Castaway Ch. 04


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This time, as I got close to her love button again, after working my way down her thigh, she took some control. She grabbed me by the back of the head, and forced me directly at her opening. I knew she was primed and didn't want any more teasing, so licked her lips, up and down both sides. I slid my tongue into her, and slowly worked my way out and up towards her now very prominent clit. It was standing out and hard as ever.

I pushed the tip of my tongue into a hard point, and wiggled it around on her clit, making her moan and shake erratically. I did a circular motion over it, like a mini-tornado circling around. She was shaking, and started talking dirty to me.

"Oh... James... Fuck yeah... Mmmmm"

She pulled my head in harder, and her shaking stopped. Her whole body flexed, and her thighs clasped onto my head so tightly, that I thought I was going to suffocate. She had done this to me before, on the beach, but it still made me see stars. She moved her hips up and down, in a wave motion, as the powerful orgasm swept over her whole body. Finally, she released the death grip on my head, and flopped down.

"OH MY GOD! DAMN, did I need THAT!" she panted.

I kissed both thighs, and then made my way UP the happy trail. Usually, I went down it, but this time I went upwards, pausing to kiss her in her navel, lightly pushing my tongue into her belly button. I licked up towards her now very flushed breasts, and licked the undersides of first the left, and then the right. By the time I made it to her nipple, she was shuddering again, and grabbed my head to pull me up for a fierce kiss.

When we broke the kiss, she gave me a very different look than I had seen before. "James, make love to me." The look on her face was much more innocent than I had ever seen on her, one that I would never have expected.

I smiled, and lowered my head to push my lips onto hers slowly, allowing just the lightest touch at first. I closed my eyes, and let my lips express my feelings at that moment. I kissed her like this for a few minutes, and then worked my way over to her neck, and up the side to the back of her ears. She had goose bumps on her neck and shoulders, from the contact, and this excited me even further.

I slid up just enough to get the head of my swollen member in contact with her outer petals. I pushed in and side to side a bit, getting the tip nice and moist from her already VERY wet pussy. I pushed forward and the head slid inside her. She gasped, and I pushed gently forward until I was fully encased in her velvety sleeve. Our union was complete, and we both moaned in delight.

We both opened our eyes, not fully believing the emotions that seemed to be forming between us. All the differences between us seemed to melt away, in that single moment we connected deeply. It felt like a deeper connection than I had shared with my ex-wife. I moved in to kiss her again, eyes open this time. We both looked into each other, as I started slowly thrusting in and out of her. She arched her back, and was humping up into me as we continued our slow dance.

We worked our joined hips together like this for what seemed like forever, never increasing the pace. On the beach, we had great, animalistic sex, but this was something different. This was our souls talking to each other. I couldn't believe it was happening, but was so wrapped up in the feelings, that I never wanted it to stop.

She started moaning again, indicating to me that she was approaching another wave of sexual bliss. I kept up, and pushed in a little harder on my inward strokes to help her along. She moaned for a few more thrusts, and then her body went rigid again, her legs wrapped around my thighs tightly, and her arms pulling me into her with a death grip. I was still gently rocking my hips, but no longer truly moving.

When she slowly relaxed back down onto the bed, I kissed her forehead, and her nose, and then on down to her sensual lips. She purred, and kissed me back. She then grabbed me by the sides of my head, and in a deep growl ordered, "Turn me OVER!!"

Who was I to argue? I pulled back and grabbed her hips, flipping her over onto her tummy. I grabbed her hips, and pulled them up to my groin. Her head lay on her pillow, and she was moaning again. I loved to hear that sound.

I moved my hips forward, and easily plunged my hard cock right back into her very excited center. I was done being gentle, so grabbing her hips tightly, started pulling back and thrusting into her faster and harder than before.

She was yelling now, "YES... YES... YES... OH MY GOD... FUCK ME... HARDER!"

I was pummeling her as hard as I could, rotating my hips on the upstroke. I reached one hand down and was rubbing her clit at the same time, and a few thrusts later she screamed out.


Her noises converted to a garbled mess, into her pillow, as I continued my assault. I was getting very close now, and warned her.

"MMmmhhnn, I'm gonna come soon..."

"UGhnnn... In me... Cum in me!" she cried out.

That was all the encouragement I needed. I slammed home as hard as I could, our pelvises banging together. I felt myself explode into her warm depths, as I yelled out, "OOOOHH, UGHNNNN!" and continued to grunt animal sounds.

She shook with her own final orgasm, as waves of pleasure made her eyes roll back in her head. My body finally relaxed, and I slumped down onto her. Most of my weight was pressing on her, and when I tried to lift up to move off, she shook her head at me.

"I love having you on me, it makes me feel safe," she said as she kissed me.

I at least put my arms down, to lift my head and chest up off her some. Looking into her eyes, I felt at peace. Eventually I softened enough to the point of slipping out of her, and lay down next to her, where we both quickly fell asleep.

I awoke next to her, and again wondered how I got to be this lucky. Here I was, lying next to one of the most beautiful women in the world. I had some great friends backing me, and a wonderful daughter that I would do anything for.

After about twenty minutes of just staring at her, she started moving, and showing signs of life. She made a low grumble noise, and rolled towards me, clinging onto me like a life preserver. She REALLY didn't want to get out of bed yet. I can't say that I blamed her, and I would have stayed that way, but nature was calling something fierce.

I extricated myself from her grip, not an easy feat, and made my way to the bathroom. After I finished, I peeked on her sleeping form in bed, marveling at the angel that had graced my life with her presence. Caitlin used to evoke this emotion from me, I realized. This woman made me feel alive again, as if the past were just a dark memory, and nothing more.

I crawled back into bed with her, and we spent the morning making slow, lazy love together. The heat and animalistic nature of our previous evening had been replaced, by a slow and tender passion. We didn't leave the bedroom until nearly noon, when we were starving.

We had lunch, and spent the afternoon touring around in her sporty Honda S2000. She could afford better, but liked how it looked. Her words, not mine.

She showed me the sights, at least the ones that she loved the most. She took me to the Getty Center, where I was blown away by the gardens and exhibits. The afternoon was magical, with her. She took me to this extremely old car museum, at the Nethercutt Collection. She finished off her favorite places with Griffith Park.

We had dinner at some upscale place, sadly I couldn't pronounce the name, but afterwards we went to some night club called 'Lure'. I could see that the place did lure them in, as it was packed. Her stardom ensured we got in, but it also made sure that there were a lot of people vying for her attention. I got us some drinks, and she had been whisked away to dance with some bleach blonde, Ken doll impersonator.

I got a little jealous, but only just a bit. I sat at a small table for two, and waited for her to return. After about two really fast songs, with the beats banging loud and hard, she came to find me. I handed her a drink, and we laughed that we really couldn't hear each other talking.

She nodded towards the patio, and got up. I followed her outside, and we were rewarded with the warm night air, and a star filled sky.

"It's normally like that in there, sorry. At least you can't beat this view, huh?"

The stars above us were impressive indeed. There were several other couples on the patio, and some laughter coming from a larger group of people off to the side. Overall, it was a nice setting.

"James, I want to come visit you again, soon. I have some scenes to shoot for the next two weeks or so, but would love to come out, once I get done."

"I think I would like that very much," I had to smile at that thought.

We spent another hour at the club, having a few drinks, and dancing. Yes, I finally got my old ass out there and danced with her. The club was hopping, and it was a relief to be able to hear again when we left. I actually thought the hard hitting techno sounds coming from the club were cool, just not my normal cup of tea.

My vacation came to an end two days later, after having absorbed as much of the Los Angeles sun as I could. We didn't have day-long marathons, but each evening and morning we did spend making love, or just plain fucking as hard as we could. I wanted to spend more time on her back patio, but we both had lives to resume. I was also exhausted.

At 42 now, I was no spring chicken. Sure, I could still keep up, but how long would that last? On the return flight, I had to be honest with myself. Tanya was in her prime, not just financially, but she was a very active person. Could I keep up with her? What should I even call her, my girlfriend? Or was I just someone she liked to have sex with?

I decided to table my own internal discussion until later. I got home, and found that Shawn had more parts on order, and wouldn't be done with the plane for at least another week. I told him to keep at it, and decided to take the boat out for a while. I had a talk with Howard, and arranged for Shawn to stay with him for a few nights.

I drove out of the bay, down the coast, and found the perfect spot. The inlet was just a barren beach, with no homes nearby. I dropped anchor, and decided to just relax on the deck. I thought about Caitlin, about Tanya, heck, I even thought about that hot, young, concierge Kim. Eventually I went below, and had a light salad for dinner.

I slept soundly, with none of the noise of that big city around me. The waves had their usual calming effect on me, and when I awoke, I felt like a new man. I decided to get up, and seize the day! And by seize the day, I meant that I would actually do more than just tan on one side. I might roll over too...

I had just rolled over, when I heard a plane fly over. It wasn't all that close, but reminded me of flying anyhow. I really wanted to get back up, behind those controls. I hated that I would need to wait for my bird to get fixed.

While sitting on the deck, I thought about my time alone, on that island. It surely wasn't movie material, but maybe I could write a story about it. Would anyone even want to read it, should I write it? It might do me some good, actually, to write down all that happened. I honestly didn't care if no one ever read it. I would consider it my therapy, for being stranded for those days.

I got out a pad and pen, and started writing. After an hour, my hands were numb, and I realized that I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I had a sandwich for lunch, with one of my Beach Rum drinks (damn did I miss those in L.A.), and returned to the deck. I was a writing machine again until the sun started setting, and I was three drinks into the evening. My writing was looking pretty sloppy, so I gave up for the night.

My hand was so cramped up, I had to ice it. I hadn't written like that in years, probably since College. The next day was very similar, although I didn't write with as much gusto. My hands were still raw from the abuse they had taken the day before.

I returned to the marina, and joined Shawn and Howard for a nice dinner, followed by too much alcohol again. I really should watch out for Howard more. That man would likely die from liver failure, before that of old age. Maybe that was his hidden agenda all along.

The next day, I got a call from Tanya.

"Hey James, just wanted to let you know that shooting this one, is taking longer than I had hoped. I won't be able to come out for another two weeks. Sorry." She sounded contrite.

I wasn't going to bust her balls about it. "Don't sweat it, you can still come, just let me know when. OK?"

"Sure, of course. I really wish you were here right now, in my bed..." she purred.

I was hard instantly, or as quickly as my cock can push its way up in the confines of my shorts. My verbal reaction was very similar to my non-verbal one. "You have no idea how badly I want that..."

She giggled, "Well, I will just have to hurry up with this picture, so we can warm up your bed again."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

Another giggle, and a sigh. "OK, well I should probably let you go. I can't wait to see you in two weeks!"

"OK, see you then," I said, as we both hung up.

I was truly starting to have feelings for her. How can that be? She is a famous actress. What the hell is she going to do with me around? I mean, aside from the great sex of course. Was there anything that I could do, to even pretend to be her equal? I would mull that over all night, until falling asleep.

The next day, Shawn informed me that the parts he needed were still being shipped. A thought struck me then, how I could possibly try to fit into her lifestyle more. I asked him if he wanted to take a trip to Los Angeles with me, since we were basically just waiting for parts. He actually agreed, "That's a damn fine idea. I actually need a break from this beast."

The next day, the two of us were on a plane, heading back to L.A. I didn't really care for the big city, but was really starting to like this woman, and would do anything for her. We got a rental car, and I had booked a room for Shawn near her house, in case she didn't want him staying in a guest room. I just hoped us showing up like this made her happy.

We drove to her place, and Shawn whistled when we pulled up. The gate was open, and there were several cars in the driveway. I wondered if she was having a party or something. This could be a lot of fun. I parked the rental, and we went to the door.

I rang the doorbell, and shortly, someone opened the door. As I got a closer look, it was Skip Cruz, another very popular actor right now. I still always had an internal laugh at the poor guys name though. He had boxers on, and a shirt that was completely unbuttoned. He looked drunk, or high, or something, but at least smiled at us.

"Hey guys, are you both here for the party, too?"

"Yeah man, I'm a friend of Tanya's," I replied. "Have you seen her?"

"Yup, she's right this way."

He led us into the house, and out to the back patio. There, sitting on one of her lounge chairs, was a completely naked Tanya. Tyler Palmer, her ex, sitting in between her legs, also naked. I knew at that moment, that things truly were too good to be true with her. It was a deflating moment, but I guess I should have seen it coming.

He walked us out, and said, "Hey babe, this guy says he's a friend of yours." Jeez, was everyone here in on the orgy?

She opened her eyes, and gasped. "James, oh god, what are you doing here? I thought you were still in Hawaii?" She jumped up, grabbed a towel, and ran inside.

"What gives, babe?" asked Tyler.

I turned to Shawn, and said, "Let's go. I guess showing up unannounced really was a bad idea." I turned to Tyler and said, "She's all yours, man."

We were walking out her front door, when she came running out in a robe. "JAMES, WAIT!"

I stopped at the rental, and turned around. "Tanya, you don't need to explain anything to me. I should have known better."

"James, this isn't what it looks like. Tyler... He is an ex-boyfriend that just comes around every now and then. Nothing happened with him!"

"Then what happened to your clothes, and why was he only in boxers?" After an uncomfortable silence, "I thought so. Tanya, I was glad to have gotten the chance to know you. I hope you have a happy life here."

"Please, James. Can't we just talk about this? I don't want it to end like this. I really like you!"

Shawn had gotten into the car, and I opened my door. "No, I think we've said enough. I really liked you too, but can't be with anyone that lies. You said you were still shooting for a picture, and couldn't come to visit me. At least you could have done the decent thing, and told me that your ex was keeping you busy. It would have saved me the trip. Goodbye, Tanya."

With that, I got in the car. She stood there crying, but I am not sure if she even knew why. Perhaps it was a princess reaction, to losing something she liked? I was hurt by her betrayal, but had to remind myself that it wasn't like we had been married. I had just assumed that we were in a mutually exclusive relationship, and we all know about assumptions. They tend to make an ass out of you and me.

Either way, we went back to the hotel to stay the night, and returned to Moloka'i the next day. She had sent me a few text messages, and left a single voice mail, all of which I deleted. It was time to move on, and resume my happy life in Hawaii. I was sad that our brief romance was over, but also glad that I hadn't gotten more involved before finding out.


I have more to tell about James and his life, but it may be moving to another Genre. I would like to hear from you, the reader on whether you think it should stay in LW vs. changing to Romance. As always, please vote and comment, knowing that I read every one of them. Thank you!


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MarkTwineMarkTwine10 months ago

I’m going to be getting off of this train wreck right here and won’t be reading father. For me it was just a too long and boring story about a weak willed alcoholic pilot who was constantly being hit on by beautiful young starlets. It was pointless and highly improbable.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

I'm done. This is the most inconsistent, horribly developed plot I have seen in a long time. Fucking terrible writing.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 1 year ago

Good story, you should keep it in LW just to keep it all together.

MarkT63MarkT63about 1 year ago

He handled Tanyas lie very well. Just walk away...

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

Ditto Mike. I can't understand why she'd sleep with the guy after he tried to kill her husband and admitted to lying about him being with other women to seduce her. Makes no sense at all. And this chapter bummed me out. So... Why am I going to read the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good story but it has some major plot holes. For example, virtually all and especially commercially charterable aircraft have ELT's. These are Emergency Locator Transmitters. 20 years ago these ELTs would automatically go off and transmit their location to SAR and rescue satellites, using the emergency frequency of 121.5. Within hours USAF Rescue Coordination Command, which monitors these transmissions, would ostensibly open a Red Cap mission, and use the ELTs transmission to triangulate on the downed aircraft. Why didn't the pilot manually activate his ELT. Any aircraft flying on or near the missing aircraft flight path would be advised to closely monitor 121.5mghrz for the ELTs warble. Further, once the pilot declared an emergency (or even in a worst case scenario after the aircraft didn't arrive home in time to close the pilot's flight plan) the FAA would have looked up his flight plan declared a "missing aircraft" and asked AFRCC to open a mission and do a search along his planned flight path and found him on the deserted island or at least would have SAR aircraft, either CAP fixed wing or Coast Guard rotary wing assets up to look for this missing aircraft on or near his intended route of flight. Today, the modern ELT's, when activated, do a burst transmission on 203mghrz using GPS to fix the ELT's position to within 5 meters...instant find

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So Caitlin was sleeping with Cyrus well before the pictures. Did it for 2 months. Even did it while he was back home. Slept with Cyrus several times before the pictures. All weepy about being left alone. Worried he might be straying but got played by Cyrus, he of the eternal hate. What a faithless slut. But then it gets worse. The author goes too far. She sleep with Cyrus, the man who attempted to kill her husband and frame her for the crime, and does it after her husband leaves their house post shooting. Maybe I misread that. But appears to be restated in next chapter. That is just heinous. It doesn't matter if she thought her world was over and her marriage dead and buried. She did not call the police while her husband was knocked out. Coward! And she then slept with Cyrus after her husband who had been SHOT left to clear his head. Wtf? That kind of ruins the story and removes any possible sympathy from the reader. That one part takes her from faithless slut wife with mental issues and depression and susceptible to (thinly veiled) seduction to crazy ass Disney cartoon villain. Wtf? Good writer who just trashed the wife. Should have dialed back the betrayal and then the added lunacy of the wife to make it more borderline. Uggh.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Maybe I missed something back in chapter 1 but, it's thought the company James and Cyrus had owned multiple planes and both of them were pilots. So, why would the married partner fly all the missions for months on end giving Cyrus the time and opportunity to get Caitlin into bed?

It makes sense now why James and Caitlin were fighting a lot and their marriage was strained at the start of the story. Wouldn't co-owners of a business at least split the flights equally? Or maybe the single partner takes on a few more so the married partner can be home with his family. So, bottom line James is kind of an idiot and was neglecting his wife.

Granted Caitlin should have trusted James more and at least talked with him before she bought the BS lines Cryus was giving her but, James made the whole situation possible by being away from home a lot more than he needed to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Have to say that this particular part of your story leaves me a little depressed rather than eagerly anticipating the further adventures of James, as all previous chapters have.

Tanya was a keeper. Perhaps there's room in the future for a resurrection of the later plotline found in another great story--The Unicorn. Movie stars do have their own special issues to work out; things don't have to be forever over--and at least he didn't walk in on Tanya fucking somebody.

The writing was stellar, as usual. Keep writing.


buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

I knew that shit with Tanya wasn't gonna work out, being gorgeous,rich, and famous is gonna fuck up 99 outta 100 people. You take someone who can have anything and then tell em now you can only have this one thing, they rebel against that shit in less than a hour.

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