Cephalon's Champion Ch. 02


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Soft murmuring pulled me from a deep slumber into a light doze.

"You can't. Her spirit will overwhelm you before you even get close," Ata whispered. There was a pause in her talking and I rolled over onto Freya, one hand sliding under her side while the other fell naturally onto her mons. She stiffened and squeaked but otherwise made no other sound or movement. Flexing once, I pinched her breasts against her chest whilst also pressing into her pussy, spreading her lips, before relaxing again. Her tail curled around my breasts, prompting me to give another light squeeze, still not entirely awake but getting there.

"I don't care how much you want to, you're just not ready." Another pause. "No, it won't hurt her. You, however, could be in for a world of pain." My tails wriggled around as Freya began to squirm, causing little touches across our bodies that aroused both my libido and mind.

"No. I'm not gonna stop you. I'm a believer in the live and learn philosophy."

Moaning softly, I tensed as a thin tongue split the crease between my thighs. Following close behind, the reptile's phallic shaped head nudged my folds, prompting me to spread my legs. I obliged, throwing my thigh over Freya, deepening my own ministrations. I couldn't resist curling my fingers into her wet slit, just hinting at penetration without actually following through.

"Yesssss," I purred in my sibilant hiss as the green head slipped deeper into my folds, its tongue continuing to flick and nuzzle, even as it dove further into my pussy.

"Deeper. Go deeper," Freya pleaded as she curled her hand over mine.

I obliged.

Driving my fingers into her depths, I wrung the pleasure out of her flesh as I sought out a nipple, pinching and rolling, instigating tiny cries of pleasure with each. Her body kicked into a higher gear and I watched as the electrical signals of her nerves lit up beneath her skin with her bliss. Using one of my tails, I corralled her up to my mouth where I could give it a nip, pricking it with the tip of a fang.

"Ungh," was Freya's immediate response as her orasm tore itself out of her body. Meanwhile, the green animal doing its best dildo impression continued to bury its body into my pussy, driving me wild with every wriggle.

"Ohhh. Right there, you crazy little beast."

"Her name is Venonay," Ata panted, her crystals flaring a bright lavender yellow hue as she sat off to the side of the pile of exquisite pleasure our group had turned into.

"Well, then Venonay, take me home."

She did.

Coiling into me like a spring, her flexible flesh found a way to expand beyond her original size, testing my capacity for a moment before relaxing. She let me recover, just thrusting 'regularly', or as regularly as a floating reptile dildo could thrust. The strangeness of that thought tickled the edge of my brain not currently swaddled in lust.

This is beyond wild.

After she'd judged me sufficiently recovered, she started winding as much of her body into me as she could, making me feel a little like a stuffed turkey. I could only take a few of these cycles of thrusting and stuffing before my release tumbled over me, bowling me over like an obnoxiously large snowball into a blinding white orgasm. Ata's cries indicated she'd joined me in our journey into bliss.

Sensing a gap in my unconscious shielding, Venonay sought to leverage her tiny soul out of Ata's umbrella and into the maelstrom of my essence. Buffeted instantaneously by the storm, she let out a piercing cry, muffled by my pussy though it was. Wincing, I tried to calm my roiling energy. I failed. It was like trying to wrangle a tornado by waving a rug at it. My core just had too much natural motion to be so easily influenced. She jerked, stiffening to a straight three foot rod before falling limp, her spirit still struggling. The fading contractions from my orgasm forced her from my pussy while I attempted to guide her essence back towards Ata. Working on instinct, the eddies began to nudge against her spirit in the direction I wanted.

Yes! Wait... What's she doing?

The headstrong couatl was fighting to remain free from Ata's protection, remaining just outside the border between me and the golem. Incredulous, I watched as a bubble started to form around Venonay. A cut grass barrier flickered like a faulty light bulb, always on the precipice of, but never quite, stabilizing.

"She needs help. Imagine some jewelry," Ata hurriedly spat out. The first thing that came to mind was when the couatl had wrapped around my arm, the first thing she'd done after hatching. That, combined with the leather wrap I'd used to secure her egg, brought to mind a thin bronze arm band that encircled my arm, pressing tight.

Tight enough that my relaxed flesh pushed out between the hard curling metal... Strange. I can almost feel it.

A weight was beginning to pull on my arm and I pinched my eyes closed, focusing as hard as I could.

"It's working. Keep going," Ata encouraged, less worried and more excited. There was a quickening sensation and I watched, still in a haze of sexual satisfaction, as Venonay started to dissolve into little motes of energy that distorted the air. Caught in an unfelt, unseen breeze the dust like conglomerate did a loop-de-loop on its way to my upper arm. Piece by piece the bronze arm band formed on my arm while the barrier in my soul solidified into a triumphant green sphere. The sphere bounced around in jubilation while the Venonay's tail gave a tired wag in the real world. I let my head fall back onto the dirt comforter, a little unnerved by the excitement of the morning when my instincts gave a twinge. Honing in with my senses brought to light a muted buzz, much like that of a common housefly.

I lept to my feet and chased after the sound, disturbing Freya who let out a low groan of protest. Almost faster than I could process, I'd caught up to the sound and pinched the creature between my pointer and thumb claws. It looked like a mix between a fairy and a bumble bee, as it froze in my grasp. Generally human in shape, it had large black eyes with two antenna on an otherwise featureless face. Dragonfly wings poked out between its shoulder blades. A white and yellow striped thorax poked out of above its butt. I was geared up for a fight, my body reacting the invader by dumping truckloads of adrenalin into my system. It remained still and motionless in my hand. Squeezing, I began to give it a swift death when a voice boomed out in the silence.

"Hold, daughter! The Lathen came in peace," Deku intoned.

I stilled and looked closer at the bug person.

This is the thing that's been raiding towns down the coast? I thought, befuddled by the idea that this seemingly harmless bug could cause any damage whatsoever.

"It sought you out on behalf of its mistress and wishes to parley," Deku continued. The bug cocked its head, and it's metaphysical presence swelled, almost like there was something else, someone else, staring out from behind its eyes.

"Vespal humbly request you release her drone so as to remove the chance of accidental loss of means of communication."

I cautiously released the bug who immediately sat down in my hand, its eyes glittering with intelligence that wasn't there moments before. Catching the gaze of the people I cared about, I looked at them and then back at the bug.

Just what in the infernal fuck is going on?

End of Chapter 2

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gkrishnagkrishnaover 1 year ago

I enjoyed the first chapter, and the story is pretty interesting. But it's disappointing to see the character we know and the protag is starting to build a relationship with, Selena, be suddenly thrown aside, and replaced by a random character we barely know, Jen- Freya. Presumably Selena will come back later, but it still means that what could have been meaningful intimacy is instead just sex for sex's sake because the protag decided she'd be the priest knowing nothing about her.

There are stories on this site that barely try to have a narrative and go wham-bam-thankyoumaam instead, and there are stories that weave the narrative and the sex together, but this is the rare story that builds a great narrative, and then sets that aside for a random wham-bam-thankyoumaam episode for some reason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Could be top notch with a thorough proof reading AND an editor.

The proof reading is YOUR responsilbility. Editors are not proof readers, they are for tightening up 'wordy' sentences, finding plot holes, and a miriad of other things.

One of the first things I was taught in writing classes in high school, (I'm old enough writing was actually TAUGHT in high school.), was the importance of re-writing. The first time anything is put down on paper, literally or virtually, it is a first draft. In this age of electronic wordsmithing, this concept has been lost, for the most part.

The creator MUST go back and carefully read what has been put down as a draft. Don't get caught up/sidetracked w- re-writing or fixing things, make notes IN the text. Use different color text, or a diacritic to notate. After you have fully read the draft, then go back and take your time to fix/expand/re-write.

The quality of any given written work is based upon the number of re-writes. When you are satisfied, THEN it goes to an editor. The fresh eyes and perspective will catch plot issues, character inconsistencies, and other things you are imherently blind to.

It takes word equivalent of decades of serious writing before any average writer can self-edit. As yout talent is honed, and improves, you'll gain the ability to re-write on the fly, and not need to notate, though it ALWAYS helps to make notes if you stumble upon big ideas, and don't let them bog you down.

Is this a lot of work? Hell, yes! But it is what separates authors from writers.

The best thing you can ever do to improve your skills is to edit for others. You will learn more editing than you will writing, given equal time investment.

I wrote AND edited, professionally, for 30+ years in academia. More of MY work was published without my name, than with. But, the published names always knew who to credit, and always returned to me, whenever they could.

WeezyfWeezyfover 2 years ago

"Wow. You really are new to this."

"Sorry to disappoint," I said a little snappishly.“ its a theme in your stories that the heroines always are clueless and stay clueless by DESIGN! They never ask relevant questions to their new situation/world/abilities…especially about her low mana? About priests? About whTever is growing in her throat? About the father? The white egg she strapped with leather to her bicep?

“I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't for her to kiss me.“ its okay for everyone to touch and kiss/play with her but its bad and immoral and without consent if she has the need to do the same… ffucking logic.

"It's perfect." I pulled her into a side hug complete with a small kiss on the top of her head.“ i thought she didnt forgive her.. then wat was affectionate hug/kiss for.. not to mention this Bast gave up her cock for Selena and yet this Selena does 0 of her duties except shun her as a monster.

“ "You'll be fine, she wants this you know," Ata provided.

How do you know?” Did this Bast not fucking ask the whore point blank if she wants this and she said yes? So why the hell is she second guessing herself.. again!! Where was her instict/need to dominate and ravish..

"Are you sure you're okay with this? You just went through a traumatizing event, I don't know if you should be making life altering decisions right now." Oh god again.. triple consent and reassurances from 50 people just to have sex with a whore that kissed you and literally said “ i want to have sex you! I want this.”

“Also, it would wound me if you later came to regret making this decision." Its ironic that she told the whore she has a low opinion of herself while here she is with 0 confidence.. thinking the whore would regret the opportunity of becoming a priestess to a goddess.

“ It was only now that I was able to relinquish all my reservations and trust Jennifer's words. ” why does she have so many reservations? They kidnapped and changed her fully and she didnt care so why is she so reserved and unconfident and uncomfortable with her desires.

“while I looked at my mischievous appendages, wondering just how many secret uses they held.“ ask the armor? She seems to know alot and doesnt mind explaining unlike that useless summoner.

“ I opened my mouth to ask her if she was sure .” Sigh she is literally asking and begging for it and still want to ask you sure? Why do all the other characters donwhatever they want yet the heroine always 50x consent asking like.. sigh..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Love it better than anyother book ive read please please please make more dont end it like this.

poreyb1999poreyb1999almost 6 years ago
Great work.

Your storys are some of the best I have seen seen my only criticism is that you seem to jump from story to story a bit instead of working and finishing one before moving forward.

FalloutDMBFalloutDMBover 6 years ago

One can only hope that in the near future more will come... hopefully... please...?

Thinktank1803Thinktank1803over 6 years ago
Good? I guess?

This might not be my alley. You had me at monster girl but you're losing me with the lingering lactation fixation and lizard dildo. Good story and the premise is lovely. I like where you are taking the plot but I'm kinda lost in how wild the sex is and how okay the protaganist is with every facet of this for no reason.

Also his relationship with Freya is wierd as hell. Idk what that dynamic is but it's so strange to me. Anyways. All around good stuff. Even if it's not my cup of tea.

PS: genuflect is a fun word but it is wierd as hell to see someone try to casually use it in a semiserious manner.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I gotta say this is one of the stories I am most looking forward to reading more of out of the 100 or so I have booked marked. All I ask is that you don't just up and end it like this... to many have done so already and it's just painful knowing a great story will never make it past the first or second chapter.

Best of luck and hopefully to be reading more soon.

MelanPoncaMelanPoncaover 6 years ago
You've got another great start here!

Hey Cap'n Doggy,

I read "Orcish embrace" back in July, and have been following you since. I really like this arc, and hope you continue to develop it.

A request in your writing; I'd love to hear more about these characters and their backstory. You've certainly given me the bones of the characters and even enough to care about them, but there's more to them (I think they're in your head and you've known them longer than we have, so you forget we don't know them like you do). If you would develop them I think you'd cement our relationship :-).

Keep up the great work!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

after waiting so long for this , i was thrilled to read this chapter. thank you. could you please continue this and i am dying to read more of forced changes. i wish you all the best .awesome reading.

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