Champion of the Goddess Pt. 01


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He smiled, "You cannot have her but if you promise to behave, I might loan her to you."

Rhonda check." Rhonda nodded, "3 boys."

He looked at her, "You have a going-away present from me."

She kissed Rainer with fervor. "I will go away now. I was not allowed to keep my other children. The guild took them."

He looked at Mary, "You have been requested." He laid her down, "She has a full ass now too. Take care of it however you wish."

He walked over the pitcher of water and clean his hands and cock.

"Jonni on Rhonda's face while I frustrate the hell out of her." He finished off the night and fucked his main ladies and getting everyone into the tub. Rhonda gave 'about last night' cantrip to the two initiates and Wendi. They helped get Wendi dressed near the door. She kissed them goodbye and looked at him, "You fucking rocked my world. Something tells me I could not handle a night with all of them."

He smiled, "They don't bite much."

She kissed him, "Thank you for not killing me."

He looked at her, "You find a good healer when you are gone. Get that tattoo cut off and healed up."

She nodded, "I got to get Samuel to a safe location before reporting in. I can tell him you warned me our enchanter was in danger without giving any information."

He opened the door and let her go.

He stayed out of the line of sight. He closed the door. He turned the lock and thought "Level 2 definitely level 3 damned close."

He heard laughter, "You were in rare form tonight. Playing from the street is just as entertaining as putting you into royalty. Level two yes for everyone. Level three will probably be tomorrow the way you are going. You are doing an outstanding job with the 2 new ones."

He thought, "How many transferred in?"

She thought, "What makes you think they are transfers?"

He smiled and thought, "No sex education class, though they were briefed about me. It has not been a year so that leaves transfers as everyone in this world has their past lives. Are they fresh or do they have any past lives off-world they need to know about?"

She was quiet for several seconds, "Alright they are not transfers. I released them on their 18th instead of waiting for a group. They are first lifers and you rocked their world."

He thought, "Why did you release them?"

He heard her sigh, "Because I had too. Mother wanted to test you with 2 who never had a whole lot of failures. They blew up 4 times but they did not know why until now. I had to hold them after the fourth for a period of time. When the 3 went off the rails and wanted to rape and pillage with their leader and another who was a woman he killed.

I had to get them cleared out without interfering with free will. Then there was waiting to see what happened at level 15 and seeing if another group would make it to that inn. None did or has since the change. A couple of others are trying but they are encountering problems."

He headed to the bed and thought, "We will talk more in sleep. I know we cannot see each other."

He laid down in the middle of the bed. Mary laid on top of him, "What did she say?"

He smiled, "Level 2 tonight and level 3 tomorrow from the sounds of it. We killed it today. She was very pleased with everyone."

He summoned the raven. "Raven camp watch." He drifted off to sleep. He got pelted with questions, "You had everyone believing you grew up there for a while. What do you foresee happening?"

He smiled, "Well you gave me Samuel's name and history but I winged it with Wendi to throw you a surprise. The number 3 will likely not believe her but will have another fight on his hand when she informs the number 1. In the chaos of the guild war, this creates time for her and Samuel to escape the city."

She thought to him, "You want a happy ending?"

He asked her, "You do not cut off this guild attack. We will be level six before leaving the city."

She laughed, "Ok. Point taken. But what other options do you see?"

Raven sighed, "He believes Wendi and Samuel, especially after the shop is raided looking for Samuel. The store is not his, he just worked there. I would think the owner of the store had to be in on it and an examination of his financial records would bear that out.

They were well equipped for thieves. There any a number of options where you could kill her. Do you want the most dramatic plot twist? Have her and the first wife take out the top 3, take over the guild and they go through and kill off all the male members not worth a damn; like the fucking rapists.

They could cement their status by cleaning out the magic emporium in a single night. After the owner is arrested. Samuel becomes an underground enchanter for the guild exclusively. He spends his night with his wife and friend from childhood. Raising my children. They rename the guild of course and get rid of the oh too obvious tattoos."

She laughed, "That would be a plot twist you would not see that would shake up that city. What would they do next?"

He smiled, "Pay a midnight visit to the Countess. Tie her up, gag her and suck her cunt until she was ready to pass out. Then tell her that the snakeheads are gone, where to find the bodies of the leaders and to stick to ruling the city and out of their business or the next container of dwarven explosives will be shoved straight into her cunt.

Then right before she leaves, they lean in and whisper, 'Who's your ruler?! Who's your ruler now cunt?!'"

She laughed her ass off. "If you were the Countess?"

He smiled, "Take the threat seriously as you have no idea how they made it into your palace let alone your bedroom chamber and they were fucking great at licking cunt. Take the death of the guild leaders as a 'sign'.

That she has put down the last vestige of organized crime in her city. Those on the lower districts will know better, the ones in the middle will turn a blind eye. Of course, the nobles are oblivious. Unless or until one of their houses are robbed clean. Along with half the royal treasury."

She laughed, "How would they do that?"

He smiled, "That got a mouth, cunt, ass, and access to poisons. Those they do not fuck into submission they simply get rid of until the ones they need are in place. The captain of her guard let them right into her room after he got his dream of 2 women at once. He is also the one who finds her in the morning trussed up like a turkey. She, of course, swears him to total secrecy and then takes him into her bed.

To have security close at hand and the erection he supported under his tight pants upon finding her helped cement that deal."

She laughed non-stop for what felt like an hour. He finally broke in, "Spells chill touch, swift girding, the ray of enfeeblement and feather fall."

She stopped laughing, "The only one I am curious about is the swift girding. You got those bracers."

He laughed, "If I and the ranger are naked and having sex while getting attacked, I roll off and cast that on us so we are dressed."

She laughed, "Alright so you want if for those in light armor who might be naked."

He smiled, "That was the idea. That is an arcane focus use seeing how I have more than one. Level three feat point-blank shot, level five precise shot, weapon focus longbow, and point-blank master. Level three spells invisibility, jump, scorching ray, and mirror image. For the Magus Arcanum Close Range."

She made the 'ah' sound and responded, "You are setting it up so you can push rays through your sword. Why are you giving me all of your level 3-5 stuff now?"

He sighed, "Well I listened to you laugh for an hour and I could not hold you to truly enjoy it. Our conversation this way is rather one-sided. Tell me about Marshal and Gardner, they running together in this life? What about Shia and Shanna?"

She sighed, "Shanna is with Gardner this life. Marshal and Shia are both leading their own groups this life. Marshal asked for the separation. He wanted to explorer his heterosexual side as the only man he was ever with was his own brother. He loved his time with Lirana but he had to share her with others including a dwarf who stretched her out. He has two women sharing his bed.

Gardner is struggling with the separation from Marshal. Shanna and he have hooked up but they never asked about who they were in their past life. Shanna is in a better state of mind than when you found her.

She was disappointed with not getting to run with you. Shia is doing good. She has embraced the leadership role. Those with her know she ran with you in her last life so they are learning everything they can from her. She has two ladies who share her bed every now and then but she is not tied to anyone."

He chuckled, "What of the quartette I traded for my son and his ladies for?"

She laughed, "She held them until she got all 4. Then put them all together. After the twelfth time, she finally separated them. They are still in their first life, never making it further than the first inn. Your son is doing good. One of his ladies; the sorcerer is together with him, and he added a second. His other two ladies are in different parties and have found new love interests. Including Rhonda in yours. She wanted a shot at the father. You have really rocked her world."

He thought to her, "Why didn't you give me four new faces instead of Flar and Anna? Anna could and should be leading her own group?"

She laughed, "I could have, but with the dwarven explosives I could not miss out to see what you would do with them. I may shuffle them around at one of the other inns. It depends on how things go."

He smiled, "What happened to free will? You should have had Flar and Anna working with those two after we dealt with your 3 troublemakers. Now you have created a problem. You were dead set on us not walking away from the explosives."

She laughed, "Yes. I wanted you to solve the problem and not leave it. Your solution was inventive and the way you walked Jonni through thinking through the problem was insightful."

He laughed, "Reminded me of when I got you to build a better strap-on."

She scoffed, "How?!"

He smiled, "I pointed out the problem with the design and had you apply magic to it."

He heard a long pause. Mother was laughing at the comparison. "She sees your point and agrees while I see what you are saying but disagree. There was nothing explosive about the Earth strap-on."

He laughed, "EXACTLY! But what you created was explosive. We just flipped the problem around. We went from a safe but boring design to something worth screaming about and did the reverse for the explosives. Both using magic."

She giggled, "Alright I am getting it from both of you now. I agree with your analogy now that you explained it better. Mother laughed her ass off on how you flipped the problem. Yes, magic was the solution for both. She told me to let you get some sleep. Stay safe, if you can."

He awoke with two mouths sucked on his balls and a halfling riding his cock.

He picked Mary up and laid her on her back on my chest. "One of you two on my cock and the other attack my halfling's cunt that was misbehaving this morning."

The ladies laughed and he had Mary's arms pinned. She looked over at him, "How was I misbehaving?"

He smiled, "New to the bed gets the wakeup call. If more than one then one one-day and one the next until the new ladies are finished.

Now you will have to suffer through a tongue lashing for two more days." The ladies laughed and Pine was all over Kary's cunt and was holding her legs wide. She attacked and Mary was wiggling as Rhonda went to tickling her. Soon Raven and Mary both shoot off. He climax and Mary pisses on the ladies and his crotch from the attack as she came.

He let Mary go and she started chasing Rhonda around the room. He used some of the cooled bath water to clean up with and got dried off. He grabbed Mary and put her butt first into the tub. The ladies laughed and Mary looked at him in shock. He smiled, "That is what happens when you piss on me. Wash up that cunt of your or I will have Rhonda do it for you."

Mary faked anger and cleaned up and dried off. He studied while Rhonda prayed. He looked at her, "You got your padding for your breasts?"

She nodded, "One over each and the other over my stomach. How did I get selected for this?"

He smiled, "Well I chose you, you are my wife, and there is this thing about you being a backline fighter with the smokers while wearing full plate armor."

She nodded, "Alright I will give you the third one for being a good reason." They grabbed their gear and left. They ate some fruit and the innkeeper stopped them and looked at Raven, "Thank you for stopping the attacks. I have a reputation to maintain."

Raven nodded, "So do I!"

The ladies laughed. He looked at Raven, "Two of my daughters were talking about you fucking the thief who knocked Clara out."

He nodded, "I grew up with her in the city. I remembered her from the streets. I got an apprenticeship and she got gang-raped; at least twice. I gave her a night to remember and got my message sent. Everyone won except for the idiots who came before her."

He nodded, "I am glad you are going because my daughters were scheming about how to get you to deflower them."

He laughed, "All they had to do was ask. But I have to get going."

He looked shocked and then relieved. He leaned in, "I will wait a few days and let them know what it would have taken. Long enough for you to be far away from here."

He smiled, "Until I return this way." He groaned and went behind his bar. Everyone laughed.

He looked at Jonni, "Where are we going and what lies beyond that?"

She looked at Raven, "We head down that road to the next town."

He smiled, "What could you place in your hands that can answer those questions? Then answer the question how many days by wagon?"

She looked at Raven, "I will get a map and find that out by the time we catch up with your hunting group."

He smiled, "Thank you, wise leader. Right answer."

The guys laughed and she rolled her eyes and smiled. He headed into the stables and got his horse saddled up in no time. Pine struggled and he talked her through how to do it. He got mounted up and the 3 of them went riding out together. As they reached the edge. "Raven, scout road."

Pine asked, "Would it not be early for a bandit attack?"

He smiled, "Possibly, but they can happen at any time. The Raven will tell me if it sees any big game. About an hour a half goes by and the raven comes back, "Big deer right side." He looked at them, "First time he has used big deer. We are downwind so let us pull off and go on foot." They moved into the woods and dismounted. He looked at them, "Watch me, I take aim and you take aim. After mine hits it will drop or move. You need to shoot where it is going to be at. Called leading the target. I make a fist that means stop. I point at you and a direction then I want you to move further away in that direction. Spreading out because some animals will charge you."

They nodded, "Pine to my right and Mary to my left. No talking. I may drawback and not fire for several seconds. Do not fire because I need to move for some reason. Do not fire until I fire. We will deal with coordinated firing at another time."

They headed off quickly but quietly. They slowed down even further as they heard the sound of branches snapping and rubbing. He looked over the top of a downed tree and saw a 6.5-foot-tall bull moose. He pointed each of them to spread out. He took aim and his vision changed.

He could see the animal in cross-sections from the hide to the heart. He thought, "Myssara. When this is over replay it from my eyes."

He released the arrow stuck into the heart. The other two fired. Mary's went wide and Pine's shot dropped off short. He put a second arrow into it and it dropped over with a crash. "Raven scout camp." He looked at the ladies, "Get the horses."

He heard in his head, "I have never seen it but it has a name. Hunter's Eye. Extremely rare gift according to Mother. Some hear it and they can track by the heartbeat. She said it was in line with your Champion abilities."

He looked around for the best path back to the road. He spotted a cluster of mesquites but turned back to the tree he hid behind. A downed massive hickory tree.

He buried his ax into it as the ladies came riding up the road. He yelled, "Here." They brought the horses in and he looked at them, "Now it is time to get messy."

He walked over to the moose and they stared at how close his arrows were to each other. He looked at them, "We will be stuck for three days here. Or, we take half of this back to town get another four shields and two chain shirts.

We lose today smoking in place and continue tomorrow with the portables we set up today. Regardless that ends the hunting portion of our trip."

Mary looked at it, "What is it?"

He looked at her, "Big deer. It is in the deer family it is called a moose. We will need two more horses, actually bring the spare team, the barbarian, the saw, ax, chisel, and sledgehammer. Tell Jonni to ride back with you as well. Mary, stay with Flar and prepare him for what we are facing.

Tell him to think twice the size of the bull in terms of meat. We have a lot of work to do on your bow skills."

Mary looked at him, "Mine glanced off of a low hanging branch. My bow skills are just fine."

He smiled, "Short bow vs crossbow. You are 2 feet shorter so you need to practice some to adjust for a couple of reasons."

They nodded and the two of them rode off. Quickly. An hour and a half went by and the 3 ladies came riding in. Anna looked at him, "Figured you would have had half of it out by now. He looked at her, "If I had the saw with me sure. I gutted it. It is still well over a thousand pounds."

He took them back to the moose.

Anna looked at it, "Fuck!"

He nodded, "That is what I wanted the team of horses for. I put together a sled it is sitting upon. I have cleared out what underbrush. I could. I found our firewood and smoking wood all in one. We have that large downed hickory. Been down a while. It will burn good and have good flavor. Again, If I had the saw, hammer, and chisel."

They got the ropes hooked up. They pulled it to the road. He got those two working the saw. He cut off some of the smaller mesquite trunks he could find and got that drug out to the road when Flar pulled up. Flar stared at it.

Raven smiled, "How are your cooking skills? Think you can have it all done by dinner?"

He shook his head, "No."

Raven looked at him, "I got the material together to build them."

He looked at Jonni, "You will need to decide if you're cooking or taking the wagon back to town."

She looked at Raven, "Why me?"

He smiled, "You are the leader and you have to learn both. I need Mary and Pine here to learn. You can learn in one direction or the other. That gives you Tawney, and Anna who could also do it but nobody should go alone. Rhonda should not leave the bulk of the party.

There are two other options. We empty the bag of holding and store meat in it instead. With the temperatures that will be dropping they should last several days The other is abandon the meat but the ranger would have mixed emotions about being so wasteful. How many days until the next village?"