Captured by the Elves Ch. 13


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I walked her over to the pond before the tree, and bid her to enter it. She hesitated briefly, but I told her that it would be all right.

She believed me completely then.

Raina entered the water. I could tell that it felt good for her by her face. She couldn't hide anything from me then. The water in the pond by the tree was warm for no reason that I could discern. I wanted to believe that it was the goddess providing for us. A foolish hope perhaps, but can you truly blame me for such a thing?

The goddess had made herself known to me and I was a believer. I stripped off my humble attire and entered the water with Raina. We made for an interesting couple in that moment. So much of her was still much like Brendan had been: tall and muscular. A powerful figure, but still quite sexy in her own way. As for myself: I'd still be struggling to regain weight so my body looked rather unbalanced with my large breasts and plump ass. This would eventually improve, but that was how I was then. The warm water in the pond hugged my body like a glove. It reached the bottom of my breasts while Raina's were exposed.

"What're we doing here?" she asked.

I didn't answer her. Instead, I tore of pieces of my rough-spun tunic into washcloths, and I set about cleaning her. Raina recoiled slightly at my first touch, but gradually relaxed. I spent the next several minutes cleaning her. I didn't have access to my normal tools in the bathhouse, but I made due.

"I don't need your pity," said Raina.

I laughed. "Oh, I know better than that. You hate it when anyone shows you aggression and especially when you think they feel sorry for you."

Raina eyed me as I washed her. "How do you know that?"

She was still in-and-out with her recollections of the past. It was frustrating, but I didn't let it stop me. I knew that I was on the right path.

"I've known you my whole life or close enough. We spent most of our time gallivanting about with each other."

"That was 'William'," she said. "Not you."

"Things were different back then," I agreed. "Remember when you became obsessed with my sister Annalina?"

"How do you even know that name?"

I continued, "You wanted to marry her, but were scared to ask my parents, so you asked me. I told you that she was too young for marriage, which is basically what my parents told me to tell you. They knew the whole time."

"I don't understand."

"I know. I never thought that I would see you in such a way. We were friends. Close friends, but still just friends. I'm beginning to believe that I was fated to come here. To help these people."

"That sounds foolish," she said.

"You're probably right."

I leaned forward and kissed her suddenly. At first, she seemed like she would pull away, but I scooted closer to her. Feeling her hot body press up against mine. Our breasts mashed together. I wanted her so badly in that moment. Raina struggled to accept this, but gradually her own desires gave in. There had been a time when she wanted me to be hers, and despite all that had happened, those feeling still dwelt beneath the surface of her supposed madness.

Her lips found mine and we went at each other fiercely in the warmth of the pond beneath the great tree. The goddess loomed high over us, and if there was anyone else by chance stealing a glance, well that didn't bother me in the slightest. I wanted to give Raina my complete and honest self.

It didn't take long for some of the other traits of Brendan to emerge. He'd been fond of large-breasted women back then, and the desire was certainly present in Raina. She moved her mouth from my lips to my left breast and suckled at it greedily while her other hand groped my right. It definitely felt pleasing to me, but I was more pleased by seeing her satisfaction.

"You like this," I said. "This is what you want."

She didn't answer. Raina was too caught up in my body. I found her cock in the water with my hand. It was rigid and wanting. I pumped it fiercely. Raina held out displaying any reaction to my manipulations, but after a time she moaned for me, and that was worth it.

"More, more," she said.

I obliged and kept working her cock. She struggled to resist, and then gave in. Globs of her seed floated to the top of the water. I scooped up a handful of water with a globule of her see in it. Such a small thing, I thought, yet this is what brought me to this moment.

I let the water and Raina's cum drip back into the pond.

Raina took a while to recover, but when she did, she returned her attention to me with abandon. She wrapped me up in her powerful arms, and pulled me out of the water, and placed me on the ground surrounding the pond. I couldn't help but giggle. After everything, she was still so much of her old self. Previously, Raina had been scared of forgetting who she was, but no matter what she was the same person. I could've given in and let her take me. I would've had a fine time of it, but I couldn't forget my greater goal.

I stopped her domination of me, and pressed myself up against her. I gently urged her to the soft mud beside the pond. My hands found her pert breasts and felt at them. I took a nipple in my mouth, and suckled like a hungry child. When I looked up at her to see her reaction, she looked astonished by my assertion, yet she relented to me. It was an odd thing. Raina kept her sexual exploits within the she-elf community very quiet. Some of those women were absolutely blatant about what they did and as for me...well, I was famous for my work in the bathhouse. Whether that was a good or a bad thing I still debate about years later. But Raina...I knew there was something between her and Teagan, but was left to wonder at its mysteries.

"What do you want to do?" she asked me. Blunt and direct as only Raina could be.

I kissed her deeply and said, "I'm going to take you. Here and now. Will you consent to me?"

She looked away--uncertain, and then back to me. "Yes," she said. "Because it's you. Only you."

"I'm honored," I told her. "Thank you for this wonderful gift. I'll never forget this."

And I did not forget. It was impossible to do so.

I urged Raina to spread her legs for me and make herself open. She scooted up her ass to me to give me access. Looking back on it, I believe that her presentation to me may have been the most desirable.

When I had access, my fingers found the warm and slick entrance to her ass, and worked their way inside of her. She was hot, and by all accounts a forbidden playground for someone as lowly as me. I was unworthy, but I wasn't going to let a little thing like that get in the way. I wormed my fingers into her some more for a time, and she became quite ready. My cock ached with need by then. I scooted closer to her, and placed it into the cup of her ass.

I slowly pushed into her molten interior. Feeling every inch of my invasion versus her resistance, and the feeling was threatening to steal my life. I was ready to burst within her already, but I caught myself. I wanted Raina even more than I had anticipated. Raw desire was a precious thing, but I had to control myself.

I fucked Raina slowly and deliberately. My hands gripped up under her thighs. I needed more stability with her being larger than myself. Raina may have been the perfect she-elf specimen. Not only from Brendan's previous incarnation, but from the fact that she'd been made from Teagan and Landa. She may have been an "alpha' if there was such a thing among them. This notion would lead to many debates among the elves for years to come.

The look on Raina's face spoke of her impending release. I moved my hand to her rigid cock and pumped it furiously. It didn't take long before it was rewarded with a generous spurting of Raina's hot cum all over my hand. In the heat of the moment, I brought my hand to my mouth to taste it. Then I offered the rest to Raina and she happily did the same. It was something so intimate and special that we shared.

Eventually, I felt the tell-tale signs in my balls and cock. My own climax was imminent. I leaned forward to taste Raina's lips--still detecting traces of her cum on them. I fucked her harder--pushing my cock into her with everything that I had.

My orgasm gripped me.

I clutched at Raina's body. My cock twitched deep within her moist confines. I sent several jets of my seed into her. Raina's body took all of it from me. I felt drained and collapsed atop of her. My energy spent.

We stayed liked that: entwined together for a time. Not wanting to separate, but fully aware that it was inevitable.

I rolled off Raina and lied down beside her on the soft shore of the pond. We stayed there breathing.

Finally, I said: "That was nice. I'm not sure why I did it or if there was a point, but it was nice."

Raina cuddled up to me, and held my hand. She looked at me with a sad little smile. "Thank you," she said. "I don't know why, but I feel better."

I could've wept at hearing it.

"So, you're better now," I said. "Things will be fine. You'll come with us when we leave. You and I together. Like always." I said this with the frailest of hopes that I knew deep in my heart wasn't meant to be.

"No," she said, standing up as if to go. "I can't stay here. I don't know what to do. Likely I'll go mad like I did before and you won't be around next time. I love you for what you've done, but it's going to happen."

I stood up and took her hands in mine. "Please...let me find a way. There has to be one. The goddess will tell me."

Raina laughed. "I don't doubt that. You've always found a way to make things happen, but not this."

There had to be something else that I could do. I couldn't just fail. I thought back to my vision. Raina and I were standing before the great tree as Braith and the other Kiari had been. My double told me that I had succeeded where she had failed.

"I can give you something," I said. "Something that no one knows. I don't know if it really works, but some very wise people believe it to be true."

"What do you mean?"

I thought about Braith telling me that it was the hardest thing that she had ever done.

I told Raina everything that I knew to be true and the rest that I was only somewhat certain was true. It wasn't only the hardest thing that I had done at that point, but it was also the riskiest. Did I have a better option though? Did Raina have a better chance? Raina took all of this information in for a moment. She looked at me intently.

Raina said, "This is what happened to the other 'Kiari'?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry for mocking you before. The other elves whisper that this other 'Kiari' lived in fear of Braith, so she ran away, and Braith was so embarrassed that she claims that this girl died."

I shrugged. "I suppose it's not that far from the truth. It hurt Braith to confess this to me. Please take that as testimony to its veracity."

"I will. So, will you come with me? That idea I had about crossing the great lake and heading west will pan out, I'm sure."

There it was: the notion that I knew would be mentioned if I told her. What I feared so much: the real test.

I shook my head. "We can't be near each other for it to work. A community if only a small one is a community. You must also make no other she-elves. You must be alone. I'm sorry."

"Maybe we could just keep our distance," she offered.

"No. I can't leave them. These are my people now. They will depend on me. I don't understand how or when, but it's already happening. This is where I need to be."

Raina latched onto me. She said, "You're saying that this is 'goodbye'?"

I tried one more time. "You won't stay? I will make them welcome you back."

She laughed. "I'm sure that you would. You've always been good at getting people to do what you want."

"Not everything that I want."

She smiled. "Well, someone has to be keep you in check once in a while. When I leave, the she-elves will be at your mercy. What you will do to them I can't imagine."

I didn't know what think about what she said at the time. It would eventually prove to be a worth concern though. I was no longer simply "Kiari, the girl who worked in the bathhouse." I was becoming something else. Raina saw that clearly in those last moments of ours. Clarity is a gift offered only to a few and often at times when they don't expect it.

"According to this secret of yours," said Raina, "if I do change back then I'll forget everything."

"That's what they believe to be true. Even Clive in his journal has some similar theories. Along with many things that I don't understand."

"I don't want to forget you," she said. "I'm going to try hard not to. Will you remember me? The way that I was and the way that I am now?"

"I'll never forget."

I thought back to my vision. The she-elf that looked like me had said that it was our fate to not forget. I never would. Raina kissed me something long and fierce. Then she left me there standing before the tree.

I knelt before the tree and I prayed to the goddess with tears streaming down my face. I thanked her for the life that I had while so many others had died. I thanked Delphi as well. I begged the goddess to please look after my friend even though she was leaving us. Raina or Brendan should be left alone to find their own way. I offered the goddess my life in service as payment.

I knew that she heard my words.

I walked back into the settlement. While everyone else was still packing up. They were too busy to notice me at first, and I made my way to the bathhouse. Danica and Katania were working furiously to organize and pack what they could. Danica so just wanted to play around, but Katania was there to keep her focused. Much would have to be left behind and I could tell that this weighed heavily on Braith. I saw it in how she carried herself. Her strength and energy were still there, but her spirit was hurt. She noticed me as I approached.

"Where have you been?" she said. "We don't have much time. We must be away from here as soon as possible." After she said it, I could see the hurt in her eyes.

"We'll come back one day," I said. "I don't know how but we will."

Braith sighed. Not wanting to start an argument or lay blame. "We'll talk later. Have you seen Raina? Landa wants her bound and drugged for the journey."

"Raina...she's gone. Let's get to work."

Braith grabbed me by my shoulders. "What do you mean? Tell me."

"She's gone. Leave it at that please."

"What did you do?"

"What I was meant to do. You were right. It was the most difficult thing that I've done in my life."

She winced. She knew what had happened, even if I never said it.

"We have laws," she said. "If Landa..."

"I'm not leaving the group," I said. "As far as anyone needs to know Raina left just like the other 'Kiari' left. If Landa has any questions she can ask me herself."

Braith only nodded and let me go. We had a long road ahead, and I looked forward to healing some of the doubt that existed between my wife and I. It would take some time. Fortunately, I had Katania and Ericka to help me through it.

As I was packing up my things, I took a moment to look at Clive's journal. There were many notes in the margins. He'd been intending to write a detailed study of us. I'm sure that many of the she-elves would have taken offence to that, but I found it rather flattering. We were not monsters to him. We were unique beings as old and dignified as the elves that were already known to humans. He believed that we could exist together, and speculated that we had done so before. I thought about what I had seen in the old settlement in the deep wood. The paintings on the wall had shown something to that effect. That was our history or at least a portion of it as mysterious and incomplete as it was. Our concern had to be the future. That was even more of a mystery, but I hoped that I would give my best effort to make sure that it would be a good one.

I smiled as I packed. This was the end of the first part of my life as "Kiari". There were other struggles and triumphs. The tests that I had already endured from the goddess were only the beginning. After a while, Ericka would come up to me. She would ask if I was well.

"I'm happy to have all of you," I told her. "That's what counts."

Note: Well, there it is. It's been quite the journey to get to this point. I hope that you got some satisfaction from the conclusion. There was a lot to address, and it's clear that this wasn't planned to be this long. It was a pleasure to do so though, and I have been so fortunate that so many of you remained so interested over its rather long life. Please feel free to rate the story and by all means leave a comment if you so desire. I do love hearing from you folks.

As for the future: you could take this as the literal end of the story with all its vague hints of the future. Am I going to do more? Yes. I do like this world and the characters within it. The next story that I'll do in this world will be in a different place with some different characters and have some connection to the elves in this settlement. I do eventually want to get back to Kiari and the others. When I eventually do it will be with a time skip of some years and I'm thinking with more points of view including Kiari's. This story serves as an origin story as to how this important she-elf named "Kiari" came to be. Understand that while I intend to do this, it will take some time. I have a lot of other projects, including a life, and a job, and hopefully some other writing that I could eventually make some money with. We'll see. Thank you once again for your interest and your enthusiasm. It means so much to me. When I first posted a story on this site, I was worried that no one would even notice, and I am so happy that you wonderful people took interest in my writing. I am eternally grateful to you for that. Be safe and be happy. Cheers.

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Zramm3DZramm3D4 months ago

great story I love the characters and the world you created and you inspired me a little in some of my work. I would love to see more world development the mundane elves , the religions and the various sects of she-elves are fascinating

pho3niliapho3nilia5 months ago

Thank you for concluding the story, and thank you for the time you spent making this masterpiece

DommeCatDommeCat10 months ago

As much as I love happy endings, this bittersweet ending seems perfect for the story. It feels more like a real experience. I look forward to more of your works, especially in this world. Five stars.

EncntctEncntct10 months ago

Just brilliant, you’ve got real talent and thank you for sharing it with us. It’s rare to find a gem like this, bravo

FukkmeFukkmeabout 1 year ago

Absolutely phenomenal. I started reading this series for some sexual release mixed with a bit of fantasy. I stayed for the fantasy.

Great work, thank you for sharing this world with us. I look forward to exploring this world further through your writings. In the meantime I´ll read your other materials. (: - I really hope that you will become a published writer and will happily support you in this endeavour.

Look forward to have you on my shelves. (;

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeabout 1 year agoAuthor


Thank you for your interest. I can't believe you powered through that many chapters so quickly. Absolute Mad Lad. That enthusiasm means so much though. I most definitely intend to do more. We'll get there. Thanks again.

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 1 year ago

I think the was a very fitting way to end the story. It would be nice if you come back to the characters sometime in the future and do an update as you spoke of….🤤 Once again you broke the record stars 30 now……


Shortymcc AKA Lynn

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you all for your interest and support. There is always a strange excitement and anxiety after I submit a story. The enthusiasm that you folks show makes the difficult parts worth it.

IvrioneIvrioneabout 1 year ago

Words fail in such moments beyond, "Thank you". <3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Congratulations on completion! Thank you for this story.

I look forward to more stories of this world from you.

LiterKnightLiterKnightabout 1 year ago

Well, I guess that's it. Sort of feels like the end of an era, I think. Can't wait to see what you end up writing next (especially if it's in the same setting)

ArtickArtickabout 1 year ago

Loved it and your others. Thank you

sarakoessarakoesabout 1 year ago

Thank you so much for the amazing story <3

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