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Sophie tensed up all over when she bounced particularly low in their grip. She loved the thrill of them both losing it because of her, watching those stern concentrated expressions turn to blissful blankness by degrees as she rode them. Her low moans were joining together into a crescendo, driving the men on harder, the cycle repeating until Sophie felt the wet heat of Blue filling her with hot, oozing cum.

"Mmm... Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Blue's cursing went from hard to soft as he repeated the word, only relenting when Sophie turned her head to kiss him, nibble on his cheek as he wrapped his arms around her, still twitching as his long-awaited orgasm went on and on.

It felt... perfect to be filled like that, especially while she was still slowly, forcefully riding Green's flexing cock in her pussy. Sophie took long deep breaths as she felt her own orgasm not far off, now she'd had one of them this way she wanted them both this way.

She gripped Green's shoulders for better leverage and then thrust in and out of his lap in a tight embrace that made Green groan in approval and Blue haltingly sigh in over-sensitised pleasure as he leaned back and rested on his hands to watch Sophie's ass still wringing the sensation from his twitching cock.

Blue's exasperated sighing at the back of her neck was sweetly intimate, and tingles ran along Sophie's spine every time she felt him twitch and ooze within her. Such a wantonly kinky feeling, one more on the large pile of kinky feelings so far today.

Sophie nibbled on Green's bottom lip as she hugged him tight and fucked him hard, his strong arms around her hips pulling her in tight before letting her wriggle around on his cock.

"Yes..." Green's usual expression of casual confidence was completely replaced by the distractedly grinning pleading look he was giving Sophie now. "Oh..." His voice was a harsh growl as Sophie slammed back and forth in his lap, Blue's hands on her hips not doing much to restrain her wild bucking. The newcomer squeezed his eyes shut and held on in agonised bliss.

Sophie looked down at him staring up at her, riding high on them both, her feet planted on the grass to either side. She had them both perfectly in her grasp, both gasping and moaning for her; staring at her naked, flexing, dancing body as she fucked them; lust and awe in their eyes.

"Fff..." Sophie didn't get as far as the curse, Green's deep thrust and clamping grip shocking her to silence as well as stillness as he seemed to tense every muscle in his body at once, struggled, and let go with a harsh growl that set Sophie shivering against him. Her fingers gripped at him in spasming waves, the feel of his thrusting cock flooding her pussy different but equally hedonistic to the first time.

It was as much as Sophie could take, and focused on holding onto him as her balance wobbled between them, her thighs trembling as they gave out, her feet dangling in the air as they held her in place.

Green thrust half in and out as he held her tight, softly bit the nape of her neck as he came hard into her; not stopping, just slowing to enjoy every bit of sensation. No words, just a happy growl and his hot skin pressed to hers as it felt like they were melting together into one.

He nuzzled her ear and purred as she grinned at the pulsing feeling of them both inside her.

They were both cuddling her tight now, Blue's arms affectionately circled around her hips, Green's hands gripping her ass were half appreciative feel and half sensual massage.

Sophie still felt like she were being subtly churned, but realised she was still clenching and gripping them with each aftershock. She couldn't stop and didn't really want to, they felt good so she held onto them.

"Mmm..." She sighed against Green's neck, listening to the breeze as she felt Blue's hands circling her abdomen as it occasionally flexed. They both seemed to agree with her that it wasn't time to let go yet.

Sophie felt the warmth of the sun, stared into the red glow of her closed eyelids.

"God..." She chuckled, not moving her limbs but still squeezing the men together inside her. "You guys are..." She gave up on words, stroked fingertips through their hair, turned to kiss them each in turn.

Blue grinned, a little shy now the fevered urgency had passed.

Green watched her eyes, until his gaze drifted down to her mouth and he leaned in to kiss her again.

Sophie smiled and cuddled them both, then shifted back to Green's lap as Blue tapped out and fell back to the grass. Blue lay flat, basking in the afterglow, the others watched his victorious smile, chuckled.

Sophie felt the tension in her thighs and decided that laying on the grass looked comfortable. Green followed her down so she was in the middle again.

She giggled. It seemed funny, like they were a bunch of horny teenagers or something to just get naked and screw in the woods.

Sophie rolled over onto her front, resting her head on her crossed arms. The sun was warm on her back and she let the tension ease from her muscles, enjoyed the way the breeze dragged the heat from her flushed skin.

Blue was the first to sit up, grinning and shaking his head at some private joke. Sophie turned her head to watch him pace around a couple of times finding all their shed clothes, putting them in a pile before taking his own.

She liked his legs, Sophie decided, and when he turned around to look back at her she decided she liked his semi-hard cock when it bobbed in front of him. If she weren't so utterly and contentedly lazy right now, Sophie mused, she might've asked him to stick around and share it with her one more time.

Blue was still smiling at them as he dressed, still taking long appreciative looks at Sophie's body as she slowly turned over and stretched her legs one at a time, feeling his eyes on her blushing pussy as she brought her knee up and back, until it almost touched her shoulder.

Yeah, pretty thoroughly stretched already... She jiggled slightly in place as she made herself laugh.

Green had propped himself up on one elbow to watch the other two, Sophie felt them both staring again as she let her arms and legs fall to the soft ground, leaving her spread-eagled on the grass with the last beads of sweat making her skin shine.

"Need us to carry you?" Green teased, his voice close to Sophie's ear as he stroked his hand slowly along her body and back.

"Not yet..." She luxuriated in the lazy post-fuck mood; turned back over and hugged the ground, giving them both another show of her ass as she flexed it, feeling the sweet ache they had left in her. "You have to go?" Sophie was fine with staying here a little longer, until her limbs weren't so heavy and her clit stopped throbbing with every heartbeat.

"Yeah. I skipped work for this." Blue grinned at her, putting his hoodie back on and patting the pocket. "See you around, gorgeous."

"Mmm..." Sophie nuzzled the soft grass like it were the cool side of her pillow. "See you around."

"Next time I won't have to ask you twice." Green said to Blue, getting only a chuckle back before he set off at a tired but acceptable jog.

Sophie just lay there and breathed, feeling cooler now, steadier. She almost felt as though her ears should be ringing as she mentally replayed the ferocity of both men taking her together, but she felt deeply warm and entirely relaxed; the afterglow somewhere between a hard workout and a deep massage.

Green leaned down to smooch her chest a few times, clearly willing to stick around too.

Sophie felt another soft wet kiss on her mound but this time it was colder, a raindrop.

"Unnhh..." She grumbled at the sky, still too lazy to get up.

"Mmm..." Green replied, his voice a low buzz. He leaned in and kissed the raindrop as it trickled gently into the groove of her hot, slick, fresh-fucked pussy.

Sophie didn't have the energy to squeal or recoil at the cold in her most intimately heated place, she squirmed softly, her hips lifting just off the grass before resting again.

"We'll get wet." She protested, wanting him to stay but not wanting him to get hypothermia.

"We'll get wet anyway." He soothed, stroking along her thigh, her hip, cupping her breast as he spooned behind her.

"... we'll get cold." The protest was more of a lament when she actually said it.

"I'll keep you warm." Green kissed her cheek and pulled her closer against him, his hands everywhere as he slowly seduced her all over again.

"Mhmm..." Sophie arched against him, feeling the subtle ache in her hips indicating she had overdone that particular movement today.

The rain increased steadily until the white-noise hushed everything but their breathing. The cold drops made Sophie retreat against the bulk of her lover curled around her, though she made a play of hugging his big arm around her like a blanket.

Instead he pushed her onto her front, straddled her hips and shielded her body with his. Sophie sighed low and loud, not worried about anyone hearing her through the rain. Everyone but them was probably jogging back to their cars now, even Blue probably thought he'd gotten out just in time.

Green didn't seem to think so, though.

Sophie felt his rain-slicked skin sliding across hers, the thick weight of his cock nestled against her ass, hot and twitching as he rubbed himself against her.

"C'mon..." Sophie was incredulous. "You've already..." She trailed off as his hand slipped around her and cupped her pussy, pulling her harder against his cock, shifting his weight onto his other elbow, still needing his hand to tenderly massage her hanging breast. "Oh..." She whispered.

"One more." He crooned, teasing her clit by dragging it slowly along the groove between his fingers, slick with more than rain again by now.

"Mmm..." Sophie found herself arching up to meet him, spreading her arms out wide under his. "One more." She agreed.

His thighs kept hers clamped tight together, and Sophie twirled her fingers in the wet grass as he rubbed his cock sensually against her ass, between her thighs. He kissed along her back and shoulders as he thrust slowly against her, taking his time and bringing his mouth back to her ear as the tip of his cock pressed against Sophie's ass.

"Couldn't let you go without having you like this again." He whispered in her ear, and then growled sweetly as she tensed her cheeks around his cock and gave him a thrill.

"Have me then." She took her weight on her shoulders and let him nuzzle the curves of her back as he pressed himself into her again.

He felt bigger than she remembered, then reasoned it was her clamped thighs making her tight. She relaxed them a little as he pushed deep into her ass, her breath coming in a short unintentional sigh as his cock stretched her.

"Yeah..." She grunted from beneath him as he withdrew halfway and then sank into her again. "Oh..." She moaned, squeezing her thighs together as he began to fuck her. She felt the tension and played with it as he revelled in the feel of her body pressed to his, her ass gripping him tight.

"God..." He mumbled happily against her neck, kissing her wet skin as the rain continued to mist them. He thrust in deep again and Sophie settled on the grass, crossed her ankles to give herself a little more leverage to squeeze him. This last impulsive fuck felt like a dare, Sophie felt like showing off.

Tight, wet, squeezing, thrusting. Sophie started out half on her knees, but after a few thrusts she was flat to the grass and rocking back and forth as he fucked her.

Now they were alone, now they had some privacy in the noise of the rain; Sophie let herself moan and grunt and giggle as she liked, let herself be pleasured by his need for her.

"You feel so fucking good..." She encouraged, feeling his hips slap wetly against her ass as they were both by now soaked by rain.

Green was as good as his word though, he did keep her warm with his roving hands and loving mouth. He took her hard but at an easy pace, leaning in to kiss or whisper, or just growl affectionately in her ear to make her squirm under him.

Sophie squeezed her thighs together harder, managed to cross her legs under him a little, reminding her of the way she had enjoyed herself before discovering toys. The tension in her legs translated to tension around Green's cock, pleasurable ripples along her spine, untamed moans and whimpers tumbling from her open mouth.

"Yes... Fuck my ass... Fuck me..." Unable to do much more than hump the ground and hang on, Sophie encouraged him with words while he pinned her body in place. A hard pounding fuck, without also being callous or hurried. He just needed her, needed her to feel it too.

"How does such a beautiful woman get such a foul mouth?" He teased her for cursing, then shivered against her back as she pulsed the tension in her thighs, actually grinding him to a halt within her. "Oh fuck..." His voice trailed off into blissful disbelief but his fingers either side of her clit rubbed and beckoned faster.

Sophie humped against his hand as he fucked her, they moved sometimes in sync and sometimes out as each found the perfect pace to writhe or thrust. Her rocking nipples brushed against the cool wet grass, and Green was nuzzling the back of Sophie's neck as she began to shudder, gasping and cursing.

"Fucking... hell..." She fought to grasp the sensation for long moments, rising up on her elbows as he squeezed her nipple and her clit slowly in unison.

They both stretched out for the feeling, having to work for it after so much stimulation already. Sophie was certain she would reach it first, until she felt his hot sticky seed pouring into her ass as he shuddered and hugged her tight.

"Fucking... perfect..." He said between thrusts, finally slowing as he focused only on the feeling of her still humping between his hand and his lap.

Sophie grinned and rocked against his hand harder as the wave overtook her, leaving her swimming in a cloud of fizzing bubbles and clashing cymbals. She pointed her toes and hunched her shoulders, driving herself harder against him and holding there.

"Wow..." She yelped as Green squeezed her nipple between finger and thumb; the tight, sharp edge fanning the heat under her skin to a blissful inferno.

They shared the bloom of warmth, cuddled tight as they slowed and finally stopped. Hushing noise and tingling rain, hot panting breath on skin.

"Mhmm." He purred as they both shivered and tensed against each other, he stroked his hand over her breasts now, smooched her shoulder as he eased his cock from her and sat on the grass, watching the raindrops trickle over her skin.

The cold rain had lost its shock, Sophie turned over and watched him watching her.

Automatically, her hands rose to her body, alighting on the curve of her thigh, the rise of her hip. She saw him staring at her tits, and enjoyed the attention, bringing her hands up to cup them; rubbing her thumbs over her nipples, feeling every erect bump as she circled them.

Green's hand joined hers as he sat closer, stroking raindrops over her flesh as his hand traced every contour of her chest.

"You have the most beautiful tits..." He said, illustrating his point by leaning in to lick the rain from her left nipple before deeply kissing it. Sophie trembled pleasurably and turned to offer her right breast to his mouth, swiping his brown hair back from his face in a spray of drops.

She gripped his back as he kissed her breasts, and neither of them really noticed the rain for a while until Sophie noticed it had stopped.

Green was curled up with her on the grass now, stroking wet strands of hair from her face as he watched her.

One more. Sophie remembered with a smile and gave him a long, hard kiss before she reluctantly got to her knees and then stood.

He sat back for a second, admiring the low angle as she stood with her hands on her hips. She was a blushing, grinning, naked, wet goddess to him.

She offered a hand, enjoying the wet glistening of the rain on his skin, the shy edge to his smile as he took it and stood up.

They made their way back to the edge of the trees, where their clothes had managed to escape the worst of the rain.

Sophie squeezed the water from her hair and Green took her forgotten hairband from his wrist, it having exchanged hands from Blue at some point. The thoughtfulness touched her, along with all the other touches, and she was grinning as she tied her hair up again to avoid the freshly-fucked look.

They shared looks and smiles as they struggled to put wet limbs into damp clothes. Sophie left her sports bra until last, held it in one hand as she stepped in close and kissed him. She pressed her naked chest to his and hugged him, slipping her hands down into his shorts to grab his ass and give him a playful squeeze. It seemed only fair.

He returned the favour, and Sophie whimpered softly as he slid her glass plug back into her ass. It was definitely her lucky toy now, she mused, there was no contest.

"Next time?" He asked, biting the corner of his lip.

Sophie nodded, took one more feel of him in her arms, and let go.

He stuck around long enough to watch her put her top back on, which she took her sweet time over, just because. She took a long drink from her bottle when she found it again, offered him some.

He drained the other half and handed it back, his hand brushing hers. He looked like he was about to say something, but Sophie followed her impulse to leave him wanting more and bounded off with one final smile.

She felt his eyes on her ass all the way. Her legs were tired and her hips ached, she felt like she'd been fucked all night long and then cuddled well into the afternoon.

But it was a good ache, a welcome exhaustion; the best kind of workout after too long spent in quiet and solitude.

Sophie was still trembling as she started her car, still catching her eye in the mirror and blushing as she remembered being worshipped in the woods.

She didn't wait for Green to catch up, he'd said next time and Sophie knew he meant it.

Sophie followed her usual post-workout ritual as soon as she got home. She stripped at the door, threw her soaked clothes into the laundry and turned the shower on. She caressed her tingling breasts, remembering their kisses. She stood under the water and let it flow down over her neck, taking her time cleaning her body after it had been so thoroughly tested.

She sighed and hummed at every ache, every twinge, every tremoring aftershock that occasionally tugged at her insides when she remembered being the object of their worship.

Sophie didn't bother with a robe or a towel, just crawled naked and wet into her bed, spread out on her front, and sighed softly in and out as she finally relaxed all the way.

Sophie drifted off in the warm tangle of covers, their kisses still on her skin as she sighed and nuzzled her pillows, a smile on her lips.

Until next time... Sophie thought, warm shadows caressing her all the way down.

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AlmostavirginAlmostavirgin5 months ago

Just amazing! Thank you x

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

please write more ...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hottest story on Literotica!

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderalmost 3 years ago

This is so beautifully over the top, so hot, so much fun, thank you for the courage and range and depth of your imagination!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow, I"m so happy that you wrote a sequel. This is incredibly hot.

RoseNostagia88RoseNostagia88almost 3 years ago

I felt so much energy reading this! I wish the ratings would have hearts instead of stars. I would give you five hearts!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

OMG. Sooo wet reading this. So sexy at the end with the rain I almost slid off my chair. You gave me a new fantasy, cant wait for more! x o x :p

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That's beautifully written and gorgeously erotic. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow. Simply amazing. I think I held my breath during the last two pages. You know how to capture an erotic moment without making it cliche or boring. Absolutely love it.

WritingForToffeeWritingForToffeealmost 3 years agoAuthor

Want more? Check out Sophie's first outing in 'Tail'

ZandriteZandritealmost 3 years ago

I was going to say "it's a marathon of sexiness"... and then I realized you distracted me enough to make me pun... but you earned it. It IS a marathon of sexiness. A very hot journey.

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