Carrie's Aquatic Adventure


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Add in the current location of Carrie's own home and Brenda could hardly have been more excited. Just mere steps away from where she was currently dropping a medicine ball on Carrie Underwood's stomach as she was tied up and drooling while a massage wand vibrated against her pussy was a fridge covered in scribbled drawings and rooms filled with trucks, action figures, and Nerf guns. Not to mention the bed she shared with her husband. Brenda got more and more turned on as she thought about it.

She was determined to take this session far enough to where she was able to get off as well as Carrie. How she'd accomplish that remained to be determined.

"Last one Carrie..." Brenda said.

She raised the medicine ball a bit higher than she had yet and threw it down with more force. Carrie's reaction made her think it might have been a bit too hard but she knew Carrie could take it. And aside from the gagged coughing and wheezing coming from her face, she didn't seem much worse for wear.

Brenda tossed the medicine ball aside and used her hand to sooth Carrie's abs for a few moments before finally clicking off the massage wand, untying her ankles, and helping Carrie back up into a sitting position.

Carrie Underwood looked like an absolute wreck. Her entire face was covered in her own drool. The thick, viscous kind that stuck and clung to her face in uncomfortable fashion. Her eyes were red from watering and she was still breathing a bit heavily as she recovered from the medicine ball workout.

"Excellent job Carrie," Brenda said as she took a seat next to Carrie on the bench. "Your core strength is gonna help you so much next time we get you up on the aerial silks."

Brenda reached behind Carrie's head and untied her wrists. Carrie gently moaned in the relief she immediately felt in her muscles. Brenda ran her hands down Carrie's arms before getting up to retrieve a clean towel from a nearby shelf. She walked back up to Carrie and gently began wiping the drool off the singer's face.

Carrie leaned gratefully into the gentle ministrations. The juxtaposition between the pain and discomfort of rope bondage and the gentle side of being taken care of collided to make the hazy cloud of pleasure in Carrie's mind even thicker.

Finally, Brenda squatted down in front of Carrie and reached between her flawless thighs to remove the massager from the rope holding it in place.

"You doing ok Carrie?" Brenda asked as she looked up at Carrie from her squatting position as she kept her balance with a hand on each of Carrie's legs.

Carrie nodded her head up and down in response.

"That's good! Feeling pretty close to the edge though huh?"

Carrie nodded again more vigorously than last time.

"Aww...I know," Brenda cooed as she squeezed Carrie's legs and stood up. "Should we see if we can do something about that?

Carrie nodded one last time and even more vigorously than the other two times.

Brenda returned once again to her bag and dug around in it for a moment before pulling out an object that made Carrie's eyes go wide in a combination of shock and desire.

Brenda chuckled at Carrie's reaction. Her face was so easy to read at that moment that it didn't even matter that the gag prevented her from being able to say anything. This was the first time that a dildo had made an appearance during one of their sessions.

"I know...looks fun right?" Brenda asked Carrie as she hefted the hot pink dildo featuring a suction cup on the end in her hand.

The choreographer glanced around the room at the various pieces of exercise equipment. When her gaze passed over a rowing machine, an idea suddenly took shape in her mind.

"I just had a great idea," she said as the still seated Carrie watched apprehensively.

The sight of the dildo had shocked Carrie a fair amount. Even though in her heart she knew that her shibari sessions with Brenda had crossed a line from the very first one, until she saw the dildo she still could almost convince herself they were still just exploring a fairly innocent hobby that happened to be helpful for her training.

Now that a legitimate sex toy had made an appearance with the clear intention of being used on her, Carrie felt that nervous feeling she had when she first accidentally discovered Brenda's shibari studio. Yet, in her current overly stimulated mind, the idea of that dildo fucking her pussy until she could finally climax had her ignoring all of that.

It didn't matter that it was going to happen in her own home gym in broad daylight or that she'd be penetrated in front of someone other than her husband for the first time since they had met. All that mattered now to Carrie was feeling the fullness the width and length of the dildo promised.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice what Brenda's idea was. She wasn't shaken from her thoughts on the dildo until she felt Brenda taking hold of one of her arms and urging her to her feet.

"Earth to Carrie," Brenda said with a gentle shake of the blonde singer's arm. "Turn around and put your arms behind your back."

Once again, Carrie simply did as she was told. She'd have done practically anything to get to the point of getting that dildo inside of her. Brenda pushed Carrie's toned arms into the position that she wanted to execute one of her favorite arm ties called the Burlington Bowline Inline. That particular tie held Carrie's left arm behind her around her mid back and held her right arm at about the small of her back by utilizing a single column of rope. The rope was then tied off to Carrie's chest harness.

Brenda had done the Burlington Bowline Inline so many times that before Carrie could even really test the restriction it placed on her, she was being led towards the rowing machine that was one of her favorite pieces of equipment to work up a sweat on. However, it didn't appear that she would be using it like she normally did today.

Brenda had stuck the dildo to a part of the machine so it was near the footrests and facing the sliding seat. Carrie was urged to step over the rowing machine so that she was straddling it. Brenda told her to get down on her knees before helping the bound singer to lean forward so that her upper body was resting on the sliding seat.

Carrie caught on to the idea fairly quickly and shuffled backwards until she felt the dildo poking between her legs. Keeping the seat from sliding forward took a combined effort of Carrie's powerful legs and core strength but she managed as she felt Brenda's hands pull the loose leg of her shorts to the side with one hand and guided the dildo into place with the other.

Carrie suppressed a groan as she felt the tip of the dildo begin to spread her apart and enter her most sacred of places. The guilt and shame spiked against the cloudy haze of lust that had enveloped Carrie's entire mind, but they only served to turn Carrie on even more at this point.

It wasn't long before Carrie had the dildo buried to the hilt in her tight cunt and moaned in semi-relief. For her part, Brenda simply kneeled down next to Carrie and watched. She thought she might have to urge Carrie on what to do, but the blonde seemed to have figured it out just fine.

She began to slowly slide her upper body forward using the seat on the rowing machine until the dildo had slid almost completely out before sliding backwards and back onto the toy. It wasn't long before Carrie had quite the pace going. Back and forth, back and forth. The sound of the rowing machine offering a nearly hypnotic atmosphere as Carrie was lost in pleasure. She desperately wanted to reach back and rub her clit, but her bindings made that impossible.

A fresh combination of tears, drool, and groans escaped from Carrie as she slid back and forth as quickly as she could. Desperate to cum and willing to beg, Carrie moaned pathetically against the gag in her mouth. She needed it so bad and just when she thought she might lose her mind from desperation, Brenda pressed the massage wand turned on high straight to her clit.

The fireworks that went off throughout Carrie's entire body rivaled any 4th of July display ever put on. She screamed against her gag and writhed against the ropes as she rode the waves of ecstasy rolling through her body. She came and came until she hardly knew where she was. The incessant buzzing of the massage wand still being pushed against her clit was turned into a crescendo of bliss in Carrie's mind.

Brenda kept the wand against Carrie as she watched her ride out her orgasm. It felt like such an honor to be able to be the one to get Carrie Underwood to cum so hard and she wanted to drink it all in. Although tempted to keep the wand on Carrie, she finally pulled it away just when it seemed that Carrie wasn't going to be able to take it anymore.

Carrie slumped forward on the rowing machine and groaned as the dildo slipped from her pussy. She could barely form a coherent thought as she came down from one of the largest orgasms she had ever had. She vaguely felt Brenda's hands caressing her lower back and heard the choreographer's words of comfort as the fog of pleasure began to clear from her mind.

Brenda gave Carrie a few minutes to recover. She used a towel to take the dildo off the rowing machine, set it near her bag, and stood up to stretch and relax herself for a moment. Her eyes were drawn to the wall of windows and French doors that separated the gym from the pool area of Carrie's home when an idea formed in her mind.

She turned back towards Carrie to find her sitting against a weight bench as best she could with her arms still bound behind her back. She looked up as Brenda approached and Brenda could hardly get over how attractive she looked even in her current disheveled state.

Brenda leaned down and began loosening the buckles holding the gag to Carrie's head.

"Let's get this off. Give your mouth a break."

Brenda pulled the gag off with several strings of drool hanging between the ball and Carrie's lips as she pulled it away. Carrie immediately licked her lips and swallowed in relief at her now empty mouth.

"Thanks," Carrie said with a small smile. "Gets uncomfortable after a while."

"I know," Brenda said as she used a towel to gingerly wipe off Carrie's mouth and face again. "You had it in a little longer than usual today. Plus the extra straps and stuff."

"Yeah and look Brenda...thanks. I know I sort of got lost in the moment there."

"No sweat Care. That's kinda what shibari allows us to do sometimes. It's a good thing."

Carrie couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Yeah that was a lot of fun. Can you untie me now? I need a good stretch and maybe a nice steam in the sauna."

"Well I could, but I actually had another idea I kind of wanted to try. If you are up for it that is."

"Umm...ok," Carrie said with a bit of uncertainty. "What's the idea?"

"Well I've been wanting to do some shibari in a different medium and I noticed your amazing pool out there..."

"I...I'm not sure I know what you mean," Carrie replied.

"I'd love to do some water bondage with you, Care. It's a more advanced thing and I haven't had many students who I thought could handle it. You're one of them."

Brenda appealed to the part of Carrie that she knew liked a physical challenge and hoped that Carrie's natural submissive tendencies when tied up would help her to agree.

"Like you want to take me in the pool tied up?"

Carrie's mind imagined the helpless feeling of being tied up while also being in the water. One of her favorite parts of practicing shibari was the loss of control it offered that allowed her to turn her brain off. Adding the amount of trust she'd be putting in Brenda by taking it to the pool would take that to the next level.

She had no close neighbors and the only one who would ever even show up was Ivey who was out of town until the next day. Carrie wasn't sure if it was her post orgasm mind or if she just felt like pushing the envelope, but for some reason the idea appealed to her.

" can actually be really relaxing and good for muscle recovery. Think you want to try it?"

Carrie blushed and looked down as Brenda finished her question. A dull, familiar ache was beginning to grow in her mind again. She subtly twisted against her current bindings and enjoyed the restriction offered against her muscles.

"Yeah," Carrie said. "Let's give it a try."

"Awesome!" Brenda enthused with a smile.

With that, the red haired choreographer quickly grabbed a smaller pouch from the inside of her duffel bag, walked back to Carrie, and grabbed part of her chest harness. She used her grip to abruptly turn Carrie in the right direction and walked her towards the doors. The pair stopped as they neared the large glass paned door.

"They should be unlocked," Carrie said as she nodded her head to the left.

"Go ahead and hold this for me," Brenda said. "My hands are full here."

"Umm...ok," Carrie said.

With her arms firmly tied behind her back and Brenda apparently not wanting to put the straps in one of her hands, Carrie had no choice but to lean forward and take the handle of the bag into her mouth. That familiar feeling of shame she was beginning to like more than she thought she wanted to set in as she fumbled to get a good grip. It took a couple tries before she finally succeeded and by then Brenda had the door open.

Sunlight filtered more brightly into the space and Brenda urged Carrie forwards and into the natural light. Butterflies twisted in Carrie's stomach as they left the relative confinement of the gym. Her property was extremely secluded with an even more private backyard and it wasn't like she was naked. However, simply being outside and technically in view while tied up was still nerve-wracking.

Her stomach did another somersault as they covered the ground between the gym door and in-ground pool. The duo descended a wide set of poured concrete stairs and the easily recognizable scent of chlorine filled the air as they arrived at the pool area.

Carrie's stomach twisted again as she took in the new setting. Memories of lazy summer afternoons spent around the pool with her husband and sons flashed through her mind. Several of the floaties and toys her sons played on were scattered around the area. She knew she was supposed to hate those conflicted feelings of shame, but she couldn't deny how much it turned her on as well. Especially knowing that her family would have no idea just what she had done in the pool when they weren't around.

"Here take a seat here Carrie," Brenda said as she guided Carrie to sit on the edge of a lounge chair. Her golden skin somehow looked even more incredible in natural light than it did in the LEDs of the gym and Brenda could hardly resist reaching up to stroke Carrie's exquisite thighs and midsection.

Brenda crouched down next to Carrie and pulled one of the lengths of rope from the small bag. She held it up so Carrie could see it.

"This is a lifeline," Brenda said. "It's just to give me something to make sure you don't float out of my reach."

Carrie just swallowed and nodded as Brenda reached behind her and tied the rope to the back of her chest harness.

"I'm gonna do a leg tie now too," she continued. "That will help enhance the experience so you can't just easily tread water."

Brenda grabbed two more lengths of rope and went to work on binding Carrie's sexy legs together just above the knee and at her ankles. She left just enough slack so Carrie could shuffle to the pool and back without having to be carried.

Carrie began to really enjoy herself despite her initial hesitation at taking this session outdoors. The sun was warming her skin from the chill of the gym and it felt incredible against her sore muscles. She strained against the ropes around her chest and arms just to feel the dull pain and pleasure of her body pressing against the ropes.

She had just closed her eyes and relaxed into the lounge seat as Brenda crouched at her ankles when one of her worst nightmares came true. Her blood ran cold despite the warm sun and her body froze as her mind willed her to disappear.

Brenda and Carrie both heard the voice before seeing the person it belonged to.

"Carrie? You out here girl?" came the voice from the pool entrance from the other side of the house. "I tried the front and you weren't answering my texts..."

The owner of the voice finally came into view of the pool and immediately spotted Carrie. They had expected to find Carrie sunbathing with her earbuds blasting. The last thing they thought they'd see was Carrie Underwood completely bound by ropes.

If they hadn't also immediately recognized the woman who appeared to be tying Carrie's ankles together, they would have panicked and tried to call for help. Instead, the new arrival slowly walked towards the pair.

"Oh my God. Br...Brenda?" they asked. "Carrie, are you ok? What's going on?"

Carrie was still frozen in place and couldn't get a word out. Brenda realized what was happening and stood up.

"Hey Ivey," Brenda said as she greeted Carrie's neighbor and best friend, Ivey Childers, who she recognized as the wife of Carrie's bassist. "Good to see you. We're doing some shibari."

Shi...what?" Ivey implored as her eyes ran over the ropes binding Carrie before meeting her eyes. "Carrie seriously...are you ok?"

The initial shock of seeing Ivey, who wasn't even supposed to be home today, had begun to wear off. If Carrie had to pick someone to discover her like this it would have been Ivey. She had actually almost told Ivey all about it already. The two had no issues talking about their sex lives, but Carrie's confusion and guilt kept her quiet.

"I'm...I'm fine Ivey. Brenda teaches this rope stuff on the side and she's been guiding me through it."

Ivey did her best to absorb this new information from Carrie. She thought she knew Carrie well enough to say she'd never try anything like this, but everyone had their secrets and Ivey was an open-minded woman.

"Why are you out here at the pool?" Ivey asked.

"Well today we decided to do some water bondage to push Carrie's limits a bit," Brenda chimed in. "Actually it's kind of great that you're here. Having another set of hands to help would be ideal."

Carrie froze again at Brenda's words. Having Ivey discover her in ropes was bad enough. Involving her took things to another level. However, Carrie couldn't deny the jolt of excitement the idea delivered to her. She knew she could use her safe word from previous sessions at any time, but she figured she had come this far and enjoyed every second of it and who was she to deny herself from more of that.

"You want me to what exactly?" Ivey questioned.

It didn't take a genius to figure out water bondage would take place in the water, but she wanted to make sure she understood. As Ivey got a better grip on the situation and some of her initial fear for Carrie dissolved, she started to get excited. She obviously knew Carrie was an incredibly attractive woman and couldn't deny that she admired her legs and body when they worked out together or sat in the sauna together. It had always been from the perspective of simply appreciating the female form, but Ivey would be lying if she said that wasn't a very slippery slope.

Ivey also couldn't deny that having some physical control over Carrie would be exciting. Ivey was a sexy and successful woman in her own right, but nowhere even close to Carrie's level of fame and success. She wouldn't call herself jealous, but she couldn't deny that deeply buried feeling of inadequacy she had when compared to her famous friend.

"Help take Carrie into the pool and see what she can handle. She has been able to handle quite a bit in our earlier sessions so it should be fun."

"That does sound like fun," Ivey said with a sly smile.