Chance Discovery


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Jason and I had our phones out and recording as we walked inside. Without saying anything we stepped up to the foursome and videoed them for a few seconds capturing them nuzzling each other, arms intertwined. Sandra looked up and squealed when she saw us. "Hello sluts!" I said in a much louder voice than necessary. Kristine's facial expression was priceless. She began to babble. 'Carry on slut!" I announced loudly. A hush fell over the bar. 'Don't mind me. And don't bother to come home. I'll pack your shit and have it out on the lawn tonight. You can haul it over to that other slut's house." I pointed at Sandra with my free hand.

"And you guys might as well keep these married sluts after you have you have your fun tonight. I don't want the cunt anymore. I'm sure Sandra's husband will not want her cunt when he gets wind of this either." One of them started to get to his feet. "Don't be stupid, asshole." I turned slightly and showed him the butt of my Glock above my belt line. Even in the subdued lighting, he paled visibly.

Jason and I turned and walked out. I wondered how long it would be before I got my first phone call or text. Ten minutes. "Yes? What do you want? Boyfriend finished playing with your tit?" I asked snidely. I put it on speaker for Jason's enjoyment.

"Damn it!" Kristine said. "It's not what it looks like. These guys are just in town on business. One is an old friend of Sandra's. She needed somebody to go along as a buffer." I could not believe she gave me the 'it's not what it looks like' line. I guess that was all they could come up with in ten minutes.

I laughed. "Yeah, the guy's one arm was so far round your neck he could reach your tit. His other hand was under the table. I wonder if it was under your dress as well. I can't tell from the video. But it doesn't really matter. You lied, you cheated. We are through.' I heard a 'Jerry, please" as I hit the icon to end the call.

"You know I am going home with you tonight." Jason said. I looked sideways at him in surprise. "Don't argue about it. For the last few hours you have been running on adrenaline fueled by anger. Acting pretty normal if a little hyper. You are gonna crash soon and it will hit you. I'm gonna be there to keep you from either doing something stupid or falling apart." I told him quietly I appreciated it. He handed me his phone and told me to go to his contacts to call his wife.

'What the fuck was she thinking?" Sue, Jason's wife, screamed over the phone. I'd put her on speaker. "She is out cheating? Throw the cunt's shit in the front yard and lock the door!' I had no choice but to crack up laughing.

"Thanks Sue." I said. "I'm glad you have my back. I appreciate it."

"I'd do the same thing to Jason if he cheated on me." Sue said. " And if I cheated on him, I'd know to expect that or worse. Jason, you stay with Jerry tonight and help him. Maybe you guys ought to consider taking a few days and go to the fish camp and get drunk once you get a handle on things." I loved my sister in law.

"Okay first things first. Whisky, tequila, rum or beer?" Jason asked as we got to my house. I told him beer was safer. He fetched two and put several more into the fridge to chill. "Now, do we start to bag her shit up?" he asked, with a grin. I knew it would not matter in the long run I probably could not keep her out. I did not care about the house anyway. But it WOULD make a statement and I planned to make that statement as public as possible.

We got a box of trash bags and began to stuff all her possessions inside starting with her clothes. We began to pile them up in the front yard close to the front of the house. That was to make sure I was not accused of giving her stuff away.

Where we lived, if you put stuff on the curb, it was considered up for grabs. Often you would find an appliance, an old television or whatever on the curb between trash pick up days. Couches and chairs were put there when people upgraded. It was commonly accepted this stuff was being given away. Anybody who wanted it could have it. It saved a trip to the dump and gave somebody in need an opportunity.

I put Kristine's stuff next to the house. I had told her it was going to be outside so I hoped I would be covered. An hour later all Kristine's clothes and personal items were on the lawn. I made sure to change the combination on my gun safe and secured all the documentation I wanted to protect. I went to my home office to make sure nothing in there could not be replaced. I knew I'd have a hard time holding Kristine liable for damage if she got the house and threw out something important.

She pulled up with Sandra. "Are you seriously going to throw my stuff out of the house?" she screamed. I nodded. It was only about nine o'clock by this point. We had started our adventure early. I reached inside the door and grabbed the airhorn I had from my fishing and boating gear. I began to blast it. After several loud honks, neighbors appeared out of the nearby homes. They could tell something out of the ordinary was going on. A few held cell phones in case things got REALLY interesting, but everybody stood watching.

I stepped into the open, almost to the street. "My wife, Kristine and her friend Sandra have been going out and screwing guys, having wild uninhibited sex." I announced in a loud clear voice. I heard Kristine begin to cry and beg behind me. 'I caught them both tonight in a bar with their boyfriends. If anybody wants proof, I will be happy to show them the video. I want the slut out of my house. She can go stay with her slut friend. I will move out in the next few days and she can come back. We are finished." I waved cordially.

"How could you do that?" Kristine asked, incredulous I had the audacity to make such a public announcement. Sandra was well aware of the ramifications for herself. She knew if I had not done so already, I would soon call her husband. She sat on the lawn and bawled.

She had only been married to Bob for a couple years but they had a prenup. Knowing her history, I had taken him aside and warned him to protect himself. "Trust but verify" I had said. He accepted my advice.

'You son of a bitch. You have no proof of us doing anything." Sandra said, trying bluster. "So we sat in a bar with a couple friends? Big deal."

I pointed to the bags and told them they better be moved or they might go missing. I honestly expected the police to show up soon.

Sure enough, a squad car arrived. While all this was going on, Jason was in my office making sure our phones' contents, both his and mine was uploaded to the cloud. I was busy explaining to the police how I caught my wife cheating. The question was who would leave the house tonight. One officer said it is usually the man. I told him I would be happy to but my wife's stuff was already packed. He grinned knowing I was playing to his body camera. "Now I am not sure my wife will not trash or destroy my possessions. I have a home office where I have sensitive data from my job. So if you want me to leave instead of her, I want to be able to secure my things. A police sergeant was called. I repeated my position. Barely keeping a straight face, he turned to Kristine. "Do you have a place to go tonight, ma'am and to secure your stuff overnight?" She tearfully nodded.

I thought the cops were going to laugh when I offered to help Kristine haul her things now in the trash bags down the street to Sandra's house. Half the neighborhood was now out watching the show. A few pitched in to help hoping to hear the whole story.

"Please, can we talk?" Kristen asked me pitifully.

I told her maybe in a day or two. Then I maliciously added in a loud voice, "But not until I figure all your boyfriend's spunk has drained out of your cunt. I don't want to smell it on you. You had an hour after I left you at the bar before you came home. Plenty of time for you to get your holes fucked." The insult stung her so bad, she walked away crying. I saw a couple neighbors laughing. Every word I said would be repeated and likely enhanced as it made the rounds.

With all the activity at my house, Eric and Richard thought they got away clean. They had not. Ed and Don watched them as they followed Jason and I outside and watched us drive away. Turning to Kristine and Sandra they gave the women a goodbye kiss but no fondle as other bar patrons were likely watching. Both men moved to their own cars and watched Kristine and Sandra get into Sandra's car. The delay made sure Ed and Don had ample time to get not only license plate number but make and model of the vehicles. They even took video as the men kissed the women goodbye. Then followed the men to houses, presumably theirs.

Ed and Don called Jason to see how we were doing. He told them to come to the house. We sat and laughed about what we had discovered. Ed was watching me closely. Finally I looked at him and said."What?"

"Dude, you are gonna go off your nut. I'm gonna stick around to make sure you don't kill somebody." he offered. "I was with Don when he went through it." My brother Jason said he said the same thing.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, starting to get seriously pissed off.

"Dude, I was there right where you are now. Just like Ed said." Don said, quietly. "I went through a few days of crying in my beer thinking about what I had lost and feeling sorry for myself before I realized just how angry I was. I wasn't sure if I was more angry at myself for being stupid or my wife and her lover for cheating. It was them for sure. I barely curbed the impulse to kill the son of a bitch and my cunt of a wife he was fucking." Don laughed at the memory. "It took a few days but I started feeling bad about not paying attention and seeing the signs for so long. I felt like an idiot."

"So what did you do?" I asked. I suspected there was much more to the story than they had admitted.

"Nothing. Just divorced the bitch." Don said with a half grin. "Well, and let the guy's wife know." Ed began to snicker. I looked at him. I knew now there was far more to the story.

"That is our official story." Ed said. "Don lied and I swore to it. Sorry Don, but Jerry needs to hear this." Don smiled and told him to go ahead. "We started a little campaign against the cocksucker on the side. The guy knew Crystal was married of course. Sorry Don. We try to not use her name. Her anointed name is 'cheating cunt and that is how we refer to her.'" he offered as explanation. " Within a day, the guy got his ass handed to him. He never saw who did it. He didn't need a lot of medical care. Just a pile of ice to stop the swelling in his scrotum. Anyway, even after his wife found out he was cheating on her and divorced him, taking him to the cleaners, the guy kept having all kinds of trouble. His garden shed where he kept his yard equipment caught on fire. His tires seemed to get a lot of flats. He could not even go to a bar without somebody sucker punching him. And once he went down, he caught a couple kicks to the balls. He had some really bad luck."

"His boss knew he was a cheater and didn't fire him, but told him he was on probation. When he tried to change jobs, that story followed him. I mean just bad luck, ya know?" Ed said.

"So what happened to him?" I asked.

"Oh, he moved to Georgia. Tried to get a clean slate," Don said. "Funny, after a month or so, his new boss found out why he left Louisiana. Seems they don't like guys screwing coworkers there any more than we do here. He's had a rough couple years."

"You really screw with him that much?" I asked. Neither man had ever told me this."Seems like a lot of effort once you got rid of him."

"Hey, everybody needs a hobby." Don laughed. "I mean I still fish and hunt. But I'm not married so I have a lot of free time at night. The hours just beg for me to do something. Unless there is a good movie on of course."

"Of course." Ed offered. "Tell him about the bitch."

"Oh yeah, she seems to have a hard time getting a steady boyfriend. I mean more than two dates" Don said. "Guys might love a wild slut in their bedroom, but few like to hear their mothers rant at them after getting video of their new girlfriend and potential daughter in law doing a couple guys. Or taking it up all three holes, knowing she was married at the time and the guy was NOT her husband."

"And her coworkers all have copies of her escapades." Don laughed. "Especially the wives of her male colleagues. They are understandably concerned."

I started laughing. "Now I wish I had not jumped the gun." I said, wiping the tears from laughing so hard. "I'm gonna miss out on that fun."

Don shrugged. "It's been fun but I think it is about time to move on. The bitch will always wonder though. It does take a lot of effort. Of course she knows who is behind her problems. A few months ago she asked me what she could do to get me to back off. I was very careful to not tip my hand or let her set me up. She would sue the shit out of me. That's why I never fessed up to you guys. Only Ed knew."

We laughed. I began to wonder what I could do. "Let's think about it before we act." Ed offered. "You did jump quick. I mean it has only been seven hours or so since you found out about all this." The others agreed.

Jason reported what his wife, Sue said about taking some time and going to our fish camp and drinking. The camp was technically our father's, but Jason and I used it whenever we wanted. "Oh, Hell, yeah!" Ed declared. "I know my wife will go along with that. Especially if I bring back a pile of fish."

"Yeah, plus she might get a chance to join Kristine with her big dick friend while we are out in the swamp." Don laughed as he teased his friend.

"Nope. Not with our prenup." Ed grinned in answer. "She'd have to divorce me first to get anything."

"Now I feel bad about not protecting myself." I confessed. "I knew Kristine's closest two friends are round heeled sluts. I should have thought through it." All three of the others told me we all make mistakes. I'd know better next time.

Finally we went to bed. I laid there for a while wondering if I could sleep. Then I realized discussions with my friends helped more than a group of counselors ever could. I felt better and rolled over and closed my eyes. I was gone. I woke up refreshed. I was not even hung over.

Kristine wanted to talk the next day. I asked her why. She walked over to meet me mid-morning. I told her I would only talk to her in the front yard, not behind closed doors. I had my phone in my pocket recording. She tried to explain how my coming to the bar stopped her from doing anything 'stupid'. "How many times before that did you fuck them or their other buddy, Brian?" I asked. She looked at me wide-eyed. She recognized I knew far more about her activities than what I saw in the bar last night. She stammered a few seconds but did not answer. "I do have some good news and some bad news." I offered with a smile. She looked at me hopefully.

"The good news is I paid off the credit card before I cancelled it. I also paid the utility bills. So they are handled for the next month. Plus I paid off all our loans. We are debt free. The bad news is we only had about seven hundred dollars left between savings and checking. I took my half out." I said. She looked at me in horror. I shrugged. Some of those bills were longer term notes we were paying off like car notes. Both vehicles were in both our names. If she could or would not make the payments, I knew the banks would come after me to pay them off.

"Well, you still have several options." I said. "You and Sandra can move in with your lovers or with Tammie. I'm pretty sure Bob is going to kick her out as part of the pre-nup they have. And I intend to put our house up for sale immediately. A real estate agent is the second call I plan to make Monday. The first is a lawyer."

"Can't we talk about this?" Kristine said plaintively.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked. I was trying my best to stay tough. My heart was breaking but my anger won out. "You are the one who decided to screw around. Surely you knew what the result would be once I found out. Of course you never thought I would. But like I was saying, you have options. I'm sure your boyfriends will set you girls up so they have unfettered access to some hot tail." Kristine looked at me like she had swallowed a baseball. "Of course that might get complicated if any of them are married." I added. 'I haven't got the report on their personal lives yet. I'm waiting on that so I can tell their wives if they have any."

"They are married. They have kids." Kristine gasped. "You can't destroy their lives!"

"And why is that an issue?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as reasonable as I could. "THEY had no concern for their marriages nor mine. So as far as I am concerned, all the dirty laundry gets dumped on the floor and everybody gets to see it for what it is. Every shit stain. Now unless you have something productive to say, why don't you go back over to Sandra's house?" She began to walk away and then turned.

"Did you call Bob?" she asked. I could tell that was one of the issues, Sandra wanted to know when Kristine came over. I smiled and nodded.

Of course I had told Bob. I did that last night before I got drunk. I brought him up to date and relayed the suggestions Don had given me about handling the finances first thing. Bob did not have as much debt as me. But he paid off and cancelled his credit cards and took the seventy five percent of the available cash just like his prenup would have awarded. He knew as well as I did that Sandra would not be able to pay back money once she took it from the account. Her pissant part time job would barely sustain her wine drinking and occasional lunch out.. Bob called me back this morning to see what I had accomplished and to tell me he would be back in town late morning.

I was busy with the money transfers and was half drunk when we talked last night. His anger and hurt was palpable. He had really loved Sandra. He had privately told me last year he felt guilty asking for the pre-nup. But got it anyway when I had insisted. Last night he reminded me of that conversation and told me how now he was glad he listened to me. I told him to get home safely and we would work this together.

I watched Kristine walk towards Sandra's house. She looked dejected. Her shoulders slumped as she shuffled along. Of course these women could come out on top and recoup their lives. They were beauties. All they had to do was to turn professional instead of be amateur sluts. Online porn was a big option if not go full call girl. They could make a decent if not very nice living. I wished I had said that to Kristine a few minutes ago. I'll have to remember to use the line later. I stuck my middle finger up at the retreating figure. One parting shot.

I contemplated what Don had said last night. How everybody needs a hobby and his was to screw with his ex and her boyfriend. I did not have the information to do anything to any of those three guys... yet,. But I knew where Kristine was vulnerable. Was it cruel? Sadistic? Even unwarranted? Yes to all of the above, but I did it anyway. I pulled out my cell phone.

"Hey Ms Sullivan." I greeted the woman who answered.

"Since when have you called me Ms Sullivan?" she asked. "Not since you first started going out with Kristine. I've always been Mom"

"Well that is the problem." I said. " I love you. You have always been there for me. but things have changed. I wanted you to know Kristine and I are getting divorced."

To say the almost fifty year old woman was shocked would be an understatement. "WHAT!!?" she exclaimed. "A week ago you guys told me you had decided on having a baby!"

"Well that was before I found out Kristine has been cheating on me." I said. "She and her friends Sandra and Tammie have been seeing three guys whenever they can. From what I hear it is a no holes barred sex fest. Kristine goes whenever I am at my fish camp. She begs off going there with me and entertains one of these guys instead."