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JR: Anything is possible, but I think you need to pose your question to my mom directly. I'll give her your number so she can call you. I need to call her now before it gets too late there. Good night, funny girl.

ROCKIE: Good night, bad boy. Text me when you wake up so we can make plans to meet in the morning.

JR: Why don't you just come over whenever you are ready? I assure you that I will be up.

ROCKIE: Just remember that you're the one who said that. Good night, JR. You're the most fun I have had in ages.

JR: Ditto, Rockie.

He thought that calling his mom now might be a good idea. First, because he needed to call her before it got too late in Texas. Second, because it would distract him from further texts from Rockie, and third, because he would forget again if he didn't do it now.

He selected his mother's cell phone number from the contact list on his phone and hit 'Dial'. He knew as soon as she answered that she had him on speakerphone, and that meant that she and his dad were there together.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad."

"Hi JR," said his dad. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to meet the new woman in your life earlier, but I hope I get another chance."

"I hope so too Dad. I think you will like her."

"And you think I won't?" asked his mom,

"I got the impression that you already did," said JR.

"I like that you like her," said Patty. "I trust your judgment and she is very beautiful."

"What do you know about her?" asked his dad. "You just met her yesterday."

"I know that she is very private and doesn't put herself out there willingly. I know that she has been struggling financially. I know that she is smarter than anyone I know besides you, Dad..."

"Excuse me?" said his mom.

He laughed and said, "Or you, Mom."

"That's better," she said

"I know that I confuse her and that interests her, but I'm not sure yet if that interest is merely curiosity or something more."

"How do you confuse her?" asked his mom.

"Mostly by my appearance," said JR. "She originally saw me as a beach bum who does menial work to survive and pay my way through college. She's getting over that after I explained my college fund, but she is still confused about my financial situation."

"I can understand the beach bum perception," said his mom. "You haven't mentioned your trust fund?"

"Rockie isn't a Gold digger, Mom. She was asking about how she could help me out financially. My biggest concern with her is how much of a distraction she could be to my studying. I can't stop thinking about her, and that isn't something I am used to. I'm probably more confused about her than she is about me. I want to help her in any way I can, but it's more than a charitable concern. I feel protective of her and I hardly know her."

His mom and dad were silent for several minutes before his dad said, "We'll support whatever you want to do, son. We're behind you one hundred percent. I just hope that by you knowing that we're behind you, you will feel free to follow your heart and see where that leads you."

"Thanks, Dad. I want to take things slower than I think she does, and I don't want anyone to get hurt, but exploring possibilities of a future life with her just feels like a challenge that I have to take on."

"No secrets, JR," admonished Patty. "I know better than anyone how you and your father tend to hold small little details inside that you feel are insignificant, but that can lead to assumptions or confusion. Don't make her pry everything out of you..."

"I don't do that," objected Bobby.

"You're not as bad as you used to be," Patty agreed. "But we're talking about JR right now. He's on unfamiliar ground and will be more guarded with himself until he gets to know someone. We know he won't be deceptive deliberately, but he does have traces of your selective disclosure disorder, even with his mother."

"Huh?" he asked. "What makes you say that, Mom?"

"Katie told me that Cile heard from Joey about you needing to prepare a valedictorian speech for your graduation ceremony. When I ask how your classes are going, all I hear is 'Fine'. You don't think that your mom would be proud to know that you are slated to be your class valedictorian?"

"Or your Dad, for that matter," added Bobby.

"It's not a done deal," argued JR. "I would have told you when it became official..."

"The point is," interrupted Patty. "You need to be careful with Rockie if you have any hope of a relationship developing between you. If she asks you a question, don't be stingy with your answer. Tell her what she wants to know, not just what you want to say at the time. Which I'm certain is exactly what you did when she asked about your financial situation with school."

"I think your mom has a point, JR," added Bobby. "And let me tell you why. You have already demonstrated your affection for Rockie through your actions on her behalf, yet we know that you have done all that anonymously. However, it will be harder for you to give her gifts or treat her to the type of romantic moments that new relationships can lead to if she isn't aware of your real financial situation. You don't want her thinking that you're robbing banks or selling drugs in order to take her on a date."

"I've actually been thinking about that," JR admitted. "I asked her out to breakfast in the morning before I go with her to buy a new car with the insurance settlement she received. I was thinking about telling her about the trust fund that I have received, but not reveal anything about the one I get in a few years."

"There's that selective disclosure I was talking about," said Patty, "You're willing to tell her that you're a millionaire, just not to what degree of millions. Do you think that will make a difference, JR?"

"I think you should wait to tell her about your trust funds," said Bobby. "You aren't pulling from the first one yet, so it really isn't a factor in your current financial status and the rest is a few years away as you said. Just tell her more details about how you are getting distributions from your college fund and leave it at that for now. If things are still progressing to your satisfaction when you return next week from your time at home, then you should invite Rockie to join you here for Thanksgiving."

"I think that's a good idea," Patty said. "Being informed that you are wealthy should be presented to her in an environment that speaks to how your home life is far from ostentatious or luxurious. Plus, we would all like to get to know her better if you think your relationship has any potential at all."

"I will follow your advice, Dad, and Mom, as always. Thanks," said JR. "We'll wait and see about Thanksgiving. Rockie may already have plans with her own family."

"She doesn't have any family," Bobby said before thinking. A rarity for him that surprised everyone on the call.

"And you know this how?" asked Patty before JR could pose the same question.

"Karen Mason might have provided a little biographical information on Rockie that I hadn't mentioned to either of you yet," Bobby admitted.

"On that note, JR," said Patty. "We'll let you go for now. I need to speak to your father about the relapse of his own selective disclosure disorder."

JR felt bad for laughing at his father's dilemma.

"Okay, Mom. I love you both. Have a good night."

Chapter Seven

"You said to come over whenever I was ready," said Rockie with a big grin on her face.

She couldn't ignore the warmth she was feeling in her heart at the sight of JR's sleep-filled eyes, drowsy expression, and hair that was more disheveled from sleeping than she had ever seen it in the daytime. He really was touching her in ways that she had never experienced before with anyone.

"You're doing this on purpose," he grumbled sleepily.

"Of course, I am," she admitted. "Do you think I would accidentally knock on your door at four-thirty in the morning? I know it's too early to go car shopping, but once you get ready, you probably could take me to breakfast."

"Come on in," he said as he opened his door wider and then stepped aside to let Rockie enter his condo.

"Let me go slip on some clothes."

She nearly gasped out loud when she realized he had been standing behind the door talking to her while completely naked. The realization was made clear as she entered the condo and watched him close the door behind them. She watched his adorable backside as he walked past her, across the living room, and into the master suite. Not a sight that she would ever regret witnessing, she was certain about that,

Since he hadn't exhibited any modesty related to his nudity in front of her, she decided not to say anything about it unless he brought it up. Maybe he would do it around her again if she didn't say anything about it, she certainly hoped so anyway.

She walked to the kitchen and placed her purse on the counter. JR came out of his bedroom wearing a pair of sweatpants but nothing more. He had rinsed the sleep out of his eyes, but his hair was just as unruly. He sat on the sofa and just stared into the living room while he continued trying to fully wake up.

Rockie joined him on the sofa. She took his arm and pulled. He didn't offer any resistance, either because he agreed with her actions or because he was not awake enough to realize what was happening. She positioned him so he could lay on the sofa with his head on her lap.

"Are you warm enough?" she asked.

He just nodded his head and settled it onto her thighs. She was wearing shorts that ended mid-thigh when she was seated, so his ear rested on the cloth, but his cheek was on her bare skin. She felt his warm and steady breath on her leg and smiled.

"Try to go back to sleep, JR. I will wait here until you're ready if that's okay."

He didn't respond, but she felt him bend his knees and getting the rest of his body comfortable on the sofa beside her. Shortly his relaxed breathing told her that he was once again dozing.


Rockie hadn't realized that she had fallen back to sleep herself until she felt JR shift his head on her lap. He had rolled over onto his back and was gazing up at her with a grin.

"That's the first time that I ever 'slept' slept with a girl," he teased. "I think I like your lap as a pillow much more than I would as a place to get spanked."

She ran her fingers through his hair and said, "I could get used to it too. Sorry I woke you so early."

He felt her fingers running through his hair, lightly stroking his scalp on occasion and didn't want her to stop. This was the most intimate experience he had ever had with a woman who wasn't his mother.

"It was worth it," he told her with a smile.

She smiled back at his adorable face. He was just so darn cute that she wanted to hug him like a child at the same time that she wanted to hold him like a lover.

"Thank you for letting me," she said. "Even though I was the cause for your being woken up, being able to comfort you enough that you could sleep a bit longer means a lot to me, especially after all that you have done for me."

He took the hand that was still running through his hair, held it, and then sat up on the sofa right next to her.

"So what time is it now?" he asked as he looked past her into the kitchen. His view of the clock on the microwave was obstructed by Rockie's purse sitting on the kitchen counter.

Rockie couldn't see the clock either, so she started to rise. He put his hand on her shoulder to stop her, and she looked at him questioningly.

"It doesn't matter right now," he said and then motioned towards the patio with his head.

"It's daylight out, so it has to be after seven o'clock. The exact time doesn't matter - at least not to me, and at least not now."

She settled back onto the sofa and leaned a bit closer to him so that the sides of their bodies were making contact from shoulders to knees. They both looked straight ahead, out onto the patio at the brightening sky beyond, content in their silence together.

After a few minutes, JR broke the silence. "I like you Rockie. You're fun and you make me laugh. I want to be a person that deserves to be your friend."

"I feel the same way about you JR, except I can add that you also make me feel more secure with a person than I have ever felt. You give me hope."

He took her hand into his, "Can we talk for a few minutes before I take a shower? Then we can go to breakfast."

"Of course," she said. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I spoke with my parents last night, and before you ask, the subject of you taking me over your knee never came up in the conversation."

She giggled but he continued, "My mom has encouraged me to try to overcome my 'selective disclosure disorder' where you are concerned."

"Your what?" she asked, seeing the grin on his face.

"Yesterday, when you were asking about how I am paying for school I told you that a college fund had been set up for me. I told you that this is what I use to pay my tuition, buy my books and pay my living expenses, which is all true; I do get a monthly stipend from the fund. What I did not disclose was how much that monthly stipend is, which is what my mom considers 'selective disclosure'. She claims that me and my dad have the same 'disorder'."

Rockie laughed and said, "It's none of my business how much money you get or have, JR..."

"Maybe not, but I shouldn't answer only part of your questions. I knew when you asked the questions what you were trying to learn about me and purposely shared the bare minimum with you. I promise to try to do better. So, to start with, I receive twenty-five hundred dollars each month."

She didn't act surprised, which in itself surprised him. "Well, out of state tuition at UCI is pretty high from what I understand. How much of your monthly stipend is left for living expenses?"

"Basically, all of it" he explained. "My tuition and books are already paid for. Obviously, I don't need that much to live on each month, so most of it just ends up in the bank. In fact, my salary for working here pays me enough since I don't entertain and spend most of my free time studying."

She nodded in understanding before a questioning look appeared on her face, "Why do you do maintenance work around the complex? You certainly aren't doing it for the paycheck."

"I was raised doing chores in our house or on our land daily. I miss it. It relaxes me and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I can see the difference in the landscaping, pool, or other facilities due to my efforts."

"I can understand that," she said. "When I was watching you clean the pool, I was envious of how much you seemed to enjoy the work.

"I do. Anyway, I wanted to reassure you that I am financially secure so you can stop worrying about me."

"Fair enough, JR. Can I ask you another question? Your unkempt appearance - especially your hair - made me, and I'm sure a lot of other people underestimate you. Is that intentional?"

"My hair is driving me crazy," he said. "It's never been this long before, but I haven't been home for my mom to cut it since last Easter. You heard Katie say that my mom will cut it for me next weekend while I'm there. Where the rest of my appearance is concerned, I don't really care what people think. I have lots of nice clothes, but seldom have a reason to wear them. Studying or working around the complex both lend themselves to comfortable clothes, which is what I wear most of the time."

With sudden understanding, she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair once more, bringing a smile to his face and hers.

"No one but your mom has ever cut your hair, have they?"

"No," he admitted. "I know that it won't always be the case, but as long as I'm able to bring her the pleasure that she derives from it, I see no reason to let anyone else do it,"

"I don't either," she agreed. "I'II be proud to be seen with you no matter how you look because I really like what I see inside of you. Now, what I would like to see inside of me is some food. Are you getting hungry yet?"

He rose from the sofa, "Let me shower really fast and then I'll buy you the breakfast I promised"

She smiled up at him and asked, "Can I watch?"

Not understanding her meaning, he asked, "Watch me shower or watch me buy you breakfast?"

The smile in her eyes answered for her.

JR grinned back down at her and said, "I'm not going to invite you, but I won't stop you either. Personally, I think watching each other take a shower is a little premature, but you're the one who would be doing the watching and dealing with any trauma that resulted."

She smacked his bare chest playfully and said, "I wasn't offering quid pro quo, and there's nothing traumatic about your naked body other than the palpitations it might cause in some women's hearts. But I got my fix earlier when you met me at your door, so I'm good for now. "

"Seeing me naked didn't cause palpitations in your heart?" he asked with mock disappointment in his voice.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, Mr. Brandt. Now hurry up and get ready. I'm starving."

Laughing, he patted her playfully on the head before turning and walking back into the master suite.

Rockie walked over to the kitchen counter to get a look at the clock and saw that it was only seven-thirty. She assumed that the Honda dealership where she had bought her previous car still opened at nine o'clock on Saturdays, but she knew that her bank didn't open until then. So, depending on where JR wanted to take her for breakfast, they would need to plot out a route that took them by the bank so she could deposit the cashier's check before heading to the car dealership. She knew that his car didn't have a GPS in it due to its age, so she entered the address information for both her bank and the car dealership into the GPS app on her cell phone.

JR soon joined her at the kitchen counter. He carried with him the faint, pleasant scent of shampoo and soap which made her want to nuzzle him to inhale it deeper. He was wearing a pink silk Tommy Bahama shirt, grey cargo shorts, and boat shoes without socks. His hair was still long and wavy, but it was combed back neatly so that its length wasn't nearly as obvious.

'This guy cleans up quite nicely', she observed to herself.

"Ready to go?" JR asked her as he put his cell phone, wallet, and keys into the pockets of the cargo shorts.

"Yes sir," she said as she picked up her purse.

She took his hand without asking and let him lead her out to the garage and around the car as the garage door was opening. She only released his hand when she had to use it to fasten her seatbelt and to let him get in the car.

He waited until he had backed the car out of the garage and closed the door before speaking. "Have you ever eaten at 'Charlie's Chili'?

"Is that where you're taking me?"

"Unless you have someplace else in mind to go to for breakfast. I have always enjoyed their food, it's a beautiful morning for eating at the beach, and it's someplace I would enjoy sharing with you, especially if we can get an outside table to people-watch while we eat.

"Then I'm sold on it," she said. "Wherever it may be."

He drove them down to Pacific Coast Highway and then headed towards Newport Beach. Rockie realized what a beautiful day it was the closer they got to the ocean.

"How long have you had this car?" she asked while they were stopped at a light.

"My dad gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday, so it will be seven years next February fourth. His father gave it to him on his sixteenth birthday and the good Lord willing; I can give it to my son on his sixteenth birthday."

"I think that would be amazing!" she said. "I envy families that have traditions or keepsakes that they can pass on from generation to generation."
