Captain's Logs


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Alan had to admit that he'd never mastered anything more than the spacer's hop, the go-to dance for male crew who couldn't dance but wanted to take the dance floor when attractive women were dancing. As there was no time for regular dance lessons, hypnodidact was the only way to go.

Five days later the "Halfway Holiday" was declared. Crew assignments were cut back to the minimum, with Har on conn, one man on navigation, and one to monitor Engineering and Life Support for any urgent problems, with arrangements to switch out these spots (aside from Har's) every few hours. Some of the crew went around putting up decorations on all the occupied cabin doors and decorated the commons, while others planned a music and game schedule. Several crewmen with a culinary bent had combed the synthesizer menu for festive snacks and made a plan of how to create enough for everyone (which involved making stuff that would keep and was served cold early, going on to things that could be reheated, and finally a burst of last-minute synthesizer activity for things that had to be "fresh").

Alan was interested to note that the holiday extended to his own "job" as well. The "Alana roster" was completely empty for 24 hours for the "Halfway Holiday." Monty however sent a message that Alan was expected to attend the big party in the common area, with a "dress code" attached. Alan's suspicion that Monty meant the party to be an orgy (or more accurately, a gang-bang) was somewhat alleviated when he saw that the latter specified a belted mid-length black skirt with a slip underneath, a matching black blouse (low-cut but not ridiculously so), black bra, panties, and hose. It looked to be a pretty reasonable outfit that any woman might wear to a cocktail party.

The party was in full swing when Alan walked through the door to the crew lounge. Loud music was playing, people were holding drinks or grazing at the snack tables, the air was full of joking and chatter. Doing a quick count showed that aside from the three crewmen on duty everyone on board was currently in the room, making the ship's commons look busy for the first time since the Ulgg attack. The general mood was definitely more cheerful than it had been for months as well.

"Ah, here's our girl," Monty said, walking up and taking Alan by the arm. Turning so that the others couldn't see what he was doing, he quickly pressed the injector he had palmed to the underside of Alan's arm and triggered it.

"What the fuck?" Alan squeaked.

"Oh, damn, Allie, I am so sorry for stepping on your foot. What a clod I can be sometimes," Monty said loudly. Then,sotto voce, "Just a little something I had Mr. Chin whip up, Alice. Quite interesting aphrodisiac really, pretty soon you're going go into heat and also lose any inhibitions you may have about sex in public."

Hauling Alan forward into the center of the room, Monty announced, "As you all know, we have a guest performer tonight. Let's give a big hand to our star, Allie!"

The men clapped and whistled. "What are you talking about, guest performer?" Alan asked urgently. His voice sounded slurred to him. Damn, the drug was taking effect already!

"Why, you're going to dance for us, Allie. Did you have a blonde moment there, or are you just feeling shy?" Monty said loudly.

"You said I had to learn to dance because the men would want to dance with me."

"No, what I said was that the men would want a dance," Monty replied with a smirk. "Everyone want to see Allie dance?"

There was louder applause and shouts of "Hell, yeah!"

"Start the music, maestro. Don't worry about thing, Allie. Hypnodidact, remember? Once you start, your feet will remember the steps," Monty said.

Someone cued up a new song, and Alan immediately recognized the style. It was Keplerean pop arabesque, which had been fashionable club music maybe two decades ago but which now was associated with the sort of places where courtesans danced to attract customers. In other words, stripper music.

Monty had stepped away, leaving Alan in the center of the room, surrounded by clapping, whistling men. Alan didn't know what to do and felt rooted to the spot. Even though he wasn't moving his heart was starting to race and he felt hot, undoubtedly from whatever foul concoction Monty had shot into his veins.

Seamus Doyle caught Alan's eye. "C'mon, Allie, dance. Dance for us, please?" he pleaded.

Alan took a breath and moved. His feet began stepping in rhythm to the music. A moment later his arms lifted up and he began to wave them sinuously. The hypnodidact had done it's job, even though Alan couldn't remember learning this dance his body knew it.

Alan began moving more confidently, feet dancing, arms and hips swaying, torso turning and bowing with the music. He felt calmer and more confident now, all of his worries melting away as his body moved in the rhythm of the dance. Alan began to smile spontaneously. It felt good to do this, good to move his limber body this way. The heat in him felt good, too, now.

The men cheered him on. "Oh, baby, that's it! Shake that thing!"

"Damn, Allie. You go, girl!"

"She's definitely got it!"

Alan smiled wider, directing it at the men now, and they smiled back. He made beckoning motions with his hands, puckered his lips as if kissing, then laughed and twirled away if they came close. The men's cheers grew louder.

"C'mon, baby, take it off!"

Yes, that was part of the dance he'd learned, and it was time, Alan thought. He began unfastening the several blouse seals, doing it slowly from the top, parting the garment briefly to show the men his cleavage underneath only to hide his breasts again. When the blouse was all unsealed he danced some more, clutching the garment closed as he worked his arms out of the shoulder straps. When it was completely off he acted as if he was scared by what he'd done and was about to put it back on, then suddenly threw it out into the crowd and started shaking his breasts in the bra at them.

The skirt and the translucent half-slip under it went the same way. Alan peeled down the long hose and used them as props, striking men with the flimsy garments. He threw one into the crowd, looped the other around Vijaya Tripathi's neck and drew him close so they were almost nose to nose, continuing to dance. He gave VJ a quick kiss and left him with the stocking looped around his neck. The engineman tried to chase after his seducer but other crewmen grabbed him and hauled him back, laughing.

Alan danced in his underwear for a while, then slipped out of his bra. Again he held this to his chest while dancing until the men were loudly calling for him to drop it, finally throwing it to the crowd. Down to his panties, Alan danced wildly, thrusting out his bum, shimmying his tits. It seemed to him that the crowd might lose control any second now and jump him all at once, but Alan felt hot and aroused and ready for it.

The music stopped. Alan automatically stopped dancing.

"Oh yes, that was really something, wasn't it?" Monty announced. "Let's give Allie another big hand."

The interruption broke the spell. The men applauded, though some seemed rather disappointed it was over. Alan stood there, nude chest heaving, coming to his senses. He had nearly been gang-raped by the crew, and he'd been egging them on!

"And now for the next part of the entertainment," Monty said. "Everyone check your percomm for your number, I'm going to be generating our first lucky winner in two shakes."

He walked to Alan. "My word, Alice, you really are something special. I knew you were easy when we first started having fun together, but the way you've become such a thorough-going slut is surprising even to me."

"I can't help myself, you drugged me," Alan said, shivering.

Monty winked. "For your own good, love. You needed a little boost."

He checked his percomm then raised his voice. "All right, who has number nine? That's lucky number nine."

"Woo-hoo! That would be me!" a crewman said, pushing his way out of the crowd.

"Chief Petty Officer Reston is the lucky winner," Monty declared. "He gets the first lap-dance from our sexy Allie."

A chair was brought out and Reston planted himself in it, looking eager.

Monty pushed Alan forward "Don't worry, dear, I don't think you need lessons for this sort of dancing."

Alan glared over his shoulder at the Security chief, but everyone else was already chanting and clapping, encouraging Alan to get on with this new show. A slower number of the same sort of music started playing, and Alan automatically began moving again, this time directly in front of the chair where Reston sat.

The thumping bass and steady rhythm invaded Alan's brain, while the staring eyes of the man in front of him gave him a new focus to his actions. Alan began grinding his hips and swinging his shoulder-length hair around. He leaned forward, bringing his nude tits close to Reston's face, then quickly came upright again. The surrounding watchers cheered.

Though Alan kept his eyes on Reston he could hear the onlookers whistling, commenting on the action, praising Alan's moves. Alan spread his legs to straddle the chair and placed his hands on the seated man's shoulders, raising and lowering his hips so that he was now doing a true lapdance. The CPO knew the rules for such things and kept his hands at his sides, but the grin on his face got even wider.

Alan twisted his shoulders to shake his breasts, but this being the first time he'd ever done this Alan misjudged the distance and slapped Reston's nose with his nipples. The CPO gave out a surprised grunt while the onlookers burst out laughing.

Deciding it might be safer to try a different approach, Alan backed away before turning around and presenting his booty to the lucky winner. He bent over partway and started to wave his lace-covered bottom in circles in front Reston. Alan was no longer able to see the other man, but from the comments of the people who could he gathered that it was becoming more difficult for Reston to stay still in his chair.

Alan was also finding it hard to maintain limits. He decided that since he was still wearing panties and Reston was in uniform trousers, it didn't count as contact if he brushed his tail against the seated man's crotch. So Alan began crouching lower, bringing his gyrating rump down until it began to rub against the target. There was already a hard object there, and soon Alan could feel it trying it's best to break loose from the man's uniform.

It was too much for Alan's drug-addled brain. His ass was already wet with arousal, now it began soaking through his panties. He pushed himself harder against the stiff rod, grinding his ass directly on it.

"Fuck this, I need it," Alan blurted out loud. He stood upright and twirled, hands going straight for Reston's fly where he rapidly extracted the hard meat he craved. Straddling the chair again, he hiked his panties to the side and settled down atop the raging cock, letting it slide into his greedy hole.

"Hot damn!" Reston yelled as Alan began to ride his dick. Alan grunted as he slapped his bottom up and down on the seated man's thighs. The CPO's hands began groping his rear cheeks, while Alan wrapped his own arms around the man's neck and drew him into a deep kiss.

"I actually was planning a few more lapdances before we got to this part, but our girl Allie seems to want to move things along," Alan heard Monty tell the watchers. "Reston, be a good man and take this to the starboard-aft corner."

"Wrap your legs around me, honey," Reston said as he began to heave himself off the chair. Alan did, clinging to the other man with arms and legs as the CPO began walking in the direction Monty had indicated. A good part of his weight was supported by Reston's hands and arms under his bottom, but after a few steps his cock fell out of Alan. The organ stayed stiff, though, and slid over Alan's sensitive anus as he walked.

The part of the commons they came to already had a couch converted to a bed, also several chairs, a hassock, and a padded table. Reston deposited Alan on this last piece of furniture which was at about the right height for him to get at Alan's ass. As Alan lay back on the table, Reston grabbed one of Alan's ankles in each hand, hoisted them into the air in a vee, and plunged his erection straight back up Alan's butthole.

"All right, for those of you who don't want to watch while waiting your turn we're going to have games and, a little later, a prize raffle," Monty announced. "I'm posting the list of lucky numbers to everyone's percomm. When your number comes up it's your turn to get lucky with Allie. Have fun, everyone."

The sound system started a new song, a cover of an absolutely antique Earth pop number called "Get Lucky." Alan had to admit that both the beat and the words fit the moment.

Reston finished and Leo Belev took his place, being the next winner. Leo wanted Alan on the bed and helped him move there. Alan stripped off his panties along the way, realizing he wouldn't be needing them for the rest of the party.

It went on and on. Different men, in different positions, on different pieces of furniture. Some of the crew were bashful about doing it in front of everyone but were cajoled into it anyway by the others. Bai Chin had the number right after Monty, but as Bai seemed impatient to get started Monty cheerfully told him that since he only wanted a blowjob anyway Bai should go ahead and fuck Alan's rear at the same time. After watching this several other men paired up so they could spit-roast Alan when their turns came.

Everyone had a turn, including the two men rotating off watch to join the party. Once all the numbers had been called it became "first come, first served." While the drinking and snacking and games went on in the rest of the commons, any man who wanted another shot at Alan could wander over to the "Allie's Alley" section to do it with the naked, moaning ship's whore. Alan lost track of the number of loads he'd taken down his throat or up his ass. He also lost count of the times he'd orgasmed himself, he just knew that his balls were throbbing and completely dry.

At 2300 Monty announced that the party was going to end in one hour. "Yes, I know you're still up for more," he said to the groans that followed. "But it's back to work tomorrow, and we need you rested. But for now have a last drink and nibble, or have one last go at our guest of honor if that's your preference."

Monty wandered around glad-handing everyone and asking if they'd had a good time. Eventually he ended up next to Alan, who was currently slumped over the hassock as Bai Chin pumped a second load up his butthole.

The Security chief crouched down and spoke into Alan's ear. "Alice, I have a confession to make. I told you a bit of a lie earlier."

Too exhausted to speak, Alan turned his head and gazed heavy-lidded at the other man.

"That injector I had? Just a wake-up to reduce fatigue, plus a little short-acting anxiolytic to calm your nerves. Nothing that could possibly act as an aphrodisiac," Monty murmured softly so only Alan could hear. "All that slutty exhibitionism and whorish behavior from you tonight? It all came naturally to you. Thought you might like to know that."

Monty stood up. "Mr. Chin, when you leave could you please see that the object of your affections gets back to her quarters? Our Allie seems to be a bit tired tonight."


The next day after Alan managed to drag himself out of bed and clean up he discovered that every appointment on the roster for his next work shift had been cancelled. He wasn't about to believe that this was a gracious gesture on Monty's part, and decided it must be that the crew who'd optimistically signed up for today were simply too tired after the previous night of debauchery. After all, every single human male on board had busted a nut at least once during the party, with anyone who'd wanted to did it several times. So it wasn't as if any of them had pent-up semen to release.

This was perfect as far as Alan was concerned. He didn't want to face anyone yet. After the way he'd acted last night, Alan wasn't sure he ever wanted to face anyone on the crew ever again. He went back to bed and pulled the covers over his head, wishing that he could somehow erase any memory of the party from everyone on board, including himself

TheVirago did not have food synthesizer outlets in most quarters, so around dinnertime hunger drove Alan to the commons. Only three people were there when he walked in, but Alan kept his head down and tried to ignore the others as he headed for the autochef.

It didn't work. "Dang, Allie, you look as worn-out as I feel," Kent called.

"Worth it, though," Taylor added. "That was one great party."

"Allie was the one who made it so great," Kent said. "And you sure gave Monty-boy the finger. Man, I had to smile at that part."

At this last comment Alan looked over at the Marine. "What do you mean?"

Kent waved a hand. "We could tell the lieutenant surprised you with the dance thing, wanted to embarrass you in front of everybody. But you showed him, man, you got up there and you just owned it."

"Monty-san also seemed somewhat put out by your upsetting his plans for the lapdances as well," Nakamoto observed with a grin.

"Yeah, you took control and ran for the goal," Taylor chimed in. "You totally outmaneuvered him."

"It was all great, really made the whole party," Kent concluded. "Say, why are you getting that stuff to go? Don't be that way, come here and sit with us, Allie. We need the company."

Alan looked down at his tray, then back at the trio. "Sure, why not. Um, you really think I was in control last night?"

"I dunno, maybe we should ask old Reston about that," Taylor said, and winked.

The other two laughed hard. After a moment, Alan did too.


Days, weeks, months passed. The Virago slunk through the emptiest parts of the Gelaric Empire, staying far from inhabited systems, wending her slow way home. Occasionally the detectors indicated a sensor sweep from an enemy patrol, but always at the very limits of detection and never moving toward them. They knew this would change as they neared the Gelar's frontier with the Confederation, but for now things settled into placid routine.

Allies's life during this period became very settled. He grew entirely used to satisfying the sexual demands of the other fifteen men (and one Servanian) aboard. He also fell more and more into his role as the "woman" aboard the ship, meaning the person the men courted, the one they expected to be careful about maintaining an attractive appearance and wear pretty clothes, the one they thought should listen to their problems and complaints and act sympathetic. And of course, the person who'd play along willingly with whatever erotic fantasies they might have.

Allie recalled a female friend of his once complaining that men tended to classify women as either angels or sluts but what they really wanted was for a woman to be both at the same time. He finally knew exactly what she was talking about, and had to agree.

But his new role didn't really bother him. In fact it went further than that, these days Allie usually reacted in a feminine way automatically. He didn't even have to try, Allie just naturally giggled when Abdullah told one of his lame jokes, not because it was funny but to make the man feel good. He smiled and blew a kiss to Taylor when the navtech passed him in the corridor because doing this always drew a big smile and sometimes a pat on the ass from the busy crewman. And he praised Sung's cock size when they were together even though the lifetech was considerably below crew average in that department and both of them knew it. All these things were just what Allie did naturally, he didn't have to think about it.
