Check Out Girl Ch. 06

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Unable to face the outcome of your actions what do you do...
8.2k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/26/2022
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I do not believe this is a cuckold story despite those of you who have suggested it is. Perhaps rather than make opinionated comments on my half-finished narrative you should wait until its complete to decide. Just a thought!

As always constructive criticism is welcome however, I will moderate and delete spiteful comments that are made simply because the story or the way the characters behave doesn't agree with your views.

Remember it is just a story.

Please enjoy.

Check Out Girl -- part 6

Their journey back to England was conducted mostly in silence, apart from a few superficial and fairly irrelevant conversations. After collecting their bags at the airport Liam and Maddison picked up his car to drive home.

"Maddi?" he started to speak as he pulled out of the car park.

She continued to gaze sullenly out of the window not bothering to look at him.

"What?" her eventual response was curt to the point of rudeness.

"Can we talk.... please?" his tone was almost begging.

Feeling the tears pricking the corners of her eyes she kept her face turned away from him. She felt guilty and hated herself over what had happened but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to talk to her boyfriend about it and get over the barrier it was creating between them.

"What about?" despite knowing exactly what he wanted to discuss she still asked the question.

"You know about what... what happened with... with Cristian."

"I've already told you I don't want to talk about it." flatly refusing his request she knew she was in the wrong, if they wanted to get over the issue, they needed to be completely honest with each other.

"Please..... we need...." she could hear his voice pleading with her and she almost relented.

"There's nothing to say." she took a deep breath and hardened her heart, "It's over and done with."

She was embarrassed but she knew she had to come to terms with what she had done before she could even think about talking to Liam. Initially she had done it for him but then, in the morning, it had happened again without any pre-empting from her boyfriend.

'She hadn't even fancied Cristian so why had she let him fuck her a second time?'

'Did it mean she was just a slut?'

'Did she really love Liam?'

'Could they ever get past this?'

Her mind was filled with so many questions that she couldn't answer for herself let alone talk to him about.

The two of them lapsed into silence, both wrapped up in their own thoughts as Liam drove them home and eventually dropped Maddison back at her parent's house.

"Maddison...." he tried one more time to talk to her.

"Bye Liam, I'll call you later" saying a brief goodbye she turned away without kissing him and got out of the car, leaving him with nothing to do but head straight home, alone.

Back in his apartment he unpacked his bags and put on the washing machine before making a coffee and slumping, disconsolately, onto the sofa.

'Why wouldn't she talk to him?'

'Perhaps she didn't want to be with him now.'

He realised more than anything they needed to resolve the gulf that had opened up between them and talk about what had taken place on that final evening.

He had wanted to watch her with Cristian, he readily admitted that to himself and he knew he needed say that to her. But now he wished it had never occurred and that he could go back and stop it from ever happening.

The evening passed with him waiting for her to call or text but his phone remained silent and, eventually, feeling utterly miserable and alone he went to bed knowing he would not be able to sleep.

His mind was in a state of turmoil over what he had allowed to happen on their last night in Spain. A multitude of different feelings; jealousy, anger, guilt, lust, betrayal, and love, amongst a host of others, filling him.

He knew he loved Maddison but the confusion he felt over what had taken place, the way he had helped it to come about, and the way she had betrayed him with Cristian the next morning, left him emotionally devastated.

Sunday was little better and he deliberately avoided calling or texting his girlfriend hoping that by giving her a little space it might make her open up to him.

By that evening he still had heard nothing from her throughout the day, and missing her desperately, he finally succumbed and sent Maddi a message.

'Hi, hope you're recovered and rested. Fancy a drink tomorrow evening? Liam xxx'

Ten minutes later he got a rather abrupt reply.

'Can't tomorrow, work. Meet me Tuesday at 6 o'clock.'

Sighing he read her response, concluding that she still wasn't willing to talk to him, and sent back a simple confirmation. With nothing else to do he made himself something to eat before heading off to bed and another sleepless night.

It was impossible for him to settle at work on the Monday, his mind simply kept wandering back onto the subject of his girlfriend and what had taken place on their holiday. Frustrated he finally gave up just after four and, heading home straight from the office, he suffered a third restless night.

All the questions he had filling his brain yet again as he lay staring wretchedly up at his bedroom ceiling.

Tuesday was little better and Liam was outside the supermarket a half hour early, waiting to pick her up when she finished work.

"Where are we going?" Maddi asked brusquely as she slid into the car next to him.

He shrugged "The pub maybe."


At first things seemed to be a little lighter between them and as they sat chatting over a drink, he began to hope that Maddi had taken the last couple of days to relax and was now willing to talk.

"How are things at work?" Liam started tactfully.

"Not too bad really. That arsehole Henry is still smirking over the party but at least he's stopped making comments."

"That's good then."

Maddison nodded "Yeah, it makes life a little easier."

They both went quiet for a moment, the subject of the holiday on both of their minds.

However, as soon as he tried to bring the matter up with her, she went back to refusing to discuss it.

"Madd's," he started, "About what happened with..."

"I've told you I don't want to talk about it." she snapped cutting him off mid-sentence.

"This is ridiculous we both have...."

"If you're going to go on about it, you can you take me home Liam." She stated defiantly stopping him dead again.

With the atmosphere between them cooling appreciably they finished their drinks and, again in a frosty silence, he drove her home.

"See you Thursday?" he suggested hopefully once he had parked up outside her home.

"Yeah sure." Came back her unenthusiastic response.

They barely managed a kiss before she was out of the car disappearing into her parent's house.

If Liam was struggling with his feelings, then the next two days were equally as hard for Maddison. She knew she needed to talk to her boyfriend but she simply couldn't bring herself to openly admit what had happened and try to heal the gulf that had grown up between them over the last week.

She missed him desperately but there was something between them and she just couldn't bring herself to break down the wall she had built around herself and reach out to him.

"What's going on with you Madd's?" Stacey enquired at work on the Wednesday, "You've been like this since you came back from your holiday."

Shrugging off her friend's interest she simply said "It's nothing."

"Is it Liam? Are you two splitting up or something?" the blonde pressed her.

"No.... maybe... I don't know." Maddi started to cry, "Things are just.... not good at the moment."

"Why? What happened?"

Maddison shook her head, her long dark hair swaying across her shoulders "I... I don't want to talk about it."

"Madd's..." Stacey started to say.

"Just leave it... please."

Turning away she felt all the raw emotions that she was struggling with surging up inside her. The longer it went on the more she realised she needed to talk to Liam but putting the guilt, the anger, the pleasure and all the other feelings into words would just make it even more real than it was.

The two of them met again on the Thursday evening and as before things were strained between them.

It was blatantly obvious to Maddi that they needed to do something but for some reason she couldn't, so instead she suppressed everything and tried to pretend to herself it hadn't happened.

Every time Liam tried to bring the subject up, she shut him down and things just seemed to get worse between them.

"Are you going to stay tonight?" he eventually asked.

"Not tonight, maybe at the week-end." Her reply simply added to the distance that had grown between them.

"Fine." His resigned sigh confirmed to her he was feeling the same as she was, "I'll drive you home."

Things finally came to a head on the Saturday evening when they were sitting in the pub, still not really talking.

"You're not saying much." Maddison toyed with her glass as she broke the lengthy silence that had descended on them.

"I was just thinking."

She looked at her boyfriend nervously, pausing for a moment before responding "About?"

"What happened and when you'll talk about it."

Her reply was acerbic "I've told you.... maybe never."

"Where does that leave us then? We can't go on like this Madd's." Liam gazed at her feeling tears in the corner of his eyes.

"I know we can't." she said quietly not meeting his gaze.

"What do we do then? Do we need to take a break?" He stared into his half full pint glass as he answered her.

Putting her drink down she took a breath "You want to break up with me? Is that it?"

"I didn't say...."

"Fine. If that's what you want. Give me a call when you stop being an arsehole." She put down her glass and stood up, stalking out of the pub leaving him sitting alone.

As soon as she was outside, she regretted her outburst. She wanted to run back inside and beg him to hold her, to tell her he still loved her and that everything would be alright.

But she didn't. Instead, with tears trickling down her cheeks she slowly made her way home.

Finishing his pint, Liam sat by himself and tried to work out what was happening to his life. A few weeks ago, everything had been near to perfect and now it had turned to dust in front of him. He had fulfilled his depraved fantasy and lost the girl he loved.

He knew he should go after her, persuade her that he didn't want them to split up, but he didn't. He sat and tried to answer the same questions that had filled his head for days without success.

Finally, he put his empty glass down and got up, disconsolately trudging home to sit alone in his apartment, staring at the wall and wondering what he was going to do.

~~~~~~ Liam ~~~~~

For the next six weeks Liam did nothing but simply exist.

All he did was get up in the morning and go to work then, coming home, he would sit and drink as he tried to sort out the emotional disaster that he was trapped in before going to bed. He knew for certain that he loved Maddison and all the while he waited, he hoped that she would come back to him.

She had walked out on him leaving him alone in the pub and he had heard nothing from her since. But as the days went by and he had no contact from her he became more and more depressed by the situation he found himself in.

There were numerous occasions when he started to dial her number or to text her a message but he always stopped himself convinced she wouldn't want to talk to him.

In the end it was his best friend Trent who hauled him out of the funk he was in when he called in to see him one evening to try to drag him out to the pub for a drink.

"Look mate I don't know what the problem is but it comes down to whether you love the girl enough to try and make it work. If you do then go and tell her, if not then you have to let her go." he succinctly summed up his situation for him.

"I can't let her go. I love her." Liam told him bleakly, staring into the glass he was holding.

"Then you need to tell her that."

"But I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me."

Trent frowned "Well the only way you're gonna find out is to tell her and see what she says. If she doesn't then at least you'll know."

He was right, Liam knew it, and he resolved to go and talk to Maddison the following day. Perhaps he could have phoned her but, in his mind, he saw their happy reunion needing a more physical touch.

With that thought his mood lifted a little and after work the next day he headed down to the supermarket to catch her as she finished her shift.

He had just turned the corner and was walking towards the stores entrance when he saw her. Smiling to himself he was just about to call her name when he stopped.

Stepping out of the door Maddi smiled and waved but it wasn't at him.

Hurrying across to a fair-haired guy waiting for her she greeted him and went up on tiptoe, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

If she had seen Liam, she gave no indication of it and, taking the strangers arm, the pair of them walked off in the opposite direction before getting into his car.

Standing there with his heart completely shattered Liam felt like he was going to throw up. He was too late, he had lost the girl he loved, she had obviously moved on and found someone else.

Swallowing back the tears that threatened to flow he made his way back to his small apartment and, digging out a bottle of vodka, proceeded to get very, very drunk.

The next couple of days were a blur to him and once again it was Trent who came to his rescue turning up on his doorstep a few days later.

Refusing to leave his friend wallowing in self-pity he virtually forced Liam out of his flat on the Friday night and, along with another friend Rob, took him off to the pub.

"Coming out for a drink?"

"Thanks, but I'd rather sit and be miserable." Liam grunted.

"Sorry mate that's not an option. It wasn't a question. Now get yourself cleaned up. Rob will be here in half an hour."

"I'm not coming."

"Look she's moved on you said so yourself. Sitting here ain't gonna bring her back." Trent told him what he already understood.

"I know that."

"Then you need stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off your arse and start living again."

"Why? Why should I?" he whined despondently.

"There's no reason, it's just what you need to do. Now go and having a bleeding shower and make yourself presentable." Grinning Trent yanked him to his feet and shoved him towards the bathroom.

Made to clean himself up and make himself fit to be seen Liam took the opportunity to get a grip on his feelings.

Maddison wasn't coming back no matter how he felt about her and he knew he had to get on with his life even if it wasn't going to be easy. Making the decision didn't stop the ache in his heart but it did fill him with a resolve to at least try to get out of the deep pit of misery he was in.

"You'll be ok mate. We'll make sure of it." Trent told him and slapped him on the shoulder when they got to the pub, "What we need to do is to get you laid."

"Yeah right." Liam managed a weak smile, pushing the doors open, "Just what I need more women problems."

"Well, it's your shout." Rob added making him laugh.

Going to the bar Liam ordered three pints and they had just settled in with their drinks when the doors were flung open and three girls walked in.

Giggling, the two brunettes and a blonde ordered their drinks, glancing repeatedly over at Liam and his two friends, before electing to sit down at a nearby table.

"How about those three?" Trent suggested to Liam.

"I'm not in the mood really." He responded casually glancing towards the girls.

"Come on mate which one do you fancy?"

Liam looked across at them again, eliciting another round of giggles from the other table "Honestly, I'm not interested. You two go ahead if you want to."

"Suit yourself but I'm going in boys." Trent stated after five minutes of interested looks from the three girls.

With that comment he pushed back his chair and got up, heading across to join the three young women, leaving Rob and Liam to rather half-heartedly follow on behind him.

As always happens in these situations the girls had already decided who was getting who and Liam immediately found himself sitting down next to Kim. A pretty girl with short blonde hair she seemed really lively with a wicked sense of humour and quickly had him laughing as he put his unhappiness aside for a while.

You're quite cute when you smile. Do you know that?" she told him.

"Thanks, I'll try to do it more often."

She giggled, the sound reminding him of Maddison "You should."

It was a refreshing change for him after the misery of the last few weeks and, as much as he didn't want to, he found himself relaxing and starting to really enjoy Kim's company.

It was a couple of hours and a couple of drinks later, when Liam was feeling more at ease than he had in weeks.

"So, are we having another or going back to your place?" she gave him a suggestive smile as she finished her third gin and tonic.

"Oh... err... yeah... umm... sure." Almost three pints in Liam was pleasantly numb and spluttered into his drink as he nervously agreed.

The last time he had had sex was with Maddi, and that was almost two months ago. There hadn't been anyone since and now she had moved on and found someone else the prospect of fucking Kim wasn't without its attraction for him.

Saying goodbye to his friends Liam got a couple of knowing grins in return as he downed the last of his beer and, putting his glass down, stood up to leave.

Outside the pub Kim took his arm and snuggled against him talking almost constantly as they strolled the short distance back to his flat. She wasn't Maddison but things had been so strained between them before they had split up it was a pleasant difference to listen to someone's happy chatter.

"You know you haven't even kissed me yet." Kim looked up at him appealingly and announced when they eventually reached the entrance to the small apartment block where he lived.

"Best put that right then." he grinned and pulled her against him letting his mouth greedily devour hers, immediately finding her tongue probing between his lips.

They were so wrapped up in the moment it was almost a full minute before they broke apart, his erection tenting out the front of his jeans and pressing against her. The pair of them stood for a second, breathing heavily as Kim looked up into his eyes.

"Wow... save some for when we get upstairs cowboy." she giggled kissing him for a second time before taking his hand and leading him through the front doors.

Across the street, standing unnoticed in the shadows, a slim brunette stood and watched the couple as the tears began to course down her cheeks.

Staring after them she didn't move for a while completely stunned as they disappeared from view. Then slowly turning away Maddison felt the wetness on her face and wiped her eyes as she started to walk miserably back to her parent's house.

Liam the boy she had fallen in love with had found someone else and didn't want her anymore.

Already aroused there was no foreplay, Liam and Kim starting to undress each other as soon as the front door was closed.

Kissing him passionately, she unbuttoned his shirt while he pulled her top off over her head as they struggled out of their clothes stumbling towards the bedroom.

Her bra was rapidly discarded exposing her large firm breasts, his hands quickly finding them, cupping and squeezing the soft fleshy mounds, while his fingers teased her nipples into hard points.

"Oh fuck yes... yessssss.... just like that." Kim hissed with delight, her own fingers frantically tugging his jeans open before slipping inside to take hold of his erection.