Captain Jack


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"Blanket," I said and she stood, her trimmed bush in my face. I quickly grabbed her ass and held her there, then started kissing and licking her pussy. She was sweet and clean and wet as I lapped her labia and pressed my nose into her mons. When I took her clit in my mouth, she moaned and grabbed my head to hold me there, so I rubbed my sandpaper tongue across it like a cat on your finger until she started bucking and her juices flowed evern faster. I stood up and kissed her again and she moaned. I lifted her and carried her to the blanket then set her back on her feet and took off my shirt and shorts. My cock sprang free, not some huge massive thing either. I was only barely seven inches and strictly average on girth, but the sight sent a thrill through her regardless and she sat on the log before pulling me to her mouth, then wrapped her sexy puffy lips around my cock and began to suck, swirling her tongue around the head as she did. Her brown eyes searched my face as I looked down and enjoyed both the feel and the look of her sucking me.

But I did not want to cum in mouth. I wanted to claim her, make her mine. Something rose up in me from deep in my hind brain. She felt protected, defended and she was ready to reciprocate. Maybe it was the situation, maybe just the desire that is inside every man. I'd never felt it like this before, I pulled her off me and lay her on the blanket. She spread herself for me and held out her arms for me to come to her. When her bare limbs went around me and she clung again, needing, wanting, accepting, I growled into the kiss and pushed myself home. She matched my growl and we moved together like two animals, thrusting and bucking. Her nails, what she had, dug into my skin and I bit her neck. Neither of us broke the skin but the feeling drove us on, higher and higher.

"Don't stop," she said, "grrrr, fuck me!"

And I did. I've never lasted so long as I did then and in the end she came screaming and bucking until I joined her and we came together. Our orgasms were big that night as we did it three more times, using nearly the entire night before falling asleep, still connected. In the morning, I awoke with her atop me, no longer connected but still holding one another. Her face was peaceful and smiling as I watched her eyes open and see me. Her smile went super nova as it burst across her face.

"I am your woman," she said, "completely. I've never felt that before. I was always me, myself, then maybe something else."

"I am your man," I said, "neither have I." then she kissed me and I slid her up on top then down onto my morning wood. "and I will have you again, right now." I entered her easily and she groaned with the pleasure, then began to ride me.

"I've never felt so free with a man," she said between moans, "I was always supposed to be in control. But there is nothing here in my control. I am dependant on you, completely. So, I want to be yours, whenever you want me. Anytime. Fuck me, hold me, use me, I don't care. I am yours, I give myself to you." she went almost wild then, digging into my chest and squeezing her pussy as she rode me and cried out in pleasure. I pulled her off me and onto her hands and knees then took her from behind. She may not have known how to feel like she was feeling, but she was one hell of a fuck. I had to stop almost every minute to stop myself from cumming. I wanted it to last, but she had tight muscle control and was one of the hotest women I'd every seen, let alone been with.

She lost her restraint almost an hour later. She was sucking me while I had three fingers in her pussy stroking her G spot and she squirted. She squirted out somewhere around a half liter of fluid as her orgasm exploded. The sight, the smell and the sound combined in my and I went from four to cum in two seconds, filling her mouth with my semen. She simply gulped it as I stroked her and she did it again. After the second time, she lay on the blanket, sucking out the last of my sperm, in a langorous manner, body quiverring. She was helpless and I took her. I stroked her again and she squirted once more, a bit less fluid, but her whole body participated. I got hard again very quickly. I moved between her legs and took her.

"Yes," she groaned softly, "all of me."

I began to fuck her and she started reacting. Now her body was plaible and every stroke was pure pleasure. Her pussy was spasming around my cock as I entered and clamped down as I pulled back. She pulled at me until I took her mouth and she rocked, then arched and rolled and thrust. We were like two animals rutting, no words came from our mouths, just grunts, moans and groans. She came again, a wet near squirt and I came in her. She howled in triumph and kissed me like the beast we were.

We came back to ourselves still locked together, my cock softening inside her still twitching pussy. Her arms still clinging to me. I started to move, "Not yet, please baby," she said and clasped me to her. She was weeping.

"What's wrong, Nici?" I asked and kissed me.

"I've missed out on so much, always so focused on me," she said, "I've never known love. Never knew that a feeling like this could exist. I've known you less than a day and I don't want to stop holding you. I don't want you to stop fucking me. I don't know anything any more. But right here, in this moment, held by you, your cock, soft but still inside me, I feel safe. I feel right."

I kissed her again, "I know, baby. And we are going to fuck again, you can count on it. But we are heading to storm season and we need to find shelter. We need food and test the water in the lake. We need to set up our lives here to live until we are rescued."

She smiled, "Yes, my man. I will do whatever you want. There is a bit of snake left, do you want it for breakfast?"

"No, you eat it," I said, "I will find some more and you can learn to prepare food from the carcass." I pulled from her and we both moaned. I stood and offered her my hand, she came to her feet and I continued, "you can dress skimpy today. I'd like that, and you'll be close so the protection isn't needed. Make sure and use sunscreen."

"Okay, honey," she said and slipped on her sandals. Her hips swayed as she walked to the water and she crouched to rinse her pussy and lower body. "You got me all messy." she said with a coquettish voice. I walked to her and dangled my flaccid cock in front of her face. She took me in her mouth and used her wet hands to clean our fluids from me as well. "Thank you, honey."

She stood and I took her in my arms, "No, thank you. I don't want you to be a piece of meat. I still want your input. In the end, I'll make a decision. I want you, all of you. The strong you and the needy you. Can you do that?"

"Yes," she breathed and I kissed her again.

We walked back to the camp and I pulled on my khakis and boots. She dug in the clothes and found the green sparkling minidress and pulled it on with a thong I'd found. The dress was not her size, one size down probably, and was a bit short, but it fit her like a glove, accentuating her every curve.

I watched her as she slipped on the strappy wedges that the girl who'd worn it before had on. They fit, though I think just a size small again. But damn they did some wonderful things to Nici's legs and ass. I stoked up the fire and gathered some more wood. "Keep the fire small, baby," I said then went to her, "damn that's a hot outfit. Let's see if we can make that one last a while."

I went out to the jungle and started looking for prey. There were quite a few of the smaller jumping rat things in the near vicinity, but I didn't want them. It would take three for a meal for Nicole and at least double that for me. After a while, the rats thinned out and soon, I was seeing no prey animals at all. I became more cautious. Then I found the knot. It was basically a ball of at least three snakes all tangled together, mating. There were two other snakes nearby, larger than the one from the beech. I grabbed one by the neck and used my body weight to slam its head against a fallen palm and impale it with my knife through its skull. The second snake smelled the blood and started moving off. I rushed it, grabbed its tail in both hands and whirled it above my head then snapped it like a whip, breaking its neck.

Each of the snakes were around five feet long and we needed the skins for leather. I just hoped I could do a good enough job on tanning them. I draped them over my shoulders and trudged back to camp. While the carcasses were not exceptionally weighty, they were awkward and by the time I got back Nicole was a bit antsy.

"You're back!" she said and rushed over, stopping short at the sight of the snakes. I dropped them and kissed her, keeping my bloody hand away from the dress.

"You might want to change to your bikini, baby," I said then picked the snakes back up and went toward the drain off area. The water here flowed slowly past a relatively flat rock before stepping down the hill in a series of tiny waterfalls to meet what looked like a spring exit and another creek that ran down to the water. I took off my clothes, leaving just my underwear and tied the snakes off to the rock by the heads. I took my time and skinned them both, with Nicole helping and learning. Then I scraped down the skins while Nici built a firepit closer. She got the fire going, using a burning brand from the first fire and spitted the meat. I took a break and got several of big leaves off the palms for her to wash and use to hold the meat. We worked pretty well together. She was smart and took instruction and direction well.

I'd spotted some soursop and some nut trees and went to them. I trimmed off several long branches. Then I stripped them and got my thick twine out of the boat. I tied them off to create racks and stretched the skins as best I could on the racks, then I peed on them. I had Nicole pee on one as well. I checked with her because she had a hard time urinating and she'd only drank about a quarter of a bottle of the water. I gave her another and made her drink that one straight down. In the boat, we had one bar of soap and one small bottle of generic shampoo. I showed her.

"We'll need to conserve. But we cannot wear all this blood," I said. Both of us were covered. "Rinse your suit out and rub it to remove as much as possible. Same with my underpants. We'll use the soap sparingly. If you soap up my body hair, it will spread further. Once your bush grows out, we'll use it as well. I do have a straight razor and strap in the kit, but we'll just keep you neat so that you grow some tasty bush. Okay with you, baby?"

"Whatever you want, honey," she said.

"What I want is to know what you want," I said. "When I ask you, it is not a test, it is a question, a place where I am asking your opinion. What do you want?"

"Well, it is logical to say bare is not as good, but I like the idea of neat and trimmed. If you don't care at all, I would say a triangle above and nothing below or around." she said.

"That's what I want, remember, I want to hear what's in your head," I said. "I am going to teach you, but there is no reason to believe I know everything there is to know. You will be surprised what you remember about your schooling and other things you heard here and there."

"I'm glad I am here with you, honey," she said. "I am already feeling like I am a better woman."

I spotted movement by the camp and moved her behind me. There it was, one of the dangers of the tropics. Many islands in the Caribbean had been seeded with medium sized predators. This one evidently has a cat population. Sniffing around our camp was a largish, tabby. Short haired and feral, it was obviously successful and pregnant. It was pretty healthy looking, but I took a small piece of meat and tossed it out past camp. The cat went to it and, while watching us carefully, picked it up and disappeared into the jungle.

"Okay, that's not good," I said.

"Why not, we could make her a pet!" she said.

"I doubt we'd be successful, but she was pregnant," I said, "That means there are more. Which means we'll be competing for resources."

We walked back to the skins and meat, "What's that," she said, shading her eyes and looking toward the beach. I followed her gaze and saw something.

"In the pack, there should be binoculars," I said and started pulling on my clothes. She came back with the binoculars in the case and I hung it round my neck. I pulled them out and focused in. It was a boat, or at least an old wreak of a boat. I let her look.

"Is that a boat?" she said, sounding excited.

"It is, but look down the hull. There is a huge hole." I said. "It is probably a wreck. But it might provide shelter. Either way, there is probably a better camp site somewhere closer. Jeans and a shirt, baby. And your flat shoes. I think there are some deck shoes in there, do they fit you?"

"Yes, just my size," she said, "Do you think there is anyone down there?"

"No, there is no fire, I saw none last night, and there is no movement down there." I said. I smothered the two fires and we packed up everything up and slung the lifeboat again. Crossing the shallow lake, we got to the gentler slope down. Along the way, we saw two more of the cats, eating the small rats. I also stopped us and climbed a tree to get a couple coconuts and later some star fruit. We gathered some nuts from a low hanging nut tree and near where the upper creek met the lower, we found a clearing and a very large, squat, nut tree. In the tree was a large tree house. It would need some repair, but it was a livable shelter. Below it, hidden by the tree was a clearing with a firepit and rough table with log chairs. Looking at the structure, it was obvious that the materials came primarily from the wrecked ship and it was obviously long abandoned.

"I guess we found the camp of the ship's crew," she said. "They were here a while."

"Do you want to wait here or come with me to the beech?" I asked.

"Come with you," she said immediately. So we tied up the lifeboat and our stuff. I made sure my gun was loaded, had a shell in the chamber, and that the safety was on. We looked around and found an overgrown path to the beech. I took her hand and we headed down the trail. The trail wasn't very long, curving through a shortcut down to the beech where the large sailboat came visible. "Wow," said Nicole, "That's a big one."

"Yeah, it would be capable of an Atlantic crossing." I said. "Look there. Looks like they hit a reef on the way in."

Nicole held onto my hand as we looked around. There wasn't much beside the hulk on the beech and it was drawn far up on the beech, well beyond the high water mark. We headed back up to the tree house. When we entered the clearing, there were three feral cats on the far side of the clearing watching us.

"Okay," said Nicole, "That's creepy."

"The one in front is a male," I said. "I wonder if they are like a pride or mostly solo. Either way, our supplies are not safe. And look, another path heading toward the water."

"Do you think they live nearby?" she asked.

"They could be living in the treehouse, or yes, somewhere close by is my guess." I said. "Let's explore the other path." We moved to the path to the water and found it led to where the lower creek exited the underground. I tested it with the kit and pronounced it fit. "Not a lot of excess content. I would drink some now to test."

She didn't hesitate, she knelt and drank a mouthful of the water. "Ooo, it is cool where it comes out of the stone. The taste is a bit dusty, but it is good."

"God you have a nice ass," I said and she laughed.

"Your timing is amazing," she said and kissed me. "Thank you."

We moved back to the treehouse and checked it out. We spent most of the afternoon making one room livable. They had mounted furniture from the boat and there was a plastic covered leaf matress on the bed, which we cleaned out and restuffed. I discovered a few storage spaces and found the thankfully empty sealable storages from the boat, like the non-functional refridgerator and what looked like a freezer. I also found a supply of empty cartridges from a rifle, probably a .30-30 or similar. The additional room was a room with two hammocks, either for children or for crew, which we left for now.

In the late afternoon, we stopped and warmed up meat. "All this has to be eaten by end of day tomorrow. And tomorrow, we need to warm it up more, get it hotter to kill bacteria. I spotted a large pot in the storage. If we make a stew and keep it near the fire, we could make our meat last maybe three days before we'd have to dump and restart."

We ate and looked out at the sunset as evening fell. As the stars came out, I kissed her and slid my hand into her shirt to play with her nipples. "Mmmm," she moaned as her kisses grew more urgent. "I find myself getting excited very quickly," she smiled at me, "It used to be that a man would have to spark my interest or I wouldn't care about sex. You touched me today, held my hand as we walked and kissed me a few times. Every time, I got excited right away. Almost all day, my body was ready for you, yearning for you. And now, here, at the end of the day, I find I am so stimulated that I don't worry if you will last long enough, I wonder if I will." she unbuttoned her shirt while she spoke and pulled it off at the end, following up quickly with the removal of her bikini. Then she stood and removed her jeans, dragging the underwear off with them and stood before me in just her sandals.

Her long black hair was pushed back off her shoulders and her body flickered in the firelight as she began to sway to the music only she could hear. She clapped out a beat and I joined her clapping. She squatted and rose as she danced for me, a look of seduction in her eyes. I slipped off the shorts and shoes then my shirt as she danced, clapping when I stopped to use my hands. She excited me, even after all the sex we had the previous night and today, I soon had a raging hard on, thicker than I usually am. She would move closer and sway, teasing then slip away before I could grasp her. Then she stayed too long, or moved to slow, or just wanted to get caught and I snagged her leg. She continued to move, but kept her body in my reach now and I began to stroke her. Her hands touched my shoulders, my face and my chest as she danced, her legs opening and closing, granting peeks at her excited sex. I pulled her closer still and stimulated her sex as her hands squeezed her breasts and she moaned. I moved her down until she sat on my lap then slipped inside her when I could stand it no more. She pulled up and turned around, straddling me before allowing me to reinsert me cock. She squatted on me, hands on my shoulders and rolled her hips in circles, still dancing but impaled now as she slid down and up. I squeezed her beautiful tits and pinched her nipples, before my hands dropped to her hips and held her in place. I drove up into her, hard and fast, over and over. As I did I took one breast in my mouth and licked her nipple, then shifted to the other. I kissed her then and let her drive the pace, slightly slower with a longer stroke, until her pace flagged, then held her in place again and drove.

"Oh God, Jack, I'm so close," she said and I laid her on her back without pulling from her, then began to pound her in earnest. "Yes, right there, fuck me. I'm gong to cum. Cum with me, my stallion, my stud, cum with MEEEEEEEE!" and she arched, her pussy clamping down as I drove into her again and again before I lost it and spilled my seed in her, each squirt like a firehouse of cum. It took a while for us to come down and she said, "Only another day or two of that and we'll have to be careful. I will be starting my period soon as the pills wear off. Then I will be very fertile for a couple weeks. I'm thinking pregnancy here would be kind of difficult."