Changes Ch. 11


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"Ok, ok, point taken you potty mouth," Vanessa laughed.

"If I end up kneeing you in your special place, I will not be to blame," Heather muttered, her skin on fire.

"This isn't a game of rugby, you know. No knees and elbows jammed where they don't belong."

Heather raised her eyebrow and ground against Vanessa's knee that was pressed up against her mound. "Yours seems to belong right there," she whispered. "Unh."

Vanessa grinned. "Remember, no moving."

Heather's frustrated groan turned into one of pleasure when Vanessa pressed the knee into her briefly, teasing.

"Now, where were we," Vanessa whispered before moving her attention back to Heather's neck and shoulders.

Heather was in heaven and hell at the same time. When Vanessa flicked her tongue across her nipple, all she wanted to do was hold her head, instead she bit her lips so as to not cry out as her body jerked with pleasure.

"Ohhh god!" she moaned when Vanessa closed her lips around a nipple and sucked. She gasped for air as she felt Vanessa lightly nip with her teeth.

Vanessa looked at her, concerned.

"Do it again," Heather whispered and Vanessa obliged. "Ahh yesss!"

Vanessa took her time and when she was ready to move lower, Heather's breasts were shiny with saliva and pink with all the kissing and sucking.

"Look at them," Vanessa said. "They're pink!"

By the time Vanessa reached Heather's mound, Heather was delirious. Her hips had a mind of their own and this seemed to amuse Vanessa.

She ran her fingers through the crinkly hair before kissing her there. "Whoa, easy," she whispered as Heather raised her hips, seeking contact.

"Please," she moaned. "I need it. It's been too long."

"Hardly 20 minutes, love."

Heather shook her head, frustrated. "No no. I mean since..."

"Since what?" Vanessa asked, kissing Heather's mound.

Heather looked away.

"Heather," Vanessa whispered, moving up so they were face to face. "Since what?"

"Since I...since I last had an orgasm."

Vanessa's eyebrows shot up. "Not been taking care of yourself, have you?"

"I...uh. I didn't want to. Didn't even try."

Vanessa nodded. "So your last time was..."

"That night, when we..."

"I remember," Vanessa whispered.

She kissed Heather softly and reached under the pillow and interlaced her fingers in Heather's. "I'm going to fix that," she whispered, drawing Heather's hands out with hers.

"I want you to touch me," Vanessa whispered.

"But I thought,"

"Please," Vanessa interrupted. "Just hold me."

Heather wrapped her freed arms around Vanessa and felt her weight on her. "Kiss me," she whispered, burying her fingers in Vanessa's hair and kissing her deeply. "Mpfh," she groaned at how good it felt to be able to kiss Vanessa like she wanted.

After letting Heather have her fill, Vanessa moved down and spread Heather's legs as much as the bed would allow. She looked at Heather for a second before spreading her lips and running her tongue along it. She was gentle, lapping at her folds, licking along the sides, making sure Heather was wet everywhere before she sat up.

"Fuck! Why did you stop?" Heather cried.

Vanessa straddled one leg, turned a little sideways and held Heather's other leg up against her. She shifted around and positioned herself right on Heather's pussy.

"Ohhh," Heather whispered, finally understanding what Vanessa had in mind. "You're gonna,"

Vanessa nodded. "Is that ok?"

"Yes, please, just...need to feel you," Heather whispered, her hips rising, seeking contact.

Vanessa obliged and lowered her mound onto Heather's.

Heather hissed as the warm, wet flesh pressed into her.

Vanessa kissed Heather's calf as she adjusted herself and thrust her hips back and forth causing sparks to fly.

"Ahh fuck!" Heather screamed, her eyes screwed shut.

"Fuck, honey, I can feel your swollen clit against mine," Vanessa groaned.

"Oh shit!" Heather exclaimed, lifting her head off the pillow. "Yes, yes, oh shit!"

Vanessa continued to press down and hump, her own pleasure causing her to keep at it. "Ahhh, god!" she moaned as she picked up speed.

"Oh don't stop," Heather cried. "Yes, fuck yes!" Heather couldn't process what she was feeling and before she knew it her orgasm crashed into her. No build up, no wave, out of nowhere her pussy clenched and her breath shuddered and she was suddenly too sensitive for Vanessa's pussy which was still sliding along hers. "Ahhh! Stop stop stop!" she moaned, pushing Vanessa off her. "Ungh, god."

Vanessa lay down next to Heather, kissing her forehead. "C'mere," she said, holding Heather to her chest. After a few minutes Heather looked up and smiled at Vanessa.

"I love you," she whispered, her chin quivering.

"I love you too, honey."

"I understand if you're still a little mad at me."

Vanessa smiled. "I'm not mad at you. I was never mad at you."


"But," Vanessa interrupted, smiling. "I should have been. You've been hiding in this little room of yours, filling your head with stupid thoughts, when you should have spoken to me about what Val said."

"I know. I know. I should have. And you've been so... so understanding. I would have been mad. Like mad enough to yell."

"That is not how we resolve conflict. No yelling. Not with Jules at home," Vanessa said pointedly. "I got through a failing marriage with no yelling. Everything is up for discussion. And I mean everything. But no shouting. No matter how angry you are."

Heather nodded. She thought for a minute before asking. "Vanessa?"


"You, um, you wanted to have your way with me. Is that... like a... because you were, angry?"

Vanessa thought hard and shrugged. "I wasn't angry, Heather," she said softly. "But, yes, it's a control thing. I needed to dominate, to have my way, to feel, I don't know, to feel normal, I guess." She shook her head. "It's a thing. I've always had it."

Heather nodded. "Is it something you'd rather do all the time or...?

Vanessa chuckled. "It's only fun if it's occasional. Don't get me wrong. I love you as an equal. I respect you and I hope how I behave when we have sex reflects that."

"Of course. Vanessa, you've never pushed me too much. And you always ask if I'm ok. I know I can tell you if I'm not comfortable."

"Always. And honey, I know it turns you on when I take charge. I can see how it affects you physically. But, in your head, if it's weird, or if it's too much, we never have to do it again."

Heather blushed. "I, I do like it. I feel very, I don't know, very at ease when you're in control. Like I want to surrender and just feel pleasure."

Vanessa smiled. "So, that's my kink. Tell me one of yours."

Heather balked. "Oh. I don't know."

"C'mon, let me indulge you."

"I think, being blindfolded and restrained. Like a little, not crazy bondage," she said, turning pink.

Vanessa's eyebrows shot up. "Really? Have you ever done that?"

Heather nodded. "With Adam, a couple of times."

"You do realize that this feeds directly into, you know, me being in control."

Heather grinned. "Yea. But also," she said with a wicked gleam. "Also to do the same to you."


"Yes. Will you let me?" she asked, kissing Vanessa. "Will you let me tie your hands, blindfold you and fuck you with that fat dildo?" she asked, grinning.

Vanessa laughed. "I would." She said, kissing Vanessa back. "I know I'd love it."

"Really?" Can we go back to your place like, right now?"

Vanessa laughed, the deep throaty laugh that Heather had missed so much. "All in good time, hon."

Heather was having none of it. "Do you have the dildo with you by any chance? I bet I could find some scraps for a blindfold and restraints."

"You're crazy," Vanessa laughed.

"Oh I can think of so many things I want to do to you!" Heather said, dreamily.


"Haah! Like I'd tell you and ruin it!"

Vanessa laughed and pounced on Heather. "Let your imagination run wild, love," she whispered. "For now, can I act out some of the things I imagine doing to you?" she asked huskily, flipping Heather over onto her front and running her lips down her back.

"Ahhh, yes, of course." Heather moaned as Vanessa's tongue lingered on her tail bone before dipping into the crevice.

"Ungh!" she exclaimed as Vanessa's tongue briefly flicked across her asshole. "Fuck, that was intense."

"Yea? Can I do more?"

"God yes!" Heather groaned, propping her bums up higher, giving Vanessa better access.

Vanessa groaned before spreading her cheeks and diving in.


Hours later they lay in bed, spent but glowing. Vanessa was dreamily playing with Heather's hair and Heather was fiddling with her phone.

Vanessa chuckled. "What is it?"

"What? I didn't say anything."

Narrowing her eyes Vanessa asked, "You're hungry aren't you?"

Heather stared at her. "How do you know?" she asked, sitting up. "Did my tummy growl?"

Vanessa laughed. "It's lunchtime and we haven't had breakfast yet."

"Oh yea," Heather muttered. "There's some shepherd's pie in the fridge. I could heat it up?"

"Oooh, that sounds good!"

"Be back in a second!" Heather said, jumping out of bed.

"Hey, wait! You forgot to put on clothes!"

"No one's home, remember?" Heather grinned, running down the stairs.


After they'd eaten their fill, Vanessa sighed and sat back in her chair. "I can't believe you ate naked," she mumbled.

Heather grinned. "I love eating naked."

"You do realize that that's weird?"

"I know you don't care," Heather said.

"Yea, you're right. I don't care," she sighed. "What I do need is some shut eye. Have a long drive."

"You're leaving today?"

"Yes, honey."

"Why? It's Sunday tomorrow!"

"I know. But I have to."

"Why?" Heather asked, annoyed.

"We're taking Jules to the zoo tomorrow. And she wants to go with the both of us, like we used to."


"I'm sorry, I can't stay."

"Hey, don't. I understand. I hope you have a good time at the zoo," Heather said, smiling.

Vanessa nodded.

"And is it ok if I come straight to your place on Tuesday?"

"So you're coming back?" Vanessa grinned.

"Yes. Tuesday morning. And I'll be in office on Wednesday."

"I can't wait," Vanessa whispered, kissing Heather.

"Will you take something for Jules from me?"

"What do you have in mind?"


A couple of hours later, Heather was sitting at her desk rereading the letter she'd written for Jules. She put it in an envelope and signed it. With a sigh she looked over at her tiny bed. Vanessa was watching her.

"You woke up," Heather said.

"I love you," Vanessa whispered. "I know I've said it more times today than every other day put together," she said softly. "But I really do."

Heather walked over to the bed and sat next to Vanessa. "I won't disappear on you again. In fact I'm gonna be with you all the time. So much that you'll wish I disappear for some time," she said grinning.

Vanessa gave her a peck. "I'm going to need one of those magic wand thingies," Vanessa laughed.

"Here's a letter for Jules. You can read it before giving it to her," Heather said, handing the envelope to Vanessa.

Vanessa nodded. "I really should get going," she said, stretching.

"Have fun at the zoo. Get some pictures with the giraffes!"

Vanessa laughed, hugging Heather. "I'll see you on Tuesday," she whispered.

"Yep. My mum and dad are back on Monday. They'll be glad I've got my head on straight again."

"Did you tell them about..."


"And they're ok with us..."

"They don't care. Mum was like, 'You've come here in the middle of the week to tell me you have a girlfriend? Great! Why haven't you brought her along? Is she waiting in the car?'"

Vanessa chuckled. "Maybe we can have them over for a weekend. I'd love to meet them."

Heather nodded.

They said their goodbyes and Vanessa drove away with a promise to text once she reached.


Heather was fretting all through Monday. So much so that her mum finally lost her patience. "Heather, you're going to wear the carpet out!"

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Heather mumbled. "Aren't you going to miss me?"

"Of course I am. But I don't want to have to miss my carpet too!"

When Heather continued to pace restlessly, her mum asked. "Why are you waiting till tomorrow? It's only 4. You could go now."

"I...I could," Heather said coming to a stop.

"Thank God," her mum whispered. "Finally you've stopped pacing."

"I could leave now. I'll be there in like 2 hours?"

"And you're packed already."

"I am."

"Go on, sweetheart. I'm so glad you both worked it out."

"I am too, mum," Heather said giving her a hug. "And thank you, for being there for me."

"Always," her mum whispered, squeezing her tight.

"You'll come visit?"

"Of course. I'd love to meet her. And the little one."

Heather smiled. "I'll let you know when."

Heather quickly packed up and bid her parents goodbye. She drove straight to Vanessa's home, excited about surprising her. But when she reached there was no one home. Heather let herself in with her key and settled down on the couch. She pulled out her phone and texted Vanessa.

"Hey you."

"Hello love. How's it going?"

Heather smiled. "Good. What you up to?"

"Picking up Jules from Joe's. Got really late at work today. L"

"Oh! Ok. Drive safe. See you tomorrow!"

"Can't wait. You'll come straight home?" And the next second her phone chimed again. "Please come straight home."

Heather smiled. "I love how you call it home."

"Maybe we can make it home?"

Heather swallowed, not sure what to say. She wasn't even sure what Vanessa was saying.

"Oh." Heather typed.

"Ok got to drive now. I'll call you in 15."

Heather sat down on the floor, looking around. This was home. It had become home over the last few months. Could she live here? Could there be anything better than living with Vanessa and Jules? She could live here. For real. Maybe she could put some pictures of herself and her parents among the ones that Vanessa had. And she'd need cupboard space and a couple of drawers. Oh my god, she was going to live here.

Heather sat there, on the floor, lost in thought when she heard the car pull in. Vanessa would see her car parked on the road. She'd know, she thought as she heard footsteps and a jangle of keys before the door opened and Vanessa walked in.

Vanessa's eyes immediately fell on her and she smiled. "Welcome back," she said softly, walking towards her.

"You saw my car?"

Vanessa nodded.

"Yes," Heather whispered.


Heather nodded, "I'll move in with you."

Vanessa knelt down, face to face with Heather who was sitting cross legged on the floor. "I love you," she whispered kissing her softly.


Vanessa smiled at Heather and turned back. "Look who's here."

"Heather?" Jules cried. She dropped her school stuff at the door and ran towards her. She stood in front of Heather for a second, a look of sheer glee on her face. "You're back?"

"I am," Heather said softly, still sitting on the floor.

Jules climbed into Heather's lap and just clung on to her. She wrapped her arms around Heather's neck and held on tight. Heather hugged her back, a sob escaping her.

"Don't worry, Heather. I'll hold you till you're not sad anymore," she said softly, holding on tighter.

She looked bewildered when Heather sobbed harder. "Am I doing it wrong?" she whispered to her mum and Vanessa shook her head.

"Not doing anything wrong," Heather mumbled. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Heather. But I know you had to go be with family."

"I did," Heather croaked. "But next time I'm calling them over here so I don't have to go away."

Jules nodded enthusiastically. She settled down in Heather's lap and looked at her. "Do you feel better?"

"So much better. Thank you, Jules."

Jules looked at her shyly. "Mum told me you're her girlfriend now."

Heather smiled. "I am. Is that ok?"

Jules nodded. "But Rebecca said that means you're my mum too? Are you my mum, Heather?"

"You already have a mum, honey. And you have a dad." Heather said, grinning at the memory of her mum saying the same thing.

Jules nodded. "I do. So you won't be my mum?"

Heather hesitated and looked at Vanessa who gave her a nod of encouragement. "You could call me mum if you want. Or, I could just be, you know, just be Heather."

Jules nodded.

"I have so much to learn!" Heather said. "Your mum's had like 5 years of practice being mum and she's so good at it."

Jules agreed enthusiastically. "Just like Rebecca is better at swimming because she's had more practice!" Jules chimed.

"She has a pool!" Heather and Jules said together.

Heather grinned before continuing. "So I need to learn how to manage everything like your mum does. And your dad too!"

"There's not much to learn! You can always come along with mum and me! And I know everything she does." Jules said excitedly. "She can, can't she?" Jules asked looking at Vanessa.

"Of course, honey."

"See! You can practice with us. Then you'll know everything about being a mum!"

Heather grinned. "You're the best, Jules. I love you."

Jules smiled before saying softly, "I love you too, Heather." She then leaned in and whispered, "I know mum loves you too. She was sad a lot when you were gone."

"I know honey. I missed her a lot too. And I missed you. So much. And" she said, taking Jules' small hands in hers. "I promise I'll always be here and I'll love your mum and you the best I can."

Jules looked at her shyly. "I missed you too."

"Oh honey," Heather whispered, squeezing her tight.

"I'm so happy you're back! I wish you never have to go anywhere!" Jules said excitedly.

"I won't go away like that again. Promise," she whispered, holding Jules to her.


3 years later.

"Is it weird for you? Being back here," Heather asked softly.

"It's always difficult. But I think it finally feels like I've let go of the ghosts."

Heather nodded. "I can see why you fell in love with the place. There's something about it."

"It's the love. The love they put into every inch of land. The love they show to every guest that passes through, the love that I found and lost here. That's all there is. It's love."

"Thank you for bringing me," Heather whispered. She was sitting with her back against the stone wall and Vanessa was leaning back against her, her head resting in the crook of Heather's neck.

"Miah and I lived in this room for a year. It was a blissful time."

"You've never told me how you two got together," Heather whispered, kissing Vanessa's head.


Heather shook her head.

"I'd been here for a few weeks I think. I used to sleep in a little outhouse just a minute from here but the old structure would leak in the rains. Nonna suggested I share Miah's room till the rains let off."

Heather nodded, to indicate that she was listening.

"So that night I came up the stairs with my stuff and knocked on the door. Now this room, if you've noticed is particularly stuffy. I don't think it was built for someone to live in. More of a store."

"You're right," she said. "No breeze at all."

Vanessa nodded before continuing. "So I put my stuff away and before we got into bed, Miah took off her clothes."


"I was quite taken aback, obviously, but I didn't say anything. I got into bed and tried to get comfortable. She said I'd wake up in the middle of the night with my clothes stuck to me if I slept with them on. And of course a few hours later I woke up, drenched in sweat. I got through it for two nights and the third night I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up and peeled my clothes off. We slept naked on the same bed for weeks. We'd wake up with our legs entwined, arms draped across each other, breasts smooshed against backs."