Candy Shops


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Above the table, bodices slipped from white shoulders, and below the table, men caressed soft thighs and women played their fingers along eager cocks. The guests stood and the music stopped when the final gong rang for dessert. They straightened their clothes while the attendants hurried to clear the table, and the only sound left in the room when they were done was the house's slow pulse.

Hortense wrapped her hands around Paul's arm, and the other women followed her as she led him to Virginia, who waited with Neville and the other men around her. Paul and Virginia were bared to their animal elements: the candlelight lit their wide eyes, their tense muscles rippled in anticipation, and their tongues licked hungry lips.

Penis bent over Vagina and inhaled her excited animal scents, and she wrapped his cock in her hands. For a moment her breath burned hot on his skin, and then Vagina bared her teeth and closed them on Penis's throat.

The pain and sudden excitement made Penis growl, but Vagina's teeth held him until he gripped her blue hair and twisted her away. The men lifted her onto the table and held her down by her outspread arms. She was like a crucified slave.

Hooded attendants stripped Neville and Hortense to bare skin, and Vagina writhed in excitement as Penis climbed over her. He tasted her glistening cunt, bit the inside of her thigh, and sucked her tender skin between his teeth. He bit his sister's breasts and her throat.

Vagina lifted her knees, and she screamed as her brother thrust his burning shaft deep inside her. He watched her struggle against the hands that held her, and he grunted like an animal each time he slammed his cock into her.

The guests gathered close, and their hands caressed them while Penis undulated over his little sister. They stroked Penis's back and his arms. They stroked Vagina's belly and her breasts, and they chanted under their breath, "Ab juventae, vita."

It didn't—it couldn't—last long, and no one wanted it to. Paul watched Virginia's ecstasy build, and he caught his breath. His essence erupted inside her—twice, three times—he felt like it might never stop. Virginia's body tightened around his shaft, and she arched her back and groaned through clenched teeth as her climax released her.

Paul's cock still pulsed inside Virginia when he collapsed on her, and he held her until those hands pulled them apart. He rose on his knees and Hortense used her fingers to harvest the rich mix of his essence and his sister's nectar from his shaft and his balls. Neville gathered the same mix from Virginia, and the chants grew louder.

Neville and Hortense held each other and rubbed the thick elixir on the other's bare body. They closed their eyes and gasped as if it imbued them with the same excitement that gripped Virginia and Paul.

Virginia sat up and her needy eyes met Paul's. She grasped his balls and the base of his still-hard cock, and she pushed him back with her shoulder against his chest. The guests dragged him down and, like they'd done to Vagina before, they crucified Penis on the tabletop.

The murmured chants of "Ab juventae, vita," grew louder again as Vagina straddled her brother's hips. She leaned over him with her hand on his chest and watched his face as she ground herself along his cock. Her clit tingled and burned with excitement.

The hands caressed Vagina's shoulders and her breasts. She rose on her knees to guide Penis between her legs, and he was inside her when she settled down again. He gasped at the ceiling. The thrills she sent through his shaft and up his spine made him arch his back and twist against the hands that held him down.

Penis pushed his hips up under Vagina. She tipped her head back, and her body rose and fell on his cock. Her breasts rocked with her body, and her breath came in gulps and gasps. The hands and now the lips—they caressed her, and they drove her on.

The chants rang in Penis's ears while Vagina fucked him. His mouth fell open, and he groaned at the sight of his sister's sleek body and the rush of sensations coursing through his body. Paul slammed his eyes shut and his cream gushed through his throbbing shaft. He flooded Vagina with surge after surge of his hot cum.

Vagina collapsed on Penis's chest and writhed, faster all the time. She gripped her brother's sides and clenched her teeth. She buried her head against his chest and groaned as she came, and her climax pulsed through her muscles.

Virginia crawled up Paul's chest to lay her head on his shoulder, and her blue hair fell around his neck. His shaft slipped out of her, and their thick elixir trickled down his cock and around his balls.

Neville and Hortense found a well-stocked candy shop. Paul held his sister while she caught her breath, and he listened to the excited sounds from between their legs. There were hands on his cock and fingers around his balls. Virginia gasped and lifted her head, and Paul knew she was feeling the same things.

Paul grasped Virginia's hair and pulled her head back to look at her face. She was tired, but Penis ached in Hortense's hand, and Vagina was empty again. The repeated chant and the throbbing pulse of the house gave them no choice.

Penis used his grip on his sister's hair and laid her belly-down on the table in front of him. Vagina rose on her knees and arched her back. She glistened in the candlelight, hot and hungry, and she stretched around his shaft when he plunged back into her.

At first, the rhythm of his thrusts matched the house's heartbeat and the voices chanting around them. Penis burned in Vagina. His hips slapped against her soft butt until she gasped, and he flattened her on the table under him.

The hands and lips urged Penis faster, and Hortense stroked his ass and his balls. Vagina's body tightened, and she groaned into the tablecloth. The guests surrendered to the excitement; their bodies writhed around Penis and Vagina and their gasps mingled with the murmured chant.

Penis demanded his sister's orgasm, and she twisted under him. He slammed deep into her and clenched his teeth. Spasms wracked Vagina as Penis passed his point of no return. Fireworks erupted behind her eyes. He made animal sounds in his sister's ear and pumped his thick cream deep inside her.

Paul held Virginia until their spasms passed and their bodies relaxed, and then the hands that touched them and stroked them pulled them away from each other.

Hortense crouched between Paul's knees when he sat up on the edge of the table. She licked the elixir off his balls and sucked it from his cock. On the other side of the table, Neville lifted Virginia's knees and drank the elixir from between her thighs.

The gong sounded once more. Couples separated, and Neville and Hortense—now hardly recognizable—stepped back. Thirty-five years was gone. Their hair had darkened. Their skin was smooth and their bodies were firm.

Gaston gave Neville a candle. He waited while the other men took candles from the candelabras that lit the hall, and then Hortense tucked her hand into the crook of Neville's elbow, and they led a slow, silent procession up a sweeping stairway.

Paul and Virginia huddled together on the table as the light in the hall faded. "God that felt good," Paul said. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, that felt better than it ever should have." Virginia looked down at her bare body. "I guess I'm OK, but I'll get back to you on that."

She motioned toward the stairway. "Are we supposed to follow them? I don't want to follow them. I want to get out of here." She climbed off the table and looked around the now-dark hall. "Where'd they take our clothes?"

Paul pulled the stained tablecloth from the table. "Let's just wrap up and go somewhere—anywhere." He threw the cloth around Virginia's shoulders and held her in front of him. "I think the door is this way."

They found the hall with the statues at the windows. "Where's the door?" Paul asked. "Weren't these the statues by the door?"

Virginia dropped the cloth and ran her hands over the wall. She looked for some crack while Paul pried at the windows. "Nothing. Nothing at all," Virginia said. She stepped back and squealed when she bumped into the dark figure behind her.

Gaston flicked a lighter and lit the candelabra he carried. He cocked his head to look at them both, and a little smile crossed his lips. "The house won't let anyone leave until morning." It was the first time they heard him speak. His voice was deep and calm.

Paul swept up the table cloth they'd dropped. He wrapped it around his sister, and that made Gaston laugh. "You can cover her if you want. We'll be the only people upstairs who aren't completely naked." He turned away. "Come with me. Your room is waiting."

Paul hesitated. "What kind of room?"

Gaston looked back from the foot of the stairs. "Our best guest room. Your things are already there. You'll be comfortable tonight, and I'll take you back to your truck in the morning."

The long table cloth trailed behind Virginia as they climbed the stairs. "What is this place, really?" she asked.

Gaston spoke without looking back. "It's a quirky, two-hundred-year-old house owned by a secret society. You've met them. It's a bed-and-breakfast when the society isn't using it."

He stopped and waited at the top of the stairs in a hall where ten heaving, naked bodies were tangled together on a single large bed. "Here they are now. You wouldn't guess that none of them is less than five hundred years old."

Gaston held his candelabra higher to light the bed. "I think you'd call them witches and warlocks, but without the stereotypes." He smiled at Virginia. "That makes your costume a little ironic, doesn't it?"

Paul followed Gaston through the hall, but Virginia stopped to arrange the table cloth around her. She skipped to catch up then said, "To hell with this," and left it behind.

Gaston stopped to unlock a door. "This is your room." He let the door swing open, handed the key to Paul, and stepped back to let them see. "Don't let the Victorian décor fool you. It's a modern room."

"Good. I need to pee," Virginia said, and she darted inside.

Gaston waited while Paul turned on a light and explored. Virginia's costume and his clothes were neatly folded by the bed. Their phones were there, his wallet and keys and the cash from Virginia's pocket were there, and the pile was topped with a little plastic packet that Paul picked up to show to Gaston. "What's this?"

"You'll need that in the morning. It's the ignition fuse from your truck. There's a staff party downstairs that I should get to. Enjoy yourselves, and I'll see you in the morning."

The door shut behind Gaston as Virginia started the shower. Paul folded the bed back—duvet, blanket, sheet—and then he found the TV remote. He was sitting naked on the edge of the bed and watching a late-night Halloween horror special when his sister opened the bathroom door and flooded the room with fragrance and humidity.

Virginia tied the robe she'd found in the bathroom and wrinkled her nose at her brother. "You need to shower too."

Paul sniffed his armpit while his sister dropped onto the mattress next to him, and he had to agree. He took a quick shower, and he was shaking his hair out when he opened the door again.

Virginia sat cross-legged on the bed. She looked away from the TV and frowned. "Can't you at least close your robe?" She noticed the bruise on his throat. "I bit you pretty hard. What are you gonna tell people?"

Paul tied his robe, sat, and took the remote out of Virginia's hand. "Don't know. I could just tell the truth. No one'll believe me anyway. Why'd you bite me?"

"Right then, I needed to hurt you. I thought you liked the rush." She leaned against his shoulder and watched the TV for another moment before she said, "I'm all tense. I need to talk."

"I can talk." Paul clicked the TV off. "Whatever Hortense fed me is wearing off, and I feel kinda confused."

"I was watching that." Virginia snatched the remote away from her brother and turned the TV on. "Maybe you were confused about that."

Paul fell back on the mattress with his hands behind his head and watched the shadows moving on the ceiling. "How can you watch a screamer and relax at the same time?"

Virginia answered without taking her eyes off the screen. "It drowns out that heartbeat and the wheels spinning in my head." She looked at Paul just long enough to ask, "What happens next? I mean, with you and me."

"Turn off the TV and I'll think about it."

"Paul!" Virginia groaned in frustration and her shoulders slumped. She turned off the television, dropped the remote beside her, and turned to her brother. "Start talking."

He sat up and leaned close. "I think you liked it on top, and I think you liked it from behind, so next for us should be reverse cowgirl."

Virginia took a swing at her brother. "Dammit, that isn't what I meant, and you know it." Paul deflected her first swing. She landed her second on his chest, then squawked as Paul pulled her across his lap and held her down with one hand. She struggled until she was out of breath—it only took a moment. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Paul lifted the back of Virginia's robe with his free hand, and he stroked her soft butt cheek. "I think Hortense was right. I'll do pretty much anything for you, and that turns you on. It's been obvious ever since we had the naked hard candy, but you won't admit it even to yourself. I want to hear you say it. Say 'My brother makes me hot.'"

Virginia laughed into the duvet, and Paul gave her ass a sharp slap. "Say it."

She turned her face to look at him, but her expression was hidden in shadows. "My brother makes me want to puke."

Paul slapped his sister's ass again, and Virginia yelped. She was quiet for a moment, then said. "My brother makes me hot. Are you happy now?"

Virginia struggled off Paul's lap, but he grasped the collar of her robe and pulled it down as she stood. She spun around with her arms crossed over her chest. "You made me say that. It doesn't mean anything." She rubbed her arms with her hands. "It's cold in here." Her eyes darted around the room. "Is there a thermostat?"

"It's by the door." Paul stood and tossed Virginia's robe to the end of the bed, and he laughed when Virginia dove under the sheet. "I guess now we don't need the heat turned up."

Virginia clutched the bed covers tight, and Paul tossed his robe on hers. "You're sleeping on the sofa," she said. Paul pulled the covers out of Virginia's hands and climbed in with her while she tried to push him away. She slapped him under the sheet, poked his ribs, and pushed her hand up under his chin until he grabbed her wrists and held them.

"Do you remember the last time we slept together?"

"Go away, Paul."

"It was at Gramma's. We were both still little, and we fought with each other until Mom made us face in different directions."

Paul let Virginia pull out of his grasp, and she struggled just a little when he held her closer. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked. "You should just face the other way."

"I'm going to keep you warm and safe," Paul said. He held Virginia and inhaled the scent that rose from her hair, and she relaxed against him. "Are you warm now?" Virginia nodded and ducked her head against Paul's chest. He stroked her hair. "Are you hot?"

Virginia nodded again, and she trembled as she released her breath. "I can't play this stupid denial game anymore. You know everything you're doing is like straight out of my fantasies, right? You're making my whole body tingle."

She pulled her head back to look at her brother. "If you're so devoted to me, why are you going to leave me after graduation?"

"I already told you why." Paul pulled the covers close around them, and they breathed the same warm air for a moment. "What if I could take you with me?"

Virginia's body tensed. "How would you do that?" she asked. "I'll still have two years of school left."

"It would be hard. You could transfer. We can share an apartment, but Mom and Dad might have to help." Paul studied Virginia by the lamplight. "What do you suppose thirty-five years is worth to Neville and the society?"

Virginia caught her breath and her eyes opened wide. "Maybe tuition and fees? Maybe a stipend? Neville said that they always pay their debts."

"You could be my girlfriend," Paul said. "I'll be your rock."

Virginia laughed in her brother's ear. "I don't want to be your fucking girlfriend. I want to be your little sister. You can't break up with your sister."

She squeezed her body against Paul and her breath warmed his throat. "You can be my rock, and when no-one's watching, I'll be your very own little candy shop."

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unclemerv77unclemerv775 months ago

I think I have read it before and enjoyed it. Question, Do they get the 35 years, too?

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


Creepy und Fun!

11/10 Anatomically Correct Candies!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

How unbelievable and silly can you get.

finegoldwinefinegoldwineover 2 years ago

I pay my debts, 5 stars and a desire for more like this! Ending, I think could have been longer. Still 5 stars.

Eros_PrismEros_Prismover 2 years ago

I really enjoyed this! Interesting story and great storytelling. Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well done :)

OmenainenOmenainenover 2 years ago

I thought they’d be sucked dry, or that they’d wake up the next morning 35 years older. But I guess it would’ve made this a horror story :-D

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This hit the spot not gonna lie. Can't wait for a part 2!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Mind Candy


MantoniMantoniover 2 years ago

In stories with The Taboo Tags, I'm not a huge fan of "the drugs made me do it!" The emotions don't seem genuine when the characters are in an altered state of mind imo. But I think this story handled it well calling them "herbal treats". I enjoyed the Loved it 👍

Pharmboy69Pharmboy69over 2 years ago

What a unique story. Gave you a 5. The nick names were great and the dialogue fantastic. Thanks for taking the time to write and share.

PyroPyroover 2 years ago

Intriguing story that never dragged, but the ending was somewhat...

...less than satisfying. I think what bothers me more is that, as a writer myself, I can't think of a satisfactory way to suggest how to fix it, or even where to go for a "part 2" without the story line falling into a cliche. And, because of that, I have to give it a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry to steal someone else's comment but it was exactly what I was going to write. "Very intriguing story! Not the type I usually enjoy, but this one caught my interest." Great job, thank you for writing. Should win the Halloween contest!

Part 2 please and thanks.

5plus stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not totally satisfying, so I almost gave you a 4.



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