Centaur Love Ch. 09

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Surprise visitors. On the road to the Centaur capitol.
13.6k words

Part 9 of the 15 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 10/07/2016
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Centaur Love


First off I want to say thank you to taco1085 for willing to accept the Herculean task of editing my hot garbage. Please everyone give him a thumbs up for taking on this task. Second, I want to thank you the readers for following my story, without you Mathew and Felicia's story would never come to light. As in all previous stories and errors are mine, no one person can catch 'em all. (Pokémon pun) All characters are over the age of eighteen. I am going with a centaur's age like humans.

Mathew woke with an itch he could not scratch. Sitting up he looked at Felicia as she tried to itch her sides on a stall still asleep. He watched her step back and rub her ass against the wall then tried the other side of her sleeping stall. Watching her do the scratch dance made him laugh. She woke up looking at him then growled at him, "Stop it, I think I got infested with fleas!"

This made Mathew laugh even harder, "No love, you don't have fleas. Just lock down the farm's heritage link and it will go away."

Felicia gave him a dirty look, and then mentally shut the link. She shook her shoulders, then her flanks. "Better, what was that?"

"Someone is writing in our book." He slipped his flip-flops on and walked into the front room, opening the magic room. The book was automatically turned to the Magic Emporium's page as they wrote in it. His order was ready to ship. He took the quill and wrote back ready to receive. Taking the beacon stone to the magic circle, he put in two mana in it and activated the beacon spell. Then he laid the beacon stone on the edge of the circle. He walked over to the centaur trench and leaned back to pee.

Felicia came out and saw a naked Mathew peeing on the temporary trench they had made for her use until they modified the bathroom. She liked having the inside bathroom, not having to run out in the mornings to go. It would be even better during the winter not having to run out in the cold like that. But seeing Mathew use the slit trench, while she used the bathroom made her laugh in irony. When he was done, he went to the barn to feed and let the horses out. Felicia watched as he worked, he was losing his tan lines. And tanning where he wore clothes.

Mathew was raking the pens when a small clap of thunder shook the barn. Mathew set the rake aside and walked over with Felicia to get the paniers. They struggled to put the new frame on the wall of the barn next to the old one. Then each of them carried a panier to the house. Each bag was made of two pieces of leather; a waterproofed outer piece, and a thick hard-boiled, inner piece. Both were sewn together with a silver wire mesh in between. The silver mesh held the reduction spell. Each panier closed with a bright silver zipper that a water-resistant spell applied to it.

Taking one bag, they stuffed it into the other along with his Gladstone bag and Felicia's saddlebags. Zipping up and sliding into the closet nice and neat. Felicia went into the kitchen while Mathew went to finish caring for the horses. After a quick shower, he joined Felicia in the kitchen for breakfast. Mathew was just finishing washing the last two breakfast pots, as Felicia was making enough dough for nine or ten loaves of bread, when he mentally heard his name called out, on the Elven heritage.

He opened his link < This Mathew Lindrose. >

< Good Morning Mathew, this is Master Sexitorius, I have your houseguest just about ready to deliver. >

Mathew and Felicia laughed. Felicia closed her eyes, concentrating on the link, < Good Morning Master Sexitorius, will you and Maddie both becoming? >

She could feel his smile, < I do not think she was planning on it, but I can ask her. >

< Well let her know I was planning on bacon and tomato on fresh sliced bread for lunch. >

< Gods above child, do not be shouting that, you will have the whole elven nation at your door want 'in some. Give us an extra minute or two while I send Maddie to the store for a small keg of dark ale that goes good with bacon on toast, and tell that of yours mate to make a tub of ice! >

Felicia laughed, < I will Master Sexitorius. >

Mathew looked at the bag of fresh vegetables they brought home last night. The tomato plants were the first to produce every year. Mathew's mother always bottled as much as she could for the winter. They had to steam them today or tomorrow since they only had two days before they left for Midvale. Felicia noticed his look at the bags of tomatoes, "Just store them on the bottom of the bread cabinet, and we will press them when we get back from Midvale. The spell will hold them fresh until then."

Mathew looked at Felicia not believing it. Felicia nodded yes, Maddie told me they have bigger insulated cabinets in Woodsheart that are airtight and can keep produce cooler in stasis that can hold fresh fruit throughout winter. And most winter tubers fresh all summer"

"Imagine having fresh strawberries or fresh cantaloupe during the winter. Or never having to eat stewed vegetables again."

"We can ask Maddie to inquire about one for us. Then I can bake less often but still serve fresh bread every night with dinner. Pointing to several bowls of mix, I was going to make trail bread for our trip to Midvale."

Mathew nodded, thinking she was making her sourdough bread, but saw she was mixing up two different recipes. "As much as I like seeing you naked, I think you need to dress if we are having company, human, or elven."

Felicia looked down, and grinned, "I guess you're right."

"Do we need to clean the second bedroom?"

"I dusted it last night when I looked in."

"Good!" Mathew said, and then went to get dressed. He then went to the barn and pulled down a half barrel. Instead of filling it with water from the hand pump; he thought he would try pulling water from the air with a forced cold air funnel that he thought about reading in Tiberius's book. His thoughts were to create a cold ball into a cone and force the air into the narrow section, increasing its pressure, and then as the cooled, high-pressure air expanded in the wider section, he would be able to pull the water from the vapor. In theory, it sounded good, in practice, it did not produce enough.

Mathew frowned at the results, he was able to pull a cup or two of water. Just enough to wet the bottom of the barrel, not nearly enough to form a ball or form a wall spell. Mathew rolled the half barrel over to the outside well pump and started filling the barrel; he was lost in thought and filled it to the rim. Looking at the cool water, If heat was energy, like magic and transferable, pull it from one place to another and could cause a temperature change from one area to the target area... A cold ball was a reverse fireball. So instead of trying to cool the air, what if he pulled the heat from a section of air. Looking at the barrel, he thought of how to pull the heat from the water.

If a fireball spell forces the mana to ignite into physical form of fire. What if he forced the mana, to work in opposite, to pull the heat from the air itself? Directing it to pull heat from a specific area, he then can super cool a larger area above him, could then capture the supercooled air and extract the water?

Looking at the tub of water, he modified the fireball spell until it felt right and slowly cast the spell directing the spell, where to pull the heat from. He watched the tub of water slowly change state, a slight frosting of the clear water on the outside was the first sign something was happening. As the spell pulled the heat and energy from the liquid, the rate of change increased. To keep it from going too fast he started pulling mana from the spell as it pulled it, out of the water. He was pulling more mana than he put in and had to pull it faster to keep the spell in check.

As the center turned from liquid to solid ice, he pulled all the mana from the spell. He was sweating, he reached down to touch the ice but a familiar voice said, "I wouldn't touch it just yet. It could be too cold, and it could burn you."

Mathew looked up, Master Sexitorius stood next to his granddaughter and Zane Goldenroot. "You pulled the heat too fast from the water and you dried it out some."

Mathew looked at him questionably.

Master Sexitorius laughed, "When you pulled the heat, you also pulled the oxygen out of the water, that is why it frosted so quickly, what you got left with, is a higher concentration of carbon dioxide liquid that is colder than ice, to be cold enough to burn skin. If you target just the heat, and speed it up, it doesn't allow the water to boil as the heat is concentrated and pulled."

Mathew looked down at the tub of ice, thinking. "But if I do this in the air, I would be able to pull the moisture out faster?"

"Yes if what you're going after is drinking water, but air holds small particles of dirt and smoke so you would have to clarify it after you made it. But drawing it from the ground is a lot slower, but it is safer to drink."

"And if I wasn't using it for drinking, say as a wall or ball?"

Master Sexitorius smiled, "I remember someone thinking of using water in combat. He couldn't think of a way to pull it out of nature fast enough." Pointing to the tub, "If I was the mage who thought of how to pull it out like this, I would keep this method hidden until I was in desperate need. Water balls and walls are like rock walls and magically thrown stones, painful if you're on the receiving end."

Mathew stood and bowed to his guests. "Welcome to my farm, guest rights are offered freely to all three of you.

Master Sexitorius, Maddie, and Zane bowed in return. "We thank you for guest rights."

Felicia came out dusting her hands smiling at their guests, "Welcome!"

"Why don't you show Zane here where he can stable his horse while Maddie and I take this tub of ice inside?"

Mathew nodded, and personally greeted Zane again. Then he walked him to the barn. "You can stable your mare with ours. We still lock them in the barn at nights because of the mountain cats." Pointing at the steps leading to the Oak Grove, "That is to the upper Oak Grove, all we ask there is, you allow Felicia or I cast a masking spell to keep from disturbing the Dragon Claw." Pointing to the steps leading down, "Those will take you to the Pecan Grove and further down to out alfalfa fields. This path will lead you to one of the upper ponds, a good place to swim or bathe. The other way is the road down to Sir Fellis's farm. In where he is planning on leaving in two days from now."

"How many are going and staying," Zane asked?

"Eight of the ten families are heading to Midvale. One older couple and one younger without kids are staying, along with four younger men to tend the farms and brewery."

"An older couple? Will they be safe?"

"The old brewmaster and his mate," Sir Fellis said, "They didn't have family at Midvale to stay with, and since they were too old to fight, they could run away just as good from here as they could there."

They walked into the barn, and Zane looked over their smaller design. Mathew went up the stairs to the storage loft and carried down a second saddle rack for Zane's use. He set it under a set of hooks on the back wall for the bridle.

"Does your mare answer to a call or do we need a halter to lead her in at night?"

"No she answers to just a call, she is a spare in the Eldar's honor guards stables, Commander Jefferies has been letting me ride her for exercise for a couple of years now. He insisted that I take her on this trip. We are old friends." Patting her side. "Aren't we Sybil?"

Mathew laughed, "One of many quirky rules in a centaur house. They do not name their horses. So you might get a funny look from one if you call your horse by name."

"Is it offensive to them?"

"No," Mathew said scratching the back of his head in thought. "They know humans and elves do name them. They do not, they just refer to them as a stallion or mare since naming them is referring to something that looks like them, and that is slightly offensive to them. They are also funny about gelding a stallion. Since gelding is one of the harshest punishments in a centaur society. So they don't do it to their horses either."

Zane nodded yes, "Good to know."

Mathew checked the water trough before helping Zane gather his things and show him the house. At the house, Mathew showed him the guest bedroom, Felicia had set out fresh linens for Zanes use. After dropping off his stuff, he showed him around the small house. Maddie was in the kitchen with Felicia kneading bread, both chatting away about magic and cooking. They found Master Sexitorius in the front room with several of Mathew's books piled on the couch table. The one in his lap was the 'Provectus Potio Fabrica'. He pulled down a set of wire-framed glasses and looked at Mathew. "I was wondering if your family retained a copy of these old books."

Mathew smiled at him, with a quick glance into the magic room he saw all of the cabinet's doors were opened. "We had them stored in our potion safe Master Sexitorius. When I took a shipment of five cases of completed potions I needed the room, so I took them out to read."

Master Sexitorius looked up, "You're storing finished potions?"

"Yes Sir for the war. We don't have nearly enough, but each one is a life saved."

Master Sexitorius nodded yes, then pointed to the pile of books on the couch table, "Now can you tell me how several of my old magic books and one from an old friend wound up in your magic book collection?"

"Well Sir," Mathew grinned as if he was caught raiding the cookie jar, "as you may or may not know Sir, my family helped me fake a fatal reserve failure after my first year at the academy. After the third year with no recharging of my reserves, I was expelled, unranked. Since then I have been homeschooled. I recently learned I was also receiving some help from a certain Grand Master in hiding my powers, it was he who gifted me these particular spell books."

Master Sexitorius laughed, "That would have to be the current sitting first chair..., no one else has access to the hidden library." Master Sexitorius waved his arm, "I don't keep up with who is sitting on the council anymore."

"That would be Grand Master Dorthan, Master Sexitorius." Mathew filled in for him.

"Hmmm, I wonder what game this Grand Master Dorthan is playing? And this Uncle of yours, he is in cahoots with him or playing his own game. Either way one of them breaking the council's stupid rule of non-interference." Master Sexitorius sat there in thought.

After a minute Zane cleared his throat, "Master should I go get those...?"

"Oh yes Journeyman Zane, I believe Master Mathew here will need them in the coming months." Both men watched Zane turn to walk into the front bedroom. "Master Mathew," Master Sexitorius said, making Mathew turn back to him, "and yes young man, as a Master 'Magnus', I recognize you as a Master in our art. Since our Eldar bestowed the title as well, it would be imprudent of me not to as well.

First off, I have to say the spell you used to take full control of this farm's ley lines was a sloppy amalgamation of human and elven magic. I expect better from you in the future. There are several holes in your spell, which would allow another Master class mage to bypass your intent to protect this farm. Second, you mispronounced a word on your clairvoyance spell that is why it is blazing to every mage, who magically looks at this valley. However, I have to say the throttled down spell you threw south of here, is pure genius. I am not exactly sure what it powers, but the way it regulates the tiny flow of magic is worthy of recognition."

Zane had returned while Master Sexitorius was speaking. He held out his hand to Zane and took the three books, Zane retrieved.

"Master Mathew, since you already possess some of my earlier work," Master Sexitorius said pointing to his two books on the couch table, "you might as well have my latest." He handed Mathew two books. "I wrote the first one in the years following my forced retirement from the academy. It is a guild to help those mages taught in the 'Eastern' methods of magic to learn how to use magic that is more in line with how we elves use nature and the natural flow of magic. What those at the academy term, 'western' magic, or elven magic."

"The other one is our basic magic book that all apprentices get, most spells in it you are already familiar with, but you should go through it to find the few differences, and then give it to your mate. I think she will find it a lot more useful than you will. The spells are a lot less clunky than human types of spells, and it will be a good lexicon for her to start learning the elven language. Now, this last one is from a friend of mine Master Agrippa, he specializes in horticulture magic. He recently updated all of the known and some unknown healing spells for trees and plants. But he also updated several spells most likely used to start this farm."

Seeing Mathews puzzlement, he went on, "You probably don't know this, when your Great, Great grandfather started this farm, there were no oak trees here, and in less than five years this farm was producing Draconis Claw powder."

Mathew looked at the little book as Master Sexitorius offered it to him. "In it, you will find some modern spells that will encourage young sprouts to grow at an incredible rate. From seedling to mature tree in four years. Nearly the same spells used to start your grove. In the back, you will find a quick drawing of his, on how to plant the Northside of the river. Something to think about after this little war."

"Now, Master Mathew, let's just see if we can fix these two spells of yours."

Mathew retrieved the scroll with his Uncles and Master Delor's jumbled spell. Master Sexitorius took a look at it and grumbled, "Delor, should have known. Get me a bottle of ink and a quill Master Mathew...,"

Mathew grinned and turned to get a writing quill, as he returned he said, "Master Sexitorius, please, just Mathew, I sort of left the academy because the rigid rules on titles, even in private."

Master Sexitorius took the quill and ink bottle, "Ah a fellow Master after my own heart," he said while crossing out a section on the scroll, " 'idiot'! Fair enough Mathew, as long as you give me the same common courtesy, 'this had to be your uncle's part, no need to use archaic necromancy to name family members', I was never a fan of the grand titles Tiberius dreamt up. 'Ok this is good but, no. Darn it Delor, you left the pocket of power open...,' as I was saying, Mathew, Tiberius was impressed with the simple titles we elves use, apprentice, journeyman, and Master. I counseled that he mirrors those, but he wanted something a little more grandeur, initially he wanted to make ten or so levels, but many of the gathered mages argued him down to six you know today, well five and a special title for the first seat."

"Ahh, why am I even trying?" Sexitorius shouted! He turned the paper over, "Better to drain the spell and start over. He dipped the quill and started writing furiously. Mathew was about to say something, but Zane touched his arm, shaking his head no to him, then grinned.

Felicia walked in carrying three large mugs of beer. "Lunch will be ready in ten minutes boys, the first loaves just came out of the oven."

Zane took one and placed it in front of Master Sexitorius, "Here you go, Master." Then looked at Mathew and winked.

Master Sexitorius looked at it, "Thank you, my boy," and continued writing on the back of the scroll." Mathew handed him the other mug of beer and they watched Master Sexitorius mumble to himself as he worked.

"So Master Mathew," Zane said, "Master Sexitorius said you mispronounced a word on your Clairvoyance spell. If you recite it to me we might find what word you mispronounced."