Carry On Dentist!!


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Amol showed up the next day as planned and his treatment started. Amol was a very jovial person and I liked his company. He had a great sense of humor but he also was knowledgeable about a lot of things. Even though he flirted with me, his flirting was not cheap and I just brushed it off.

I noticed several times that Amol constantly stared at me while I was treating him but dismissed it as nothing unusual.

Once he accidently (that's what he says now) brushed his arm against my breasts. Even though he apologized, I did feel a little odd. There were several such instances but I never thought of his intentions otherwise.

One evening, Amol was in my clinic as usual for his treatment. He sat at the other end of my desk and started talking.

"Doctor...I am very tired today. I don't want to be treated upon today. I just want to talk today." He said.

Well...I couldn't refuse him. All my appointments for the day were done and I was free anyways and so I agreed. While talking I came to know that he was senior sales manager for a software company who used to come to Pune often for his project. He had a family back in Mumbai where he was settled. His wife was a housewife and he had a 10 year old son. While talking I came to know that he was 41 years old. That is 10 years senior me but he didn't look a day older than my husband. One clearly could conclude that he took efforts to maintain himself. I also came to know how he knew Mr. Deshpande and I also told him a little about myself like my college life and all.

"Can I ask you a question? Why are there two work stations here?" Amol asked.

"It is my husband's work station." I said.

"You are married?" Amol said with a expression of shock.

"Yeah..." I replied and smiled. I thought it was just one of his usual flirting techniques.

"But you look like you have just passed out college" he said with a mischievous smile.

I giggled at him and showed him my mangalsutra which was hiding under my kameez.

"This college girl is not just married but also has kids." I said.

"I have never seen you husband." He said.

"Yes...because he now works abroad. He has been there for over six months now" I replied.

"That's ironic!"He said.

"Why?" I asked, confused as to what he meant.

"Ironic because you are so beautiful yet so lonely. Well...why are friends like me here. What do you think?" he said.

I immediately looked up at him. He had a suggestive smile. I immediately gauged his intentions but still wanted to make sure if that what he exactly meant.

"What do you mean Mr. Kulkarni?" I asked sternly.

" are so beautiful and must be hungry for attention with your husband being away. If you need any 'company' then call me" he said with a mischievous smile.

His words pissed me off to no bounds. I stopped writing the prescription I slammed the pen on the table.

I looked at him and said, "Look Mr. Kulkarni, I am not lonely and I don't need you company. The only reason I am entertaining you is because Mr. Deshpande asked me so. If you further want to talk nonsense then I would advice you to get out of my clinic."

I thought my angry words would embarrass or at least throw him off guard but he just smiled. I was taken aback by his reaction but continued with my angry rant.

"That is your modesty speaking. You have my phone number and you can call me any time you want. I can be a very special friend madam. I think that you shouldn't waste your beauty like this. It needs to be appreciated. You don't know what kind of effects you have on me." he said.

"What the hell! Mr. Kulkarni, if you want to carry on with this treatment then I suggest you keep it strictly professional. If you cannot then you should find another dentist" I said.

"That is alright madam. It will take some time for our friendship to blossom. Till then you are the doctor and I am the patient" he said as he got up and left.

This was the first time I had encountered such a situation. A man had openly proposed an illicit affair with me. The very thought was disgusting. I hurriedly closed the clinic and started driving home. In spite of trying hard, his words kept ringing in my ears and the scene just kept repeating in my mind.

I thought of telling all this to my husband but in the end decided not to. I didn't want him to worry about me and I thought I was more than capable of handling this situation but how wrong I was. Even though the thoughts of the evening were continuously running in my mind but I just couldn't come up with the courage to talk about it to anyone.

I had a very demanding life beyond my profession. I had two very energetic five years old twins who always kept me on my toes. Besides that I also had to look after my in laws. Even though my mother in law helped out a lot with all the work but due to her age, she couldn't completely take care of the house.

Two weeks had passed since the incident and life had returned to normal. Amol soon became a distant unpleasant memory. I was in my clinic one evening when taking a break just after a patient had left. The intercom on my desk started ringing. I picked up the phone and I heard my secretary at the other end.

"Madam...there is a gentleman here to see you." She said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Mr. Amol Kulkarni" she replied.

"Oh c'mon...what does he want?" I thought to myself.

I didn't want him here but I didn't want to look unprofessional as well so I decided to let him in. I tried behaving as normal as I could but I knew the tension on my face was obvious.

Amol walked inside the room and sat down on the chair right in front of me. He was wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of off white cotton trousers. He had a smile on his face. It wasn't the usual one. It was a smile that showed that he knew how tense I was.

"I am sorry for the other day madam. I want to continue my treatment here" he said with an apologetic tone.

I decided to be the bigger person here and said, "That is okay. I am sorry as well. I shouldn't have been so rude to you. I will continue your treatment only if you promise to keep this arrangement strictly professional. No funny business." I was trying to sound as professional and hard as I could.

Amol smiled and said, "No worries madam. I will behave and you need not apologize, after all, everything is fair in love and war."

I was clearly bowled over by his googly but I didn't want to display my confusion or anger. He had breached the topic indirectly but I couldn't say anything in return because it would show that I had been thinking about all this.

From that day onwards, Amol behaved appropriately. He was back to his jovial nature and the tension between soon waned. After a couple of days I received a sms on my cell phone. It was from Amol. It was just a regular sms joke and I glanced through it once and ignored it after. From that day onwards I started receiving his messages regularly. They contained jokes, inspirational messages and all the usual things that a forwarded message has.

The forwarded messages were followed by personal messages. He started sending messages to inform me the time he would be coming to the clinic or other such reasons but they soon diverted towards more personal.

In the last few days, Amol and I had developed a sort of friendship. The tensions between us were long gone and we talked like friends now. Looking at his new avatar, I had let down my guard and opened up to him.

Amol was a great conversationalist and he bowled me over with this quality. His personality had kept the introvert inside me at bay and I used to talk to him with equal enthusiasm. Our conversations soon moved from the clinic over to the phones in the form of messages and calls. At first they were brief, but gradually became longer and deeper.

This was the first time after Vivek left that I was talking so much with someone. I was pouring my heart out at a man who wasn't my husband and who hadn't known me for that long but our relation had grown to a point where one would think we knew each other for years.

I was gradually getting attracted to Amol and I was very well aware of it. I knew I shouldn't walk on this road and I knew the consequences could be bad but Amol was like the pied piper who could make the whole town dance to his tunes. Being a marketing guy Amol exactly knew how to manipulate someone and make him talk.

He had such a convincing personality that it was hard to say no to him. It wasn't just his charm or his personality but the attention he gave me.

It was with him that I was completely different. I was this free spirited person and had become a lot like him. Amol and I talked about topics that I could never talk to. It was the first time in my life I had found a guy who could talk about all the nerdy stuff that appealed to me.

Our conversations ranged from philosophy, politics, films, music and what not. I knew in my heart that my husband wasn't into all the stuff that I liked though he was quite supportive but we never talked so much about it.

Amol and I started meeting outside my clinic. He usually would come in last and we would leave together. We often went out for coffee before we would go our separate ways. I knew I was walking a tight rope but I convinced my self that I had the situation in control but I didn't know that this illusion of control would soon shatter.

One day, we met at a café in the cantonment area of Pune. This was the usual place where we would meet for coffee. We sat at a table and ordered some hot coffee and started talking. Soon our coffee arrived and we started sipping it and continued with the conversation. There were several thoughts going through my head.

'I am a married woman who was having coffee with a man who wasn't my husband.' I thought to myself.

'Well...there is nothing wrong with a couple of friends having coffee.' I thought and tried to brush aside my concerns.

'Yeah...but you very well know that this man wants to have sex with you!" I thought.

My thoughts drifted me away from the conversation and I just started out of the window.

"Sush...Sush...your coffee is getting cold" Amol said as he tried to bring me back on track.

"Huh....yeah" I replied and started sipping the coffee.

"Let's go out for dinner tonight" Amol said with a big smile on his face.

" No way" I replied, completely shocked from his sudden proposal. I knew I had to get out of this situation.

"Why not?" he asked.

"I have to go home. My kids and in laws must be waiting form me. Besides...isn't coffee enough for today?" I asked.

"There is never enough time for us" he replied with a very innocent face.

That was one of the sweetest things I had heard in a long time. I just couldn't say no to him when he was throwing such googlies at me.

"Well...why don't we go some other time but not today. I am getting late." I said as my took the last sip of coffee, grabbed my bag and started moving towards the door. Amol followed after paying the bill and we drove back to our respective lives.

While driving home, I recalled all the things that had happened between us. I wondered how I was falling for a guy who had openly asked me to sleep with him. Why was I attracted to him so much that it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to control the situation?

I reached home and got to my usual routine of being a daughter in law and a mother. We all had our dinner and I tucked in my kids for the night. After such a hectic day I wanted to relax. I decided to take a hot shower. While in the shower the whole situation sprang up in my mind again. The thoughts ranged from what I was doing to whether I was doing the right thing.

My mind was running in overdrive over this and a classic debate ensued between right and wrong. On one had I assured myself that I had things in control but deep inside I knew that I was sliding into a pit from which perhaps there was not return.

The socially awkward geek inside of me poked its head out and a thought came up. "What does Amol see in me? Why is he so attracted to me?" I thought to myself. I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body and another wrapped around my head. I walked over to the dressing table and sat on the stool right in front of the mirror. I stared at my reflection and tried to find out the answer to the question.

I knew that I had become a 'hottie' in college but that was years ago. Since marriage and kids happened I hadn't paid much attention to my body except for the yoga that I did every morning. I had become complacent about my body after my children were born and hadn't really observed myself in the mirror like this for ages.

I sat there for several minutes as I slowly applied moisturizer on my hands and on my face. I took of the towel over my head and gently dried my hair. While doing this a thought suddenly sneaked into my head. "Why not check myself out" I thought.

I slowly got up from the stool and stood in front of the mirror. I delicately put a finger on the knot of the towel and pulled it. The knot got loose and came apart and the towel slid down my body. I stood naked in front of the mirror. After several years I was consciously checking out my body.

The first thought that came to my mind was that my boobs had gotten bigger. In college there a C cup but now they were a massive D cup. But the best thing about them was that there was hardly any sag. There had attained a perfect tear drop shape. The fair skin topped by pink areolas and puffy nipples would make any man weak in the knees. I held my boobs in my hand and gently squeezed them weighed them for a couple of minutes before moving on.

My stomach was almost flat except for a little baby fat around my waist. My husband loved it and I always maintained the right amount of it around my waist. I had taken care to get rid of the post pregnancy stretch marks now they were hardly visible. My thighs, though a little fleshy than before were still not bad to look at.

I turned around and the first thing I noticed that I had a fabulous ass. It wasn't was just perfectly firm. I turned around again and lifted my leg and placed it on the stool. With that my pussy came into view. The pubic hair had grown considering that I hadn't taken efforts to maintain it since Vivek left and he did prefer a little growth down there.

All this checking out had turned me on. In the confines and the privacy of my bedroom I was touching my self. I hadn't done this ever, not even in my college days and here I was checking out myself for a man who wasn't my husband.

I was so engrossed with what I was doing that I didn't noticed the first couple of rings of my cell phone and when I finally did, I ran across to the side table and picked it up. It was Vivek!

"Hey sweetie...were you sleeping, sorry to have disturbed you" I heard my husband say as soon as picked up the call.

"No dear...just took a hot shower and was preparing the bed" I said with a sense of nervousness and guilt.

"Vivek...I miss you" I said as tears welled up.

"I miss you too love" he replied.

"Can't you come home for a few days? At least for a week?" I asked as I was almost on the verge of crying.

"Hey sweetie...don't cry. You know I can't come there so soon. I also desperately want to see you and the kids but what can we do? All that we can do is being strong" he said trying to be as calm as possible.

Vivek consoled me for the next few minutes and I calmed down. This emotional upsurge was followed by the usual husband and wife talk about family and other such mundane stuff. After almost an half an hour, we bid goodbyes and ended the call.

I dumbly wore a pair of panties and my night dress and got into bed. I couldn't sleep even though I tried so hard. I was conflicted between the deep love for my husband and the uncontrollable attraction towards Amol. I couldn't find an answer to this dilemma. I just stopped thinking about all this and let my fate decide the outcome. I blanked out all the thoughts and soon I drifted to sleep.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Same pinch

Well my story matches

UnshodrgsUnshodrgsalmost 6 years ago
Damn, keep it coming

So nice/exciting to read erotic stories from the Indian cultural perspective. As a mature American professional I have worked with ladies of various cultural backgrounds. I must say the Indian ladies have given me food for thought.

Let me say that your use of English is very, very good. That said, the idiomatic discrepancies seem perfect.

You make me wish to have opportunities for indiscriminate pleasures with an open minded Indian woman.

Keep up the good work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Superb ......couldn't stop taking off eyes .....and the first thing to get relieved is a mastrubation

atul_atsatul_atsalmost 11 years ago
nice beginning

Yet another good one... I hope part 2 is equally engrossing.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
good one

hope to read more of this stories soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
lookin forward to it

Interesting so far... eagerly waiting for more.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Too soon to tell

Except there is enough to tell that it will be wordy!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
Cheating Whore

"Nuff said!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I'm assuming this will end up a cuck tale since its Indian. I sure as hell hope not but we shall see!?

ythebadgerythebadgerover 11 years ago
The writing was of a higher standard

than we've come to expect from the sub-continent - although the theme was a pretty familiar one. I just hope this isn't going down the usual path of submission and the 'heroine' becoming an available slut while her husband allows it all to happen.

Because of the writing I'll risk giving it 3* - but I hope there may be something with a bit of originality in it yet to come.

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