Cat Got My Tongue Pt. 02


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Shit, Lucille thought. Damn men and their vanity. He really needed glasses. Now if I speak.... But that would not be quite the effect we were hoping for.

"I am done. I am not setting foot in that house again."

"But the twins?"

"They will live. They can't expect me to put up with this disrespect. I know they don't. Do you think they knew about the...."

Lucille shook her head, but not to say that the twins did not know, because they did. She shook her head because the plan had gone tits up.

"What are you going to do now?"

He started up the truck. It rumbled and vibrated. Elderly but reliable, with a lot of power under the hood.

"Look over there." He nodded ahead. "There's a front coming in fast. Rain and wind. We will be out on emergency work all week. I have to go back to the shop and get ready."

She bid him goodbye and jumped down from the cab. As soon as he pulled away, she had her cell out.

"I found him." She could hear relieved voices in the background. She was on speaker. "He's pretty upset. He's going back to the shop. Let's meet at the house and think about this."


She ran into the house just as the first of the rain started to come down. Erin and Shelly were pacing around the kitchen. Tommy was rummaging through the refrigerator. Noah was sprawled in the front room playing a video game.

Lucille glanced around. "Where is your mother?"

"I thought she was upstairs," said Erin.

"Oh shit shit shit," Shelly cried. "Her car is gone."

Tommy looked up. "Think she went out for snacks?"



I was sitting at my desk upstairs, monitoring the weather radar on my computer and trying to shut out the real world by worrying about my little corner of it. I heard shouting and footsteps thundering up the stairs, and I swiveled around in my chair.

Cat ran into the office. She was still bare assed. Not even shoes. She came up to me and thrust her crotch at me like she was pointing a weapon. I didn't want to look at the ugly sight of her lover's name forever inscribed on the crotch she had promised to me. Then that same tiny logical chunk of my brain shut out the raging thoughts whirling in the rest of my head and said, Dude, wait. When you fucked her on the couch that day she had a full bush.

But before I could process that fact, she was screaming at me.


I opened my mouth to scream back that I want to look at her cheating hole then or ever. I would die happy not seeing that whore cunt again, but before I could return fire she was launching bombs.


This was too much. I had sworn to never speak to her again, but this was out of bounds. I wanted to shout. I had to respond to this slut.

She knew goddamn well what it said. What was her fucking game? Why was she torturing me? She knew it said D --

The very act of making my mind think that name enraged me into fury and my eyes drifted down to the black swirl of their own volition.

I intended to break my silence and scream at her: IT SAYS--. But I did not make a sound.

Fuck me. Her tattoo didn't say--. It said David. I had only seen the ornate D and my mind had filled in the rest.

"That's right," she said, suddenly quiet and sad. "It's yours. It's always been yours. It will always be yours. But now I guess I will have to find another man named David."

And she whirled around and ran from the room and from the shop even faster than she had come in.


Erin and Shelly were upstairs flanking the door to the master bathroom when their grandmother found them. They both made shushing noises and be quiet hand gestures. She approached the door slowly. She could hear David inside. He was muttering, then he was talking loudly and incoherently, then back to muttering.

"He came home about ten minutes ago," whispered Shelly, "Ran up to his bedroom -- mother's bedroom -- locked the door and started going crazy. Talking to himself, cursing at imaginary people. Punched the wall a couple of times."

"Well, that's just--" They heard the back door open, letting in the blowing rain, and the patter of bare feet on the tile. The three ran down the stairs and found Cat stalking back and forth. She was soaked. And still naked. Tommy and Noah were staring unabashedly at the attractive nude mother of their girlfriends, but turned pointedly away when they realized they had been caught.

"I blew it," Cat said sadly. "I screamed at him. He's gone."

"Actually," Erin said. "He's upstairs, acting like a crazy person."

Cat jumped in the air and started for the stairs, but the twins blocked her.

"Gran," Shelly said. "Could you please take the boys to the basement and turn on the Disney channel?"

The boys, still turned away, started to protest, but they followed Lucille to the basement door without trying to get another peek. Shelly's voice had been that commanding.

They heard a muffled shout from upstairs, and Cat stepped forward. Erin held her back.

"Mother, we know you want to go fuck your way back into our father's heart. We told you we would not let that happen."

Cat seemed to deflate and covered her face with both hands.

"But if you will follow some simple rules, we will reconsider."

Cat clasped her hands together in front of her. "Anything!"

"First of all, you keep the kitty bare for a year. Get waxed every three weeks."


"Second, that tattoo stays there. You never have it removed or altered. If Dad wises up and dumps your ass, your future lovers not named David will just have to deal."

"But--" Cat shut up fast as she saw the twins' faces.

"Third, Dad gets hall passes."


"You know what. Dad gets to have sex with any woman he wants. Fifteen times. You know? Fifteen times with one woman or one time each with fifteen women. Or three times each with five women -- you get the drift. We reviewed your tapes and counted your turns."

"And are now scarred for life, thank you very much."

"You got screwed fifteen times. So Dad gets to get even. Fair is fair. The scales have to balance."

Cat gasped. "But I don't--"

Erin looked at her twin. "Shelly, if you have a daughter will you name her after your mother?

"Why, no, Erin. I don't have a mother."

"All right," Cat conceded. "Fif--" She choked.

"Say it!"

"Fifteen times, god damn it. Okay?"


Erin handed her mother a pump dispenser containing a clear thick gel.

Cat looked at it without understanding.

"Lube, mother. The first thing you are going to do when we let you go in is give up your ass."

Shelly shook her head. "We are going to need so much therapy when this is over."

"But I have never--" Cat protested.

"That is rather the point, isn't it?"

Understanding spread across Cat's face, followed by a kind of determination.

Shelly handed her mother a pink vibrator. "Switch is down here. Three settings, twist clockwise. I recommend the high setting.

She saw them looking at her. "Or so I've heard."

"What do I need this for?" Cat said.

"Oh, when the time is right you'll know."

And with that, the twins stepped aside. As Cat passed, Erin slipped her a small screwdriver.

"Put this in the hole --" She stopped as Shelly began to snort. "Jesus, Shelly. Put the screwdriver in the hole in the middle of the handle and turn. The lock will pop open."

They listened as Cat ran up the stairs. They heard metallic scraping, then the sound of door hinges, then the wooden sound of a door closing carefully. Then silence.

"It's awfully quiet," Erin said.

"It's going to hurt."

"Good. She needs to suffer a little. She has gotten off light."

"So far."

"So you haven't --"

"Not yet. Googled it. Too messy. You?"

"Not yet."



"Have you ever been hate fucked?"

"Come on. Who has ever hated me?"



I just could not stay still. Hate and love battled in my skull. The whore I loved with all my heart. My cherished darling a cheating slut. I paced the bedroom arguing with myself. I had to get rid of her. I could not live like this. I could never see her again. I would never see her again.

Thunder crashed outside.

I heard sliding metal and the door opened.

There she was. Still naked, still dripping wet.

She was holding something in each hand. She met my eyes, terror on her face, then she lowered her gaze, and walked past me to the bed. Her body was trembling. She crawled onto the bed and got on her hands and knees. She lifted up and pumped something into one hand.

Then reached back and smeared it in her crack.

I could not help it. I was hard as a rock.

She settled back down but kept one hand on her ass. She took one finger and put it at the pink puckered hole. She pushed it in, moaning. It was not a moan of excitement but of discomfort.


It took every bit of nerve I had to open that door and go into the bedroom with David. I felt humiliated and disgraced -- but then I realized this was what my dear husband had felt seeing me being fucked by Don-- oh God! I can't think of his name without revulsion -- and I determined to see this through. Even if David grabbed me and threw me back out into the hall. I had to try. I owed it to him.

I crawled onto the bed and spread my legs out so he could see both of my holes. I got a palmful of the cool slimy gel and slapped it in the direction of my ass. I gasped as the cold hit my crack.

I heard him take in a shaky breath. I didn't know what that signified, but I was not going to stop. I reached back and put my index finger into my asshole.

Fuck, it hurt. How was I ever to endure a penis? David's cock is considerably larger than my finger. I gritted my teeth and slid the next finger in beside the first. It still hurt, but not twice as much, which encouraged me. I slowly moved them in and out.


Shit! Cat was squirming before me, working two fingers in and out of her ass. My head was spinning with anger, lust, desire, hate. I took my pants off without realizing what I was doing.

The windows lit with lightning. The wind snapped branches against the siding.


David was close behind me. He wasn't moving. He was just looking as I fingered myself in this place I had never put a finger before.

Realization popped into my head. He was staring at my cunt. He was seeing that other cock in it. Those stupid pictures were in his eyes. He was going to walk away!


I was fascinated how Cat was working her rectum. It was so unlike her. Then I remembered how we got here -- by her being unlike her. My eyes moved down to her cunt. It was shining wet with the lubricant and her juices. Her lips were opening and closing. My mind saw her lover's cock approaching it. I gave a small sob and leaned back to turn away.

Her hand snaked out and grabbed my prick.

She pulled on it and it ran true and straight to her asshole.

A million years of instinct fired in me and I pushed in the head.

My other head was pounding. I saw a red fog.

The thunder intensified. Hail pelted the roof.

"If this is how you want it, bitch," I growled and pushed forward.


My husband -- no, no longer legally -- my lover, my friend, my missing half -- pushed the head of his cock into my ass.

I shrieked.

I shrieked because it burned, like his shaft was red hot.

I shrieked because my man was inside me and I had given up hope that it would ever happen again.


The twins heard their mother.

They stood hesitantly halfway up the stairs, too afraid to go up, too excited to go down.

Erin was panting. She felt the wetness in her panties. She looked at Shelly, who was biting her lower lip.

"This is so fucked up."



I started to cry while being butt fucked for the first time.

My husband had spoken to me! I heard his warm loving voice addressing me for the first time in so, so long. It didn't matter what he had said. I was so grateful, so happy.

I will call him my husband forevermore, no matter what a piece of paper says.

Then he pushed forward and sank his shaft deep into my bowels.

I howled.


I grabbed Cat with both arms and squeezed. I pulled my cock most of the way out and thrust it back in. I wanted to punish her. I wanted to hurt her.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw the vibrator lying near me. This better be the time my daughters had been thinking about, because I could not stand much more of the hammering David was giving my butt. Fighting against the way I was being tossed forward and back by his hips bashing into me, I grabbed it, turned it on, and pressed it against my clit.

Oh God! The stabbing pains died away as the vibrations seized my little bud. The sensations reaching my brain morphed into pure pleasure.

I came. I came hard and loud.

Thank you, my wonderful daughters.


I couldn't last. I wanted to fuck her into tiny pieces. I wanted to make her pay for her sins. I wanted to claim her holes as mine alone. I wanted --

I stopped moving, deep inside her, and my cock started to pulse. I groaned and fell on top of her with my full weight.



We must have fallen asleep. I opened my eyes and realized the storm front had passed. The sky was getting lighter as the dark storm clouds moved off.

David was on top of me, passed out. He was so tired and stressed that his orgasm had finished him. He was still inside me. My body wasn't sure if his half-flaccid cock in there felt good or bad. Mostly it was just unfamiliar and strange. But, I decided, not bad after all.

His arms were tight around me. He was hugging me like I was something precious.

I reached my arms out and pulled him to me even harder.



Noah stood just inside the kitchen door, hands in his pockets, more nervous than she remembered him.

"When did Stanford end?" asked Shelly.

"Oh... my last final was a week ago. I had to move out of the dorm and store some stuff, then I flew home...."

"Got plans for the summer?"

"Internship," he said without much enthusiasm. "You?"

She opened the refrigerator and took out two cans of Coke. "Working for Dad again." She held out one can and Noah came over slowly to accept it.

"Real work this time?"

"Yeah. We're college students. We can run a chainsaw, maybe even drive a truck."

Noah popped open his soda. "How is he doing?" He sipped, then reconsidered. "How are they doing?"

Shelly inclined her head toward a window. Noah followed the line and saw a small brass key tied to a loop of plain cotton cord hanging from a nail in the wall. He walked over to it and touched it, then looked back at her questioningly.

"It's the key to a safe deposit box," Shelly said. "Inside the box is the divorce decree, their wedding rings, her engagement ring, and...." She paused and looked out the window. Her cheeks colored.

Noah waited. He came closer to stand next to her.

"... fifteen index cards. Each card says 'ONE HALL PASS'. Mom signed each one."

"So how are they doing?"

Shelly smiled at him. "They are driving us crazy with the loud sex. Every goddamn night. My dorm is like a monastery compared to this place."

He stared at the key for a long minute. "Think he'll ever use one?"

"I don't know. I doubt it, but the fact that mom knows they are there and only one turn of that key away, the key she has to look at everyday... it should keep her mind on her business."

Noah turned to her. "It works both ways, you know. You are looking at it from the woman's perspective. Look at it from the man's viewpoint. There are going to be moments when some memory triggers your dad. He is going to be in a doctor's office, or hear that guy's name, or even just look at your mom lying on her back waiting to...."

Shelly frowned but did not interrupt. She had learned that Noah was capable of surprising her with his insight.

"Black thoughts are going to come. For years and years, probably forever. He'll get a flash of hatred for her, fresh as the first time. It will feel like a punch in his nuts. Twist of the knife. Hopefully they get fewer and fewer, but whenever they come, he can visualize those cards. Just one small key and he gets even. That knowledge calms his ego down enough for him to push past."

"It helps," he continued, "that now they are two single people who choose to be together and not two married people who feel that they have to be together."

Shelly put her arm around Noah's shoulders.

"Noah," Shelly said. "Are you seeing anyone this summer?"

He glanced at her, at first with surprise, then his look turned wary. "Are you?"

She considered for a second telling him that she had several boyfriends now, all of them serious hunks -- then her eye fell on the key and she remembered the cost of lying.

"No." She put her other arm around him.

He grabbed her roughly, kissing her with a passion that made her delirious and happy. He lifted her up onto the countertop and began to fondle her breasts through her T-shirt.

She managed to push him back long enough to pant, "You know statistics show that high school relationships rarely turn into long term --"

"I am not studying statistics," he growled.

Then he kissed her just the way she liked to be kissed.


Epilogue: Lucille

I opened one eye and looked at my phone. 10:12 on a bright June morning.

I was lying on my side spooned into William's front. His ebbing cock throbbed faintly against my thigh and left a cold trail of his semen as it shrank.

It was summer vacation, and principals everywhere were now free to come to their lover's house for breakfast and a leisurely fuck. Not that there had been anything leisurely about how William had taken me.

I knew if I reached down and rubbed my clit I would immediately cum again. I wanted that feeling to linger, to tease me for a while. Until my lover got hard again or I lost my nerve and mounted his face to feel his tongue in me.

I shivered with the thought. He felt my tremor and squeezed my tit.

"I ran into Cat in the grocery store yesterday," he whispered. "I think she knows about us."

"Of course she knows about us. I tell her everything."

He squeezed my breast hard enough that I yipped.

"Everything?" he said.

I could hear the leer in this voice, and I laughed.

"She seemed happy," he said.

I sighed. "I hope so. She and David are feeling out new ways to be a couple. It can't be easy."

"Lots of ghosts?"

I nodded. "Lots."

He pulled me closer to him and bit gently right where my neck meets my shoulder. He knew this was one of my spots. I moaned, wishing he was hard already. Then I felt him getting there.

"Lucille," he said.

"Yes, William?"

"Will you marry me?"

God damn that man. I started to cry. He had never seen me cry. He tried to roll me over to see my face, but I resisted.


He drew back. "No, you won't marry me?'

"No," I said, crying even harder. "No, don't look at me. Yes, I will marry you."

My tears ran down my face. I turned to him and we held each other, our flesh pressed together from head to toe.

I kept crying. I was crying for my dead husband, for the sweet naïve young girl who danced naked and trusting in a crowd of strangers in a meadow, for my wonderful knowing grandchildren.

For everyone who had ever found love and lost it and found it again.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So the daughter’s boyfriend’s father tells the MC how to be a cuck?!?


As for the rest of the story, as awesome and necessary as sex is, it doesn’t solve everything.


If the slut, in sorrow over her sin, had knelt in front of her husband and said “I’m sorry, husband. Please forgive me. I will forever regret my actions and thoughts. I have destroyed the post-modern, feminist marriage we had. I will eagerly accept an Ancient, Patriarchal Marriage if you will take me. I will give myself to you unconditionally. You will be my Lord and Master. I will respect you, and obey you in all things.”; then that would be worse considering reconciliation for.


Instead, he was manipulated and disrespected AGAIN!!!



AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Excellent. Funny , dramatic and compelling

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I couldn't work out whether this was supposed to be a tongue in cheek satire or a serious story of infidelity, but, either way, it didn't work for me. I found it over the top, disjointed and straining credibilty beyond breaking point. The author has produced much better/


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Just a weak ass cuckold who was dominated by every female in his life. So he got to keep a cheating sluty bitch. That doesn’t sound like a win to me. One star for a poor effort.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Yep. Stupid little men need to be dominated and ruled by women with a license to fuck anything that moves

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Definitely did not like it. I guess the author wrote this in part to be a humorous piece, but the manipulation by his daughters and his mother-in-law stop being funny very quickly. And wifey is heartbroken but very shortly after the divorce is final, she is about to go out on a date? Not heartbroken at all. He's better off without wife and he should gently but firmly tell his daughters to back off. 3*** for writing and effort but if I based this entirely on whether I like it or not it would be a 1* or 2**.

Jalibar62Jalibar629 months ago

Agree the twins felt like the main characters. I laughed out loud in several places. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlungerabout 1 year ago

Well told story, maybe not everyone's cup of cocoa but I think it's amongst the best endings to a story here, probably the most difficult part to get right.

Gran & the girls & their boyfriends, were excellent characters and made teh story as good as it is

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Thinkin go of adding this to my classiscs. Five supernovas.

RocketMan12RocketMan12over 1 year ago

I would have like a scene where the twins get banged by their BFs

Cracker270Cracker270over 1 year ago

I don’t know if I like Lucille or the twins the most. This is a revisit with a good read laced with great humor mixed together.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Read it again. Although l gave this story 2/5 originally, and my reasons in the comments are still quite valid, l have reassessed my score upwards to 3/5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. Has to be taken together. First part is better but taken together it is a good read. Like how things were even getting out of control for the twins. Not getting married again helps destress the situation. They choose to be together because they want to. Cat was a bitch but she her thoughts show not only remorse but that she really did have something akin to a mental breakdown after that first time. She kept it hidden and was virtually unnoticeable by her husband but somehow she was mentally out of whack and kept going back for acclaim and feeling desired, while knowing she was having vraooybsex and being a slut. Suspect that her own shame trapped her in a vicious cycle with a stupid small-dicked opportunistic predator at work, and that she wanted to be found out and forgiven but couldn't make herself do it consciously. Is that fucked up? For sure. Whatever the reason: hormones, menopause, depression, mid life crisis, etc, she was a cheating slut. But clearly after so may years the MC could not get past her, despite the divorce having gone through (only took three months). Author was smart to make sure there was no financial pain, with only the house to be given to the wife, who herself had no use for it. The twins are grown up and forcefully behind the father. Wouldn't look too much why the ex wife was going out on a blind date. She had resigned herself to the fact that she lost her family. The twins put a stop to it and if you see Cat's reaction it is more about the hope that she might get to touch David again. Certainly this is a weird off beat, adult Parent Trap rendition. In the end, Cat realizes painfully what she lost and David fills a hole in his heart. But they won't remarry. The trust is shattered and this is a new relationship with a submissive (probably she had repressed this and the predator exploited it... 15 times) ex-wife and a more assertive ex-husband. Wasn't like they stopped loving each other, though Cat forgot something along the way and didn't communicate her issues with David but let the fox in the hen house. In their new relationship, David doesn't have to trust her, doesn't have to really forgive and certainly won't forget. To be with her man, Cat has to sacrifice much and deal with the uncertainty of that key staring at her every day and what it represents. Let alone the punishment from the twins if she strays again or hurts their father. Is it ideal? No. Is it realistic? Probably not except the author stacked the deck and made things enforceable with the twins. As a whole it is farcical and whimsical and shows how crazy people can be. The twins were a breath of fresh air. Well written.I

AethurAethurover 1 year ago

While I'm not a fan of the reconciliation here, I can appreciate this story for what it is. 5*

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