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"Holy Shit did any of you guys see this. That little bitch Angela Peters is gonna get away with it."

"What the fuck are you talking about, she was convicted. She got life at a maximum security prison."

"Oh yeah, well she ain't going to jail, She wiggled out of jail time by volunteering for the registered slave program. She's goanna be a house slave. She's gonna spend her time living with some rich family as a maid or a baby sitter or even maybe a cook. There's even a chance that she'll get her kid back to live with her, till the kid reaches 21 that is."

The state says she is not a danger to society. It was her actions that caused the crime to be committed. She never actually committed any crime it was something she did that caused others to commit the crime. She is volunteering to become a registered slave for the rest of her life in the hope that she is paying back society for what happened.

Ralph Pettrelli, who was listening to the conversation, was smiling to himself as he was hatching a plan. You know there's a way to fuck her up.

"Oh yeah how?"

"Well, you two guys live in New Jersey, right?"

Yeah, so?"

Suppose you guys start dropping in the state police station in Paramus and make some friends. Sort of hint you're interested in switching to the New Jersey state police. After all you live there. They have to handle the paperwork that goes to the Registered Slave Center and where is that, just two blocks away from here, in New York. And we change her paper work from house slave to sex slave, and then make a few other little changes, oh boy this gets better and better as I think about it.

Lisa Walker, the woman who was killed by that drunk driver, well she had a son, Robert, he got a pretty hefty settlement from the insurance company and from the family. Eighteen million I hear.

His father was a cop with the City of New York for twenty two years. When that trouble started in Syria last year the father got recalled, he was a Ranger. He was shot and killed in action. The City awarded him full pension, plus ten grand for each commendation. So the kid gets about 125 thousand for the rest of life. It's all tax free.

"Yeah so?"

"So, suppose we tip the kid off about our Angela going on the auction block, and he buys her. He's almost twenty one now and I think he would love getting his hands on the woman who got his mother killed. The chief doctor who processes sex slaves owes me a favor and I think he would be more than happy to make some changes to her paperwork.

When Ralph Pettrelli called Dr. Chalmers and told him he needed a favor, the doctor said name it and it's yours. Several months earlier the doctor's wife was mugged and beaten severely. She was hospitalized for six weeks and afterwards needed plastic surgery. Ralph caught the perpetrator in of all places a museum. They fought in a hallway and Ralph managed to throw the man down a long flight of marble stairs. Ralph caught him again on the landing, where they fought so more. Again Ralph was able to throw him down another long flight of steps and again the 'perp" was trying to get away. This time Ralph jumped from ten steps high and landed on his back, breaking it. He also broke six ribs his clavicle as well as his pelvis. The 'Perp' spent 5 months in the hospital after which he was never able to walk properly again. He would be in pain for the rest of his life. The doctor's wife later identified him as her attacker and eventually he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Ralph explained to Dr Chalmers what Angela was convicted of. How she caused the death of three innocent people and was now wiggling her way out of going to jail.

"So you think this young man Robert Walker will want her as a slave. Then let's make sure she remains a slave. You need to get a sample of his sperm to add to a dose of Andosterone. You can do that the day or the day before she goes on the block for auction. Have you a picture of her?" Ralph handed him a picture. "I'm guessing she weighs about 100-103 pounds."

"Yeah doc, you're right on."

"You can bring it to me the day she goes on the block. She won't need more than 3, maybe 4 drops to be safe. Take this test tube; fill it to just about here. Once she's dosed with this she'll be begging to fuck or suck every eight hours and only Robert will have the sperm she needs. Let's see what else we can do to ensure an obedient sex slave. I know, we'll die her nipples hot pink and add some Treesium say about ... ummm, 10 milligrams to each nipple and areola. He laughed; she won't be able wear a bra anymore. They'll be far too sensitive for that. I might as well have them pierced with gold rings and we might as well solder them closed so they're permanent piercings and will keep her nipples erect 24/7. He actually giggled. Oh, and yes we might as well have her laser treated and remove all her body hair except for her eye lashes, her eye brows and of course her scalp.

Ralph could see the doc was really on a roll and he smiled. The doc's really into this now he thought.

"Let's dye her clit the same color and include the Treesium. Let's see, Oh the hell with it, 15 milligrams should do it, and we'll add a gold ring soldered closed, for permanence.

"What will that do?"

"It will increase the sensitivity of her clitoris 5 maybe even 6 times normal. You know how a woman will moan when she orgasms. Well our gal's not gonna moan she'll scream her bloody head off and come in a bunch of perhaps 5 or 6 orgasms. She'll probably faint afterwards because they'll be so powerful. We should also add a clitoral collar. They're new you know. You pull the clit through the collar opening stretching it say a half an inch or so. At the same time you squeeze the collar closed. You see one end goes inside the other. They're ratcheted so once closed they're on forever. The blood immediately rushes into the stretched end but now the collar is closed tight so the blood can't escape, so the clit remains permanently enlarged and is about a half inch, maybe 5/8 of an inch long. That will give our guy something to really suck on when he eating her.

Ralph was smiling continuously now the 'Doc' was coming up with ways to completely control and subjugate.

At the same time as you close the collar you push it down into the soft flesh at the base so when you release it the soft flesh folds over it and the wearer doesn't know she wearing it. The new ones are electrified now so they vibrate. You wouldn't believe what they do to a woman when she's wearing one. The only other thing left that she needs is a neck collar. They can change to four different colors now. Black is called Slave, Gold and silver are ornamental meant to be worn as jewelry, and flesh tone makes it virtually invisible. They're very light weight now, only 2-3 milligrams. The remote is designed as pinky ring for the right hand. The Master changes the color of the collar just by tapping the center stone. But if he presses the seal on the outside of his hand, the slave will receive a shock throughout her whole body the like of which she will never want to feel again. You know how they say you can't remember pain, well this pain they remember and the slave will do virtually anything, not to feel it again.

The next morning Bobby Greenberg came into the precinct waving the official seal of New Jersey. I was playing with it as I was talking to my buddies there and I accidentally (wink) put this in my pocket and left. I gonna call them right now and tell them how sorry I am that I took it accidentally.

As Bobby left, Ralph Pettrelli came into the room waving the new order committing Angela Walker to be a sex slave for the remainder of her life. I'm bringing this over to Dr. Chambers right now.

As Ralph walked into the Doctor's office he announced "I have everything you asked for including the sperm sample from Bobby Walker.

Dr. Chambers took the new document and looked over. "It's perfect and it even has the official New Jersey seal. Angela is scheduled to have her last physical at one this afternoon. I had her listed for auction as 'Angela Walker, Murderess' up for auction as a slave. So far not one bid except for Bobby's. Do you think it's because she listed as a murderess? He laughed. By this time tomorrow she'll be home with him beginning her new life as his sex slave.

When they entered his condo she was still in dazed state. The doctor had pumped her full of drugs so she cause no problems and could be led easily by the leash attached to the soft collar around her neck. She was wearing the orange jumpsuit they had dressed her in for the auction. It was over quickly, there being only one bid. Someone took her hand and pressed her thumb onto an ink pad and then onto the paper Robert had to sign. That was it. She was no longer a person just property and now she was owned (legally owned) by Robert Walker.

Bobby was seated across from her and gazing at her. Even in her drugged state she was a beautiful woman. In that orange jumpsuit he couldn't see her sexy body but he remembered how good she always looked. He couldn't believe his luck. He had always wanted her. He was going to blackmail her into being his slut. Now she was virtually given to his as a slave. He owned her. She was his to do with as he wanted and all she could do was obey. She had no recourse she was no longer a person.

He decided to wake her up. He got up and picked up the plastic bag with the dose of stimulant that the doctor said to give her if she wasn't fully awake when they got home. He went into the kitchen and poured the contents of the bag into a wine class. Then he went back into the living room where she was seated.

Just pinch her nose closed and when she opens her mouth to take a breath tilt her head back slightly and pour the contents into her mouth and hold it shut, she'll swallow the dose automatically. That's exactly what he did. It took about ten minutes and she started to come around.

Her eyes lost that glazed look and she started moving her mouth as if she had a bad taste. She was still trying to focus her eyes.

"Did they have the auction? Is it over?"

"Yes, it's all over, I own you now."

She leaned forward and squinted still trying to focus.

"Bobby, Bobby Walker, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me, Bobby. I bought you, and now I own you. You're my property now. I can do whatever I want with you and you can't do a thing about it. I'm going to fuck you bow legged every day from now on."

No, no, that's not right. I'm not a sex slave I'm a house slave.

"Jesus, are you really that stupid? Where do you think you are? You're in my house. I own you. I can do anything I want to you. You're my property. You have no rights. All you're supposed to do now is obey your Master, and that's me. Do you get it now?"

"OH my god, you're right. What have I done? What about Casey?"

"Casey's fine she's sleeping in the next room in her crib. I even fed her a bottle earlier."

Angela broke away and she made a dash for the next room. Suddenly she froze, her arms extended straight out from her shoulders sideways. She was trying to scream but no sound came out. Her mouth was open in a rictus of agony. She had never felt a pain anywhere near the intensity of this. It didn't seem to end. It went on for hour after hour. Actually it lasted only three seconds.

Bobby walked over to her cowering body.

"Please Master, please don't hurt me again. I'm sorry I won't disobey you again. Never again. I'll be a good slave, I promise."

All thoughts of Casey were gone. The only thought now in her mind was to avoid that pain at all costs. She would do anything to avoid it. Bobby reached down and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to her to her feet. His hand went to the tab of the zipper that went from neck to crotch. He pulled it all the way down. She was completely nude under the jumpsuit. He lifted her into the air and the jumpsuit fell in a pile on the floor. He dragged her with him over to the couch. He sat down and spread his knees wide apart. Kneel slave and instantly she was on her knees.

"Now slave show your Master how much you enjoy sucking on his cock. Don't think of your daughter, or what has happened to you. Think only of how much you will enjoy sucking on your Master's cock. Think only of how you will make your Master love what you are doing to him.

Angela bent forward and opened her mouth wide. She took bobby's cock into her mouth and suddenly she wasn't just sucking on his cock, she was making love to it. Her mouth filled with saliva as she slobbered over it; as she sucked on it with an enthusiasm she didn't think she was capable of. To her it became the best tasting love pole she ever sucked on. His orgasm erupted filling her mouth with sperm which then filled her stomach with warmth that spread pleasure throughout her whole body. She made sure she didn't waste a drop and swallowed it all. The pleasure she felt became a throbbing that invaded every cell of her body and she knew she would have to have this over and over, every day or she would die. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that Bobby was truly her Master and to think he lived right next door to her all the time.

"Get on all fours facing towards the door" he ordered. Instantly, she obeyed. He slipped behind her on his knees; his cock was aimed right at her pussy. It was dripping juice on to his carpet. With one thrust he was balls deep inside her. He began pumping into her faster and faster. In only five or six minutes a powerful buzzing began deep in her pussy and seemed to spread throughout her body. A huge orgasm began to build inside her body, a humongous pleasure exploded throughout her body. She had never felt anything this powerful and this wonderful before in her life and just as it started to fade another explosion, then again and again and again. She was screaming her pleasure out as loud as she could when the next one came she screamed, PLEASE NO MORE OR I'M SURELY GOING TO DIE. She fainted.

So Angela ended up with the Master she was fated for. Bobby ended up with Angela as the slave he dreamed about. Frank Stanton and his wife died just as it was written in the book of life. Even Lisa Walker was fated to died at the hands of a drunk young woman who would die in the same crash. It all ended through wild convolutions, just the way it was written, in the book of life.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stupidest story I’ve ever encountered here. It reads as though it were written by a none-too-bright teenager. Registered slave program? WTF?

1smokeeater1smokeeaterabout 2 years ago

Wow. What an awful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I did not get the main idea. Nothing made sense here. The story was not even fiction, it was just a waste of time. ** for your time writing it.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

couldnt read any further then the crap ad the police station get your head out of your ass no one would ever be arested for there murder and even if they were to treathen with that any dumb shit would know that it is not posible

further more did you know you can talk someone into killing himself make him so desprate he does not see an other way out and do you know what will happen ??

nothing becouze it is not a crime

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Again crap

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Not exactly The Rockford Files

People lost their lives because some rich piece of shit wanted to get laid. This is supposed to be fiction...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
who is who?!?

I found this sort of confusing to keep track of the diff characters. Did you originallyrefer to master as Billy Walker and then change his name to Bobby/Robert Walker? Hard to follow and have no idea why she is being charged with Lisas murder by a DD. i liked all the implements from the doc, probably the best part.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Some good ideas, but..

Some good ideas, especially the doctor's ones, but it could have been developed in a longer story (maybe a series ?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

... to knowyou live in California. This is a well-written story, but scary as hell.

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