Cheaters Never Win Ch. 01


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Then I interrupted, "Let's do it another way, Mr. Jones. I know you have analyzed the police report. That is all I really wanted to know today. How about me leaving now and I come by tomorrow afternoon to pick up the entire file"?

"That is preferable to me. The report and all the documentation will be ready for you not later than two pm tomorrow. As for the police report; it confirms the encounter but only your wife and Mr. Sherbert, along with the hotel manager are listed. Your daughter apparently had departed the scene prior to the police arriving. There was a dispute and loud argument. Both parties confirmed that your daughter and her father had come to blows with each striking the other. She had departed and neither your wife nor Mr. Sherbert wanted to file charges so that is apparently the end as far as the police were concerned. Mr. Sherbert did have scratch marks on his face and a swollen eye lid. What you and I call a black eye but it was not yet black. Your wife admitted to neither injuries nor participation in the physical events alleged.

"One last thing, please Mr. Jones, what is your relationship to the lawyer group next door"?

"We rent space from them. Our files are entirely separate and we never even talk about who sees whom. If any of them know you were here, it is because they, he or she, saw you in the lobby. I do a fair amount of business with them but everything is strictly professional and very confidential. Is there anything else on your mind"? He smiled. I knew he remembered my very amateurish initial approach to his professionalism.

"I have one other thing, yes. What type law practice does Mr. Dooling specialize in"? (He was the one I sutured in the ER last week.)

"He and his wife, who is also an attorney in the group, specialize in Divorce and Estate Planning. That is an unusual combination but that's the way it is. She handles the divorces and he handles the wills, trusts and estate legal stuff."

"Thank you. I'll be back tomorrow at 2 pm." We shook hands and I departed homeward.

As I re-entered the lobby, a thought struck me. Perhaps I should get some initial legal advice on divorce. I stopped at the receptionist and asked if I could get an appointment with Mrs. Dooling early tomorrow afternoon. She checked their schedules and said I could see the Mrs. Dooling at 1pm. I asked for the appointment time and received her card with the time and date hand written in.

"What is your reason for requesting her services"? The receptionist was quite polite and professional. "She always wants to know before hand".

"I want some information about my legal rights and the legal processes involved in my potential divorce." She smiled again as she confirmed the appointment electronically. Then she gave me a packet of information to read with forms to complete to bring with me tomorrow. She included a professional card slipped into a clear small envelope on the outside of the deep blue packet.

I felt more in control now. I would have legal information and possible advice along with the PI's report, all by tomorrow evening. I would have time to sort out a lot of this by tomorrow night. Then it struck me, when should I confront Sherrie? I have to work the next three nights and she works days so we won't see much of each other. After my three night shifts, I get three days off. Should I confront her tomorrow?

She gets home about five thirty and my shift starts at eight. That's not much time and I surely won't be in a good mood for working all night long. On the other hand if I wait, I'll have additional time to plan my strategy and responses to the various scenarios to her story. Since I won't see much of her for the next three days after tonight, I won't have to put up to much of a front to her. The idea of waiting appealed to me. I would also have extra time to go over the PI's report in the early morning hours when the ER might be not so busy.

Now, as I drove home, I had to be ready to interact with Sherrie as if nothing unusual was going on. This would be as trying a test as I had never attempted to hide anything from her. I thought maybe I could get away with it for the day. D Day would be just four days away. If there was going to be a battle, I wanted it to be at on all my terms, meaning time and location. I would also have the advantage of surprise, always an advantage in a battle. I wanted control of the situation. She would be at a distinct disadvantage which might contribute to her being honest from the git go. My military command training was finally going to be helpful yet I dreaded the suspected inevitable conflagration. Worse still, I hated the necessary waiting time before the confrontation.

I wondered just how tonight was going down. I decided to order steak and potatoes delivered. We frequently had home delivery for our evening meal when I was home if I wasn't in the mood for cooking or helping with the dishes and I wasn't in the mood tonight, for sure. As I came in, I grabbed the mail and paper and went to my den just off the great room to occupy myself until Sherrie or my son arrived.

After calling in to the home delivery I booted up my computer to check e-mails. While waiting on the booting process a terrible thought entered my mind. What if my son really isn't mine? Surely Sherrie would not have ..... My mind blew a fuse. What if she really did? According to Sammie, she certainly could have gotten pregnant with her ex if she wife had been cheating on me with Ron all during our marriage. My son certainly favored Sherrie and even Sammie to a certain extent but could easily be carrying my genes to. I had never considered such a heinous crime against me. I shuddered as I began to plot a confirmation plan. I knew my blood type and Sherrie's blood type but had never checked my son's blood type. That was old technology now but rapid. DNA is the most accurate but takes up two weeks for an answer.

Then I remembered that several years ago the schools had urged parents to get their children's blood type tested and finger prints made in the event of a mysterious disappearance of their child. Somewhere I had the blood type report. But where would it be? That was years ago. Maybe it would be in our fireproof safe in the basement along with the copy of his birth certificate and original Social Security card? I would have to check. The computer booted and my e-mails came on the screen. I put my computer to sleep and went downstairs to the safe.

I scrounged around for a few minutes and came up empty handed. Then I decided to look in his report cards we had saved from the beginning. Sure enough, there was the form with his right thumb print photo and blood type. Damn, I had forgotten Sherrie's blood type so I had to try to find that. She had given blood recently, a year or so ago so maybe on her blood donor card I would find her blood type. I ran back upstairs to her desk and rummaged around looking for her card. It was nowhere to be found. I had to figure out a way of asking her without causing suspicion.

My blood type is "O +. This means I have the rh factor but no A OR B. "O" means zero, not the letter "o" but we use the name for the letter rather than saying "zero". My son's blood type was A +. This meant that Sherrie's blood type had to be either A or AB. My son could have inherited the rh+ from me but could not have inherited his A factor from me. I just had to wait and find out what Sherrie's type was.

I have told you a little about myself, you know, standard white male, heterosexual, married once, one son (I hoped was mine) and an adopted contentious older daughter. I am an ordinary looking guy, 70 inches tall and 160 pounds. I had always lived in the south and was proud to be an Alabama fan (Roll Tide). I worked as an ER Physician and made a good living doing it but the stress was sometimes very high and long night shifts not infrequently.

Sherrie was just a little shorter than me at 66 inches but she was thin, and always had been at 115 pounds. She had generous C cups and was nicely rounded at all the right places. She had had some plastic surgery to remove some facial scars. She would never say much about her first husband except to say he became abusive and she left him. I didn't inquire into her life with him other wise.

She worked hard outside the house as a lab tech. she kept herself in top physical condition. She had a keen mind. She was assertive to the point of sometimes being aggressive but overall we got along quite well.

We enjoyed an active sex life with Sherrie having taught me the ways of the world, "from my prior life." We even tried anal a time or two but I did not like it. (Had to wear a condom with anal sex) With my varied schedule of work, the timing of our sexual play times was a problem. Sometimes we went for as much as a week without sex and then at times, we would have sex more than once a day. I was never one to be able to orgasm more than once in a short time frame or more than twice in a day. On the other hand Sherrie could have a series of orgasms, seemingly one right on top of the other.

I just couldn't keep my hard on after climax so I had to be careful to time my climax after she was sated. When she would cum, her vaginal muscles would tense and quiver and spasm and just drive me over the top in the most satisfying fashion so I did a lot of eating pussy which we both loved. Nevertheless she wanted more than I could give in immediate retrieval and multiple orgasms. I know she would sometimes bring this up to me as a deficiency.

We had tried a number of techniques including the penile ring and maximum doses of Cialis (the long acting ED pharmaceutical). She liked to snuggle after intercourse, but of course this was only after she had had her multiple orgasms. I was able to satisfy her usually by a combination of oral sex and vaginal penetration with or without a dildo. She occasionally referred to our sex as too "vanilla". We did use many positions and different room in the house. I couldn't see how much more innovative I could be without bondage or anal or threesomes / gang bangs. All of these I detested.. She liked anal but I just couldn't so we didn't do that. Even the thought of pulling out a feces covered condom from her rectum was in no way erotic to me and I sure as heel wasn't going in bare back. Had I missed something in medical school sophomore bacteriology? Shit is shit.

We did role play a little early on but I couldn't do that after she began to talk about her first husband's giant organ while we were having sex. That was just to humiliating and I called a stop to it. I didn't want him to be any part of my marriage especially in that way.

I actually enjoyed her taking an assertive role in our marriage, especially in the sexual department. She could ride me in the most magnificent style. I found nothing really "vanilla" in our sex.

We have worked on this but she still tells me she wishes I had as large a cock as her first husband. His cock apparently was well above normal size (my size) and it had a distinct upward curve so it rubbed her G spot to her great satisfaction. The only things they had going in their marriage was his enormous cock, his ability to stay hard all night long which meet her multiple orgasmic abilities and need. The rest of their magnificent marriage was a total disaster. I hated the way she talked about his oversized organ and how he had used it on her. I finally got her to stop comparing or even mentioning his bedroom abilities to me.

It now appears that all that might not ceased just because they were divorced or because she married me. Man, guess how that made me feel. Well I was a good provider, a steady companion, a good father and had the best kind of reputation in the community and was well enough equipped to never have been the brunt of jokes in the locker room.

I brooded, even if my cock was smaller than her first husband's and maybe my penis didn't please her totally, she still didn't have the right to fuck around. If she were doing that it was going to stop, post haste. Maybe we really didn't need each other. Maybe our marriage was simply one of economic and social standing convenience to her. Ironically it was her messed up daughter who brought this potential light to our relationship. I was beginning to feel better although I still felt betrayed and used in the darkest coldest sort of way. I knew I could have a life without her. I needed a wife who respected me and our marriage vows. I really thought I had one, that is until today.

Sherrie arrived home just as our son arrived. Both were busy and I was glad that I had ordered a delivered steak dinner for supper They were happy to. Sherrie was tired, as usual and my son needed a shower in the worst sort of way. He was more dirty than smelly. I guess his arm pit glands weren't mature enough to produce much of a stink yet.

All during supper, the chat was light and I was able to hide my dark emotions. I tried to think of a way to get Sherrie's blood type information discreetly. I just came up with blanks for ideas. I hit on an idea.

"Sherrie, have you had your cholesterol checked in the past year or two? You know, even thin women like you can have high cholesterol and I don't want to lose you for some preventable reason."

"Nope, and I really should have my thyroid checked out. You know I took that thyroid medicine up to about five years ago. I wonder if I need it again because I have been feeling more tired lately, especially for the last couple of days."

I had a very good idea why she was feeling tired. Having to much to hide, like the fight with her daughter, could easily explain her tiredness.

"OK, that does it. Tomorrow you come by the lab at the hospital and I'll order the necessary blood tests. We will have most of the answers by tomorrow night if you get in early tomorrow morning. These automated labs can get it done pronto." I told her.

I continued, "Matter of fact, it is time for me to have those routine tests done also. I'll have mine done tomorrow also. So, no snacks after midnight tonight and no calories until after the labs are drawn tomorrow for the two of us.

Secretly I was going to include a request for blood typing on her. I knew the lab would hold the remaining specimens for several days. If I needed I could get a DNA analyses ordered without further sampling on either of us. She worked in a totally separate division of the lab so she would not be running or involved in our blood testing. The rest of the evening went rapidly as normal. Neither of us approached the other for sex. For that I was glad.

I slept fitfully and was up early for my morning exercises and routine. Sherrie fixed breakfast us. We then split. Sherrie and I would go to the lab separately and our son on to school. As we split for the day, I felt strange but I didn't feel like telling her I loved her. She didn't seem to notice when I didn't tell her and, uncharacteristically, she failed to tell me she loved me. I wondered if she was putting on as good an act as I was trying to.

I wondered if she knew that I knew. She had cousins and nieces seemingly everywhere in town and they al talked a lot on the phone.

I went to the P.I.'s office that afternoon and got the envelope with his typed report and pictures. The raw data which compromised the bulk of the investigation, I left with him. I stuffed it in my coat pocket and headed to the hospital to start the first of three all night shifts. The E.R. was flooded when I got there so I put the report in my locker and went to work on colds, hurt elbows, the drunks that came in and the occasional motor vehicle accidents. By three am the place had settled down for me to grab a cup of coffee, stick my feet up in the air and take a series of deep breaths.

I called the lab and requested a blood typing on my wife's sample. Twenty minutes later I had an answer. The eleven to seven night E.R. tech brought the report it to me. cont'd in Chapter 2


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Simon_MastersSimon_Masters16 days ago

Good story, don't take this the wrong way, but you do need a proof reader.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This is just stupid! He had all the evidence he needed after the first 3 pages. Why all the rest of this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good start to part two. Bit drawn out. Interesting descriptions of characters

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

This cheating bitch and her bastard lover neeed to go down hard.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sorry this just isn't very good. It feels rushed. The reaction dialogue in the beginning is to descriptive and the doctors reaction is overly dramatic since surgeons are known to handle life and death situations regularly. So the panic attack is not believable. The wife sleeping with the ex husband is not as big a stretch as if was her boss or a best friend etc.

nixroxnixrox5 months ago

1 star so far - Way too much medical jargon, and not enough character development on the SLUT.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The main thing bothering me is she changed professions in the middlebof the story. First she's a real-estate agent show houses, then she a lab tech. "No calories after midnight" then they have breakfast the next morning. Holly crap, please try to keep it straight. Not as bad as some when they call a character one name then a different name a paragraph later the back to original name, but still not great. Story has been ok so far.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"I just want some collaboration." Do you mean corroboration?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don’t understand the authors that have men passing out, vomiting, or running away, when they find out that their wife is cheating. My reaction to betrayal is RAGE! The same goes for other men I know.


DeeRay4funDeeRay4funover 1 year ago

Wife is a realtor in the first part; lab tech later ....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Long winded much?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Like so many of the other stories of this kind on Literotica, the writers seem to think that a fucking page and a half to get a tid bit of what it was that blew this guy's mind is not building suspense. It's building irritation. Not every nuance needs a paragraph enrich the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

you blew this one,your writing without thinking..among other things...You State do not eat after midnight due to lab tests next day BUT then you have Breakfast BEFORE going to the lab.???? you must fast at least 8 hrs before tests,after lab tests you may consume anything other than water..Lack of Realism,contradiction and characters not staying true to form Kill fictional stories. If an author cannot adhere to that,writing fantasy should be the calling where lack of realism is acceptable.

Other than that stop writing for the sake of writing,way too drawn out and somewhat repetitious at times,reader loses interest. JZK.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a good story but you really need to come to the point a lot quicker. Example of this is in the 1st chapter in the 1st page when his friend goes on endlessly tell him how sorry he is to have to tell him this but he knows he have to do it it's better et cetera and you've done that 3 or 4 times the 1st 3 chapters. This is a somewhat dramatic story and doing and doing that drags the whole story to a crawl.

Also there's no such thing as an innocent motel meeting with his wife and a man that she knows nothing about. That spells other criminal activity or an affair.

You've got to give us room for us to have come and send some respect that.

I'm very happy to give you the latitude that a writer needs to create the story but please thinks like the affirmation are really insulting to the reader. I feel that your running is a lot better than a lot of posts that I see here but you really need a proofreader and someone to tighten up your work. Have you done that I think this story would have read a lot better and had much more impact. By the way I work in ER medicine and you're doing a pretty good job with that.

ibuguseribuguserover 2 years ago

Totally agree with BobbyBrandt : go back and edit until it's readable. It currently isn't.

BobbyBrandtBobbyBrandtover 2 years ago

Dude, go back and edit this crap. Sorry, the story holds promise but you need to clean it up and correct the inconsistencies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First your wife worked in reality then she was a lab tech. Then you knew both yours and your wife blood type the you had gorgon ten you wife blood type poorly writen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Story pretty good, would have been a FIVE except for the plethora of typos, grammos, and pitiful lack of proof reading.

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