Caroline's Crush


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When it arose, I told myself with confidence.

"Why not put your tent up here next to ours?" he asked with a smile. "There's plenty of room, and we can help."

Ness did not look pleased at the idea, but a thrill passed through me. If I was this close to Keiron, it would make my own plans for seduction that much easier to put into effect. Female solidarity was one thing, but fair's fair. Just because Ness' plans had been scuppered didn't mean I had to abandon my own.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I asked in as sweet, innocent, girly voice as I could manage.

"No problem," Kieron replied.

I accepted a second beer; Ness was on her third. As we sat around making awkward small talk, my mind was buzzing. My only option to get with Keiron seemed to be to get Paul and Ness back together again. If the two of them were reconciled and wanted a bit of privacy, Keiron and I could have some private time of our own, and I still might have a chance to win him over.

The idea of helping my brother get back into my best friend's knickers was disturbing in itself but worse, their body language told me this would be a seriously uphill task.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here. Mum and Dad think you're at Ness' house," Paul said, puzzled.

It was an hour or so later, and he and I were beginning to erect Ness and my tent.

The others were about to set off towards the concession tents to buy food and more beer for the evening. Ness was definitely avoiding Paul, but Keiron had shot me an encouraging look which gave me hope that my quest would not be in vain.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here either," I challenged.

"I wasn't expecting to be here," he replied. "Chris dropped out at the last minute. Kieron didn't want to come on his own so rather than waste his ticket..."

"What's wrong with Chris?" Vanessa stopped in her tracks and asked anxiously. "Is he coming later?"

She was clearly not yet willing to give up all hope of a successful seduction. Paul looked at her awkwardly.

"Alice is knocked up, Ness. She's pregnant. Her parents just found out. They told Chris' parents and all Hell has broken loose."

"No fucking way!" Ness exclaimed.

"Fraid so Ness," Paul said. "Sorry to disappoint you."

His voice was hard and sarcastic. Even during their brief fling, Ness had made no secret of her crush on Chris. It's a testament to her pulling power that, despite making it plain they could only ever be in second place, so many boys still wanted to be with her.

Even my own brother had fallen for her charms. It surprised me just how much that fact upset me.

Less than half an hour later, the two tents were standing side by side, ours much better assembled than Ness and I would have been able to achieve on our own. I smiled inwardly; there was nothing like encouraging a bit of macho showing off to get boys to do things for you.

When Vanessa and Keiron returned with the food and drink, she was still not in a good mood, but things had definitely improved. Gradually, the more laughing and joking that took place, the more her grumpiness softened and by the time we were ready to eat, she was smiling like the rest of us.

I noticed that Paul was trying to get as close to her as possible while we were getting ready. Ness wasn't responding -- at least not yet - but that didn't mean she couldn't be talked round eventually.

I wished my brother luck with her!

I wished myself even more luck with Keiron.

Chapter Four

We were happy and slightly drunk as we made our way over to the stage later that evening. The warm-up acts had done their stuff to a fairly good crowd, but as the time approached for the more well-known bands to take the stage, the audience was increasing rapidly.

Wanting to get the best possible view, the four of us wriggled, pushed and barged our way towards the stage where the crowd was thickest and the music loudest.

For over an hour, the band played, and we danced as energetically as the crush of bodies would allow, arms raised, hair wild, unseen hands all over Ness and my bodies. Both beer and water were being thrown, shots were being drunk and the pungent aroma of illegal smoke washed over us in waves.

I tried my best to keep close to Keiron in the melee, but it wasn't easy. I did feel male hands copping a feel of my boobs and bottom several times and hoped the hands were his, but I couldn't be sure.

My attention focussed so tightly on seducing my intended target, I lost track of Paul and Ness.

By the time the set was over, I was so sweaty that my dress was clinging to my body. I badly needed a drink but even more badly, needed the toilet. As the dancing came to a temporary halt and the crush of bodies thinned out, I located my friends. Paul had been even closer to the stage than I thought; Keiron and Ness had been together a little further out.

Apart from telling me that the groping hands had not been those I had hoped for, this discovery also told me that my brother was failing in his attempted reconciliation with Ness. Worse, I did not like the way Keiron was behaving towards her any more than Paul did, if the look on his face was any guide.

"I need the loo," I announced to the group.

"You'll be lucky," Ness frowned. "The queue will be massive. Why not pee behind the trucks like I did?"

"We're not all outdoor girls like you," I grinned, then whispered in her ear. "Besides, I need more than just a pee. Anyone else coming?"

All three shook their heads. I scowled.

I had hoped for a few quiet words with my friend on my way to the bank of temporary toilets. While I could understand her anger at being unexpectedly denied access to her beloved Chris, Keiron was supposed to be my target for the evening, not hers. She was being far too flirty with my intended boyfriend for my liking.

"I'll get a few drinks too then," I said sulkily, then stalked off in the direction of the stalls.

The queue for the loo was as enormous as I had feared. The bands had re-started by the time I emerged, but at least the line at the bar had reduced. I bought two bottles of Diet Coke then made my way back to the throng in search of my brother and friends.

It was quite a battle, forcing my way towards the stage. With my hands full of Coke, I could not defend myself from straying hands and was touched up many times as I squeezed past gyrating bodies. By the time I reached the place I believed them all to be, I found my brother alone, watching the stage half-heartedly.

I handed him a Coke which he unscrewed angrily, took a long swig from the bottle then with rather forced gaiety, began to dance wildly. With a shrug, I joined him and for half an hour, the heat, smell and buffeting from the crowd prevented any other thought.

"You okay Paul?" I asked during a break in the music while they prepared the stage for the final set.

We were just finishing our drinks, panting and sweating. To my embarrassment, my dress was now all but see-through and the dark rings of my nipples clearly visible, but with the tent so far away, I could do nothing about it.

"I suppose so," he replied. "It was a long shot anyway."

"What was?"

He nodded in the general direction of the camp site. I finally got it.

"You mean you and Ness? It's really all over?"

"Yup. I'm officially dumped with no way back."

"I'm sorry," I said, my heart aching for my poor brother. "Where have they gone?"

I asked, annoyed that the target of my affections had made himself scarce too.

"Ness needed the loo," Paul replied with a sniff. "Keiron went with her to make sure she didn't get lost. You know what she's like. They'll be ages."

"Why didn't you go with her?" I asked. "It could have been your big chance."

"She'd already made it clear that she didn't want me to," he replied bitterly. "I'm permanently persona non grata with Vanessa it seems."

I knew how stubborn and unforgiving my best friend could be and felt even more sorry for my brother. I could work on her over the next few weeks, but it looked like Paul's plans first to get back into her good books, and from there into her knickers, would have to be shelved for that weekend at least.

"Never mind, Big Bro," I grinned as the music started again. "Come and show Little Sis your best moves!"


The next band was both good and local, and we danced and danced. Paul was a good mover despite the lack of room and brought out the best in my own technique. I could see several girls nearby giving him admiring looks and shooting envious glanced at me, presumably thinking I was his girlfriend. It made me both pleased and jealous, but Paul himself seemed oblivious to everything but me and the music.

Ness and Keiron still hadn't returned when the final set of the night began to play. It was a local band we knew well; the songs, if not Top Twenty quality were at least catchy, and we knew enough of the words to sing along.

It went down very well; by the time the third song had started, the audience was well warmed up and in good voice, Paul and me included.

We swayed with the crowd and pressed closer to the stage. There were a lot of hot, sweaty people squeezed close together but that is what festivals are all about. I sheltered from the crush as much as I could, by standing in front of my brother's strong, tall body and was relieved to feel his hands on my waist and hips, making sure we didn't get separated in the mass of teens dancing in the darkness.

From time to time, Paul's hands would be dragged upwards to my boobs or downward to my bottom. At least I thought they were Paul's hands; girls get used to being groped by strangers in concerts and there were many other possible culprits.

To my surprise it felt pleasant rather than embarrassing and I leaned back against him for fear of being separated.

Paul pressed himself against my back, bottom and the back of my thighs, holding my upper arm in his left hand in reassurance as, along with thousands of others, we both raised our right arms with our phone torches switched on, in the emotional climax of the band's signature track.

Then the music was over, and all went quiet. My ears were ringing, my heart was racing, and my body was awash with sweat. There was still no sign of Ness and Keiron, but with all the bodies moving left and right towards their tents or the few stalls that were still open, that wasn't a big surprise.

"Back to the tent?" Paul asked.

I nodded. It was well after midnight and I was both tired and a little tipsy. Bed sounded a good idea.

"This way, and don't get lost!"

Paul took my hand, held it tightly and led me through the crowd towards the back line of tents in which ours were placed. We were jostled, tripped and squeezed, but eventually spotted the large blue tent which told us our small green ones were nearby.

"Over there!"

Dragging me by the arm, my big brother guided me through the tangle of guy ropes towards the two green canvas domes that were our home for the weekend.

As we approached, there was no sign of our two friends. It wasn't until we had drawn level with the tents that I noticed that the front flaps on Paul and Keiron's tent were half unzipped.

"Look!" I pointed.

Fearing that we had suffered the fate of many festival goers and had our kit stolen, I called out to Paul, released his hand, and dashed over to the open tent. Pulling back the loose door flap I took a quick, anxious look inside.

I froze, stunned. Paul joined me, looked in and froze too.

We had not been robbed; the contents of the tent were still there and all too clearly visible in the moonlight.

There with her back on a blanket and her feet on the grass was my friend Vanessa. Her cropped top had been raised high, exposing her full boobs, her short skirt was around her waist; her pale legs were spread wide apart with her thong tangled around one of her ankles.

Between those open thighs was the bare, hairy bottom of a familiar boy, rising and falling in short jerky thrusts. They were both completely oblivious to our presence as they fucked in the darkness.

"Yes! Oh yes!"

Vanessa's voice was high and excited. She was obviously enjoying this, as was the boy fucking her. His shorts were around his knees, his T shirt falling over Ness' belly but not quite concealing the erect cock that was being thrust rather clumsily into her body over and over again.

Even my limited experience told me that this was no expert cocksman at work. But he didn't need to be; my friend's arousal was so complete that even as I stood and watched, her body was racked by a powerful climax.

My best friend and the boy I had planned to seduce were having sex right in front of me.

My brother's best friend was fucking the arse off his ex-girlfriend.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Chapter Five

Ten minutes later, Paul and I were sitting on a rickety bench looking out into the blackness of the sea. The moon was full and reflected in the water, a blackness broken by the foam of small waves breaking on the rocks below. In the town, a church bell chimed once indicating the hour of the night.

In other circumstances it would have been incredibly romantic, and even in my misery I could feel emotion being stirred within me. But then I remembered what my best friend and the boy I wanted so badly had been doing right in front of me.

My heart sank.

"Here Caro," Paul whispered.

Something cool and hard touched my right arm. I reached across and took the open bottle in my hand then raised it to my lips. It was vodka.

"I don't want to get drunk," I told him quietly, knowing it was already too late.

"It'll warm you up. You're shivering," he insisted. "Here!"

A warm jacket was slipped around my shoulders. It smelled of my brother, and I pulled it tight around my body. It felt better; I had been cold without realising it.

I took a quick sip from the bottle; the strong, sharp taste made me shudder, but I could feel it warming me on the inside too.

"It seems our family isn't much in demand at the moment," I said quietly, passing the bottle back to Paul.

"So it appears," he agreed, taking a long sip himself. "I'm not sure what hurts most; losing Ness or being beaten to her knickers by my best friend."

I sniffed.

"I know how you feel about Keiron, Caro," he continued, putting his arm around my shoulders. "I don't know exactly how far it got, but I know you're hurting too."

"Being beaten by best friends seems to be a family trait," I grunted, accepting the bottle again and taking another, larger sip.

Paul's arm tightened around my shoulders; I could feel his body moving closer and snuggled up to him for warmth. We sat together in silence, watching the moon and the sea. I leaned against his strong, masculine chest.

"It hadn't got as far as you think," I eventually mumbled.

"I'm pleased to hear it," my brother said in a serious voice. "I'm not sure how well I'd do against him in a straight fight over your honour."

I laughed. My honour was long gone, but my brother didn't need to know that.

"I'm not sure how well I'd do against Ness either," I said thoughtfully.

"She's got a vicious temper," Paul agreed. "I found that out myself."

I laughed hollowly again. There was a companionable silence for a few minutes while we both took sips from the bottle.

"Caro?" Paul eventually asked.


"Was it you that grassed me up to Ness?"

The question took me off guard.

"Huh?" I stalled for time.

"Was it you that told Ness I was trying to get with Becky?" he asked as calmly as if he was enquiring which bus went to Birmingham.

My skin buzzed with embarrassment and I thanked God it was dark.

"I'm sorry," I confessed. "I was angry."

"With me?"

"With Becky," I replied.

I really did not know why I had done what I did. For some reason, the sight of my brother with a notorious man-eater had made me feel deeply jealous inside. It had been bad enough when I knew he was with Ness, but her capricious nature and her obsession with Chris was always going to limit any relationship with Paul.

Becky was a slut and nowhere near good enough for him. I told myself my actions had been to protect my brother, but even if that was true, I had hurt him, nonetheless.

"So, you really were trying to pull her," I said, pulling away and looking into his handsome face.

He paused for a moment as if contemplating denial then shrugged and took another, larger sip.

"She's not hard to pull, is she?" he replied in a confessional tone. "And anyway, I was angry with Ness."

"Was it really my fault you and she broke up?" I asked guiltily.

Paul sighed.

"Nah! Ness and I had started rowing long before you added your bit."

"So why were you trying to get off with Becky?" I asked.

"I wanted to show Ness she had some competition," my brother replied. "I suppose I wanted to make her jealous."

"And you didn't mind if you got a no-strings shag from Becky along the way?" I suggested. "She's good at those, so I heard."

Paul simply smiled.

"Was she worth it?" I asked. "Does she live up to her reputation?"

"It was... very good."

His body language told me I was right; although he had succeeded, he had been stupid, and knew it. A wave of unexpectedly powerful jealousy surged through me. I snuggled up to him and we sat and sipped a little longer.

"How about you and Keiron?" Paul eventually asked. "Are you giving up on him now?"

"If Chris is permanently out of circulation..."

"Which he is," he broke in. "He's going to be a father."

"Then Ness has no reason not to keep going out with Keiron."

There was a short pause.

"So, we're both back on the shelf," Paul smiled, squeezing me close.

"I can't compete with those legs, those boobs and all that red hair," I grumbled.

"You are joking Caro," Paul laughed hollowly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," he smiled, brushing my hair away from my face with his fingers. "According to my friends, you're one of the hottest girls in the school."

"Now who's being cruel?" I frowned.

"Cross my heart," Paul laughed, making a gesture over his left breast. "You should hear the things they say about you. Even I fancy you sometimes."

"Yeah, really!" I sneered sarcastically.

"Really! If you weren't my sister Caro, you'd be in serious danger right now!"

I laughed. I could always rely on Paul to cheer me up. His mere presence was healing for me; warm and reassuring.

"I can't face going back to the tent just yet," he whispered. "Not with all that shagging going on."

"Me neither," I agreed, snuggling closer as the night grew cooler.

I felt Paul's fingers stroking my hair; I nuzzled his neck in return.

"That feels nice," I sighed.

His arm squeezed me closer against the cooling air. I felt the warmth of his breath on the top of my head and pressed my smooth bare legs against his long hairy ones. His hand fell from my shoulders to my thigh.

"How long should we give them?"

"How long does Ness usually take?" I asked bitterly. "You should know; you've been there!"

"That was a bit bitchy, Caro," my brother scolded jokingly, though I noticed he did not deny it. "I could just as easily ask you how long Keiron usually takes?"

"I wouldn't know," I replied sulkily. "We never did it."

"I thought you two had..."

"Yeah, well we didn't, right?" I snapped. "We nearly did, but we didn't."

Paul seemed oddly pleased at this piece of news. His chest seemed to swell, and his hand slid just the tiniest bit higher up my thigh.

"We'll give them half an hour," he suggested.

"I'm in no hurry," I agreed.

We snuggled closer, facing out towards the sea. The air was cool but not too chilly, the clouds periodically obscuring the full moon, but not enough to ruin the essential romance of the night.

I sighed again; this romantic atmosphere was supposed to have been my secret weapon in the seduction of Keiron. His tight, fit body was supposed to be between my spread legs, not Vanessa's. If anyone's cock was supposed to be in Vanessa's pussy it was my brother's, not Keiron's.
