Cheerleader Chronicle Ch. 21


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"I'm impressed," Rick said, staring at her swollen labia.

Kenzie watched as Rick lowered his head. She could feel his breath on her vulva. Rick put his hands on her thighs, and she giggled.

"I forgot about the ticklish thing," Rick said, pulling his hands back. He lowered his head again and slowly lapped his tongue against Kenzie's swollen labia. She felt hot and wet and soft. As his tongue circled her clit, Rick pressed his finger against her until it began to slide past her nether lips. She was impossibly tight. Rick kissed and licked her, as he slid his finger back and forth.

Kenzie could tell Rick was holding back. He would start to speed up, start to get rough, then slow down when he realized what he was doing. Despite his efforts, he was noticeably rougher than Lynn had been, but Kenzie didn't mind. She could already feel her climax building. She moaned with approval as Rick's tongue swirled around her clit.

"I want you," she moaned.

Rick replied with something unintelligible, but the vibrations of his voice raised her arousal as they passed through her pussy. Kenzie let go of her ankles and rested her legs on Rick's muscular back.

The storm had passed and the sound of thunder was gone. All Kenzie could hear was the sound of Rick licking her pussy and her own labored breathing.

"You're going to make me come," she moaned, as she felt the crest of her orgasm approaching. Her statement seemed to encourage Rick; he pressed his mouth firmly against her and began sucking on her clit. At the same time, she felt his finger pressing against her vaginal wall. Then her orgasm exploded. Kenzie had come hard when she was with Lynn, but Rick was topping even that. Kenzie felt like her entire body was engulfed by her orgasm. She pushed Rick's head away; her entire vulva had become too sensitive to be touched. As her climax faded away, Kenzie sat up. She put both her hands on Rick's head and kissed him on the mouth, returning his passionate kiss from earlier. She thrust her tongue into his mouth, intrigued by the remnants of her own taste.

Rick was not surprised when Kenzie kissed him, he knew she would not let him one-up her. As his tongue intertwined with hers, Rick was unable to resist her body. He put his hands on her perky breasts, eager to feel her swollen nipples. The moment he touched her, she burst into laughter. This time Rick did not stop. Her petite tits with their dark, puffy nipples were simply irresistible.

"Stop," Kenzie gasped between giggles, "Please stop, I can't breathe."

Rick stopped, asking "What happens if I don't?'

Kenzie paused for a moment to catch her breath, "I hyperventilate and pass out."

"Oh, sorry. I did not realize it could get that serious," Rick said apologetically.

"It's not serious; I'm not ticklish when I am unconscious. I can't feel anything; I just wake up a few minutes later like nothing happened." An idea formed in Kenzie's head. "That's it!" she exclaimed.

"What?" Rick asked.

"I want you to touch me, tickle me, whatever. Don't stop until I pass out. Then I want you to fuck me," Kenzie explained.

Rick was stunned. He could not believe what he was hearing. "That's a little strange."

"It's not any different than tying me up and fucking me, is it?" Kenzie asked.

"Yeah, it is. You can still say stop if you are tied up," Rick said.

Kenzie looked Rick in the eyes. He really did appear troubled. Maybe he didn't want to have sex with her.

"I just don't know if doing that when you are helpless is okay," Rick said.

"But I want it, I want it so much. I want you so much; I'm just scared it will hurt. I'm a big wimp about pain. Please, Rick, do this for me," she begged.

"I don't know," Rick replied.

"There has to be a little bit of darkness in there," Kenzie urged, looking Rick in the eye again, "Just a tiny bit of something that wants to fuck me when I am unable to resist."

Kenzie put her hand between Rick's legs and put her hands on his rock-hard erection, "I want to wake up with this buried in my tight little pussy."

Rick looked into Kenzie's blue eyes and felt his resistance fading away. It seemed wrong, but she wanted it. Rick ran his fingers over Kenzie's ribs, and her eyes lit up as she began to giggle and squirm.

"Yes, hee, yes, hee-hee, more," she said, as she struggled to fit words in between her fits of laughing.

Rick's fingers stroked the soft skin under her armpits, and he brushed his thumbs against her swollen nipples. Kenzie was laughing uncontrollably now, her giggle punctuated by an occasional gasp for air. Rick maneuvered himself between her legs, pressing the shaft of his cock against her pussy. She felt hot and wet. His fingers were on her breasts now, lightly stroking them. Kenzie's laughter filled the air, and then suddenly it stopped.

Kenzie felt completely out of control. All she could do was giggle. It was impossible for her mouth to form even the simplest word. She felt Rick's rigid shaft press against her wet sex.

The thought of his erection inside her both thrilled and terrified Kenzie. Just having his fingers penetrate her vagina had been a strain, and his cock was much thicker. Kenzie looked up at Rick. Even in the dark room, she could see she was getting tunnel vision, and then suddenly everything went dark.

One minute Kenzie was giggling, and the next, she was quiet and limp. Rick leaned over and listened for her breathing. A sense of relief washed over him when he heard her draw a breath. He watched her chest rise and fall. Rick was happy that Kenzie was okay and aroused at the sight of her cone shaped breasts. He noticed that her nipples were still quite swollen and wondered if she was dreaming of sex.

Rick picked up Kenzie's limp body and carried her to his room. He laid her on his bed and then joined her. She had been right; the thought of fucking her when she was completely helpless did appeal to something in him. He put his hand on his cock and guided it to her wet slit. The finger fucking he had given her earlier had stretched her out just enough for the tip of his cock to fit between her labia. A soft moan escaped her lips, and Rick froze, wondering if he had missed his window of opportunity.

Kenzie couldn't tell if she was dreaming or not. She was only vaguely aware of her surroundings. She tried to move her arms and legs, but they refused to respond. She tried to speak, but no words came out. She was trapped between dreaming and waking. Something hard and hot pressed against her sex. Kenzie hoped it was more than a dream. She hoped Rick hadn't changed his mind. The dull pressure slowly changed to a stinging sensation. Her entire body began to tingle, and she felt her heart rate quicken.

Rick had barely penetrated Kenzie's motionless body when he felt the resistance increase. He knew he was about to take Kenzie's virginity. He looked down at her. Even asleep, she was extremely sexy. Rick hesitated, not sure what he should do. What if Kenzie had changed her mind? Would she forgive him? Would he forgive himself? He looked at her again. Everything about her body said she wanted to be fucked. Her nipples were still swollen; her pussy was hot and wet. Rick made his decision. He pushed his hips forward and buried his cock deep inside Kenzie. She made a quiet whimper but remained still. Rick began to slowly thrust back and forth, driving his cock into Kenzie until his pubic bone pressed against her clit, then drawing it out until only the tip remained between her lips.

Kenzie felt the stinging sensation increase a bit more, and then there was a sharp stab of pain. She realized her wish had come true. She felt Rick's girth fill her. Each time the head of his cock rubbed against her G-spot she took a leap towards her climax, but she still could not move.

Rick held himself up so he could look at Kenize as he fucked her. His hands were on the bed just above her shoulders to keep her from sliding up the bed as he slowly pushed his cock into her hot, wet pussy again. He could see that she was breathing harder as her chest rose and fell. Rick could also see her firm breasts bounce slightly, as his hips pressed against hers. Rick lowered his head and softly kissed Kenzie on the lips.

When Rick pulled his lips away, Kenzie moaned softly, "Harder."

The sound of her voice startled Kenzie; she had not realized she had slipped out of her dreamlike state. The stinging sensation was gone, replaced by a euphoric sense of being filled. She moaned again as Rick's girth spread her labia apart, and he penetrated her with the full length of his throbbing erection. She felt Rick's chest hair brush against her swollen nipples.

When he heard Kenzie's voice, Rick smiled. He was glad she had woken up before he finished. He wondered how her orgasm would be affected by her loss of consciousness. The sound of her voice pushed him closer to climax, but he strained to hold it back. Kenzie began to buck her hips, driving his cock even deeper, and then she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"I'm going to come, Kenzie, I'm going to come," Rick groaned through clenched teeth. All the tantric breathing in the world was not going to help; he was past the point of no return.

"I want you to come inside me," Kenzie moaned, "Let it go, I want you to let it go."

When Rick came, Kenzie thought she could feel his cum spray out of Rick's erection. Even after he came, Rick continued to ram his cock into her. Finally, the dam burst, and her orgasm flooded through her body. Kenzie slipped back into her dreamlike state, aware of her surroundings, but unable to interact with it the save a loud moan. When Kenzie could move her arms again, she wrapped them around Rick and pulled him close, then kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you," Kenzie said. "This was exactly what I wanted. I know it was probably a little strange for you."

"Yeah, it's certainly better when you are awake," Rick replied.

Kenzie pouted.

"Does that mean you wouldn't do it again?" she asked.

"What?" Rick replied.

"Fuck me when I'm knocked out. Waking up like that is pretty intense. I think I get why people like choking sex," she said.

"Let's stick to tickling," Rick said.

"So you will do it again!" Kenzie squealed.

"Someday, certainly not tonight," Rick said, and he withdrew his fading erection and lay beside Kenzie. His eyes were drawn to her tits.

"You really do like my itty bitty titties, don't you?" she said.

"What's not to like?" Rick replied.

"I just thought you would be into big boobs; most guys are," Kenzie said.

"I'm into you. You are a lot more than you appear to be," Rick said.

"Thanks," Kenzie replied, as put her head on Rick's chest.

The sound of rain returned, and the wind howled through the trees. "I think you should stay until the storm ends," Rick said.

"Okay. Would it be okay if I took a shower? I'm a bit of a mess." Kenzie replied. She had never spent the night with a man and wasn't sure what the etiquette was.

"Of course. The shower is right over there," Rick said, pointing to a door. "The towels on the rack are clean; you can use any of them."

"I'll be right back," she said, as she slipped out of bed and walked towards the shower. She looked back at Rick, his long, lean body silhouetted against a night light. Kenzie had wondered if he would follow her to the shower but was glad that he didn't. She wanted a little time to herself.

Rick watched the petite woman walk into the bathroom and close the door. He decided to respect her wish for privacy. When he heard the sound of the shower, Rick jumped out of bed. He quickly stripped the soiled sheets off the bed and put fresh ones on, then headed down the hall to take a quick shower himself.

A thick fog of steam filled the bathroom as Kenzie let the hot water from the shower wash over her naked body. She was already feeling a bit of soreness from having Rick's cock stretch out her pussy, but she considered it well worth the price. Kenzie had begged Lynn to tell her what sex with Rick would be like, but Lynn had been quite tight-lipped, telling her that she was sworn to secrecy. While Lynn's loyalty was admirable, Kenzie had been frustrated at the same time, but now she was impressed that Lynn had not been bragging about what it was like to fuck Rick.

One of the few things Lynn had let slip was that Rick was just as talented as a submissive as he was a dominant. Kenzie already suspected as much. When Rick was tied up, he behaved exactly as she wanted him to. Kenzie pulled the shower massager out of its holder and sprayed the water on her breasts. She began to think of having Rick under her control again. Kenzie imagined Rick's muscular body on the bed, spread-eagled and face down.

Kenzie mentally ran through the catalogue of things she could do with Rick in such a position. All the phone sex fantasies she had fulfilled flashed in her mind. The stream of water from the shower pelted her firm breasts as she constructed an elaborate fantasy about teasing Rick mercilessly. The hot water splashed over her swollen nipples as she thought of Rick tied up, humping the bed in frustration as she rubbed her breasts against his back. She would start at his cute little ass and go all the way to his neck, up and down, over and over. Sometimes with a feather light touch, just barely dragging her nipples against his skin, and sometimes pressing her tits against him until they were flat.

Almost without thinking Kenzie lowered the shower massage until the water flowed over her sex. The water felt especially hot against her battered flesh, but at the same time the pressure and warmth on her clit started a tingling sensation that quickly spread through her body. Kenzie put one hand against the wall to steady herself, and then she flipped the setting on the shower from spray to massage. It took less than a minute of the steady pounding on her pussy before she came. Compared to the orgasms Rick had given her, it wasn't much, but it was enough to bring a smile to her face.

Cool air rushed into the bathroom when Kenzie opened the door. Her lengthy shower had turned the room into a wet sauna, and the cool air of the bedroom was a nice change. She was clad only in a towel, her skin covered with a thin sheen of sweat for the hot, humid air of the shower. Kenzie noticed that Rick had changed the sheets and turned them down. She wondered if she was supposed to spend the night or not.

"You clean up nice," Rick said, as he walked in, a towel wrapped around his waist, "but I like you dirty too."

"You didn't have to use the other shower, I would have shared," Kenzie said, feeling a bit guilty the work Rick had done to clean up after her. The offer was half-hearted; she had enjoyed having some time alone.

"I think you should stay the night," Rick said. "The storm is still pretty bad. I'm guessing the power outage affected a lot of the street and traffic lights."

"You don't mind?" Kenzie asked.

"Not at all. Actually, I insist you stay." Rick answered.

Kenzie unfurled her towel and let it drop to the floor.

"I didn't bring anything to sleep in."

"You can wear one of my T shirts, but I'd prefer what you have on now," Rick said.

Kenzie grabbed Rick's towel and yanked it off his body, "I will if you will."

She bent over and picked up her towel, and then realized Rick's cock was now at eye level. It was no longer erect, but was not completely flaccid either.

"Is that as small as it gets?" she asked, realizing it was probably not a question Rick wanted to answer.

"Around you, yes. It gets smaller when it is cold. I could explain, but the details would just bore you," Rick replied.

"How about I just make sure it stays warm?" Kenzie asked.

"I'm good with that..." Rick said, his voice suddenly full of hope.

"I only said warm, not hot," Kenzie said warily. "I think I need a bit of rest."

"Of course," Rick said.

Kenzie walked over to the bed and slipped between the sheets. She smiled when Rick joined her. Kenzie put her head on his chest and ran her hand down his body until she felt his cock.

"Just doing a temperature check. I think it is just right."

Rick felt her hand gently squeeze his semi-rigid shaft and then rest on his abdomen. He realized he was exhausted. His eyes grew heavy, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Kenzie listened to Rick's slow, rhythmic breathing much longer than was required to be certain that he was asleep. She had one thing she needed to do before she joined him in dreamland. She tiptoed back to the main room, the room where she had seduced Rick, where she had pushed his limits and convinced him to fuck her when she was completely vulnerable. A wry smile twisted her face. She was damaged, but in a good way.

Lying on the couch was the object her desire. She picked up her phone and tapped out a quick text. A few seconds later the reply appeared. It was exactly what she wanted. Kenzie sauntered back to Rick's room and slipped into bed with him. She noticed his cock was once again fully erect. Kenzie pressed her forehead against his and tried to share his dream as she drifted off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great series. Like how you handled all the different story types. Definitely agree that a nice well rounded ending would be good.

Something that wraps up things with Nancy, Trinity, Lynn, Traci & now mysterious Kenzie. How does the summer end, does he leave town for college, find love with childhood friend, or finally conquer all the cheerleaders?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great story but why didn't you finish it ???? I hope you come back to it some day and add a good finish to it

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I hope you come back and finish the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Please continue the story

As I'm sure the rest of the readers feel the same way please continue this story. I think it's one of the best on the entire site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Love it, want more, PLEASE

I am still checking back about once a week for new chapters. I really like the story, please continue it or give an update on progress or resolution. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Awesome again

Incredible exploration of teasing and fulfillment. Like the females pushing guys to play together a little. Great portrayal of stimuli and physical feelings

tk5555tk5555about 10 years agoAuthor
Just taking a break

I have a few more ideas for this, but I'm easily distracted. It's on the to do list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Cheerleader Chronicle ended?

Nothing since June of last year! Is this story truly ended? If so it is a pity.

Checkout lane is good also but waiting for next chapter - soon I hope.


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