Captain Emrah Jackson Ch. 24


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I thought about Roki more, and looked forward to seeing her again. I made the decision that when I returned to the Siren's kiss, I would ask her to move into my quarters. It would ruin any sort of professional relationship, but I didn't care. I was a pirate now, rules and regulations were long gone from my life now. It was time that I started to enjoy things more. My obligations to Berta would only last a year, and I wondered what next. I still tingled between my thighs as I daydreamed about a different future for myself and Roki.


Before the ball was due to start I had an appointment at a salon where they would give me a make over and do my hair. I sent a short message on my comms device to the Siren's Kiss to give them the heads up. Hopefully all being well they could begin their part of the plan tonight. I got a reply saying they were standing by. They were shadowing the Eden from a safe distance. I put the small computer and comms device along with the multi tool in my clutch purse. With my ball gown I left my cabin for what could be my last time.

While I was looking forward to getting back to my ship and Roki, part of me was sad that I was leaving the Eden. At first, I hadn't liked the prospect of spending time here but I had learned to enjoy myself. It had been quite the adventure, but it wasn't over yet. I had my hardest obstacle still in front of me.

In the salon two girls applied my make-up and did a much better job than I could ever do, then they worked on my hair. They piled it on my head in a stylish fashion. I changed into my ball gown in a dressing room. I couldn't deny that I had been looking forward to wearing it. The Bazinian silk the dress was made out of felt like the lightest material on my skin. The dark blue dress covered my legs entirely and had one singed strap over my left shoulder. It left my back bare, which meant I had to go bra less. It was made in such a way that it would provide all the support I needed. I looked in the mirror and saw how it curved and compliment my bust. A black pair of heels finished my look.

I made my way to the ballroom. I thought we would be seeing more of the first class section but the elevator I was directed to opened straight into the ballroom. It was a two tiered room with a stage on one side, and beautifully decorated tables all laid out. A steward pointed out to where I would be sitting. As I made my way over, I passed a couple of exit doors, but they had the first class signs on them, my wrist band wouldn't open them. It seemed that this trip to the first class section was only for this ballroom.

I was sharing a table with three married couples. We were sitting boy girl, boy girl. Which put me between two of the married men. An older woman whose husband I was sitting next to who introduced her husband and then herself as Opal. They looked to be in their sixties. We chatted a bit, and she told me that this was her annual vacation. She was dressed very grandly, and so where the rest of the guests.

I was polite and friendly and told the small group that my company had paid for my trip, and that I worked for a chemical company. All of them were third class passengers. I asked if they had played the Green Room too, but none of them had. They had purchased their tickets as a kind of extra. Pre dinner drinks were served and I made my excuse to go to the toilets. I had timed it well, and they were empty. I searched around looking for some sort of device or screen that would lead me to a data point. I had my multi tool in my purse in case I needed it. There was nothing though. It was all polished marble and glass. This wasn't going well, I thought and I returned to my table.

I asked the lady where the first class passengers were, and she pointed upwards. They were all on their own up section the ballroom.

"Do they ever come down?" I asked, and she told me she didn't think so. Then I asked if there was anyway to get up there.

"Are you looking for a rich husband?" she asked, with a chuckle.

Before the show we were served a six course meal. The portions were small, but each was more exquisite than the last.

The desert was served as the music began. The main lights were dimmed and some preliminary dancing started. I was concentrating on my sweet food when I felt a hand on my knee. It was Opal's husband. He had barely said anything to me this entire time, and I brushed it away discreetly hoping he would get the message.

"Have you tried a massage yet?" I asked Opal. She said she hadn't. I told her she should try it, and to ask for Fabe. As I finished my desert I wondered how far she would let him go.

The plates were cleared away and more champagne was served. The announcer told us that the show was about to start, and those that had to, turned their chairs towards the stage to get a better view.

I watched as a spotlight appeared and a woman in a brightly sequined dress walked beneath it. Much to my surprise I recognised her.

"Oh, she's wonderful," Opal said, "have you seen her perform before?"

"I've never heard her sing." I said, which was true, but I had met her before. Her name was Antoinette. I had met her a long time ago on the collector station. She was a salve and was being sold at an auction. I was there assisting a man named Hogarth. At the time I thought she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. Now under the lights I could appreciate her true splendor. I remembered now, how someone had told me she had been sold to a cruise liner. It was my understanding that slaves weren't allowed here, but they must have made an exception for performers.

It was an amazing performance. I listened in wonder as she began to sing about some long-lost love. I thought about Roki, and how much I missed her.

Then I felt his hand on my knee again, but this time he gave it a gentle squeeze. It broke the spell and I nearly swore at the man. I didn't want to make a scene though, especially not in front of his wife. With some annoyance I brushed it away again.

Antoinette now broke out into a more jazzy number and began to dance on the stage. She was joined by a group of backing dancers and the lights moved in unison with the beat of the music. As if like clockwork I felt the grip of the mans hand on my knee again. This time I turned to him, I didn't speak but I wanted to see what he had to say for himself. His face was motionless as he watched the performance. That annoyed me the most. There wasn't even a smile or acknowledgment of what he was doing. Instead of pushing it away I tried a different tack.

"How long have you two been married?" I asked Opal, hoping to shame her husband.

"Thirty five years," she said. It didn't have to the effect I wanted it to, and his hand stayed glued to my knee. I asked if they had any children, and she started to tell me about them. He was shameless, and instead of getting the hint, he slid his hand up to my thigh, and began to massage it gently. I was stunned at his audacity. It was time to call it to an end though, and as I placed my glass of champagne back on the table I made sure to catch the edge with it, and it fell into his lap, covering his trousers with the cold liquid.

"I'm so sorry," I said, as he jumped out of his seat.

"Oh dear," Opal said, trying to dab at him with her napkin. He shot me a look of complete disgust. Both of them headed to the bathroom leaving me to enjoy the rest of the performance in peace. After a few more songs, the announcer came back and informed everyone that the tables would be moved, and we could enjoy the rest of the evening dancing if we wished.

I left my table mates and had a proper look around the venue. I saw nothing that gave me hope. The tables were cleared quickly and efficiently leaving a checkered dance floor at the foot to the stage. They left some seating around the fringes of the room for those wishing to rest. I did consider just leaving and thinking of another way to get what I needed.

I looked up at the first class balcony. I could see a few peering over but couldn't make out their faces. Apart from shimmying up on of the pillars I saw no way to get up there. Tonight had been one big bust, the only highlight was seeing Antoinette again. Thinking about her, I asked a waiter if I could go back stage and meet her, but he politely said no. She wouldn't have recognised me anyway, but it was worth a shot.

Couples were taking to the dance floor, and as I watched Opal and her husband came over to me. I liked her but him not so much.

"Sorry again about the mess," I said, with a sly smile on my lips.

"Oh that's fine," she said, "a waiter helped us out. We think we are going to call it a night anyway."

I wished them both good night an enjoyed the scowl her husband gave me as a parting shot. I wasn't going to stay much longer. Dancing wasn't on the top of my agenda, and that looked all that was on offer. As I was about to make my move a waiter stopped me. He handed me a small envelope.

"What's this?"

"It's an invitation to an after party."

I opened it, and found a small card with gold lettering, as he had said it was an invitation to something called Utopia.


"It's a small private club in the first calls section, very exclusive."

"Okay, listen can be honest with me, what is it really?"

He chuckled discreetly. "Put it this way, only the single women get that sort of invite, and then only the pretty ones."

I thanked him for his honesty, and he went on his way. I watched as he delivered a similar envelope to a pair of younger women, and they practically jumped for joy. Maybe tonight wasn't such a bust after all.


The after party was to start at midnight, and I waited in the ballroom. I felt strong anticipation as I seemed to be edging closer to my goal. I had all I needed in my clutch purse.

Midnight eventually came, and I made my way to one of the side doors..

I was met by a steward who after looking at my invitation, showed me into a small elevator. It didn't take me to the club as I had worried, but up into the first class section. There were others going in my direction, mostly women, and I tagged along.

We reached the club and I had to show my invitation again. I could already hear music coming from inside. It was darkly lit, but I could see how beautifully decorated it was. The entire ceiling as glass, and stars streaked over head. There were about thirty or forty people already there. The girls seemed to outnumber the guys though. Everybody looked to be in their early twenties, and younger. Suddenly felt a bit self-conscious about my age. At forty, I was only enough to be a parent to some of them..

It was still a great opportunity to get what I wanted. There were already some people on the dance floor, but unlike he ball room they weren't dancing as couples. They moved in unison to the thumping beats. I saw one young man with a girl in front of him and one behind. They both were rubbing up against him as he moved his body. If I had a scene this defiantly wasn't it.

"We just serve champagne." The bartender told me as I inquired about a drink. After he handed me the glass I took a quick look around. The toilets were lavish and unisex, but like the ballroom offered no help in my need for a data point. As I exited them a young boy bumped into me. He laughed and asked if I was looking for my daughter. I ignored his comment, but saw that he was wearing a first calls wrist band. That is what I wanted. I knew that taking one would disable it, and would have to get someone to go with me. Everyone was too young though. If Opal had been a first class passenger I could have just asked to look at their room. Here though they were all young men. While I did look good, I could hardly compete with all the younger attractive women.

Better to wait though and see if an opportunity presented itself. I was closer than ever now, and even wondered if I should message Berta one last time to give her the heads up.

I took a seat on a large leather couch, and tried to feign an interest in the music.

"It's awful in here, isn't it," a voice said to me over my shoulder. I turned to see a young man in his early twenties wearing a white shirt. He had blonde curly hair and a fresh-faced complexion.

"It is a bit loud," I said, with a smile.

"I'm Cody," he said, reaching over with his hand. I told him my fake name and shook his hand. He had a strong jaw and bright blue eyes. Then he asked if I minded him joining me.


"I don't know why I come to these things," he said, with a huff.

"To meet girls?"

He laughed and gestured to the dance floor. "Most of them are immature brats. Couldn't get a decent conversation out of them if you tried."

"Is that why you wanted to sit next to me, because I'm a lot older."

A look of shock appeared on his face. "Oh no, no, I didn't mean it like that."

"It's fine, I am a lot older," I said, with a grin.

"Age is just a number," he said, diplomatically. "Have you been here before?" He wasn't shy, and he had a confident ease about him. He reminded me as Fabe in some ways.

"My first time, is it a regular occurrence?"

He nodded. "They do it every year. Most of the guys think that girls from the lower decks are all easy."

"Is that why you came?" I asked, with a smirk.

"Me, no, I was looking for a friend, but he doesn't seem to be here."

I wasn't sure if I believed that, but it was cute that he thought to lie like that. He seemed sweet and polite. After my incident with Opal's husband it was nice to chat to a man with manners. Even if I was practically old enough to be his mother.

"What made you come, if you dont mind me asking?"

"I thought it would be fun to see how the better half live."

"What do you think so far?"

I shrugged and told him it wasn't too different to third class. "Wish someone had told me I'd be the only one in my age bracket."

"I think they pick the girls based on looks not age," he said, with a hint of charm in his voice.

"That's a sweet thing to say."

We chatted some more, and he told me about how he and his friends often came together as a group on the Eden. He asked me about myself and I gave him my cover story. I did tell him about my trip to the Green Room, and he was eager to hear about the details. I left out the sex, but told him the rest.

"Wow, that sounded amazing. I've played a few times. They get better the more you play. Did you have a dramatic story line?"

I played coy with him and gave the impression that I did.

"The zoo is great too." I said, and he agreed. He told me that they close it off at certain times so the first class passengers can visit in peace. That didn't sound very egalitarian, but he explained people in his class pay a lot for their tickets and have much higher expectations.

"Although I do agree with you," he said, "there should be more mixing, and not just in places like this."

"The girls seem to enjoy it." I said.

"Listen I hope you dont think Im being too forward, but would you like to come and look at my cabin. Let you have a look at how the other half live, like you said."

I nodded. "Sure, I'd like that,"

I had expected that offer and was glad it came. Cody was a nice guy, but I still had a job to do. He was about five foot nine and slightly built, and with the right opportunity I could easily overpower him. I just needed the data point, and if at all possible I would try not to hurt him too badly.

He led me out of the club and down an expansive corridor. The first class section was very different. It was less cramped and the cabin doors were much more spaced out.

"You're parents aren't going to be there, are they?" I asked, jokingly.

He laughed and told me they were light years away.


When we got to his cabin, he swiped his wrist over the panel and the door opened silently. The place was huge, about five times as big as my cabin. Then I noticed we weren't alone. There were five other guys in there. Some sat on the couches drinking while one lent against a table with a bottle. They were all similar dressed in trousers and shirts, and all about the same age.

I turned to the Cody as he closed the door to the cabin.

"Friends of yours?" I asked, with some surprise.

"That's right," he said, and then introduced me to the group.

I was a bit perplexed, he hadn't mentioned that anyone else would be here. It kinda knocked my plan into a cocked hat. All I could hope was that he would be asking them to leave soon.

"What do you think of my suite?" Cody asked and went over to get a drink from one of his friends. It all seemed normal for him, but it wasn't ideal for me.

"It's nice," I said. This wasn't the only room and I could see the entrances to a dinning room and a bedroom.

"Make yourself comfortable," one of the young men called out. I looked at Cody for an explanation, but he just shrugged with a half smile. I had my job to do and made an excuse to use the bathroom.

"There is an en suite in the bedroom," Cody said.

On the wall, opposite a large four-poster bed was what I was looking for. A data portal. I had the multi tool and my mini computer in my purse. With so many people here though I wouldn't have enough privacy to get access to it, but I knew I would figure out a way. Once inside the bathroom I took out my comms device and sent a quick message to Berta. I told her to prepare for the attack. The Siren's Kiss was stalking the Eden, and wouldn't be far.

Cody was waiting for me in the bedroom when I exited.

"Will your friends be leaving soon?" I asked.

He told me that they used his cabin as a meeting place, and they wouldn't be around long. I smiled seductively and told him to send them away now. With my hip at a jaunty angle I used my body to imply what fun we might have alone. His eyes narrowed as he pondered my suggestion.

"I hate to throw them out, they are my friends after all, they won't stay long."

I was a little annoyed as I was led back to the small group. Maybe it was my age. It wasn't that long ago that I had to look of a woman the same age as Cody, and I could help but think that if I hadn't had the corrective surgery he would have been a lot more compliant.

Champagne was poured, and some music had been put on.

"That's probably the best champagne you've ever tasted isn't it?" one of the young men asked.

"Don't tease her," Cody said.

These boys were all in their early twenties and from what I could gather were all incredibly rich. Not wealthy due to hard work or intelligence, but because they were born into it. Like Cody, they were all confident that sometimes bordered on arrogance.

One of them began asking me about my cabin in third class. He couldn't help but smirk as I described it. It should have annoyed me, but I wasn't here to impress anyone.

I was getting the impression that Cody was the youngest of the group. While he had been very talkative and confident with me when we were alone. In the group he was a lot more voiceless. It felt like he brought me here to meet them as a way to impress the group. There was a boy called Theo who was taller and thicker set than the rest who seemed to be the natural leader of the group. He had a much deeper voice and led the conversation, often laughing at his own crude jokes. My presence certainly wasn't impressing him as he barely paid me any attention at all.

Then someone suggested we play truth or dare. Theo laughed and asked if I even knew how to play, to which I smirked at and told him I knew the rules. It wasn't something I wanted to play, but it might be a good chance to turn the tables on some of these younger men.

"You go first then Megan," Cody said, with a smile.

"Truth." I said, with some confidence.

"What's your favourite position?" someone called out. I assumed the questions were going to be of this nature.