Caribbean Passion Ch. 19


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"Oh?" asked Carmen, accusingly.

"No, it hasn't," continued the Chief Purser. "What we're concerned about is your attempt to harass a member of staff into leaving by joining forces with the Staff Captain to create a phony incident that leads to his dismissal."

Carmen looked at Rachel, then at the Cruise Director. "Dave, how many times do I have to explain this? Get me a professional male dancer who can dance Latin! Is that so difficult?"

"Carmen, that's irrelevant now!" retorted Dave. "It's not up to you to decide who works here or who doesn't!"

Rachel decided to be conciliatory. "Carmen, everyone onboard needs to have a "muck in and make do" attitude. We live on a ship. We spend most of our time on the high seas. Everyone's far from their home country and family. I get it that you miss your family, your country and culture -"

Carmen jabbed a thumb at Pablo. "A culture he doesn't respect and wants to run away from!"

"NEVERTHELESS," said Dave. "It's not up to you what he does or whom I give you to dance with. Now the problem, as I see it, is your arrangement with the Staff Captain."

"Never mind that! What about -"

"It's a VERY SERIOUS MATTER, Carmen," remarked Rachel. "It breaks employment legislation and causes us a great deal of trouble. It's against the law."

Carmen remained silent and turned away.

Just then, Lucia appeared. "Hey," she began.

"Lucia!" cried Pablo.

"What do YOU want?" demanded Carmen.

"I came to see Pablo," explained Lucia.

"Hmmm, well," said Dave. "Now that you're here, we might as well take this higher. What do you think, Rachel?"

Rachel looked at him. "Yeah, maybe. Let me check. She grabbed her two-way radio, which was hanging from her belt. "Captain, come in," she spoke into the radio.

"Yes, Captain here."

"Stavros, I have Pablo, Lucia and Carmen here at the Pursers Office. Could we come up and deal with their issue now or -"

"OK, maybe. I'm here with Madson and Kostas. Meet me outside the Movie Room."

"Right. Over and out."

Lucia, Pablo and Carmen looked at each other, aghast. Madson Banner!

Dave looked at the three of them. "The proverbial just hit the fan, guys," he remarked.

"Come on," said Rachel. "Let's get this sorted. Follow me. Dave, you come, too."

"Sure," answered the Cruise Director.

Rachel Johnson walked forward and into the narrow corridor outside. Dave followed her, gesturing for his three staff to follow him. Grim-faced, Lucia, Pablo and Carmen silently filed out.

They remained silent as Rachel led the way, first though the glass doors, then up the staircase to the Movie Room near the Rendezvous. She and Dave took up places by the glass door leading inside, leaning against the wall outside. The three mortified Cruise Staff stood around.

"What happens now?" asked Pablo.

"We wait," answered Dave.

Rachel peered through the glass door. The Captain was inside with Madson Banner, with the Staff Captain opposite. The tone looked serious and Madson didn't look too happy. "The Captain and Madson Banner are in there with the Staff Captain," she announced.

"Ooh," remarked Dave.

Rachel rose one eyebrow at him, smiling slightly.

A tense seven minutes passed, while voices within the Movie Room occasionally rose louder, then quieter. The five people outside stood around somewhat awkwardly, although Rachel and Dave looked considerably more relaxed than the other three. Lucia stood close to Pablo, who stood tall but looked grim. Carmen looked sullen, her mind racing, thinking of alternatives, ramifications, possible avenues, consequences...

The glass door opened quietly. Staff Captain Kostas appeared, ashen-faced, his face set like stone, and tight-lipped. Glancing at the five outside yet somehow avoiding their looks back at him, he finally set eyes on Carmen, then tossed his head away from her and walked off.

"Hmmm," murmured Dave.

"Sh," said Rachel.

"All right, come in," said the Captain's voice from inside. Rachel looked at Dave, then beckoned the others. They all entered the small room.

Inside, Madson Banner, owner of Florida Tropical Cruise Line, sat at one of the round tables, Captain Papandreiou of the SS Oceanwave next to him. Banner looked serious, the Captain somewhat concerned but otherwise more relaxed. Rachel, Dave and the three Cruise Staff lined up against the wall.

"Rachel, Dave -- sit down, it's not a firing squad," smirked the Captain.

The two Department Heads sat down at a table nearby but the Staff remained standing, as they did the first time around when the Captain addressed them the day before.

The Captain continued, "Madson, these are three of the staff involved in the recent issues we've had regarding passenger complaints. The member of staff responsible for the lawsuit threats was fired yesterday, so he's gone already but these are the remaining ones."

"I see," replied Banner. "Are these your staff, Dave?"

"They are," responded Dave, somewhat sheepishly.

"I spoke to them only yesterday, which officially counts as a verbal warning but apparently, new things have developed since then. I requested that Dave provide me with updated staff rosters, which he did. However, the Chief Purser has informed me of new developments that have taken place just today here in Freeport," explained the Captain.

Banner's manner became annoyed. "Oh, yeah? Rachel, what happened? Brief me."

The Chief Purser sighed. "A decision was taken by the Cruise Director that Pablo Rodriguez, our male dancer, should henceforth dance with both female dancers -- this one, Carmen," she pointed to each member as she spoke - "and another called Estella, who isn't here because she wasn't involved in today's issues."

"She was here yesterday with me, though, right?" asked the Captain.

"Correct but she seems to have been OK since then."

"Right," said Papandreiou.

"Anyway, Pablo was to dance with Carmen on the first night of the cruise and Estella on the second night -- in other words, tonight. The dance in front of the passengers went without incident and an arrangement to attend a rehearsal in the Disco was arranged for today."

"With the other dancer?" interrupted Madson.

"No, with Carmen," said Rachel. "Pablo and Estella have been dancing for some time together and have an established routine that goes down well with each cruise, so they don't really need to practise, but Carmen needs to develop a routine with him, so they planned to do that this morning."

"Why doesn't she have a routine prepared already?"

Dave interrupted. "Carmen has been off the main show for several cruises because of an incident that happened previously."

Banner leaned forward. "What incident?"

Carmen braced herself for what was about to come.

"Nothing regarding passengers," said Dave. "She was found fighting Estella -- they share a cabin -- so I grounded her in her cabin, while letting Pablo and Estella handle the dancing in the show."

"Uh-huh." Banner looked curiously at Carmen. Carmen tried to look anywhere else but Banner.

"So then," continued Rachel, "Pablo was on his way to the Disco to meet Carmen when he was accosted by the Staff Captain, who threatened him, insulted him and attempted to goad Pablo into starting a fight with him."


"Pablo refused and managed to get away to meet Carmen in the Disco."

"I see."

"Upon arrival, Carmen bluntly refused to dance with him, saying that he was going to lose his job tomorrow and revealed that she had arranged with the Staff Captain to try to get Pablo in trouble by attempting to get Pablo to start a fight."

"Oh, wow." Banner's mood darkened.

Rachel continued. "Unbeknownst to both of them, another Cruise Staff who was preparing to sub the DJ who got fired yesterday was in the DJ Booth preparing music for that night. She overheard the whole conversation and, after Pablo left, confronted Carmen about it, who chased her as she attempted to locate the Cruise Director to report the situation."

"Whew," remarked Banner, gazing at Carmen, who looked away. Dave Richards glared at Carmen angrily.

"Dave then attempted to locate Carmen, while I called Pablo's cabin to get him to report his side of the story. He wasn't there but I called the Social Hostess, who is Lucia here."

Lucia nodded to Banner.

"OK," Banner remarked.

"Pablo and she are in a relationship at the moment, so I figured he was with her. He was, so I called him up to report. He did so and Dave and I spoke to him. While he was there, Carmen and Lucia showed up and Carmen tried to tell her side of the story. I knew you were here with the Staff Captain, so radioed the Captain to see if we could come up here to sort this out now finally. So here we are," concluded Rachel.

"Well!" remarked Banner, standing up. Then he saw Lucia. "So what is the reason for Lucia being here? What has she done?"

"Nothing I'm aware of." The Chef Purser turned to Lucia. "Why did you come running in after Carmen just now downstairs?"

Carmen glared at Lucia. Lucia looked at her for a few moments. Lucia had to tell the truth. "I found her wandering around First Deck looking for the Staff Captain. I tried to make her see reason and told her where Pablo was. She suddenly ran away. I presumed she was heading for the Pursers Office, so I followed her."

Carmen tossed her head at Lucia. "Why did you have to tell him?"

Lucia was going to answer, but Rachel interrupted. "It's important that we know everything, Carmen," she said.

"It certainly is," said Banner. "Is that all?"

"That's about it, I think," remarked Rachel.

"Well, thank you for coming - but we need to fix this, and fix it now. There have been complaints coming in, some of which could lead to lawsuits, even without the other employee here any more." He looked around at everyone. "OK, I'll make this brief. Pablo -"

Pablo stood up straight. "Yes, sir," he said.

"You probably shouldn't have pushed the Staff Captain during the other cruise. The Captain has filled me in on that while the Staff Captain was here. However, I don't blame you for most of what has happened and I would be happy if you would continue the good job you are doing for us here for Florida Tropical."

"Thank you, sir, I appreciate that," remarked Pablo, relieved.


The Social Hostess stepped forward.

"I have been informed of your behaviour with the Staff Captain during the Barbizon Restaurant some few cruises ago and want to apologize to you on behalf of the company for what you had to endure. I understand there were female passengers, and some of their husbands, too, who supported you during that time."

"Yes, sir, there were," answered Lucia.

"Further, I am very concerned that the subsequent approach of the Staff Captain afterwards outside the Rendezvous later represents a case of sexual harassment towards you. We would like to discuss with you your options regarding that after this meeting."

"Options?" asked Lucia, confused.

"Well, briefly, we would rather avoid any lawsuit or grievance from you about the way you were treated. I would be willing, as the company owner, to offer you either a financial compensation, where we pay you a lump sum amount added to your salary -- it won't be a huge amount, even though the law states you could sue us for a lot more. So rather than risk a lawsuit from you, I would rather offer you this upfront. Alternatively, seeing as your behaviour has been exemplary, we could offer you a higher position with more responsibility and a greater salary."

"Oh, I see."

"Well, no need to decide right now -- have a think about it and we'll discuss it after this meeting."

Lucia, surprised at this unexpected development, said simply, "OK. Thank you."


Carmen stepped forward, as Lucia moved back. Giving the Hostess some side-eye, she turned to face Banner.

"First things first," began the owner. "Just before you walked in here, I fired the Staff Captain."

Carmen's eyes widened in alarm.

Banner frowned and went on. "He had already received warnings from the Captain about his behaviour on at least two occasions. However, today's revelation of your behaviour that I have heard today from the Chief Purser is extremely serious. You have ganged up with the Staff Captain to attempt to force the dismissal of another member of staff. You have refused to do the work assigned to you by your Department Head. You have committed violence against another member of staff. You have ignored the advice of other staff who have tried to warn you and spoken disrespectfully to two members of management -- the two sitting right there at that table there." He pointed to Dave and Rachel. Carmen looked at them. "What do you have to say?"

The Dancer looked around her at the assembled people, then spoke. "Sir, I've been a dancer for a long time. When I came onboard this ship, I was happy to work here." Looking around once more, she hesitantly continued. "Dancing Latin has been a way for me to express myself -- not just in a creative way or just to look showbiz or look beautiful or hog the limelight. It has been a way out for me. Dancing is survival. My life now is better than it was before I started dancing. I used it to rise up and to get this job. While I've been here, I've tried to ally myself with other Latin people, to make it easier for myself to get on in life. I didn't want to do it all by myself! When Estella arrived, we shared a cabin and worked together. Later, when Pablo arrived, I hoped that he could also help."

Pablo looked at her.

"He refused and instead has spent time with Lucia, who is Brazilian and speaks a different language from him or me. Further, she is a dance champion. Although she is the Social Hostess and not here to be a dancer, I was worried that his relationship with her would lead him to wanting to dance with her, which would leave me without a job or else just dancing with Estella."

"However," said Madson Banner, "You have now taken it into your own hands to try to engineer his dismissal by creating trouble between him and the Staff Captain and, when that didn't work out, totally refused to work with Pablo, anyway, which now makes us wonder why you don't just do like Estella does and be happy to dance with anyone Dave gives you, if keeping your job is so important."

Carmen's tone became insistent. "SIR! I don't want to do it all by myself -- just dancing and dancing and dancing and doing that and only that with whomever I'm given -- why should any guy I dance with want to be with me? How can I persuade him that our partnership is worth us staying together? How do I advance? What's in it for me long-term? I'm happy to be here but I don't want to stay on cruise ships forever -- eventually I would like to move on! Who will come with me? What can I give him to make him stay? Otherwise, I'll just be hanging around with an endless stream of dancers coming and going, none of them caring about me or my future!"

"You can also come and go whenever you want, Carmen," remarked Banner.

"I've already come! I came to have a better life! Why would I go until that better life is secured?"

"So what's the solution?" asked Banner. "What do you intend to do to remedy this? Dancing with a wide range of other dancers is part of your line of work -- that's showbusiness! If you're looking for a long-term dance partner, that's great but that person would need to feel like it's worthwhile for his career. If Pablo isn't interested, you can't force him! What can you offer a future dance partner and what can he offer you?"

Carmen looked at Madson. Nothing came out of her mouth -- there was silence. Pablo and Lucia looked at each other, then out the window.

"Well?" demanded Banner.

"I, er..." stammered Carmen. Another long pause.

Captain Papandreiou intervened. "That's a little bit of a delicate question, Madson," he smiled.

"Why?" demanded the cruise line owner.

More silence -- even longer than before. The Captain smiled at Madson.

"Hmph!" remarked Madson, rather irritated. "If you have nothing to say, Carmen, then I have no choice than to look at what you have done and recommend your dismissal to the Cruise Director."

"NO!" cried Carmen, bursting into tears.

Madson clapped his hands. "That's it -- we're done here! Pablo, Carmen -- back to your cabins! Dave, return to your duties. Rachel and Lucia, stay with the Captain and I for a moment."

"Very well," said Rachel.

"NO, PLEASE! PLEASE, SIR!" yelled Carmen, distraught. "I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!"

"CARMEN!" shouted Dave. "Downstairs!"

Lucia stepped forward. Speaking in a confident voice that belied her actual emotional state, she said, "Wait, Mr. Banner."

There was something in Lucia's voice that made Banner stop. "What?" he asked.

The others also paused, as if to see what would happen. "I don't want Carmen to lose her job,"

announced Lucia.

"Oh?" remarked Banner.

Carmen turned to look at Lucia, surprised.

"No," said Lucia. "I've never wanted to be the cause of someone else's dismissal. I don't want her to go -- and I don't want to go either, and I'm sure Pablo doesn't."

Pablo nodded.

Banner looked at him, then at Lucia.

Lucia continued, "Sir -- I volunteer to leave."

"What!" cried Banner.

"With Pablo."

"Hey?" asked Pablo.

"Hear me out, sir." said Lucia, simply.

Banner sat down again. "OK, I'm all ears," he said.

Carmen couldn't believe her ears. Lucia? Leaving? And Pablo, too?

"I've been thinking about your offer while I've been standing here," explained Lucia. "About that financial compensation -- I'll take it. There's no need for us to have a separate meeting after this."

"Well -"

"Whatever it is, no matter how much -- or how little -- I'll take it. I won't sue. I don't want to pay for a lawyer. I just want Pablo to come with me."

"I see. And -"

"It's just this, sir -- Carmen's right about my being a dance champion -- I am. I've won a lot of prizes. I've never had to dance for money, though -- unlike Carmen. She's right that she has had to dance just to survive. I've had it easier than her -- I've learned that from Carmen herself."

Carmen watched Lucia. Hmmm, she thought. She got that right.

"I've had more chances. I finished school. I've got options -- on top of the ones you've just given me!" Lucia smiled.

A ripple of laughter went around the room.

"I came here to experience a new life, new places, new people, to travel the world, to see what else is out there besides my life at home in Brazil. I didn't come here just for money, although that's great. I came to find out if there were exciting experiences to be had outside of dancing. Dancing has always been my passion. It makes me alive, brings me meaning -- grants me joy!"

Carmen was tempted to roll her eyes but thought better of it.

"Sir, what I want to say is -- I know I've only been here a short time, but I've already found the adventure I was looking for, a new passion besides dancing."

"Oh, really?" smiled Madson.

"Sir -- it's Pablo."

Pablo looked surprised, then his face broke into a broad smile.

"Pablo and I want to be together and I'm not yet done wanting to travel the world and have lots of fun, exciting experiences -- but I don't want to do it alone. I want to do it with him."


"Mr. Banner, if you give us that lump sum, Pablo and I will use it to start our life together, to travel the world and do whatever and go wherever our passion takes us. Even if it's only a little -- I would rather leave with Pablo with a little help from you and continue my dreams, than stay here and interfere with Carmen's plans."

"No, Lucia -" began Carmen.

"It's OK, Carmen, don't worry."

"No, I can't let you -"

"IT'S OK. Seriously, I don't mind. Pablo and I have been thinking about our future, how we might want to save our money until the end of our contracts, then leave together."