Captive in Ketchup

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Brittany Scott Clark gets herself in a very messy situation.
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Britt Scott Clark, a young small-time actress, had just finished up filming for a comedy sketch with a private company. They had been filming in a ketchup bottling factory in New Zealand. The factory had two places perfect for their sketches, a warehouse out the back and an unused office suit above that.

Since they had finished filming, Britt decided she wanted to take a closer look at the rest of the bottling factory, curious to see how everything worked behind the scenes.

She strode onto the factory floor, mostly unfazed by the level of noise all the machinery produced.

Around her were various stages of the bottling process. To her left, stood massive tanks holding many tons worth of ketchup ready to be dispensed, which led on to a series of pipes that ended at a conveyer belt. Above which, several pumps dispensed ketchup into a steady row of bottles that rolled by on the conveyor.

To her right, the line continued on to a labelling machine, which further led on to a packing station, all of which was fully automated.

Britt approached the automated conveyor, which sat in a lowered section of the factory floor, watching as the line of plastic bottles sped through the filler, systematically filling each bottle according to a set weight. Her mesmerising blue eyes fixed on the steadily moving line of bottles, finding it oddly satisfying to see it all functioning so smoothly.

As she got closer, she didn't notice the minor spillage on the floor beside one of the tanks. Upon stepping on it, she slipped and lost her balance, tumbling forward onto the automated conveyor belt, landing on her side and knocking dozens of bottles off the belt, leaving her in their place as the filler came down over her head.

Britt rolled on her back with a groan, gasping as she saw the filler nozzle start spraying, dousing her in a thick layer of the gloopy red substance. As she gasped, she inadvertently swallowed a load as the filler sprayed directly over her face.

She tried to shield her face, but it was already too late. Not only was the thick red gloop in her hair, mouth and eyes, all over her arms and hands as she frantically tried to stop the nozzle spraying more on her.

Britt scrambled to get herself up, sitting on her knees as she dripped with ketchup. Thankfully the conveyer wasn't big enough to drag her off down the factory. Albeit, there were many plastic bottles falling to the floor because she was still in the way.

As she stood up, her back nudged into the dispenser nozzles, causing two of them to slide neatly down the back of her jeans, getting stuck on the fabric as she slipped, the conveyer now completely soaked in ketchup.

Britt slipped forward, managing to grab hold of the pipe work above her and hang on as her feet slid across the belt and surrounding metal surfaces.

She gasped moments later as the dispenser nozzles activated, firing a thick stream of cool ketchup straight down the back of her jeans. However, with her presence interfering with the weight sensors on the machine, the dispenser detected unfilled bottles and proceeded to pump a constant stream.

"What the fuck?" She gasped, glancing back to see her butt swelling rapidly as thick gloopy ketchup oozed down her butt, soaking her underwear.

Upon trying to unhook herself from the nozzles, she heard a click as the dispenser hissed loudly. Inadvertently locking the nozzles fully open, causing an uncontrolled torrent of ketchup to cascade into her trousers.

She gasped as ketchup steadily oozed around her hips, causing them to fatten up rapidly. Her legs also swelled, with the ketchup now reaching her knees.

"Fuck sake!" She gasped breathily, starting to bite her lips as she began to find the filling sensation strangely satisfying. Her legs getting heavier by the second as her jeans stretched.

Much to her surprise, her jeans held the thick red gloop in perfectly, having expected to see it all slowly saturate her clothes and leak everywhere.

Britt held onto the pipes tightly as the ketchup weighed her down. She glanced down to see her lower body swelling rather uniformly as the jeans tightened, holding the ketchup close to her skin as they filled.

"Wow... what the fuck?" She giggled, shifting her gradually fattening legs, feeling the ketchup ooze slowly over her flesh. Before long, she could feel the ketchup creeping between her thighs as her legs became full, soon starting to bury her pussy beneath a layer of the thick red gloop.

Despite not wearing any kind of belt, the jeans stayed perfectly in place as they tightened up around her waist and ankles, sealing the ketchup inside.

Britt's groans of discomfort turned to soft sensual moans as she gently rolled her hips, feeling the ketchup ooze around inside her tight and remarkably heavy trousers.

Her petite frame had swollen to over three times its original size. Giving her B-road and chunky hips, a huge stiff butt that blended neatly into her enormous thighs, all tightly held in place by her tight jeans.

Her jeans rippled visibly as the machine continued pumping, forcing more and more ketchup into her hyperinflated trousers.

Britt finally managed to find her footing on a patch of dry metal cladding. However, she made no attempt to escape; instead, she clung to the pipes, sighing blissfully as she tried to squeeze even more ketchup into her trousers.

Britt glanced back at her bulging ass, determined to make it as large as possible. She bit her lips, moaning sensually as the pressure inside her jeans intensified, squeezing her lower body firmly. She didn't know why, but she couldn't help herself; she wanted more. Finding the sensation of having her trousers completely filled with this amazing gloopy sauce gave her a rush, unlike anything she'd ever felt before.

"Oh, fuck! That's so good!" She sighed blissfully, her limbs trembling as she heaved herself up, pushing the nozzles in deeper.

"Oh, there we go, yes!" She cooed, biting her lips again as she pulled herself up, trying to keep the dispenser nozzles inside her trousers for a little longer as the pressure inside continued to build.

Eventually, the pressure became too great for her to push against, forcing the dispenser nozzles out with a firm pop as the waistband of her jeans snapped back against her skin, firmly sealing everything inside.

Britt sighed heavily, relaxing as she caught her breath. The dispenser nozzles unlocked upon sliding out, causing the flow of ketchup to cease. Leaving them dripping with the thick red sauce. Britt glanced back to see trails of ketchup slowly dribbling down the outside of her trousers.

Moments later, the entire machine suddenly ground to a halt, giving her the perfect opportunity to jump down from the conveyor.

Britt landed with a hefty thump, almost toppling over due to the sheer weight of her legs. It took her a moment to gather herself before she came to her senses, glancing down to see the incredible monstrosity she had acquired.

"Fuck... That is wild! Jesus. How is it all staying inside?" She sighed, unable to keep her hands off her new gargantuan legs.

Britt sighed blissfully as she began shifting her legs, seeing how easy it was to bend her knees. Finding it quite surprising how mobile she was, even with all the extra weight and padding.

"Oh, this feels incredible... Mmm. That is so weird! So wet and squishy... but it's so dry. How is this not soaking through?" She sighed, gently rolling her hips, feeling everything ooze around inside.

She giggled playfully as she tried to walk. Upon taking a few rather wobbly steps, her eyes almost rolled back into her head as the ketchup oozed over her bare flesh, giving her the strangest but most satisfying tingles she'd ever felt before.

"This is amazing!" She laughed, glancing back at her enormous ass jutting out behind her, giving it a gentle wiggle and watching it jiggle stiffly as the ketchup shifted side to side.

Britt took a deep breath, neatening her hair up as she realised most of her face and hair were still covered in partially dried ketchup.

She huffed as she flicked a load of it off, thinking about where she could go to quickly wash herself off. People would definitely notice something was up, given that she was absolutely covered in ketchup, but on the other hand, Britt had no way of telling how people would react to the considerable change in size she'd undergone.

Either way, she didn't want to let it go. It felt so tight and cosy on her body, making her look even sexier than before. Surely she could get away with it, right? Jeans completely filled with ketchup? After all, she'd seen all the recent adverts from Stuffies and all the big beautiful women they had; it would be just like them, surely?

She couldn't help but squeeze her enormous thighs as she heard the ketchup squelching within.

"Ah! Yes!" Britt beamed, remembering there was a restroom nearby. Perhaps a quick trip there would get her cleaned up so she could attempt to leave with her newly acquired curves. It was worth a try, after all. Maybe she could claim that she found some random packing material she tried experimenting with.

Britt headed out of the packing plant towards the office, where the restroom was, being careful to keep an eye out for anyone who'd stop her before she could attempt to cover her tracks.

Peering around the corner of the packing plant shutters, she saw no one inside sight. Just across the storeroom was the sign mounted above the restroom door.

"Okay. Here we go." She sighed, taking a deep breath as she dashed across the storeroom floor, waddling her fat ass all the way over to the restroom moments before one of her colleagues came down from the office looking for her.

Just above her on the staircase stood her friend and colleague Adam, looking around curiously as Britt was nowhere to be seen, even though he could have sworn he heard her calling for help moments ago.

"Britt? Britt, you there?" He called out.

Britt froze just before she shut the door to the restroom, thinking she'd been caught.

"Uh. Yeah, I'm fine. Just in the restroom. Back in a minute." She said, knowing full well she wouldn't be. Wanting to get out as fast as possible before anyone could question her chance of appearance.

"Oh, okay." Said Adam, shortly before heading back into the office.

Britt sighed with relief as she shut the door and quickly began scrubbing her face in the sink. The dried ketchup on her face washed off with ease, as did the bits still in her hair.

After a minute or two of intense scrubbing, most of it was gone. Britt gazed into the mirror and sighed with relief.

"That's better. There we go..." she said, neatening herself up in the mirror.

"Shit. What about my costumes?" Britt added, glancing back at her huge ass, running her hand down her thick curves.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. They can make new ones, it's fine. They'll get used to it." She tried to reassure herself, slowly edging towards the door.

Britt quietly opened the restroom door, peering out cautiously as she shuffled her way towards the fire exit, her huge ass jiggling as she moved.

She flung the door open, making a B-line for her car just before Adam came out of the office again, almost catching a glimpse of Britt's ginormous backside as she dashed outside.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Well written story. Please do stories with celebrities!

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Do a story with Scarlet Johansson please! :D

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

That was hot. Love big thick girls.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This was wonderful to read! Will there be more stories like this?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story. Enjoyable too.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Can you do story with Elizabeth Olsen? I'm a huge fan of hers.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Spectacular work!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Marvelous story. Will there be more stories with celebrities?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Love this actresse!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Hi! It's me, Flashtastic! I have another idea for a story.

It stars Supergirl and some breast expansion. Here it goes, Supergirl is patrolling the metropolis and sees a meteor fall from the sky and Supergirl goes to see if it's threat, something comes out of the meteor and it's an alien goo-like blob. Supergirl, being overconfident due to her abilities and indestructible body, grabs the blob. The blob starts playing around with her body which amuses and pleases Kara. What the blob is trying to do it's trying to find a way to get inside Supergirl's body but it can't and its afraid that Supergirl will destroy it before it ever reaches her mouth or her pussy. Thinking that it's friendly and a domestic creature like a cat and harmless like a worm, Supergirl decides to keep it as a pet as she always wanted a pet that isn't easy to crush to death when she hugs it so the blob is a ideal pet for her and she opens her suit top and puts the blob inside and drops in her breasts and takes it home. Once home, after a while, the blob gets curious of Supergirl's boobs and starts "exploring". Kara gets curious of the blob and doesn't stop it from exploring her boobs. The blob gets brave and starts to play around like going up and down in Supergirl's cleavage. Kara is turned on by the slime's actions that she doesn't care what it does next which will be her mistake. Soon the blob finds Kara's nipples despite having indestructible skin, her nipples are vulnerable and starts to push itself in her nipples to get inside her boobs. Supergirl is so shock and turned on that she can't stop the blob from going inside her boobs. Once inside Supergirl's boobs that are the same size as Powergirl's boobs, the blob finds her milking glans and merges with them. The blob uses Supergirl's milking glans to not produce milk but more of itself. Once the blob multiple itself, Supergirl's boobs to starts grow. At first, Supergirl likes it as she never felt pleasure from her boobs before but starts to get worried as she realizes the blob is making more of itself inside her boobs making growth unnaturally which is not normal. Supergirl does everything to make the blob to get out of her boobs even to mliking herself but the blob is preventing itself from leaving by making her nipples swell up shut. After a while, the breast expansion got out of control that Supergirl's boobs is the same size as her body. Here's what she looks like.

Messyboy98Messyboy988 months agoAuthor

Thank you all for your very supportive comments!! Loving the feedback! There will be more on the way, can’t say when, but there will be!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

That was fun! Can you a do story with Scarlett Johansson?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I really enjoy this story. Well written. I hope there will be more to come, hopefully with celebrities actresses.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Thank you so much! This is Flashtastic again.

Here's some more ideas for stories I hope you'll write one day.

Violett Beane's Jesse "Quick" Chambers bonds with the Venom Symbiote from Spider-Man in a comic accurate DC universe. (Again, forget the CW Arrowverse.) It's like that Mary Jane Venom story you made. Here's what she looks like.

A story where Candace Patton buys a bra from online or a store or something and doesn't know it has magical properties which causes her boobs to grow. Here's what she looks like.

Or one story where Willa Holland finds an alien plant in a crash site and takes it home with her and the plant uses its stalks on Willa's boobs and makes them grow and feed on them every time Willa is horny. Here's what she looks like.

Or one story where Danielle Panabaker buys experimental moisturizer cream which she mistook for skin cream but when she rubs some cream on her chest, she goes going through some good old fashioned breast expansion. How it ends is entirely up to you. Here's an image on what she looks like.

That's it. No more ideas from me. I'm gladly appreciated it if you do these stories one day. Goodbye. Flashtastic out.

Messyboy98Messyboy988 months agoAuthor

Those are absolutely fantastic ideas! I love them! I’ll note them down as stories to do. But as for when I’ll be able to do them I’m not sure, but I’ll keep you up to date with any progress

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hi, me again from before. I'm called Flashtastic to differ myself from the other commenters.

I have another idea for a another Violett beane story with breast and a little bit of ass expansion if you're interested. Violett beane who is at a party very bored and meets a guy who is very hung (like hyper level) and decide to leave the party to go back to Violett's place and have hardcore sex and climax. Things are going well until the guy declares he wants to keep going and starts playing with Violett's breasts and massages them and whispers to them "grow for me". Violett, despite being tired, begins to feel energize and feels warmth and heavy on her boobs and they go for round 2. After a another round of sex, Violett is tired again and the guy shocking is not tired and wants to go another round and again messages Violett's breasts like he's trying to restate her and she gets energize again. And plays with her ass too and messages her asscheeks like he did to her boobs. Violett begins to notice something is wrong and excuse herself to the bathroom. Violett checks herself over and notices her boobs are bigger, not her normal b-cups but double DDs! And her ass seem rounder and fuller. And bigger! Violett returns to the guy and tries to end their "date" and says she's tired from the sex and her pussy is sore. The guy is not convinced and convinces for them to go on and Violett reluctantly agress and gives in. The cycle happens all over again at least three more times with the guy having fuck Violett in different sexual positions, Violett is dead tired and on the verge of passing out but the guy is finally tired but wants to continue playing with her boobs and grabs her boobs again which were now F-cups. Despite having the best sex she ever had, Violett realizes somerhing is wrong with her date and somehow has the power to make her boobs and her ass grow and begs for him to stop but keeps going on massaging her boobs like they were dough or clay. Violett, before she passes out, hears her hung date say "grow for me" and feels her boobs get warm and heavy again.

Also I would love to see more breast expansion and ass expansion with DC heroines. Especially underrated ones. Like Jesse Quick. Jesse Quick is beautiful and sexy. A amazing superhero. There should be more stories of her. She's truly underrated. I'm very disappointed how the CW Flash show greatly wasted her, not to mention made her very unrecognizable from from her comic counterpart. (Although I much enjoyed Violett Beane playing the character even if it was just the name. She's most definitely has the look for Jesse Quick, not to mention her body. *WinkWink*) I think there should be more stories about Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick. She's very hot and beautiful and she has amazing ass. There's reason she's called Jesse Thicc. Sadly, she lacking some thiccness in other areas. Let's change that. I could just imagine a scenario where Jesse tries to enhanced her speed force powers through her clothing or infusing into her body but ends up accidentally expanding her breasts, filling them with speed force energy. Not only Jesse has a thick booty which is hassle to deal with but now she has to deal with basketball sized melons attached to her chest. Who knows, maybe she uses them to get herself a date. I wonder what new nickname Jesse will be called if that happen. Jesse Juggs. Ohh I like that.

There really should be more Jesse Quick stories. I will be greatly appreciated if you did at least one story of her. (FYI, if you do make a story with Jesse Quick, she looks like from the Flash TV show but please don't make the story take place in the TV show, it's takes place in a comic DC universe with Violett Beane Jesse Quick. You don't have to watch the show to understand the character. Just borrow the look.)

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hello. I'm the same commenter who was asking for more stories with actresses a while ago.

I have an idea for a story. It's a story that stars the actress named Violett beane. On the way home from work from acting, Violett hears a crash in the woods and goes to investigate and finds a huge alien blob. Violett tries to get away but the blob traps her by using four tentacles to bond her arms and legs. Violett panics and screams but the blob shuts her up by putting a tentacle in her mouth. The blob gets turned on by the sensation of Violett's warm and tight mouth and gets curious about the rest of Violett's Body. The blob gropes and caresses Violett's body especially her boobs and ass for a while and rips her clothes off of her, leaving her naked. Violett screams in outrage and panicked fear and tries to break free but fails, the blob is too strong. The blob turns into liquid slime and oozes all over Violett's body expect for her head. Violett is free but has a slime suit coating her sexy body and runs away to home and call for help. Once home, just as Violett is about to call for help while before she notes the slime suit is warm and gooey and likes the feeling and gropes her own body, the blob freezes her body and can't move. Violett tries to fight back and break free but fails again. Violett eyes wided in horror as she feels something moving at her boobs, her pussy and her ass. Breast/ass play and pussy penetration by the blob. Violett orgasms and is surpise to see the blob eat her cum inside the suit. Violett's day gets worse as the slime suit turns into liquid form again and starts going inside her boobs through her nipples, her pussy to her womb and her ass. Her boobs and belly and ass get massive. Violett is stuck in her home with gaint boobs, pregnant like belly and gaint asscheeks. She pokes at her boobs and watches them jiggle like jello and signs in "why me"?

This was inspired by your other stories. ;)

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