Chasing a Waterfall Ch. 06


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"You were loud," Michelle teased.

"Was I?"

"I don't think they heard you though." The lovely moans and groans were gone. Helena looked frightened for a moment. "I'm guessing the'ree in the shower," Michelle quipped. "Relax."

Helena was not, however. She was reaching for her things. "I've got to get home."

"You sure, it's not like they don't know..."

Helena bit her lip and shook her head. "I got carried away, and I need a break." Silence fell. "Don't look so sad, I'll tell you about my sister's "date" when I get back if you would like." Michelle's ears perked up.

Following her to the door, she only waited for Michelle to return from her bedroom with someone to wear under her dress. She didn't return with a slip or anything, but rather her jeans. After slipping into them, they kissed once more, this time goodbye.

Once gone, Michelle returned to her bedroom, and played on her notebook for a while. A Mac Book that Cass had talked her into getting. Lifting the hood, she sat Indian style on the bed and browsed the web for a while after the last saved session resumed. Time went by, and eventually she got bored.

Coming out of her bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen she found that Cass and Eve were just now done. Cass had on her little black dress and Eve had on a matching ivy one. They smiled, and she was relieved. They hadn't heard Helena go off like a banshee.

"We're going out for a while," Cass remarked.

"Don't wait up," Eve continued.

Only than had she realized that it had been a good hour and was beginning to get dark outside. A bit of panic set in for what happened to her girlfriend. At that very moment, she heard her phone vibrate on the kitchen counter. She waved goodbye to Cass and Eve as they exited out the door, having their coats in hand.

"OMG," the text read.

She placed a return call on, and heard Helena answer on what sounded like the bus. Michelle was utterly confused.

"What happened?"

"I'm on my way back, do you mind if I spend the night?"

"Of course not, honey... now what happened?" She was worried and Helena maybe had a fight with her older sister.

"I got home and as I made my way in I heard talking, two female voices. Mary Jane was pretty much naked. She was wearing only a little bikini. She had a drink in hand. I caught her off guard." Helena paused for dramatic effect. "So, the other girl didn't really wait and exited the bedroom. A tall red head that was utterly nude."

"How did you know that she was a red head?" Michelle teased.

Helena ignored her, and went on. "I looked at my sister and she simply said that it wasn't what I thought."

Now Michelle was confused. "So what was it than?"

"Couples fuck with my sister, friend and their boyfriends."

"Ewe," Michelle remarked.

"I know, though the guys didn't look bad and neither did the red head," she added for emphasis.

"What about your sister?" Michelle teased.

"Ewe, again, she's my sister, Michelle," Helena scolded.

A bit of dead air followed. When she heard Helena again, she asked, "Do you think that Mary Jane and the mysterious red head..."

"I don't know, that's the thing, and as strange as this sounds, I think it might be a possibility. The red head was really eying my sister."


"My sister looked like she had fucked and she smelt like, I don't know... pussy and not the scent I'm used to." Silence fell. "Don't even think it Michelle. What I meant to say was that she had the girl's perfume on her."

"Did she know it?"

"No, off course not, and I don't think either suspected that I knew anything. I excused myself to my room for a moment to get some things; I told her that I was spending the night with you."


She coughed, a bit distracted for a moment. "When I came back out, the girls were holding hands and only dropped them when I saw them. My sister had a guilty look on her face as they returned to the bedroom."

"What do you think their doing?"

More silence and some talking in the background and Michelle almost lost the signal. "I don't know, but she's up to something with the woman." More silence. "Look, I've got to go, why don't you met me at the bus stop. I'm only a few blocks away."

Michelle wasted no time getting out the door, and made her way down to the meet up point. True to her word, Helena was waiting for her. Helping her with her things, the two girls walked back to Michelle's place. Once there, they unpacked in her bedroom before heading out into the living room to watch a little television.

Later that night the women had come home a bit buzzed from a night out on the town, though they were still relatively sober. That is when, while getting themselves something to eat the girls had questioned them about it. Helena had been pretty vague on the details.

"No way," Eve had commented.

"I kind of doubt it, MJ really loves dick. I think she actually has a bit of penis envy," Cass chimed in.

Michelle turned to Helena, who confirmed it with a shake of the head.

"Still, its not like most women don't get bitten by the bi bug at some point in their lives," Eve added.

"Yes, but very few actually act out on it," Cass pointed out.

"True, but we are talking about Mary Jane. I could see it if she got horny enough," Eve remarked.

"Honestly, I can't," Cass responded.

All four then turned their talk to other things. Michelle informed them that Helena was staying the night, and the two eyed them with smiles. The women went into the bedroom, this time keeping the door open and changed into their night clothes. For Cass this meant an ivy chemise with a little lace, and for Eve a red satin pullover.

Michelle and Helena soon left, only to return wearing similar intimate night clothes, though to a significant degree less sexy. Helena wore a short sleeve v-neck, a purple shirt and baggy matching pants with little white stars on them. Michelle had on the same look, only her shirt was blue and her pants were shorts of a darker navy blue variety. Cass and Eve seemed a bit disappointed.

The four of them watched a little television and played some Nintendo Wii. Soon the night grew long, and Michelle and Helena announced their retirement. Not before Michelle got a peak, however. Eve at some point had gotten up during their game playing felt for the bathroom, when she had returned Cass had flashed a wicked grin.

Michelle had been at a loss for what had been going on, but she had an idea know. For the last hour or so, Eve had not really let her legs at any point spread. She had been extra careful. Michelle knew that something had been up, and before leaving she got an eye full. Eve had been careful until now, with Cass behind her she had reached over for the controller and her legs had spread. She hadn't been wearing any panties.

A look of guilt followed as Eve met her eyes. Crossing her legs, Michelle thought she mouthed the words, "I'm wet!" Cass had not caught on, and fell back into her lap, and startled Eve for a moment. They kissed some and the girls took it as their cue to exit when it became a bit more passionate.

Back in Michelle's room, the girls stripped down into little more than panties before they climbed into bed. For Michelle this meant plain white cotton bikinis and for Helena, black booty shorts. Afterward, they climbed into bed and made out for a while. A long while, though no sex came of it. Instead, the two stopped and went out to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Not more than a few feet from the kitchen and the girls heard Cass and Eve going at it again. They were in their bedroom, though the door was ajar. Michelle had been briefly tempted to spy on them again, but dismissed it. She was with Helena.

"I can't believe they are doing it again?"

"I can," Michelle added. "Just after you left, they went out for a night on the town." "They fucked for like, forever and then felt the need to go shopping."

Michelle now had two water bottles in hand, and Helena was caught off guard when she handed her the water bottle. She had jumped back when Michelle had placed the ice cold bottle against her right breast; Helena had been lost in thought.

"That's cold," she whispered.

"Speaking of Mary Jane?"

"Yeah," Helena now only was turning to her.

"How does she get by, I mean Cass and Eve can go on, but most guys..."

Michelle actually squeaked as Helena tapped her butt cheek. "You are so naughty."

"You're spying on my roommates, fair is fair."

Helena now had her full attention. "Well, Mary Jane usually finds guys with a lot of stamina, sometimes enhanced." What, Michelle had mouth? "The little blue pill."

"So she demands that they take the Viagra or something?"

No, Helena shook her head. "Not really, I think she just encourages it. I've seen more than one guy pop them at her nagging. Mary Jane can be very persuasive. Eye candy goes far with a lot of guys. My sister from what I hear is some piece of ass," Helena smirked.

Michelle was at a loss for words. "Geezer."

Helena rolled her eyes at it. "No, don't go thinking that she was wonderful sex all the time. I think for Michelle it just as much about the conquest of men as it is the good sex. I've seen her bitching about how the guy didn't last long enough plenty of times, and even..."

"What?" Michelle encouraged. A bit of a lust forming in her eyes and Helena could only smile and just shake her head.

"Well, at times the guy didn't always last long enough or she was more worked up." A bit of a grin traced her lips. "MJ sometimes masturbates in the bathroom afterward."

"How would you..." Michelle stopped.

Silence, as Helena looked down at the kitchen floor. "I just know. It's pretty obvious."

"No fucking way!"

"You really want to get into my sister's panties don't you?" Helena statement was of both curiosity and annoyance.

"No, of course not, I love you baby," Michelle said. The two kissed as they entered her bedroom.

"It doesn't really bother me. She's not really my competition. You're not her type."


"You've got a puss and not a dangling dick," she chided.

"What about tonight?"

Shaking her head, Helena paused. "You know, I'm not sure what to think. I am beginning to believe that maybe I imagined more to it than there was."

"Your probably right," Michelle comforted her. She came up and snuggled against her ear as they fell back to the bed. Slowly after a bit of kissing and some playfulness, the two girls fell asleep with Michelle spooning behind Helena.

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hanna_ahanna_aover 13 years ago
Bewildered ...

I like the story and the characters ... lovely hedonist lesbians with big sense of humour.

What I completely didn't understand is the link between the first two chapters and what followed. Well, they are supposed to be Michelle's dream - but apart from dreams not being like this, I don't get the point. What lack of storyline would be there, if these first two chapters were abolished at all?

Well, maybe i read it a little bit inattentively, but maybe somebody can help me to understand.

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