Captain's Logs


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Servanians had an affinity for the number nine. Alan wasn't sure if this was cultural, an artifact of their pre-Confederation calendar, or what, but he wasn't at all surprised when he did some quick math and found it was set for exactly 81 days since their last time together. He wondered if this meant Har had been suffering from blue balls for a while but had held out till he felt an appropriate length of time had passed. Probably not, as the lieutenant hadn't done it with any humans, male or female, as long as Alan had known him before their previous encounter. More likely Har had chosen it on a purely strategic basis. Alan imagined the Servanian's ruminations about the topic: 'If I am going to empty my balls I should do it efficiently and on schedule. Nine nines seems like an effective interval.'"

A few days later Alan stood in front of the door to the captain's quarters and pressed the call plate. Having thought about what he'd been wearing last time, but not wanting to wear a skirt that tiny again while walking through the ship, Alan had gone with a watermelon-pink sheath dress that clung to his new shape but was slit nearly up his hips on both sides to allow easy movement (and not incidentally to allow Har to get at his backside by flipping it up, if the Servanian intended to do the same things as last time). Alan wasn't wearing any panties at all under it since those had seemed like a waste of time on their last encounter, but he'd worn the black dog collar. The latter seemed like such an odd accent to his prior outfit that Alan assumed it had some meaning to Har or else Monty wouldn't have specified it.

The door slid open. "Enter, Lt. Cdr. Harbor" Har called out.

Alan strolled in. The Servanian was standing stiffly in the antechamber, in uniform as always. Alan couldn't help needling him. "Enter? Isn't that what you plan to do to me now that I'm here, Acting Captain?"

Har's expression didn't change. "I recognize human wordplay, even if I do not find it particularly amusing. I have had much more exposure to it recently now that I must interact with Lt. Montgomery on a routine basis."

"All right, no wordplay," Alan said. "So, do you want me to take off my clothes or are you going to just grab me like you did last time?"

"What procedure would make you most comfortable?"

This brought Alan to a full stop. "If you really want to know, it would be going back to the way things were before all this happened."

Har gave his bald head a slow shake, a gesture he'd learned when dealing with humans. "That is not going to be possible at this time, lieutenant commander. Do you realize how much more efficiently the ship has been running since Lt. Montgomery's plan went into effect? I realize this may be difficult for you, but the ship's needs take priority."

"And the captain's needs?"

The Servanian's face might be expressing embarrassment, it was hard for Alan to tell. "Males of my people are trained to subordinate their own needs to those of the greater union. But in this case, you are available to meet the physical needs of the crew, including myself. It would be selfish of me not to take advantage of what you have to offer."

"Gee, that's big of you," Alan said.

Har gave him the same look. "I had the impression on our last encounter that you were distressed when I accessed your upper digestive tract. Based on this, I do not intend to ask you for further oral ministrations. Unless you have another opinion."

"Umm, no, that's good," Alan replied, remembering the way he'd choked on the massive alien cock.

"However I also observed that you found some enjoyment during my use of your anal opening," Har continued. "The human seminal fluid I discovered on the floor of my quarters after you left would tend to confirm my observations."

The way the discussion was going already had Alan recalling the way Har's writhing, bulging organ had driven him to orgasm. He licked his lips. "I can't deny that, either."

"Then it would seem our course here is obvious." The Servanian gestured to the couch in his room, which had been reconfigured into something like a padded table. "I have set this up based on our respective heights. If you lie face down atop it your anus should be at the correct height for my penetration. Be warned that our intercourse will likely last longer than on the previous occasion, as I will not have ejaculated into your esophagus beforehand."

Despite Har's flat delivery and use of abstract terminology, Alan found himself getting excited. He couldn't deny this because, thanks to Bai's work, he was getting wet between his butt-cheeks. Since he wasn't wearing panties this was even more obvious. He took a step toward the tall couch.

"But first remove that ridiculous thing around your neck, please," Har said.

Alan reached up and began to unbuckle the dog collar. "I thought that since I was wearing it last time it was something you might like."

"I'm certain that was Lt. Montgomery's idea," Har said. This time Alan could recognize his exasperation. "My self-appointed first officer believes himself to be the cleverest being aboard the Virago, though he is not quite so sharp-witted as he thinks. Most likely he found out that Servanian females develop a black coloration around their throats at the time they are fertile and thought this would trigger an instinctive mating reaction in me."

Alan found himself smiling. "Did it?"

"Possibly," Har admitted. "But at this point you look even less like a Servanian woman than you did before. You've become too slender, and you now have those fatty protuberances on your thorax."

Alan glanced down at where the deep vee of his dress revealed what he thought was some very nice cleavage. "The rest of the crew sure likes the way they look."

Har snorted. "Yes, the unfathomable human fixation on mammary glands as sexual objects. Other intelligent mammalian species do not feel this way, why does your race make such a fuss over them?"

While he talked Har was taking off his uniform trousers. His long snaky phallus swayed back and forth, squirming a bit. Alan felt his heart beat faster.

"If you would, lieutenant commander," the Servanian said, gesturing to the couch again.

Alan walked forward and bent himself over the padding, hitching up his dress as he did to make sure it wasn't caught under him. Har pushed it up the rest of the way, completely exposing Alan's pale, round bottom. The alien used a big hand to grab one buttock and pull it to the side, parting Alan's cheeks. There was a gushing sound and cool gel squirted onto Alan, aimed at his opening. Clearly Har had obtained lubricant this time. Although as wet as Alan felt right now, using it might be overkill.

The long, hot, knobbed phallus flopped down into Alan's cleft like a sausage in a bun. Alan couldn't suppress a moan, anticipating what was to come. Har began sliding his cock up and down between Alan's cheeks as a warm-up exercise, the organ getting firmer and the knobs beginning to pulse as the alien became stimulated. Once he was erect, Har used a hand to position the head-ball against Alan's anus and began to insert it. Despite the lubrication and Alan's physical changes it was still a tight fit. But this time instead of discomfort the entry caused him only pleasure. Alan began to pant and coo as the huge alien rod slid home.

Har's warning was valid, his butt-fucking of Alan went on and on. The twisting and turning of Har's cock as they mated drove his sex partner to one orgasm after another. After the third climax Alan's balls actually began to throb almost painfully as they tried to spasm out yet another batch of semen.

At long last Har blew what felt like a liter of sperm into his human slut's asshole. Alan could feel his guts gurgling as the thick paste was forced deep up his colon. He lay atop the couch, limp and breathing hard, while the Servanian pulled his cock out, stepped away and put his uniform trousers back on.

Har cleared his throat, which made him sound like a wheezing lion. "Thank you, lieutenant commander. That will be all for now."


People had already started socializing with Alan in public settings. After they found out he and Seamus Doyle had watched a holo together, interest grew in socializing with him one-on-one.

Not that every crewman was interested in hanging out with Alan when sex wasn't involved, but it turned out the majority of them were. In fact, among certain of the crew it became something of a competition as they vied to publically escort "Allie" or to be seen asking for a date. Leo Belev was particularly demonstrative, making sure to call Alan "kitten" or "my lapochka" (which he translated as "sweetie pie") whenever he saw Alan and make a big deal of kissing his hand. But several other crewman were equally attentive if not as dramatic.

Of course, as the ship's former Morale officer Alan knew exactly what this was about. He was the closest thing to a "woman" aboard, therefore some of these strongly hetero-directed males were being unconsciously driven to compete for Alan's attention. It didn't matter that everyone had equal access to Alan sexually via the roster, because the response wasn't based on rational calculation. It came out of emotional and even instinctive reactions on their part.

Because he'd been trained to recognize this sort of behavior and was aware of the problems jealousy could end up causing, Alan was careful to try to not show favoritism to any of his multiple suitors. As part of this he refused to engage in sex with any of them outside of the regular roster, so that no one could start feeling left out. Which was not to say that some dates ended up including kissing and heavy petting once the two of them were in private, which Alan found he enjoyed a great deal.

And there was the one time Alan sucked off Seamus Doyle in a little alcove near Life Support off the roster, because Seamus really was an awfully kind, sweet guy and wanted a sign of affection from Alan so much. Alan made sure to swear him to secrecy about it afterward.


To tell the truth it wasn't just the rest of the crew whose attitudes that were changing. Slowly but surely Alan's outlook on things was altering to an even greater extent, though he managed to keep himself in denial about this for a long time.

For instance, for quite a while Alan had been deeply annoyed by the way the crew called him "Allie" and never Alan. But over time and without realizing it Alan had stopped feeling that way, and even caught himself using the nickname when referring to himself. Like the time he accidently ripped a crotchless mesh bodystocking while putting it on and burst out, "You need to be more careful, Allie!" The real kicker here was that Monty picked up on the fact that Alan had grown so used to being Allie that it no longer bothered him. The Security chief therefore made sure to call him "Alice" when he wanted to needle his former superior, which was frequently.

Alan also found himself paying more attention to his appearance. He now had favorite (female) outfits, and when he picked out what he was going to wear he was no longer always choosing the least revealing clothes he could find. He spent some of his free time pouring over the catalog of the synthesizer library, looking for women's clothing that would best compliment his shape, for instance by showing off his long, toned legs. In addition, while Alan already had an exercise program (set up by Bai Chin on the orders of Monty) that was meant to keep him lithe and slender without bulking up, he was now much more committed to it. Part of this was to please himself (he thought he looked much better now than he used to), but part was also to please the crew in the hopes they'd comment on it.

Early on Alan had discovered that hearing the more complimentary things the crew said about him gave his ego a boost. Now he deliberately sought out their praise, and would pout when he felt they were being unappreciative. A few of the men reacted to this behavior with irritation, but the way they complained about it showed that having Alan act this way actually made him more and not less like a woman in their eyes. As a result, even the grumpy ones would make an effort to offer the occasional compliment "just to keep Allie sweet." Meanwhile the rest of the crew were often effusive in their praise of the way Alan looked and acted these days.

Possibly an even more important aspect than any of these was Alan's sexuality. While Alan was never able to totally deny that he had a fetish for being sexually submissive to dominant males, in the beginning he was sure it was only a minor aspect of his inner life and definitely not the most important part. The "pre-Allie" Alan was ashamed of his homoerotic fantasies, and considered himself basically hetero-directed with a minor kink involving the Ogono due to no fault of his own. That particular self-deception began to fall apart as soon as Monty first started blackmailing him, but even after Alan had involuntarily become ship's whore he continued to stubbornly cling to the idea he was mostly hetero for a time. He constantly told himself that no matter how much he sometimes enjoyed what was happening to him this was an aberration rather than Alan's natural inclination.

After the surgery this sort of self-deception became much more difficult. At first Alan clung to the idea it was "just" because of Bai Chin's alterations, such the way that receptive anal sex was now much more pleasant for him. But that didn't fit with things like Alan enjoying having men play with his new tits so much, or got turned on when they kissed Alan, or felt so thrilled by having a man tell Alan how cute and sexy he looked.

Alan grilled Bai about this during one of his roster sessions.

"No, no, I didn't do anything to your brain. You kidding me?" Bai said, clearly shocked. "Hey, maybe I like to brag about being hot stuff in Medical sometimes, but I'm not stupid enough to think I'm real neurosurgeon. Shit, I'd be way too scared that you end up fucked in head."

"What about my breasts?" Alan persisted. "You said something about making them more sensitive."

"Full rejuv always make skin more sensitive to things. But yeah, I make sure especially sensitive over tits, also bottom, inner thighs, lips. Thought that would be nice for you. However, only place beside asshole I did special work was on nipples, wanted to make it so they stand up when you get excited. See?" Bai bent down and give Alan's left tit a suck. Sure enough, that nipple rapidly became erect. So did the one Bai wasn't sucking.

Alan emitted a little gasp. "So is that why I sometimes cum when guys fondle my breasts?"

The pharmacist's eyes opened wide. "You reach orgasm with titty play? Oh boy, this I gotta try!"

"You didn't arrange that?" Alan asked, surprised.

"Heck no. Great idea, but did not even think of it," Bai answered. "If you can cum that way, you just one lucky lady."

The Asian chortled, but his joke reminded Alan of another concern. "The things you did, can they all be reversed?"

"Aww, you already want to get rid of all Bai's hard work, make me sad," the pharmacist said, grinning. "Hey, we get back to base hospital that would be piece of cake. You can be old you, new you, full female you, any kind of you that you want. I did best I could with ship's robots, but docs at real hospital do stuff that make your head spin. I mean that literally, they can give you neck that allows head spin a full 360 degrees. That way you can look guy right in eyes while he screws you from behind."

Bai started laughing at his own image and wouldn't stop until Alan, irritated, gave his balls a firm squeeze.


It wasn't just that Alan got more pleasure from butt-sex now than he had before the surgery. It was getting to be something he craved.

This was probably inevitable. Back when he was merely Monty's bitch, and in the majority of cases during the first two months of being ship's whore, if Alan came during a sexual encounter it was because he was playing with his dick at the time. He preferred sucking men off to letting them fuck him both because it was easier for him to masturbate during a blowjob and because taking it up the ass was always uncomfortable at certain points.

After the surgery however Alan could no longer get erect, and it took real time and effort to successfully jerk off. He even might not be able to succeed during the time it took the man to cum in Alan's mouth. Getting his ass screwed on the other hand reliably brought Alan to orgasm, often more than once per session if his partner lasted long enough. Not only did this mean Alan now started to look forward to visits by men who liked to get off using his rear passage, it also produced a parallel disappointment associated with visits by those crew who still preferred his mouth to his tail. Alan's new sexual bent caused him to encourage men who only occasionally wanted anal to go that route more often.

Not only that, Alan actively seduced Vijaya Tripathi, who never wanted anything to do with anal, into fucking him up the ass.

"Come on, VJ. Everyone else likes it," Alan purred. Standing at the side of the bed he bent over at the waist, the better to display his thong-clad bottom, and gave the crewman's erection a long, slow lick.

"I don't know, it seems kind of dirty," Tripathi demurred from where he lay, flat on Alan's bed.

"Don't you worry, I clean it up real well beforehand," Alan promised, waving his butt back and forth. "There's nothing dirty left in there. And it will feel really good for both of us. Don't you want me to enjoy it too, VJ?"

"Of course I do, Allie," the engineer's mate insisted. "I want you to have fun, it's just that anal is just not my thing."

Alan gave Tripathi's dick a kiss and began stroking it with one hand. He leaned over to whisper hotly into the other man's ear. "You put this wonderful cock in my bottom and I'll make it your thing, lover. I promise you won't regret it."

Tripathi's whole body shivered. "Fuck. Okay, sweetie, how do we do it?"

Alan smiled. "Your choice, sugar. You want me on my back, my side, or on my hands and knees?"

Some time later, after his visitor had finished and left, Alan laid on his bed with cum leaking out of his asshole and wondered what on earth had gotten into him to act like he had.

But Alan couldn't deny he'd loved the whole episode, start to finish.


The navigators made an announcement that, based on how far they'd come along their planned course, the ship had traveled about half the distance they needed to go to get back to the Confederation. They immediately qualified this by pointing out that any future diversions the ship must make to avoid Gelar patrols could change that.

Acting Captain Resun subsequently announced that on day 275 after the attack (which was five days away) they'd have a ship's holiday to celebrate passing the midpoint of their voyage, which of course assumed they'd arrive home on the nice round number of day 550. Alan saw Monty's hand in this. Har Resun would never have thought of celebrating such an arbitrary and "maybe, maybe not" occasion. Even if the Servanian had, he definitely wouldn't do it by giving the crew time off duty, he'd give them a medal or something. Monty had undoubtedly told him that, arbitrary or not, the humans of the crew needed something to cheer them up and a chance to unwind.

As soon as the announcement went out, Monty had a hypnodidact set delivered to Alan's quarters, with a message to use the learning module he'd sent to Alan's inbox every night starting that night.

"We're having a party. Some men will want a dance. Guess who their first and probably only choice will be?" was Monty's message when Alan queried what was going on. "So, learn to dance."
