Charlie and Mindy Bk. 04 Ch. 08


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"Steph," I began, during a lull in the conversation, "I think I'm going to take you up on your offer. You and I should get married."

"And so should we," Mindy chimed in, looking directly at Buck.

It took them a bit to realize that Mindy and I were dead serious. Of course, we'd taken them both completely unawares, and neither of them saw what Mindy and I had seen. That's no surprise, because it'd taken Mindy and me a while to work through the idea ourselves.

We made our case. We loved the two of them almost as much as we loved each other. They loved us almost as much as they loved each other. We'd already agreed that we wanted to remain together, a foursome, for years to come.

Two legal, but otherwise fictitious, marriages would cement the four of us together. They would provide a legal parent of each gender for any children either couple might have. They would solve legal problems that might present themselves regarding access to medical records, regarding taxes, and regarding finances or property. (We were careful not to mention the nature of the property we already had in mind for sharing.)

And the marriages we were discussing would be the natural extension of the smokescreen with which we'd surrounded the facts of our sleeping arrangements.

We'd already, during the spring when Mom and Dad had died, settled that Steph and I were not going to Do The Nasty with each other—no matter how much either of us wanted to. And we'd settled, as well, that Mindy and Buck weren't going to Do That with each other—no matter how much either of them wanted to.

We all intended to keep those promises. So these marriages would be just legal conveniences. And, because they would never be consummated, they could, in principle at least, be annulled at any future time if we decided the need arose—although, we acknowledged, there could be associated difficulties if things ever came to such a pass.

There was no hurry, and we spent a few weeks talking the idea over. We worried it pretty much to death. And we concluded that we should go ahead with that plan. We set the date for a double wedding for the following September. Mindy had continued to carry 19, 20, or even 21 hours each semester. (And continued to get all A's—I think she really is smarter than I am.) Thus, she was able to finish her degree at the end of that summer with a couple of summer school courses.

So that's how I came to marry Steph, and how Buck came to marry Mindy, in Fort Collins, one day during the fall after we were all graduated. It was a simple civil ceremony, with only a few guests—Quent and Amanda among them. And when the judge who had gone through law school with Dad told Buck and me to kiss our brides, we gave no one any reason to doubt what our marriages meant. The chemistry we'd discovered almost three years earlier was still there, and we still enjoyed it as much as we ever had.

After our marriages, Buck and Steph apologetically opened their finances to us, and we found things about as we'd expected. They had barely managed to finish college; they had no money left.

But Buck, who had done well in Computer Science, suddenly found himself very employable. He fully expected that he would have to support all four of us—and that didn't bother him in the least. He would much rather go on to graduate school, but he didn't think that was going to be possible for years to come.

That was before we took our turn and opened our finances to them. They almost fainted when they learned the sizes of our trusts.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Buck asked.

Mindy and I looked at each other. And then we looked directly back at him. "I think you know," Mindy said.

"Because you wouldn't have married a rich girl, if you'd known," Steph said. "And I sure wouldn't have married a rich boy." She smiled at me. Then she looked back at Buck. "They've outsmarted us again, Steve-ster. I knew they weren't to be trusted when they figured us out right after that Thanksgiving dinner when we were sophomores. But I guess we're stuck now, aren't we?" The smile was still on her face.

We took that fall off, and we all went to graduate school the following spring, all four of us at the same university somewhere in the Mountain West. All of us earned doctoral degrees: Buck's was in computer science, Steph's in Italian, Mindy's in French, and mine in math. By the time we finished with that, the trusts had dissolved and Mindy and I, together with our spouses, controlled the proceeds. "Share and share alike" has become our motto. It took us a while, but we finally taught Buck and Steph to receive as graciously as they gave.

We moved to a middle-sized university town, also in the Mountain West, where we had all found suitable positions—Steph as an Italian professor, Mindy as a French professor, and me as a math professor. Buck alone abandoned the ivory tower to become the head of security for a fairly well-known firm with a strong internet presence. (The story of our search for positions in four diverse areas of interest, but all in the same town—which was even further constrained by the requirement that there had to be mountains handy—would be another book in itself.) We bought and remodeled a large old Victorian mansion in an older residential district there. We've all lived there ever since.

We dithered for years about whether or not we should have children. We all—the women in particular—wanted them; that wasn't the issue. We were worried about genetic defects—especially where Mindy and I, with our unique family background, were concerned.

All of us read extensively about the biology of inbreeding. Mindy and I were especially worried about the possibility of unexpressed recessive genes we might both carry that could double up in our offspring, as well as about the phenomenon known as "genetic drift." We found encouragement in repeated references to the lack of problems breeders see in inbred lines of domestic animals.

Brian Charles Magness was born to Mindy about ten years after our marriages. The twins, Laurel Stephanie and Suzanne (Steph and Steve's mother's name) Melinda Young were born to Steph a year after that. And David Steven Magness came to Mindy still a year later. All were happy, healthy children.

It wasn't until a year or two after David was born that I realized that the example of inbred domestic animals probably isn't relevant to our circumstances. The likely reason there are so few genetic problems in inbred lines of domestic animals is that good breeders don't let an animal breed if they even suspect that it carries an inconvenient trait. And so, dangerous recessive genes were gone before inbreeding started.

Here in our shared house, we've raised the kids as though they are all siblings—who happen to have two moms and two dads. Of course, the kids know who their own parents are, and who sleeps with whom, but they don't know what other, potentially embarrassing, relationships obtain among the four adults. They'll have to learn those things some day not too far away.

And we've noticed, in the last five years, or so, that the four of them seem to have taken an interest—which they've tried, not entirely successfully, to conceal—in the "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours" game. And we suspect, but we haven't been able to confirm, that there's also been some surreptitious experimentation—Purely in the Interest of Science, naturally—with the object of figuring out how this fits into that.

The kids are approaching their teens, now, and we'd better see to it, before too long, that they understand pregnancy, how it happens, and what its ramifications are. Not to mention how grownups keep it from happening—while, nevertheless, putting this into that repeatedly and frequently.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's a late evening toward the end of February, and the kids are all in bed, fast asleep. As I entered the last few paragraphs above into my computer, Mindy, my little sister, the mother of my sons, and the love of my life, came into the room. Altogether too many years after the story I'm finishing here, she is still a pretty, sexy, intelligent woman.

She looked over my shoulder, seconds ago, at what I had just written—the paragraph that precedes this one.

"You're almost done, aren't you?" she asked.

I was distracted, thinking about what to say to end this story and how to say it; I mumbled something without giving it much thought. Then she said, "And for the 'pretty, sexy, intelligent woman' part you get this." And she planted a big wet kiss in the middle of the back of my neck.

I'd barely recovered from the shudder her kiss caused, when she whispered into my ear, "Big Brother and Little Sister!"

I think I'm done. She expects the usual response. And I believe I know exactly what she thinks we should do after that.

(The End)


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gnellio11gnellio118 months ago

I am just finished reading this version of your story of Charlie and Mindy for the second time. Even though this version is absolutely written, I prefer the storyline of the first writing. In this version of the story, the sexual depictions become too repetitive and in my opinion, and too much detail. In the first story, the build up to the first sexual encounter between Charlie and Mindy was much slower. The story gave more detail into how they came to be lovers and more detail about their lives in general. Do you think you’ll ever re-post the original version of the story? I would love to read it again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was good to a point tge sex scenes became repetitive and i as a reader of the complete storie was hoping to see a little more of the siblings trading places on occasions and enjoying what they toyed with in their minds of the others in their lives. It seemes they could still love each other more by giving themselves something they yearned for in tge other couple

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thanks for ruining and wasting everyone’s time with the ending

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wauw !!!

thank you ....

Tiku21Tiku21over 3 years ago

This is my personal opinion the story was EXCELLENT until you bought up steph and buck everyone has his own taste and the fact that they share each other with other makes me sick but what can I say that's just how I feel about it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great Work

I really enjoyed the story.

I wish there were more.

Now to the hard part (note that this is my personal taste,

and my criticism is from a good place)

I found myself at times skipping "the nasty" in order to see what happens next.

Maybe if they experimented more, to keep the story from repeating itself at those instances would be an option. Nothing to extreme though, as it would cast shadows over that "holy" glint they had with each other.

The relationship with the twins was (again, for me) borderline too much.

I was relieved they didn't get to "Do It", and kissing might have been ok, but feeling and teasing was troubling for me.. but again, i cant begin to guess C & M's depths of love in order to know if jealousy is a thing at that stage.

Also.. too much description of their surroundings at 1st book.

I was happy to see that rest books were more.. to the point.

I would like to have read about Mindy's thoughts at first book; just to get an insight of her pov into the start of their journey.

And my favorite parts (both from inspiration & writer's skill perspective)..

Baring the endless wilderness descriptions, the whole 1st book.

The chapters dealing the dog attack, the chapters dealing with their parents death, and the repetition of them laying there, her head on his shoulder, her body on his side, her leg over his.

Great work.

If you'd publish this on paper, i'd buy it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
What the fuck?

How do you share your love life with someone, I didn't read after the affair with buck and Steph. Because if you love someone in your heart, you can't have feelings for someone. this is not loving. it's about sex. you do not have sex. but how can we trust someone random?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
5 Epic ending

Now that's a coming of age story. With C,M & the twins agreeing to not swap they became adults instead of nearly adults. They protected the thing most important to each other. With 4 rather than two all the legal hassle work out. Children need soc cards, birth certificates etc. If the twins hadn't met them the story could have had a tragic ending for all four. I've not read a story I enjoyed more. I might have liked more cunnilingus maybe but why quibble.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 5 years ago

most excellent writing keep up the good work

CapewideCapewidealmost 6 years ago
Less IS Better

Your story was great!! I had to skip many pages of the "Smut" sex scenes. It was like you were trying to implement porn into a wonderful story. There were true feelings in the story that you expressed so well. It is a private story and I had to skip through many pages of the overly descriptive sexcapades. You had me in tears throughout all chapters and almost crying at some points. I have read all the stories you have put up on Literotica and have come to the conclusion you are an extremely talented writer. I hope you take my criticism with a grain of salt, but, I think most people care more about the story and want to imagine in their minds the details of the sexual encounters. Mostly, what you had to do, was let us all know it happened and make us feel we were there which you have done so well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Too much effort to write sex scenes

Someone once said it's the story that counts. Your story was and is excellent and it would have been better with less sex scenes. Less is more. I still gave it a 5.

OedipusErectusOedipusErectusover 6 years ago
I'm relieved

Thank you for this wonderful story. As others have similarly posted, I'm sad it is over as I'm already beginning to miss it. When I reread it I'll take it slower, probably one chapter a day, to have it last longer. I'm not sure where you were going with the kissing, fondling and groping between the non-sibling dyads. I found it out of place and quite unbelievable. I was really concerned that it might morph into outright sex and am relieved that it didn't. The sibling couples were very much in love and enjoyed active sex lives. They did not need fluffers.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

I absolutely fell in love with Mindy and Charlie's! I have enjoyed watching them grow and learn, from puppy love to full deep soul love. Thank you for writing such a beautiful story. There is one little thing though, the ending. It happened rather swiftly. I wasn't ready to give reading about them! Please keep writing, I love your stories!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
The whole book,,,

I need to say that I didn't star every chapter but I damn sure should have. I have always shared to others what passion means to me,, your chapters captured passion in its entirety. The love, the emotion, the caring of all 4 people in this book is what passion is all about. I wish that I could share with you and yours the feelings you brought to my heart,, oh my sexual being was stroked many times through out the chapters but it was the stroking of my mind and soul that was the best. If this is a true story bless you,, if not your imagination created a wondrous thing. Thank you

Turtle1952Turtle1952about 7 years ago
Hall of Fame

Thoroughly enjoyed this story and like others I had to keep going until I finished reading.

CarlusMagnus you have excelled yourself sir and I acknowledge and applaud your awesome talent as a writer.

This story belongs in literotica Hall of Fame. No doubt about it.



AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A stupidious story!

"That's stupendous, you dope!"

AmbrosiasterAmbrosiasterover 7 years ago
Impressing story!

I just read the whole series, and just the fact that I read the 29 chapters in just a few days (hiding myself ^^) proves how much I liked it! I five-starred every chapter.

The sex scenes became (in my opinion) a little repetitive somewhere at the end of the book 3. But at this time, the love affair became far more interesting than the erotic part, so it was not a problem at all. And if I had not read all chapters one after the other, I probably had not felt that in the same way. Moreover, this made the whole story more realistic.

I read in the comments that some did not want intercourse between Mindy and Steve, and between Charlie and Steph, and others were disappointed when the characters decided to not do "the nasty thing". I think that the erotic side would became more arousing, but finally I am happy that you decided not to: the love side is greater.

This series was also truly funny. Arousing, interesting, entertaining. Put in one word: impressing! Thank you for your work!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 7 years ago

I have reread parts and whole chapters over and over. Such a wonderfully thought out read. I loved the sensual as much as the sexual. The beginnings of love to the final chapter. Please keep writing! You are AWESOME! Thank you.

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