Careful What You Wish For - Day 11


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When later that day John returned from golfing, Caitlin informed him of what had happened and that she had invited her friend to stay with them. Although John didn't say anything to his wife, he wasn't very thrilled to have Joan staying in their home after he heard what she had told Caitlin. When he was alone in his study, he surfed the web and found some of the videos in which Joan had copious sex with numerous men! 'Holy fuck, what a slut!', he thought. But at the same time, he had a raging boner from watching all those men depositing their cumloads in Joan, just like he had done the previous day!

When Mia got home from secretly meeting one of her clients, Caitlin informed her too about Joan's situation. Mia wasn't too happy about it, but knew her mom and Joan were close friends.

At dinner hardly a word was spoken. After that Caitlin, John and Joan sat in the living room, softly talking and Joan crying a lot of the time. Mia sat in a chair, pretending to watch some TV, but listening carefully at what was being said. When she overheard Joan complaining about the way she had been treated herself by Chris and Allie the past couple of months, Mia snapped.

"And that's your excuse for behaving like you did? For all the hurt you have caused Allie and Chris?", she asked Joan coldly.

"Mia, watch your words young lady!", Caitlin spoke sternly.

Mia looked at her mom and then back at Joan. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back at the TV.

Joan got up and excused herself to go to the bathroom and left the room, softly crying.

"Thank god we don't have that drama in our home", John said to Caitlin and Mia.

"Can't believe she did all that filthy stuff she told us about! Don't know what kind of marriage they had, but Chris must have been both blind and stupid if she could get away with all that shit behind his back. Or maybe, he just doesn't know how to handle himself in bed, you keep her satisfied?", he added with a grin on his face.

Mia felt her anger flaring up at the words of her father. That sanctimonious prick! She had witnessed herself how he had fucked Joan in their own kitchen, while Chris and her mom sat in the living room! Blaming Chris for Joan's behavior was so unfair! And she knew from firsthand experience that Chris knew perfectly well how to handle himself in bed. Her had satisfied her more than once yesterday! She hated it when people were so deceitful and mean! As a result, Chris and Allie were not only getting hurt, but now also ran the risk of getting blamed for Joan's behavior! Just like her dad had done! She was furious about it and wanted to defend Chris and Allie! She stood up and went to her room. She packed a bag with some of her clothes and texted Allie she was coming over to support her. She sent the video she had recorded of her father and Joan fucking in the kitchen, to the burner phone she used for her escort work. From the burner phone she sent the video to her mother's phone. She picked up the bag and walked downstairs. She told her mother she was going to Allie to see how she was doing and left the house. She got in her car and drove off.


When Caitlin returned in the living room, she saw the indicator on her phone blinking. She picked up her phone and saw she had received a message from an anonymous number. She opened the message.

[You might find this link of interest w.r.t. your future relationship with your best friend Joan!]

The message also contained a link and she tapped it.

A video started and Caitlin mouth dropped open, as she stared eyes wide open at the scene in the video. Clearly visible was her husband John, fucking Joan on the counter, thrusting his cock hard and fast into her cunt! Both were moaning and panting and she could vaguely hear Joan's dirty language she used to encourage John to fuck her harder and faster!

Caitlin screamed out in rage and when John and Joan came running in to see what had happened, she just stood there, her arm stretched out, showing them the video of them fucking in the kitchen. John's face turned grey and he just stood there, frozen on the spot, not knowing what to say, or do. Joan felt all blood draining from her face and just stood there, looking at Caitlin, who was screaming her lungs out at them!


Caitlin felt so humiliated and betrayed by both her husband and her best friend, she didn't know what else to do, but scream in pure rage! When she finally ran out of steam, the screaming turned to crying.

Joan grabbed her bags and without saying anything to anybody, left the house. She got in her car and drove to the nearest motel outside of town and booked herself a room for an indefinite period of time.

When the house was empty and quiet, Caitlin slowly calmed down. She had no idea where John had gone to and she didn't care at the moment. She called Mia on her phone and told her what had happened.


Mia felt sorry for her mother, but she was glad those two lying fuckers were gone! When she arrived at Allie's home, Allie answered the door and hugged her friend. When Mia told Allie and Chris what had happened at her home, Chris and Allie looked shocked!

"I'm so sorry for you, Mia", Allie said concerned.

"I'm not. I couldn't stand how dad already blamed you and especially Chris for your mom's behavior! It made me so angry, that I just wanted to defend you two", she said.

"I don't want to go home and face mom and dad tonight, can I please spend the night here?", Mia asked Chris.

Chris looked at Allie, who looked beggingly at him. He smiled.

"Sure, you can stay as long as you like, but you have to let your mom know you are staying here, ok?", Chris replied.

"Thank you so much!", Mia cried out.

She jumped up and wrapped her arms around Chris' neck and kissed him on his lips. Realizing she had overstepped, she immediately stepped back and looked guiltily at Allie.

"I'm so sorry, Allie, I didn't mean was just...I felt so happy I can stay and well...yesterday and all....i'm sorry, please forgive me?", she said ashamed.

Allie looked at her and smiled. She walked over and hugged her friend.

"If it's ok with Chris, it's ok with me", she said softly.

Both girls now looked at Chris, who just nodded and smiled. Both girls smiled at each other and Allie kissed Mia long and deep, letting her tongue roam freely through her mouth! Mia kissed her back and felt her pussy getting wet. She had loved the sex they had yesterday and hoped Allie was in for more! When they broke their kiss, Allie looked at Chris and winked at him. She then looked at Mia and softly pushed her towards Chris. Mia looked surprised at Allie, who just smiled. Mia smiled back and turned to Chris. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and kissed him! When she felt Allie group hug her from behind, she just moaned! She had never felt this way before, but she knew it just felt so right and so good! She loved how Chris kissed her back. It was so tender, so sensual, so lovingly! Suddenly she felt Allie's hands grab her breasts from behind! Allie kneaded them softly and rubbed her nipples through her shirt! Mia moaned in Chris' mouth! She suddenly realized she longed for both of them! She loved Allie, but she also loved Chris! Instead of feeling confused about her feelings, for the first time in her life, Mia felt true love and enjoyed it immensely!

The three of them walked up the stairs towards Chris' bedroom, losing all their clothes along the way. Soon the bedroom was filled with moaning and panting and the other sounds that tell the tale of cock sucking and fucking wet pussies!

Careful what you wish for -- Two months later

'A lot had changed in just two months!', Allie thought. Chris had arranged the divorce papers and given Joan the choice of settling outside of court, in which case she would get a reasonable sum of money, so she could start over somewhere else. Or she could fight the divorce in court, in which case Chris would use all the leverage he could, to make sure she didn't get a dime. Joan realized Chris was being generous to offer her any sum of money at all, and she had accepted the conditions of the divorce. The most important one being, that Chris would keep the house.

Soon after the divorce, Joan had moved away and nobody knew where to. It was the only practical option for Joan. The school had first suspended her, but as more and more details became known and her sex videos were discovered, the school fired her.

Ulan had disappeared shortly after the news broke that he had been fucking Joan. Nobody knew where he and his family had moved to.

The best news had been that just after a month, Mia had agreed to move in with Allie and Chris! Soon after Mia had come to stay with Allie and Chris on that dreadful Sunday evening, it became clear to all of them that there was a lot more going on than a simple stay over! Mia had quickly fallen head over heels in love with Allie and Chris! Allie and Chris had talked about it and both had admitted having feelings for Mia too. They had talked about it with Mia and had asked the beautiful blonde to move in with them. She had accepted with a loud cry of happiness! They immediately had bought a bigger bed and the three of them now slept together in the master bedroom! Since that day, they had spent a lot of time talking about their relationships, their expectations, their dreams and fantasies and especially their fears.

Chris had expressed that one of his fears was that he was the only male in the relationship and that he might feel left out if the girls spent too much time together. Another fear was that he was the oldest and that the girls would bond differently with each other because of their same age. His final fear was that the girls would sooner or later find boys their own age and fall in love with them and leave Chris.

Allie's biggest fear was that she would somehow loose Chris, the love of her life, to someone else. That he would either find a woman of his own age and maturity level, or that he would come to love Mia more than her.

Mia's biggest fear was that she would not be an equal partner for the other two, as she had joined the already existing relationship between Chris and Allie. She also feared that her work as an escort might have distorted her view on relationships. She had some trust issues, especially with men, that she needed to work on. She had told them however, that she had stopped working as an escort and wanted to focus entirely on making their unique relationship work.

They all had promised not to hurt each other and be especially careful and mindful of each other's fears!

In those two months, their relationship had flourished and the three of them had never been happier in their lives. They loved each other in a way, none of them would have considered possible just a couple of weeks before!

With the three of them sleeping in the same bed, there was always some form of hot steamy sex going on! Initially they had agreed to only have sex when all three were present. But, after having talked extensively about their relationship, they had decided unanimously that each of them could have sex with one of the others, as long as each of them made sure not to exclude one of the others, or spend a disproportionate amount of time having sex with only one of them.

So, it quickly became quite normal for Allie and Chris to have sex, or for Chris and Mia to have sex, or for both girls to have sex. When all three were present, it usually meant that if two of them started, they ended up having sex with the three of them anyway!

Allie and Mia had quickly discovered they loved going down on each other and both came often and hard when they worked on each other's pussies. But Mia had also discovered that her first impressions about the sex she had with Chris on Allie's birthday, had been right! Chris was a wonderful lover and could as easily please her as a tender lover, or as a rough fuck when she wanted it hard and fast! She had talked about it with Allie and both girls had agreed that they could not understand why Joan had cheated on him. His cock was big enough to fill up any woman's cunt and he certainly knew how to use it!

Just last week Mia had turned 21 herself and the three of them had celebrated it with a long steaming hot sex party in bed!

Mia regularly visited her mother who had decided not to divorce her husband John. They were going through counseling and were working hard on saving their marriage. Contrary to Chris and Joan, Caitlin and John still loved each other and were dedicated to working hard together to overcome the problems John had created by fucking Joan.

Careful what you wish for -- Two years later

The car stopped in the driveway in front of the house. Chris got out and walked around the car and opened the passenger door. He helped Allie get out, who was still feeling sore and didn't fully trust her legs yet. She stood there and looked at Chris with a smile as he opened the rear door of the car and helped Mia get out. Mia held her big belly as she slowly straightened up. She was now almost nine months pregnant and wished she would go into labor sooner, rather than later!

Chris bent his head to reach inside the car. He unhooked the seatbelt from the carry-on crib and lifted it out of the car. The three of them stood around it and smiled lovingly as they looked down on the beautiful baby boy Allie had given birth to the evening before. After spending the night in the hospital, to make sure the baby was fine, mother and son had been discharged that morning! Chris had picked up Mia and they both had brought Allie and their son home. They had decided to call him Ben!

From an earlier ultrasound scan they already knew Mia was expecting a baby girl, so they couldn't be happier! They had joked more than once that the only thing now still missing from their perfect life, was a dog!

They slowly walked to the front door and entered the house.


The woman stared at the ceiling above her head, while the fat trucker lay on top of her, thrusting his tiny cock into her pussy between her spread legs. She hardly felt him move inside of her! Once in a while she told him that he felt so good and that he was doing a fantastic job, encouraging him to come quickly!

Although she still had a certain beauty to her, her face and body didn't look anything like they once had. She once had been an athletic tall brunette with flowing hair framing her beautiful face. But after giving birth to her baby, now more than a year ago, she had never taken the effort of restoring her former beauty.

After leaving her former life, she still hadn't found a steady home and had drifted from one town to the next. Initially she had lived using the money she had been given, when she had left her former life, but when that had run out, she had to find work in each town she had stayed in. She soon had discovered that she was good at one thing and that's how she had started making her living. She never stayed long in one place, always restless and always afraid that people might find out who she once had been and what she had done that made her lose everything in her old life. Just a month ago she had ended up here, in a two room shack next to a truck stop.

Once the fat trucker shot his cumload in her cunt, he got up, tucked his tiny cock away in his pants and left the shack she used as both her home and workplace. She got up and wiped her cunt with a cloth and walked into the other room to check on her baby. In a playpen against the wall, a one-year-old boy was trying to stand up on his own legs, holding on to the bars of the play pen. Recognizing her when she came in, he smiled happily at her. She lifted him out of the play pen and kissed his cheeks.

"Hi baby, are you being a good boy? Are you trying to walk? Yes, you are, aren't you?", she spoke softly to the boy. From the color of his skin, it was clear that his father had been a colored man.

Suddenly she heard the door of the shack open and a voice called out.

"Hello, are you busy?"

"No, one moment", the woman called back.

She put the boy back in his play pen.

"Just be a good boy, Chris, mommy will be right back!", she said lovingly.

She walked into the other room where another trucker handed her some money. She counted it and from the amount knew what the trucker had paid for. She dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants and took his cock out. Without further delay she took it in her mouth and started sucking it. Within a few minutes the man came in her mouth and she swallowed his cumload without thinking about it. As she got up, the man zipped up and walked towards the door of the shack.

"See you soon, doll!", he said to her as he walked out.

The woman took a zip from a glass of cheap whiskey and rinsed her mouth with it. She walked back into the room with her baby. She sat in a chair and picked up a folder laying on the floor. When she opened it, a business card fell out. She picked it up and briefly looked at it. It was the card of a doctor, with on the back a note about a second appointment. The appointment date was two years ago and she had never gone to that appointment. She was sure she didn't need that type of doctor, there was nothing wrong with her. For one reason or another, she had still held on to the card though!

Next, she took out a newspaper, dated less than a week ago. It was a local newspaper from a town not that far from where she was currently living. A trucker client of her had left it in her shack after a visit. Inside it she had found an article about a unique family who lived in the town where the newspaper was from. The family consisted of two women and one man. The article described their unusual relationship and how the two women had recently had babies, one a boy and the other a girl. Only the first names of the people were mentioned in the newspaper: Chris, Allie and Mia. The article described how they all were deeply in love with each other and that although their relationship sometimes was condemned by people who didn't know them, the local community was very fond of the friendly family!

The woman slid her finger over the photo that accompanied the story. She particularly traced the shape of one of the women and that of the man in the photo. Tears started rolling down her cheeks and dropped onto the photo, darkening the spots where the photo got wet.

The End

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SaltySurpriseSaltySurprisealmost 2 years ago

Loved the Story Please keep writing

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

I liked your story.

I hope you keep writing.

Scores 5/5

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - no comment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Long story. Reminds me of Soddom and Gomorrah. Is this where our society is headed?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great story series! Very sexy! Shout out to Chris, Alli and Mia! Keep strong!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great series

Loved reading every one of these, I've actually read it about 2 or 3 times now. Super hot, thanks for sharing with us and ignore the haters!

nycreadernycreaderover 3 years ago
Thanks to "TeenStudforOlderWomen"' for your supportive Comment.

Dear "TeenStudforOlderWomen":

I don't really particularly like the type of story that you seem to particularly like (and write) -- and which this series has been; however, I wish to thank you for giving support to the author "HornyBrain" as a fellow writer (I gather from other Comments that he has been attacked a lot in Comments, and he should appreciate hearing support from a fellow Literotica writer).

E. in New York City ("nycreader" when Commenting at Literotica)

TeenStudforOlderWomenTeenStudforOlderWomenover 3 years ago
Great series of stories

I read and enjoyed all your stories. I especially liked the parts of the young black guy who fucks the older white woman.

Also, please ignore the haters who are critical of your stories. They are always the ones that have never written a story.

Great job. I look forward to your future stories..

HornyBrainHornyBrainover 3 years agoAuthor
A big thank you for your comments and support!

I like to thank each and every one of you, who took the time to read one or more of my 'Careful what you wish for' stories! I hope they provided some entertainment in these difficult Corona days.

I know from some of the comments, not everybody liked the stories, but that is inevitable. Maybe you will like a future story more!

A very special thanks to all of you who took the time to send me your comments, feedback and e-mails. It meant a lot to me and it will help me improve the quality of future stories.

Stay safe and share some extra love with those who need it most in these challenging times!


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you.

I enjoyed your story and while not agreeing with how it ended. I appreciated the entertainment it provided. I kinda wished that Chris and his family helped her son, but sometimes life is no fair that way.

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