos. As she did, the door to the side of the front counter and lectern opened up. Professor Stephanie Steele and Laura's assistant Callie Carrington wheeled in a push cart, upon which rested a large cake.

Others that came into the room included Dr. Marvin Milton, Dr.s Tom and Yolanda Yates, Dr. Julia Childers (Bowser's babe Sadie Mae's owner), Dr. Clarence P. Chase, Dr. Nicole Haven, Dr. Lawrence Woodrow, 'The Maestro' Dr. Wolfgang Strauss, and Dr. Richard S. Hughes. And in a surprise, Dr. Sidney P. Wellman and his wife Sally came in.

Some of Laura's previous students came in, including Peter and Karyn (Author's note: 'The Babymaker'; 'Consent of the Governed'). And her former assistant Laurie came in, showing off her new baby, the result of her liaison with 'The Babymaker' Carl Ryder. (Author's note: 'Cool For The Summer', Ch. 03.)

"Speech! Speech!" someone called out. It got quiet as all eyes went to Laura.

"I, uhh..." she started, then paused as the moment hit her. "I told myself I wouldn't get emotional about this." She gathered herself and said "I'm excited about the new opportunity, but I'm really going to miss teaching students and mentoring them. And I'm going to miss all of you, my colleagues, and I'll still be there supporting you as you stand up to the corruption that is trying to take over our beloved School. Stay strong, and make the world a better place..."

Part 9 - Remembering The Fallen

Monday, May 30th. Memorial Day. The American Legion and VFW were holding a memorial service at the War Memorial Monument on the hill on the northern edge of the Cemetery. The land gently sloped downward as it stretched southward, and I could see the many gravestones as I looked over the landscape. In the distance to the southeast was the large oak tree, where a number of good Police K-9 dogs were interred with other good dogs.

Admiral Leonard R. Cordell (Ret.) was one of the military persons conducting the ceremony, and was the de facto leader of it. A good number of Police Officers were in attendance, most of them having served in the military. Kalsu, Patrick, and Halsey of the SWAT Team were here. Julia Rodriguez, Kerri Ambrose, Lt. Joanne Warner and her husband Seth, and Chief Moynahan had come. I had come with Laura, Carole, Jim, and Tasha. Molly Evans, whose father had served in the Canadian Armed Forces, brought Ross and Ian. Teresa and Todd had brought their boys, who were fidgety and on the verge of causing trouble. And Cindy had come, as well.

Also in attendance were Davie Marsden, Susie Haskins, Timmy Austin, and Frieda Franklin, brought to the ceremony by Susie's, Davie's, and Frieda's mothers. The kids were in their best Sunday attire, and were respectful and attentive as the ceremony was conducted.

After the ceremony, Cindy and Susie Haskins made their way to the graveside of Mrs. Veasley, who had been a nurse in the combat theaters and paralyzed. I remember meeting Mrs. Veasley in an early case (Author's note: 'Going Rogue'), and she had died in Pastor Raymond Kyle Westboro's final attempt to kill me and wipe out the First Baptist Church, and was designated as the final victim of the Consultant of Crime. (Author's note: 'A Tiny Slip, Ch. 02-03.) Her Bronze Star ribbon was held by Cindy or Susie, depending on who most needed the symbol of courage it represented.

Cindy placed a quarter on the gravestone; after all, she had been with Mrs. Veasley when the war heroine had died. Susie put a nickel on the grave site. Cindy had told Susie that she (Susie) was at First Baptist with Mrs. Veasley when she had died, and could put a quarter on the gravestone, but Susie said she'd already left in the evacuation, while Cindy had stayed with Mrs. Veasley to the last.

Meanwhile, Admiral Cordell and other Veterans came over and thanked us for bringing the kids to the ceremony. "Not enough kids are taught about the sacrifices made in our wars." said Cordell. "And fewer and fewer are joining the Military today; they're not meeting recruiting goals."

I did not mention that the reason for that might be the far-Leftwing Federal Government that was pushing dangerous 'woke' policies within the Armed Forces. I just said I was pleasantly surprised that most of the kids that came had really wanted to.

And we all would have been surprised if we knew just how many of those kids would wear military uniforms in their adult lives...

Part 10 - Progress Report

9:00am, Tuesday, May 31st. Teresa came into my office, followed by FBI Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone. They availed themselves of my offer of coffee and sat down, Teresa in the far-side hot chair as usual, and Jack in the near-side hot chair.

Muscone said "Well, Don, you might be right about Marquis Swift, a.k.a. 'Checkers'." (Author's note: 'Sausage And The Law'.) "Dwight Stevens is not giving me the time of day nor even returning my phone calls about it---"

"That's what you get for promoting him to DEA Special Agent In Charge." I said whimsically.

"Twasn't me that did that." growled Muscone. "Anyhoo, neither Ted Crenshaw nor Tim Jenkins in Southport know anything about the DEA's case. I talked to SBI-DTD Lieutenant Lorena Rose, and she said the DEA really didn't give the SBI hard evidence of Swift's involvement in drugs in the northern areas of this State and the State to our west, just that they had (air quotes) 'developed intel', as if it were from confidential informants and the like."

"Happens all the time." said Teresa.

Muscone said "True. But when the FBI SAC for this Region asks for even a sanitized version of that intel, and the DEA SAC won't even take my phone calls? It gets my hackles up like it's already gotten yours, Don."

I replied "Oh, my hackles aren't up so much as I sense they're taking Swift's name in vain to allow them to work their operations. If they clean up drug flows, I've got no beef with that. But I'd prefer they do so honestly, and work with us rather than treat us all like mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us a lot of shit."

Jack nodded vigorously in agreement, then said "I also wanted to ask you about this Wade Garrett case, and Silvia Garrett's involvement?"

"I lost sleep over it all weekend." Teresa said. "I couldn't understand why Silvia was asking about what happened to her daughter Sage, and that she was so distraught when I told her they'd raped Sage before drugging her and killing her." (Author's note: 'Mystery At Mystery Lake', Ch. 02.)

Teresa: "And then, when Don speculated on Friday that Silvia was behind her daughter's murder, it took me all weekend to comprehend that Silvia had wanted and expected them to kill her daughter quickly and painlessly, and she was embittered when they abused and raped Sage first. I still don't comprehend how a mother could consider doing any of that to her daughter. I don't think your mother hates her daughter, my husband Todd's mother, that badly, Don."

"True, I agree." I said. "All I can tell you, Jack, is that we don't really have anything actionable on Silvia, and since Wade came over all dead... apparently by suicide, though I have my suspicions about that, too... she just might've gotten away with it... like the Corporate Elites so often doooo."

Muscone nodded, then said "Well, here's the good news. We still have a few people with the spirits and attitudes of Guardians of Justice within the Federal Government. They're still keeping an eye on Brendan Chapel, who is running for Congress, Matthew Willis, Dr. Robin Isley, Susan Cameron Price, and Derrick B. Harland. That sweetheart deal sale of Wade Garrett's CNC Wafers, Inc. to Matt Willis has drawn attention. We might even get some Congressional oversight about it..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

12:00 high noon, Tuesday, May 31st. Sheriff Griswold invited me, my three Angels, and Chief Moynahan to lunch at the Cop Bar. We were seated in the back 'Command Room' for privacy. I ordered the 'Don's Double Breakfast Cheeseburger'. The Sheriff ordered the 'Jack's Double Cheeseburger' and a basket of bottomless 'Griswold Grizzly Fries' for all of us. Cindy had the 'Cindy's Fish and Chips' basket. Teresa had the 'Teresa's Steak Caesar Salad', and Tanya had the as-yet-unnamed Chicken Caesar Salad. The Chief tried the Pork Chop and Vegetable Medley, and found it to be tasty.

"Well, Don, you did it again." Teresa said. "Joanne Warner had been bitter and miserable for weeks, but now she's happy again, even walking on air."

"What changed?" Cindy asked.

"She's getting a slot to Warrant Officer Candidate School." I said. "She'll be going this summer. And allow me to say that it is good to have friends like Admiral Cordell and the Army Chief of Staff as personal friends. They greased those wheels and Joanne's unit commander had -no- trouble getting her the slot."

"Does it come with an Airborne School slot?" Cindy asked, a wee bit witheringly.

"Not unless she changes to an Airborne Reserve MP unit." I replied. "And if she wants that, I'd support her all the way... and then some." Cindy just rolled her eyes.

Teresa said "I'll tell you guys something if you keep it in the strictest confidence." We all nodded agreement, and the Iron Wolf continued: "As you know, I work closely with Joanne's husband Seth, who is the Hospital Administrator while I pretty much run the Kids Program that is financed by my Trust."

Teresa said "Seth said that Joanne had been talking about having another baby. Seth was not totally enthused about it, but he was okay with it if that is what Joanne wanted. Now Joanne says she's (air quotes) 'willing to' hold off on the baby plans in order to do this Warrant Officer thing. And Seth is hiding his relief about that."

Cindy said "Keep Carole away from them, then." I nodded in agreement, and she asked me "Speaking of that, how are things between Carole and her mom?" You might think that was very impertinent of the Green Crowbar, but she was taking one for the Team. We were among 'family', and everyone wanted, maybe even needed to know.

"Better, I think." I said. "Jim's birthday is June 6th, so Laura asked Carole for just the two of them to go shopping for gifts for him. Carole said Jim would like to get military stuff, so he's getting a bedspread with Army unit crests printed on them, and a mug with the Department of the Army crest that he can drink hot chocolate from in winter and Cherry Coca-Cola Zero in summer. And Carole seemed to have fun on their shopping trip."

Me: "However, Laura said Carole didn't talk a lot, and when Laura asked questions about school and things, to draw Carole out and get her talking, Carole was guarded and almost monosyllabic in her answers. So progress was made, but there's still work to do."

"Changing the subject," Tanya said, to change the subject, "what's the status of all the lawsuits? Laura's, Dr. Cordell's, and yours, Don?"

I said "Laura's case goes to Court next Monday, June 6th. Judge Franklin was originally assigned to it, but the University's lawyers connected the dots from Laura to me to Theo Washington to Franklin Washington, so Judge Rodney K. Watts is hearing the case."