Chattiest Amateur Train Companion

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A bumpy ride that eases an unexpected connection.
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The trees blurred, green past his window and the sky was streaked with gray. The train swayed away from the station, trundling towards London. Nathan watched the landscape rise and fall from the last row of the carriage. He'd had the row to himself since he left Leeds. This suited him well as he could spread out his full 6'2" frame without pressing his knees against the seat in front of him or trying to tuck his feet back under himself. His shoulder bag was on the ground and hand was on it, preparing to put it on the vacant seat next to him when he caught a hint of vanilla on the air and a voice said "Do you mind if I sit here?"

Looking up, he immediately checked himself. Trying hard not to stare, he shifted unnecessarily, making no more space at all, but putting on quite a show of rearranging himself and his things. The speaker was stunning. In her early to mid thirties, she had on a clinging, but office-appropriate, burgundy dress, dark stockings, black high heels, and trendy cat-eye glasses still dotted with rain water. Her hair was a dirty blonde pulled up in a messy bun. Raindrops were still clinging to some of the strands that had come loose and fallen around the sides of her face. He wanted desperately to look closer. He didn't.

"Sure, no problem!"

"Ohh, you're American?"

"More or less," he said, thinking as soon as he said it "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, giggling.

"Honestly, I have no fucking idea," he said, laughing at his own awkwardness.

She was smiling broadly at him, wide eyed, bemused.

He was still chucking when he said, "You ever been sitting alone for a few hours, just wallowing in your own thoughts and daydreaming and then suddenly, boom! Someone asks you a question and you have about two neurons left firing in the right direction? That's me right now. Yes, I'm American. There isn't really any "less" to it. My name is Nathan"

She laughed and offered her own hand "I'm Samantha, and I have to say this is already the most I've ever spoken to a stranger on a train. Normally, I hide behind a book and hope no one creepy notices me."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm proud to have earned the gold medal in the Chattiest Amateur Train Companion event."

"Only Amateur?"

"Well, I've never been paid."

She thrust her hand down into her handbag and pulled out a 50 pence piece, pressing it into his palm. Her hands were small and delicate next to his.

"Now you're a professional. You've been properly paid."

"I've only been here a couple of days and I have no idea how much you've just given me. I'm going to assume it's worth like $50 dollars."

This got a real laugh from her. Burgundy red lipsticked lips, nearly the same shade as her dress pulling back over her white teeth as she tilted her head back.

"It might be, with the current exchange rate. What brings you to England Mr. Nathan."

"Just Nathan, please! Mr. Nathan is my penis." He took a chance. Pressing his luck and grinning like an idiot.

Her eyes widened and her mouth went slack, slightly open, and, for a moment, he thought he'd gone too far. Then she erupted with a bark of laughter so loud the two grannies across the aisle looked up in irritation. Nathan broke into laughter as well as Samantha's hand shot out and she gripped his forearm. She continued to roar. Eventually, her laughter subsided into cute snorts, causing her to raise a hand to her face to cover her nose and mouth.

"Wow, that was unexpected. Have you really named your penis your own name?"

Nathan turned serious. "No, of course not. His name is Brad."

This earned him another bout of laughter and another arm squeeze. She bent over a bit as she laughed and Nathan saw that the front of her dress had opened, exposing a long line of cleavage. He looked away quickly. That image still frozen in his mind. His own laughter becoming a bit forced.

When she'd calmed again and released his arm, she asked "Honestly Nathan, what brings you...and Brad to England?"

"Well, Brad has no say in the matter, but I'm here on a holiday as you'd call it here."

"You're on a holiday alone?"

"You mean besides Brad?"

A single loud laugh, "Yes, though I'm sure he's a lovely travel companion, I mean besides Brad."

"Yes, I'm here alone. I always wanted to come to England, and I'd been planning to come to with my girlfriend for almost a year, she's no longer my girlfriend, I decided to come alone."

"Ohh god, I pried. I'm always prying!" She looked genuinely mortified, her face scrunched up and color creeping into her cheeks. Then her eyes widened and in a loud whisper, as if she'd just had a revelation she said. "It was because of Brad wasn't it?" Breaking immediately into more laughter.

Nathan stared, his turn to be shocked, then joined her laughter. As they both started to calm, the train took a curve and her thigh slid over onto the outside of his. Neither of them moved away.

"They seemed to get along fine" he finally managed.

"Ohh, I'm sure Brad is a lovely bloke." she said and he caught her eyes and held her gaze before she glanced away. "And what do you think of of our country so far?"

"It's really really wonderful" he said. "I've fallen in love with pubs and pies, and I love looking at all kinds of old shit. And the train companions are extremely pretty and charming." He said with a grin and a small wink.

She returned the grin. "Ohh you're quite charming," she said, "and you may be pretty. Though it's a bit difficult to tell with your beard."

"Don't you like it? It's my traveling beard."

"I do actually, it suits you." Her tone sincere, she gave him a small smile.

"Thank you." his own voice was warm as he returned her gaze.

"What about you? What brings you to this train?" He asked, tearing his eyes from her and glancing out the window, like a sudden return to consciousness.

"Do you want the real version or the romantic version?" She asked, reaching down to pull off a heel and massage the back of her ankle. Nathan glanced down at the movement and found himself staring at her cleavage again. The top of her dress having fallen open again as she bent down. He tried to avert his eyes quickly, but when he looked up, she was watching his face. He reddened. Embarrassed at having been caught and aware of how his pants had started to bulge a bit at the look she was giving him.

He cleared his throat. "The romantic version, naturally."

"Lovely!" She said, still bent over rubbing her ankle, staring up at him. "I lied earlier. I speak to people on trains all the time. I ride, day in and day out, looking for the most handsome, charming man I can find. Preferably one who names his cock." She said on a giggle. "And I do my best to seduce him." As she said that, she bent a bit lower, her breast now pressing gently against his arm.

"Ohh yeah?" He asked, chuckling and feeling his pants tighten.

"Nah," she said, straightening quickly, and smiling, "I'm just coming from a job interview."

Nathan exhaled, slightly disappointed.

"I'm sure you did an amazing job!"

"Yeah," she said, her face lighting up. "I did! They offered me the job before I left!"

"Oh wow, that's great! Congratulations!"

"Yeeeeaaahh," she squealed, doing a little dance in her seat "I'm quite excited and I've just decided I'd like to celebrate."

"You should! You deserve it!" he smiled back. Just then they hit a small bump. She overbalanced, mid-happy-new-job-dance in her seat, and her head fell against Nathan's chest, her hand dropping into his lap.

"I'd like you to celebrate with me," she said, her hand pressing down as he stiffened in his jeans. "Brad can come, too," she said with a smirk and straightened up slightly, her hand still resting between his legs and applying gentle pressure. She laid her head on his shoulder.

His hand found her bare knee and she parted her legs as he gently ran his fingers up her thigh. She let out a soft gasp as his grip tightened. Her fingers started to knead the bulge in his jeans. "I wasn't joking before when I said I don't speak to people on trains," she said quietly. "I couldn't tell you the last time I spoke to any stranger for more than two minutes. Not at a pub. Not at a shop. But this feels very right to me."

Nathan didn't say anything. He took this hand off her leg and brought it under her chin, pulling her mouth up to his.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes" she whispered

The first kiss was gentle, ragged breath and lips barely grazing. Then it was harder, needy, his hand in her hair on the back of her head, her hand on the back of his neck. Pulling at each other. Breathing into one another. Desperate. Their tongues met. He flicked his across her lips. She tasted faintly like peppermint. She bit at him and ran her tongue over his. He tasted like coffee.

Eventually they pulled apart, gasping, jumping as the intercom on the train dinged their imminent arrival into Kings Cross Station.

They both sat straighter, trying not to laugh at the horrified glances the grannies were throwing their way.

"Come back to mine?" She asked him, holding out her hand to him after the train had stopped and she stood.



They'd taken the underground from the train station, her fingers curled in his as they'd walked. She'd leaned back against him, hard, as they stood on the train. Her ass had bounced against him with every lurch. He'd felt himself getting harder and he knew she could feel it, too. Once, briefly, she'd put her hand behind her back and grabbed his cock through his pants. Squeezing gently and then letting go as he'd dug his fingers into her hips.

Up the escalator and out in the street, he'd left her standing in the gently pattering rain as he'd run into a tiny shop and emerged with a cheap bottle of champagne.

"Surprise!" He'd said, proffering the bottle, "and congratulations!"

She'd thrown her arms around him then, smashing her face to his.

Three blocks later, they'd kissed hard against her her front door in the dying evening light, her thigh exposed to the street as she'd lifted it high against his hip. He'd pressed into her, his body against hers. His mouth demanding. Then, through the door, up the stairs to her one bedroom flat, her hands trembling as she'd bent to turn the key in the lock and felt him press against her.


Inside, Nathan immediately pressed her to the wall of her entryway, pressing his mouth to hers. Samantha gasped as the door slammed closed behind them.

Temporarily sated, they stepped back from one another and she set the champagne bottle on a table near the door, along with her purse. Nathan slipped his bag over his shoulder and stood in front of her. Both were staring, breathing heavily.

"So," she said, gesturing vaguely towards the rest of her flat, "would you like the grand tour?"

"Only if it's the Tour de Samantha," he said with a grin.

She snorted, "Cheesy and not even close to your best work."

"In all fairness, it is REALLY difficult to think clearly right now."

"Ohh, I don't know about that," she said, her voice becoming a raw whisper. "There are several things I'm thinking very clearly about."

She leaned back, undid her bun and let her hair fall loose around her shoulders. Pressing her back against the wall, she raised both hands towards him. "Come. Here!" It was barely a whisper, but it was a command. He obeyed.

He grabbed her wrists and lifted her arms above her head, holding them fast against the wall with one hand. He slid the other down her hair and gently removed her glasses. Setting them aside, he caressed her face, pulling her lower lip down gently with his thumb. "I want to touch your body," he whispered. "Can I touch your body?"

Her arms still held over her head and her body still trembling, she nodded.

"Say it." He whispered hoarsely, his mouth almost touching hers. His breath caressing her skin.

"Yes, you can touch my body," she gasped. "I want you to touch my body."

His hand immediately slid down her neck, over her collar bone, his palm pressing and the trailing fingers caressing.

She could feel how hard he was through his pants and her dress as he pressed against her. Her legs were slightly spread, his knee between them.

His hand slid down over her breast, over the slick fabric of her dress. He kissed her and felt her hard nipple get harder under his palm. She moaned against him.

Further down, his hand glided across her midriff. Her own hands were still held above her head.

Lower and lower across her stomach and pelvis, over her hips and down her thighs. He pulled his mouth from hers.

"I want to take your clothes off, can I take your clothes off?"

"Yes," she moaned.

He released her hands and reached back to unzip her dress. She felt it loosen as the zipper slid down. Slowly, shrugging out of it, it slithered to the ground and she stood, breathing heavily, as he stepped back to admire her in her bra and panties. Her tits were pushed up and together in a black and tan lace bra.

Nathan stood staring. His tongue unconsciously flicking over his lips. His fingertips brushed her hips. Then, suddenly, he gripped her hips and spun her.

Her thong, matching her bra, disappeared between her curves as she bent against the wall, ass out for him. He moved to her, kissing her neck, shoulders, and back. She gasped and moaned, rocking her hips and digging back into his crotch. With one hand, he reached up and unclasped her bra. She lowered her arms, letting it fall to the ground. His hands snaked around her body, fingers finding and gently pinching her hard nipples as he felt and heard her breath get more ragged. Feeling the heavy weight of her tits filling his hands, he leaned his crotch into her and groaned.

Palms running down her hips, he slid her panties to the ground as she spread her legs wider for him. Her hands were against the wall, fingers straining to curl. His hands were sliding up and around her thighs, fingers creeping towards the source of heat between her legs.

"I want to rub your pussy and tease your clit with my hands and my mouth, can I do that for you?"

She turned around, grabbing him by the back of the neck and kissed him hard.

"Right now," she gasped, in between kisses. "You have my blanket..." Her hands worked on the buttons of his shirt as she kissed him and spoke, "permission, to do..." Leaning back, she pulled his shirt over his head, immediately pressing her mouth almost to his. "Whatever you want." Her hands undid his belt and unfastened he button. "To me," she said against his mouth, her hand sliding into his jeans and stroking his cock through his boxer shorts.

Nathan moaned, closing his eyes. Letting her feel how hard he was growing in her hand. Opening his eyes, he stared intensely at her. "Blanket permission?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Whatever. You. Want." She said, leaning in to whisper it directly into his ear, emphasizing every word with a long and hard stroke. She could feel the moisture gathering at the tip of his dick on her hand, through the fabric of his boxers. He let jeans his jeans fall the rest of the way down and he stepped out of them. She reached up for his waistband, but he grabbed her wrist.

"In that case," he said, taking both her hands in his. "What I want right now," he whispered, barely audible as he leaned in to whisper into her ear now. "Is for you. To. Cum."

With a gentle pressure on her hips, he spun her again and ran his hands up her back as she bent over. One hand slid over her ass and down. Samantha began to moan. She could feel Nathan's fully hard dick pressed up against her as he reached down, his palm now sliding over her stomach, his fingers just above her clit. And then he was there.

"Ohh god, ohh fuck!" She moaned. As he leaned down to kiss her neck, his hand rubbing over her clit as she shook.

His fingers slid just inside of her and she could feel a trickle running down her thigh as he got his fingers wet and slid them back up over her clit. His other hand smacked her ass.

"You're so wet for me," he growled, his fingers sliding back and forth more and more quickly. Her knees were getting weak.

"Well you sure took your bloody time," she said, starting to laugh. That laugh turned into a loud moan as Nathan intensified the pressure and the pace.

"Ohh my god! Nathan, that feels so fucking good. Don't stop. Please don't stop." His hard cock was grinding against her through his boxer shorts as he rubbed her.

But he did stop. She began to protest when he said, "Turn around."

She did so, and he dropped to his knees. He grabbed the back of one thigh and put it behind his shoulder as she leaned against the wall. She stood with her legs apart as he began to lick her. His tongue flicked gently across her clit at first, making her tremble with each contact. Her hands were curled tight in his hair as he began to lick harder. One hand wrapped around to her ass, the other slowly slid into her pussy as he gently sucked and licked her.

Samantha had her head thrown back mouth open and gasping.

"Ohh yes, ohhh fuck. Yes, keep going. Ohhh GOD" she screamed as he slid two fingers inside of her and began to flick his tongue over her clit fast and hard.

She was dripping now as his fingers slid in and out of her, his mouth increasing in intensity. Her hands curled into fists in his hair and she started to grind against his mouth and fingers.

"Ohh my god! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She screamed. "Nathan, ohh fuck! Ohh fuck! Don't stop, you're going to make me cum! I'm going to cum!"

He pushed against her grinding hips, thrusting and curling his fingers as he licked her, long and hard, then quickly, her clit hard and trembling under his tongue. She ground her pussy against him.

"Ohh fuck! Ohh fuck! Nathan! Ohh GOD! FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA CUM! FUCK! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING, BABY! FUCK! DON'T STOP! I'M CUMMINNNNNNNNG!" The last word was a drawn out cry ending in a series of gasps as she collapsed backwards. Nathan reached up and, supporting her back, her lowered her, shaking, onto the floor. Her nipples stood out hard and her thighs were slick.

"Ohh my god. Ohh my god," she muttered, her breath shaky, eyes closed. And then, eyes flying open, "SHIT! That felt fucking amazing!"

Nathan grinned at her. "I'm glad you lik-" his words were cut off by her mouth on his. She pushed him with all of her body weight back onto the floor. Her wet thighs straddling his waist, her tits smashed against his chest as she kissed him hard. Biting and licking him, and then she rolling slightly to the side, her hand sliding under his boxer shorts. She grabbed his stiff cock firmly, sliding her hand up and down. She felt him tense up, gently thrusting against her.

He moaned into her mouth as she continued to kiss him. Then she pulled her hand out and kissed him down his neck. He gasped when she sucked his neck, so she bit down, and he moaned. She licked and kissed her way down his chest, dragging her tits down his body, feeling him shiver as her nipples brushed over his torso.

When her tongue reached his boxers, she reached up with both hands and pulled them off. His cock stood hard and glistening at the tip. Samantha could see and feel it throbbing as she grabbed the base of it with one hand.

Nathan had his head back, eyes closed as she started stroking him, kneeling on the carpet between his spread legs.

"Nathan, darling," she purred. "I want you to watch me. And you're not to take your eyes off of me until you've cum." She was staring up at him. Her hand sliding up and down his shaft. Staring into his eyes. "Do you understand?"

He nodded.

"Say it."

"I understand."

"You understand what?" She asked, working both hands over the head of his cock, twisting down the shaft as he twitched.