Captured to be Sissy Slave Ch. 04


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I'm not really sure if I slept or not. I would lay there in my cramped, confined space. I would doze off for what would seem like a few minutes, and then a cramp would cause me to wake up and try to reposition myself. I finally found a halfway comfortable way for my body to lie, and I tried to settle in as best as I could for the rest of the night. I dozed off not long after that. I was actually able to have a good sleep after I repositioned myself, and was able to get more than just a few minutes.

I actually fell deep enough asleep to have dreams. I remember seeing myself pull up to a huge, gorgeous lake. I got out of my truck and walked to the water's edge. The lake was almost like a mirror, reflecting the trees, mountains, and sky above. There was a perfect spot to set up camp. It was a nice flat area with no one else in sight. I set up my tent, unpacked my coolers, unloaded my fishing rods and tackle box, and set up the camp site. Just what I needed from a week I had endured. I found some firewood and quickly got a fire started. I could feel the warmth of the fire as it broke the chill from the breeze off of the lake. This was a perfect spot. I sat back in my chair, watching the fire dance, listening to the crackling of the embers. I was in a word...happy. I closed my eyes to let the atmosphere wash over me. As I did this, I heard my truck alarm go off. This puzzled me at first because I didn't remember me every having an alarm on my truck.

I opened my eyes to take a look to see what was going on. Instead of the flames of the fire meeting my gaze, I saw the bars of the cage I was trapped in. I assume that the warmth I was feeling was from the stuffiness of the basement. I was sweating, but the silkiness of the nightie was a relief of some sort to the heat. The nightie, the basement, the cage, it all came back to me all at once. I wasn't at some lakeside campsite. I didn't have a warming fire going, watching the water shimmer. I was indeed trapped in a maniac's basement, awaiting my release from this cage. That's when I realized It wasn't a truck alarm, but in fact the alarm on the front the cage. It was signaling that it was five thirty and time to get up and get to work.

"Shit." I said aloud as I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. I could have sworn that my camping dream was real. I would do anything for it to be real, as opposed to being here, anything but here. However, I didn't have time to be bitter. I had the rest of the day to be bitter, I only had thirty minutes to get ready to do this mans bidding. I leaned forward in the cage and pushed the door open with ease. The alarm turned off as the door was opened, much like a snooze button on a clock radio. Also, a light flipped on, illuminating this room of the basement. I quickly crawled out and into a standing position. My bones cracking as I stood up.

My body definitely did not like sleeping in that cage, and I had to agree with it. With not much time to lose, I made my way out of the bedroom, across, the main basement room, and into the bathroom. I stripped the nightie and panties and laid them to the side. I turned on the water and stepped into the warm stream of water. It felt so good on my skin. I shampooed my now shoulder length hair and washed the rest of my body, all except my trapped cock. I really wanted this thing off of me.

I figured I'd been showering for roughly ten minutes now and didn't want to push it any further with the other tasks I had to do. I got out of the shower and dried off quickly. Grabbing the nightie and panties I took off, I moved back to the bed room. At the cupboard, I put my nightie and panties back on the pajama side of it, and then opened up my uniform side. I started by putting on my maid panties and bra. After securing those, I sucked in my gut as best I could and attached the corset. It felt about as tight as the one from yesterday, so I hoped the man wouldn't say anything about it. I pulled open some drawers and found my stocking. I slid those on and clipped them to the bottom of the corset, just as yesterday. Next, took one of my maid dresses off of a hanger and pulled it over my head. It slid around me and settled just barely covering my ass.

I next wrapped the apron around my waist, tying a big bow in the back. The dreadful heels were the last piece, which lay next to the cupboard. They looked menacing, and I could already feel my legs burn from having to walk in them. They still hurt a little bit from yesterday's ordeal. However, I knew that I didn't have much of a choice and slid them onto my feet, buckling the clasp above my ankle. With little hesitation, I took the pad locks off the shelf and slid them into the slots of the heels. This part I really didn't want to do, but it was either this or a spanking right now. With a sigh I locked the heels onto my legs, again trapping me in them until the man deemed otherwise. There was also the head dress the man was talking about. I slid it on my head, adjusting it in the mirror on the cupboard door to make it look presentable.

Feeling suitable about my attire, I moved into the other room and over to the make-up table. I peered up at the clock on the wall and notice that I only had about eight minutes left. I looked down at all this gunk and tried to remember what the man had used on me the other day. I picked up some cream I though he had used first and applied to my face. I think he had called it foundation. Next came a little bit of blush, with some eye liner and mascara. This took a few minutes to do, I thought that I might poke my eye out trying to do it. However, I was finally happy with the result and my face looked almost as it did yesterday. It looked very girlie and whorish. I needed only to apply the deep red lipstick to finish off my face. I grabbed the tube and applied it just before the six o'clock mark on the clock. I sat it down very quickly and raced for the stairs.

In my haste, I nearly tripped over my heels a few times. Once so near to falling that I had to catch myself on the wall. I got my balance back and made my way up the stairs and through the door into the man's cabin. I looked around and found a clock on the wall. The clock read one minute after six. I thought that I had done pretty well, considering that I had to shower and shampoo, put on this complex uniform, and paint my face with all of this stuff. However, deep in my stomach, I knew the man would realize I was a minute late and he would take it out on me. I couldn't fret on that now; I just had to do as the man said. Then, at some point in the day, find an opening to try an escape. I walked over to the kitchen counter, with my heels clacking away on the hard wood floors. The man was nice enough to leave me a note.

Maid, I told you that I would want breakfast in bed. I believe that I'll have scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, with a glass of orange juice. Bring it to me, hot on the tray on the counter. I'll expect you at seven o'clock sharp.


P.S. Don't think of doing anything funny maid, the cameras and I see all.

I wanted to rip the note into a billion pieces. I didn't want to fix this man breakfast, and serve it to him in his bed. Especially all dolled up like he made me do. I looked around the room in anger. I glanced around the room like I was looking for a weapon. Instead, I locked eyes with one the infamous cameras that was mentioned in the note. I had no idea if the man was watching, or if he was asleep. I just knew that he'd be able to go back and watch this anytime he wanted to. Taking a deep breath, I walked around the counter and began my work. I found a couple of skillets and placed them on the stove top. In the fridge I found the eggs and I cracked open and poured into one of the pans. I let those start to cook as I got the sausage links and bacon started in the other skillet. They were popping and sizzling as they cooked. I found the toaster on the corner of the counter. I put two pieces of bread in and pressed them in to begin toasting them. With all of that going, I found a glass in one of the cupboards and filled it to the top with orange juice. I placed the filled glass on the serving tray to await the food. I stirred to eggs and flipped the bacon and sausage as needed.

The man had written what he had wanted, but had not specified how he wanted each prepared. All I could hope was that the spices I was using were to his liking and that he didn't feel that I would need a punishment if they weren't. At about a quarter to seven, everything was down and I placed the food items on the plate as neatly as I could do. I think that I had done a pretty good job on this breakfast, considering that I didn't cook a whole lot for myself. With a few minutes to spare, went ahead and filled the sink with soapy water and washed the skillets and utensils used and put them in the dish strainer on the side of the sink. I had about three minutes left after the last dish was washed. I grabbed the serving tray and quickly, but carefully moved myself up the stairs to the masters room. Even though I was expected, I stopped outside his door and quietly knocked.

"Who is it?" The man asked very coyly on the other side. He knew who the hell was on the other side of the door.

"It's me with your breakfast." I replied to the man's question. This wasn't good enough for him though, he wanted to have fun with me.

"I asked, who is it!" he said again more sternly. I knew what he was fishing for and gave in without much of a fight.

"It your maid with your breakfast, sir." I said as defeated as person in my position could say. I could almost feel the smile beaming through the door. I felt so broken down, and I knew my master was enjoying every moment he was doing so.

"Come in maid." He beckoned from the other side. I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open. Sunlight poured though the main window, illuminating the man as he laid in his king side bed. The bed sheets covered his hips on down, but from the stomach on up, he was naked. I didn't want to think about the rest of him. Just as I had thought, there was a smile on his face, one of achievement. He had instilled enough fear in me that I had gotten up and gotten dressed in this slutty maid outfit, and put on the make-up to look like a slut. I had done all of this because of the fear of him. Now here I stood with his breakfast in hand.

"Bring my food over here to me, maid." He said waving me over. I moved over to his side of the bed. I could tell that he had his legs together and laid the tray across his lap, just as he requested. He looked down at the food, taking in a big whiff, enjoying the moment. "Smells fantastic, maid." He said taking the fork and prodding the eggs, like he would find something in there. I didn't have to wait for an accusation though.

"Am I going to find anything........interesting in my food, maid?" the mad asked, starring very hard at me. He was so intimidating, even just lounging in the bed.

"No, sir." I said to him. I just hoped that he'd believe me. He held my gaze a few seconds until I broke it. I didn't know if that was the right thing to do or not, but I just couldn't look at him with that gaze he was giving me my any longer. I suppose at that point I didn't seem like much of a threat, because he began to dig into his meal. He would eat a forkful of eggs, followed by a strip of bacon, then a piece of sausage, ending with a piece of toast being eaten. All of this being washed down the orange juice I had poured for him. I had no Idea of what to do, so I just stood at his bedside with my arms at my side. It probably took him all of twenty minutes to consume his breakfast, enjoying every last bite.

Meanwhile, I was just standing there next to the bed, starving due to the fact that the only thing I'd consumed in the past couple of days was cum from that machine. The man finished the last bit of orange juice and wiped his mouth off with a napkin. Next the man cleared his throat. At first I didn't get his meaning, but after he cleared his throat a second time I understood that I was to remove the tray from the bed. I leaned down and took the tray. I took a few steps back from the bed, bending at the knees to give a small curtsy as I left the room.

"Put those dishes in the sink and then come back in here maid." The man yelled at me down the hall. I acknowledged with a yes sir and continued down to the kitchen. Again, almost falling down the stairs, I made it to the kitchen and proceeded by putting his plate and drinking glass in the soapy water I had used earlier. I threw away the napkins and put the serving tray back up. I then took a deep breath and headed back up the stairs to the man's bedroom. I walked in to him lying in bed. He starred at me as I entered the room. He had that quirky smile he liked to wear constantly. I knew then that I wasn't going to like what was about to happen.

"Come over here maid, I want you to....look at something." He said using his finger to summon me closer to him. I began to move slowly toward him, trying to take in everything that was happening around me. I moved toward him till I was at the same position that I was in when I served him breakfast. With his left hand, he motioned for me to kneel down next to his bed. I hesitated for a second, but quickly obeyed when I saw the intenseness come across the man's face. I was now practically eye level with the man. I watched as he took me right arm and brought it up to where the sheets were covering him. My hand was shaking horribly, I'm sure the man could tell that. However, I'm sure at the same time that he didn't care.

He started by taking my hand and using it to pull the covers off of his torso. I didn't try to fight back. I figured that there would just be a punishment in it for me. So I just watched as he made my hand pull the covers down to where it only covered his feet. Clearly he had no intensions of getting out of bed just yet. I knew where this was going, but I was secretly and praying that I was wrong. The man then slowly brought my hand back up, grazing his leg on the way back up. Just as I figured, he made my hand stop at the mid-section of his body. I watched as a devilish grin crossed his face as he placed my hand on his crotch. As soon as my palm made contact, I could feel the man's member growing beneath his bottoms. He began to make my hand rub and gently grab him. I rubbed him a circular motion, feeling his bulge grow with the movement. I gulped, as I watched myself rub this man's crotch. With each rub, the bulge in his pants kept getting larger and larger. I was beginning to think that it wasn't going to stop growing.

"Does that feel good, maid? Doesn't it feel natural for a little sissy like yourself to be rubbing a huge cock like this?" the man asked me. I was speechless. Of course he knew the answer to his own question. That I fucking hated this and I hated him. However, I also knew that this was one of his favorite things to do. One of his favorite games was to mentally break me down.

"If you say so, sir." Was the best reply I could come up with. It was the closest thing to the truth I could say without instantly pissing him off. Or perhaps worry about getting a spanking. Of course I didn't want to be rubbing this man, or any man for that matter, in this way. However, he was forcing me to do so, so if he said it, than I guess that's the way it was. The man didn't get angry by the response, he just smirked at me.

"I can tell that you're enjoying yourself. I never said that you had to keep rubbing me when I removed my hand from yours. Yet here you are still rubbing away." He said gesturing down to my hand on his junk. I instantly jerked my hand away. Of course the man hadn't said directly that he wanted me to continue, but I could tell that that's what he meant for me to do. The sick bastard was fucking with me, and I hated him for that, along with everything else.

The man then removed his feet from the rest of the covers of the bed. He swung the rest of his body around to where he was now in a sitting position on the edge of the bed. I was now eye to eye with his crotch area. I could see the massive bulge I had created trying to pierce its way through the fabric of his bottoms. I didn't have to wait to see what the hell created that massive bulge in the man's pants. He slowly slipped his bottoms off until they were resting around his ankles. I was now eye to eye with a massive cock. It was standing almost rock hard and was every bit of seven inches, if not more. Tears were starting to form in my eyes and I looked up at the man.

He was slightly nodding his head. He was practically telling me that I'd get to suck him off. I remembered a video I had seen once, where a sexy French maid blew this guy with a massive cock. I remember thinking to myself that that would be hot, and that I wouldn't mind that happening to me. I never in entire life would I have guess that I'd be put into this position. That I was going to get to live out my fantasy, but on the wrong end of the spectrum. I was now the sexy slut maid, down on my knees to suck off this man.

"As much fun as you were having playing with my cock, I'm ready to have those luscious, slutty lips around it now. I know that you just craving this throbbing cock in that mouth of yours too." He said point down to the throbbing member. I cringed at the man's last remark. He really had intensions and was going to make me suck his dick. I was terrified. It was like the basement all over again, except with the real thing. I wanted to run, just like before, however I still had nowhere to run to. I was trapped and now I was going to have a real cock in my mouth, followed with fresh cum I'm sure. He moved further off the bed, putting his cock within inches of my face. I could probably have stuck my tongue out and licked it had I wanted to, keep in mind. I was so panicked that the room seem to be closing in on me.

"Now, be a good girl and give your master a good blow job." The man said positioning his left hand behind my head. I could feel him pull my head closer to his bulging cock. I watched as he positioned it right in front of my painted ruby red lips. This was it; this was going to be the real thing, with no apparent way out. My master was fixing to give me my first real lesson in becoming a cock slut, and I was powerless to stop his assault. I closed my eyes and waited for the horror to really begin.

To be continued...

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Shy1oShy1o3 months ago

I really hope you come back to continue this ❤️

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMi5 months ago

Amazing story. Hope there is more coming😀

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

fantastic start!! you are such a good writer. remember the paddle and cane are the most integral part of a sissyboi sluts training and compliance into being a cockslut whore and cumming only from being fucked thus associating pleasure with being assfucked in the boipussy with prostate stimulation, no more male ejaculations. thanks for the story so far. please continue into the saga this story is

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

wow! just stumbled into this one and got hoooked! i really hope you write lots and lots more. cant wait for the first time he feels the pain in his groin due to his unexpected boner in his cock cage. or the breathlessness as he goes to take masters cock in his mouth. i got a boner.

LaurenWestleyLaurenWestleyover 1 year ago

well written story...hopefully our maid will find out there are friends coming by one day. And, perhaps just my weird desires...some urinal duties and/or piss enemas as well. Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Can't find words. (Or I can) how beautiful this story is, you have hit every single point in my fantasy. For the longest time I have dreamed that something exactly like this would happen to me. I love this story. Thank you for sharing this with us.

leeanna19leeanna19almost 2 years ago

This is all there was of the original.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am enjoying the story and looking forward to each and every new part.

Shy1oShy1oalmost 2 years ago

Hope we see a part 5 ❤️

marqiisebarbaramarqiisebarbaraalmost 2 years ago

I want a continuation of the story. Let's see the further feminization by turning her into a sissy bimbo and making her a real bitch who craves real cock constantly and ends up in the cage without touching her locked pussy!

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