Chastity, Maxine, and Me


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He pulled out then, stripped off the condom, and then handed it to her. She grinned and stuck her tongue in the end, tipped it up, and let his cum run into her mouth. She was still grinning when he went back home. I hung around while she pulled her bikini bra back down and put her bottoms back on. She went back in the house then, so I packed up and left.

When I showed the video to Madge, she just sat there and watched without saying anything. When it ended, she looked at me.

"He's doing Peggy's daughter?"

"Yeah. I have a second video from the next Wednesday if you need more proof."

Madge shook her head.

"No, one is enough. Tell me something, Harry. Why would he...I mean, I'm not nineteen any more but I didn't think I was that bad."

Well, Madge wasn't bad, not bad at all. Her tits weren't quite as big as Teresa's, well, it was hard to tell because she was wearing a loose T-shirt at the time, but they weren't little by any means. Her ass was wider than Teresa's, but like I've told you before, I like a woman to have some meat on her bones.

"You're not bad, Madge. You're pretty sexy. I don't why he'd do that. I wouldn't. I don't really like young girls."

She sighed.

"Well, I don't know what I should do about this, divorce him I suppose, but then where would I be? I mean, we weren't doing it very often, but when we did, it was great."

Honest, I was only trying to make her feel better when I said she shouldn't have trouble finding another man. Madge looked at me and grinned.

"That sounds like you're interested. Are you?"

"Well, I wouldn't be a man if I wasn't interested. That doesn't mean I'd try anything with you."

Madge pulled off her T-shirt.

"If Jack's going to screw the girl next door, I'm going to screw my private investigator."

Well, that's another story, but let's just say by the next afternoon, I figured Madge's husband was either crazy as a goddamned loon or dumb as a fucking rock. She had this way of...well, like I said, that's another story.

Anyway, when I asked Madge if a blonde woman named Maxine had been at the hospital on the nights Chastity was there, she tapped a few keys on her computer and then ran her finger down the screen.

"Nope, nobody named Maxine on any of those nights."

"What about really late, like maybe midnight or one."

Madge shook her head.

"That would never happen. We don't let anybody go up after nine unless it's to see somebody in intensive care and even then she'd still be in the computer."

"Could she have sneaked in through Emergency?"

Madge shook her head.

"I doubt it. We get some really rough people in Emergency late at night, so the door to the hall from Emergency to the waiting room is locked at nine, and we have security there too. I suppose it's possible, but she'd have to know where she was going. She'd have to go from Emergency through all the labs and doctor's offices and then take the stairs or the patient elevator. The public elevator is in the main waiting room, so if she'd taken that one up, the desk clerk would have seen her and called security."

"What about a hospital employee? They'd know where they were going."

Madge smiled.

"Give me a sec."

Madge used her mouse to click on a screen icon, and when a list appeared, she typed "Maxine" into the search feature. A few seconds later, four names appeared on the screen. Madge looked at each one and shook her head, then turned back to me.

"We have four Maxines. One works obstetrics from two to ten, one is a surgical nurse who works days, one is a pharmacist on days, and the last one is on maternity leave."

I asked her if one of them could get into the hospital without going through the waiting room. Madge nodded.

"Sure. They could come in the employee entrance, but there's no record any of them swiped in that late. I suppose one of them could have waited around in the restroom until everybody left, but I don't know why they'd do that though."

"Do any of them have blonde hair?"

Madge grinned at me.

"That night made you like blonde hair, didn't it?"

"No, well yes, but I've always liked blonde hair. This Maxine has blonde hair, long blonde hair."

Madge looked at the pictures beside each name and then shook her head.

"Nope, three brunettes and one redhead. I suppose she could have bleached it though. That's how I became a blonde."

I thanked Maxine and then winked at her. She grinned.

"That wink won't get you anywhere, Harry. I have a boyfriend, remember?"

I did remember. I didn't drink a whole bottle of scotch or do any other dumb-shit thing like that after she told me, but I did think about her for the rest of the day.

So, it was possible Maxine somehow got into Chastity's room every night for a week, but I'd have to dig a little deeper to find out how. I knew the woman who took care of the hospital security cameras and while it was against hospital policy, I was pretty sure Tammy would show me the security videos of the nights in question.

Tammy had been really shaken up when I found out her husband was dating another guy on the side. I have a soft spot for redheads, and she said she was going to need some help to come to grips with that, so I asked if there was some way I could help her.

Tammy might have been having coming to grips with what her husband did, but she didn't have any trouble getting a grip on my cock. When she left the next morning, she said if there was anything she could do to help me, all I needed to do was ask.

Unfortunately, Madge said Tammy was off that day, so I went back to my office. I still had the social media sites to search.

When I got back to my office/apartment, I typed "Maxine" into the search box of the site with the most members and then typed in "Nashville, TN" for the location. A few seconds later, my screen filled with photos of women named Maxine who lived within about twenty miles of Nashville.

By my count I'd been through a hundred pictures of smiling women by the time my stomach told me it was time for lunch. I fixed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, filled a glass with the rest of my coffee from that morning, and kept looking.

By four, I'd smoked half a pack of cigarettes and I was tired of looking at women named Maxine holding their fucking cat or wearing elf suits in front of a Christmas tree or looking all lovey-dovey by a lake with some dip-shit who looked like he'd used some makeup. I'd been through about four hundred profiles like that, but I had found six blonde women named Maxine. I didn't think there would be more, because the names after that were names like Max or Maxie. I called Chastity and asked if she could come over and look at what I'd found.

Chastity got there about five and though her jeans and top were different, they were the same plain-style clothes she'd worn before. She sat down, twisted her hands together for a second and then asked if I'd found Maxine.

"Well, maybe. The hospital doesn't have any record of a Maxine visiting you at all, let alone every night, but there are a couple ways she could have gotten in without going through the front desk. I'm still working on that part."

"I did find six women named Maxine on the biggest social media site who are about your size and have blonde hair. Have a look at the pictures I printed from their pages. Maybe you'll recognize her."

Chastity looked at every picture, and then looked up and shook her head.

"No, the woman I saw isn't any of these."

"Well, I have a couple other sites I can go through, but if Maxine wasn't on this one, she's probably not on the others either."

Chastity squeezed her hands between her knees and then said, "I still have a day coming from what I paid you, don't I?"

"Yes, you paid for two days and I've only used one."

"Then I want you to keep looking. If you don't find her, I guess I'll have to give up. I can't afford to pay you much more than I already have."

I tried to cheer her up by saying we might get lucky, but I probably wasn't very convincing.

After she left, I heated up a frozen pizza in my microwave and poured myself half a jelly jar of Glenfiddich. The pizza was to stop my stomach from growling. The scotch was to take all those pictures out of my head.

Every time I go looking on one of the social media sites, I'm amazed at the pictures people post and what they write. They tend to fall into four categories. A shit-load of the posts are from businesses and bands. They post because it's free and they don't have to pay to have a commercial website. I can understand that. The rest are looking for compliments, sympathy, or just to see their name on the page.

The ones looking for someone to tell them how great they are usually post pictures of them doing what they think will result in someone else posting that. With young girls and guys, it's the cell phone selfie bullshit. The captions usually say something like, "just relaxing by the lake". The girl or guy will have fifty pictures of them in a bikini or tight trunks sitting, standing, or looking like they're about to jump into the water, have just jumped in the water, or have just gotten out of the water. The only thing good about those pictures is the girls who just got out of the water. The little drops of water on their tits can be pretty fucking erotic if she has big tits and the bikini bra is pretty small.

Sometimes the selfies are of groups, usually girls, and you can bet the girl who posts the picture has bigger tits than all the rest. There's usually a chubby one in the mix too. I figure that's for contrast.

The middle aged people post pictures of them with their kids with captions like, "my beautiful little angels when they were young". At least one of those little angels is usually picking his nose or scratching his ass.

They also post picture of them as a couple. If the guy has graying hair and looks like he'd rather be taking a nap, the woman will look about fifteen years younger. That's because she's dyed her hair and is standing so you can't really see how big her belly is. If the guy looks younger than the woman, he'll usually have his hair all combed to the back of his head to hide his bald spot and uses that shit that's supposed to "fade away the gray".

The older folks post pictures of their hobbies like knitting the most god-awful sweaters you've ever seen, or building bird feeders out of old shipping skids that look like log cabins or churches. It's OK with me if they want to do that. It's probably good for them because it gives them something to do. I just don't see why they feel the need to show that shit to the whole goddamned world.

The sympathy seekers always post everything that's gone wrong for them since birth and then wait for other people to post, "I'm so sorry for you", "I don't know why such bad things happen to such a great person", or some shit like that. The people who leave comments write that shit after the person posts a picture of some mangy mutt with the caption, "I just lost Reggie, my best friend in the whole world", or they post a picture of a six year old girl with the caption,"My daughter just went off to college and I've been crying for three days".

I hate to admit it, but I do feel sorry for them, both the posters and the people who leave comments. Their lives must be pretty boring if writing shit like that is all they have to do.

It's the ones who just like seeing their name on the page that take the cake though. Why the fuck would I ever want to know shit about anybody like, "quit my job today" or "mowed my grass this afternoon" or "this is me sitting on my patio"? Apparently there's somebody out there who does because they'll always get a few replies.

Anyway, I finished my pizza, tossed the empty box and cardboard circle in the trash, and then went back to my desk and refilled my jelly glass. I knew tomorrow was going to be a bitch. I'd have to look at more goddamned pictures of more fucking people doing shit that was absolutely worthless. Maybe, with luck, I'd stumble on Maxine. I doubted it, but maybe. I'd take a break after lunch and go see if Tammy would show me the security videos for those nights, but after that, I'd be back looking at women and trying to find someone named Maxine with long, blonde hair.

I'd just pulled up my favorite amateur porn site, you know, one of those where ordinary people send in pictures of themselves naked, and was seeing who had posted what when there was a knock on my office door.

The sign on that door says my office hours are ten in the morning to four in the afternoon. I do lock the door at four, but I've gotten clients later than that, so I always answer. Just to be safe, I pulled the Smith snub-nose revolver from my ankle holster. One of the reasons I close up shop at four and wear my Smith is it can get pretty hairy on my street after it gets dark. As the saying goes, when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away.

That's not faulting the Nashville PD. They do the best they can with what they have. It's just the reality of living where I do. The pawn shop across the alley from me gets hit about every other month, and at least twice a year, some kid tries to beat the coin box off a washer down at the laundromat. Nobody's fucked with me yet, but it might happen someday.

When I opened the door, I thought she was one of the hookers that work the corner at the other end of my block. She had blonde hair that hung down to her ass and her face was made up like some movie star's. Her eyes looked sultry and mysterious because of that shit women put on their eyelids to make them look that way. She was wearing bright red lipstick and her eyelashes looked like they'd whip you to death if she got close enough.

She was wearing a dress, well, I guess you could call it a dress. I figured if she bent over even a little, I'd be looking at her panties and her ass cheeks. The top, well, it was basically two straps about three inches wide that ran from her shoulders down over her tits and stopped where the front dived low enough I was sure she had to shave her pussy.

Her face said, "Fuck me now", and her body said, "After you fuck me once, you'll want to fuck me again."

She looked at the Smith in my hand and grinned.

"Y'all gonna shoot me afore we git down ta what I came fer?"

"No, come in Miss. I don't see a wedding ring, so it is Miss, isn't it."

She grinned again and walked through the door. I was closing it when she walked by me and I realized she didn't have to bend over for me to see her ass cheeks. They were right there under the hem of her dress. I finally got the door closed, but I couldn't find the knob on the deadbolt and watch those sexy little cheeks move up and down at the same time, so I gave up and went back to my desk.

When I sat down, she shifted her weight to one leg and that cocked her ass enough I felt my cock give a little jump.

"Yeah, it's Miss. That fuckin' asshole I was married to thought I didn' fuck him good enough so he divorced me. Said my tits were too little too."

She cupped her tits and squeezed them. Somehow they stayed under the straps, well most of them did.

"Whatcha think? My tits too li'l for ya?"

You get all kinds of people in my business who ask all kinds of questions. Sometimes it's hard to answer, but it's usually best to play along until I figure out what they're up to.

"No, they're not too little."

She grinned.

"OK, now we got that straight, betcha wanna find out who I am and why I'm here, don'tcha? Well, I'm Maxine. I heard ya been tryin' to find me."

Well, this was a first. I'd never had a person I was looking for just walk into my office and say "here I am".

"Yes, I've been looking for a blonde woman named Maxine. I don't know if you're the right Maxine though. Who told you I was looking for a woman named Maxine?

She smiled.

"A li'l ol' bird tol' me."

I said I didn't think little birds could talk. She just laughed.

"Well, this li'l bird did. She tol' me you went to the hospital and asked if I'd been there. She tol' me ya made her pussy all wet. I think she'd like to fuck ya."

Well, the only people who knew I'd gone to the hospital were Chastity and Madge. Since Chastity was looking for Maxine that little bird had to be Madge. I could see Madge telling Maxine I was looking for her and telling Maxine where to find me. It was a bit of a stretch to think Madge would tell Maxine the rest, but then, Madge sometimes says what she's thinking.

"OK, I'll bite. How do I know you're the --

She was grinning when she cut me off.

"Ya kin bite if ya want. I kinda like it when my nips get bit, an' if you bite my ass, I get goosey bumps all over."

I wasn't used to a woman coming on to me so strong and it was a little uncomfortable. I mean, it was like she was at the grocery store and had picked me out of all the other steaks, not that I'm a steak. I'm more of a sausage. I thought if I sat her down, at least I wouldn't be looking the way she kept stroking her ass.

"Miss, have a seat so we can talk about this."

She plopped down in the chair opposite my desk while I put the Smith back in my ankle holster. When I raised back up, she'd put her right ankle over her left knee. I'd been wrong about being able to see her panties. I couldn't because she wasn't wearing any. She also wasn't a natural blonde. Her little trimmed bush was dark brown.

"So, Maxine, you were at the hospital with Chastity."

"Yep, I'uz right there 'side her bayud."

"I did talk to the hospital, and they don't have a record of you ever being there. Mind telling me out you managed to get past all the security and up to Chastity's room?"

She smiled.

"I didn' haveta. I've al'ays been with Chastity, fer all the fuckin' good it done me."

I looked at Maxine for a couple of minutes then. Like Chastity had said, Maxine was about the same size, and in fact, everything about her looked the same size. Her face was different, but the longer I looked, the more I saw Chastity in that face.

"Chastity said she didn't know who you were. If you've always been with her, wouldn't she know that?"

Maxine frowned.

"The li'l bitch would if she'd jest let herself go once in a while, but she cain't do it. She al'ays hadda be the good daughter."

"Chastity's your sister?"

"Nah, I just know a lot about her. She don't know me at all. That's why I talked to her when she was in the hospital. She needs to fuckin' change before I go fuckin' crazy."

Maxine had been wringing her hands while speaking and that convinced me. It was the same thing Chastity had done. I wasn't exactly scared, but I was really uneasy.

"Maxine, would you excuse me for a minute. I have to...well, you know."

She grinned.

"Sure, go ahead. I'll be here when ya come back. Jest be sure to shake it good. I wanna have us some fun since I'm here."

Once I was in the john, I closed and locked the door, and then called Joyce Brown, a woman who works in booking at the Nashville Police station.

When I went back to my office, Maxine was still sitting there and smiling. She'd also pulled her tits out from under the straps on her dress.

"Ya sure my tits aren't too li'l? They don't stick out very far."

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Wanna feel 'em?"

"Uh...well, maybe after while. I need to ask you a few more questions, just so I'll know you're the real Maxine. Chastity told me you two talked about a lot of things. What did you talk about?"

"Oh, just girl stuff, ya know, like how we growed up and shit we like."

"How about your parents? Did you talk about them?"

Maxine grinned.

"Oh hell yeah. Chastity loved her daddy. I liked Daddy some, but he was an old stick in the mud, just like Chastity. 'Course, that was 'cause he was a Baptist minister. Mama was the same way. I had to wear these ugly long dresses all the time and they couldn't fit very tight. As soon as I got tits, I wanted to show them babies off like the movie stars do, but Mama always said only a tramp would do that.