Cherry on Top Ch. 08

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Monday. Cherry helps Leon destress at work.
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Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/26/2022
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All characters are at least 18 years old.



I was running late for work.

Grumbling a rebuke to myself under my breath, I tightened my tie and grabbed my briefcase, rushing out of my bedroom. Shit, Cherish wasn't awake yet, and it was a school day. I popped my head into her room, where she was laid under the blankets. After our rendezvous, she'd fallen asleep and I'd carried her back to my car and driven us home. It was a nice, nostalgic feeling to carry her to bed while she slept, reminding me of when she was young and fell asleep after a late night out.

But now wasn't the time for reminiscing. "Cherish! You have school!"

She made a small sound and slowly sat up, red mane wild around her head as she rubbed her eyes. "Daddy?"

"It's almost eight!" She looked at her phone and jolted into action, rushing around her room to get dressed. "I'll drive you to school, or you're gonna be late."

"What about work? You're gonna be late too," she protested, hopping around with one leg in her jeans.

"Never mind that, just hurry up. Looks like we're both skipping breakfast today." I closed the door and waited in the kitchen, eye on my watch. Damn it, I had a meeting to discuss the Energetech acquisition. Whatever, I had a good team and they'd manage a few minutes without me.

I checked the pantry and found a box of toaster pastries that were ready to eat. Cherish came out, slinging her schoolbag on her shoulder, hair still a mess. "Let's go," she panted, and I passed her a pastry before leading her out to the car. We ate as I drove, heading for her school. Occasionally she'd look at me for a brief moment before turning back to stare at her lap.

"What's wrong, princess?" I asked.

She opened and closed her mouth several times, as if trying to decide whether to say anything. Finally she settled on a harmless, "Nothing," letting the car ride pass in silence. I pulled up to the main building of the school, and she got off hastily.

"Love you," I called out after her.

"Love you too," she mumbled before closing the door behind her and hurrying off.

I was about to pull away from the curb when I saw a blonde girl making her way to class from the school parking lot. She spotted me and winked, giving me a little finger wave before tossing her honey locks over her shoulder and sauntering away. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at how much of a fool I'd been played for. Lexi Rochester wasn't even redheaded.

But wait... She'd colluded with Cherish in order to bring the two of us together. She knew about what kind of illicit affair she was orchestrating. And now the question was would she tell anybody? My stomach churned at the idea of being blackmailed by a trickster like that. But no time to think about that right now. Might as well turn my attention to more pleasant subjects.

I drove to work, lost in thoughts of last night. I hadn't meant to call out to Cherish in the hotel room. Reflex, I assumed. As it turned out, she was having misgivings about lying to me. In a way it mirrored my own position. But we had carried through, so where did that leave us? Now that we both knew that the other knew, were we supposed to just... continue? Knowing our attraction was mutual was comforting, a huge burden off my shoulders. Well, I already knew she felt that way, or she wouldn't have acted as such; she was the one wearing the mask, after all. But the feeling I got from the situation was just different now.

Yet what was at the end of this road? I was her father. I was supposed to protect her. Instead... I still wanted her. I sighed, shaking my head at myself. After seeing Rose and talking to her about this matter, I decided to resign myself to my feelings.

But what if I only wanted to replace Rose with Cherish?

No, it wasn't like that. Cherish wasn't a surrogate, she was unique and I loved her for who she was, not who she resembled. I arrived at work feeling a bit better, and quickly made my way up to the office.

As I thought, the team was carrying on the meeting without me. Jasmine, one of our analysts, was in the middle of explaining the risks Energetech was taking if they planned to acquire Lightco. She had a quaint way with words that I quite liked, and though some may not have considered it appropriate or professional, I felt it brought some much needed liveliness to an otherwise drab industry. Plus she got the job done, which alongside team cohesiveness was all I asked for.

With the meeting out of the way, I collected reports from Jasmine, Colette, and our other analysts and returned to my office, settling in for some work. A knock at my door heralded Colette walking in. "May I sit?"

"Be my guest," I replied, gesturing to the chairs in front of me. She seated herself and eyed me up. I looked at her expectantly, but she only regarded me before giving me a warm smile. "What is it?" I chuckled.

"Had a good weekend?" she asked.

I instantly broke out in a cold sweat, but she seemed genuine so I collected myself before responding, "I did, as a matter of fact. Why do you ask?"

"You just seem more relaxed, that's all." She beamed at me, before a bit of worry crept in. "I hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries. It's just that I feel, since December, we've gotten to know each other better outside the office. I want you to feel like you can talk to me. If that's okay," she added hastily.

"Of course. But yeah, it was quite the interesting weekend. Very cathartic."

"Oh? How so?"

And that was how I talked myself into a corner. I struggled to find an innocent answer. "Perhaps cathartic was the wrong word. Relaxing, maybe. Cherish went skating, which is always a delight to watch, and we went to the movies together." I felt guilty lying to her, but I couldn't very well tell her what I was up to in the evenings.

"Sounds nice. And, um..." She nibbled her lip before continuing. "That thing with Lexi..."

I chuckled nervously, tapping on my arm rest. "Yeah, about that... This might come as a surprise, but I don't think something between me and Lexi is going to work out."

She seemed to relax, laughing a bit more easily. "Of course, I get it."

"Too big an age gap, you understand."

"Totally." She laughed again, sounding a bit shrill.

"How... did you to two meet again?"

She gulped, which I found curious. It didn't seem as simple as just meeting a friend of her son's. "Um... She helped me through a rough patch, back in December. That girl is surprisingly resourceful."

"Yeah, I'll say," I muttered under my breath.

"I'm sorry?"

"Nothing, nothing. So now you and she are friends, independent--"

"Independent of her friendship with Drew, right," she finished with a nod. "She's really a sweet girl, although she can seem a bit... well, eccentric at times, perhaps even meddling. I hope she didn't do anything untoward to you."

"I wouldn't say that." I had a few other words in mind for what I thought of the girl. I paused to ruminate on something. "What do you know about her parents, though? A young woman like her, going around like this on her own? Makes one wonder, you know?"

Colette frowned, taking a moment to ponder the subject. "From what I know, she's not on good terms with her parents, who travel a lot and are therefore not home with her often. They're well-off, though I'm not sure what her father does. Some sort of tycoon, from what I can figure."

"Surely there's something online we can find?"

She shook her head. "Never thought to check. Their daughter already seems formidable enough on her own." I cocked my head at that. It was an odd thing to say about a nineteen year old living a seemingly normal life, at least for the most part.

"Interesting." I gently clapped a hand on my desk planner. "Well, we have work to do. I'd still like you to run some numbers on the Lightco front, and I might be looking at a late night tonight."

"Then I'll get out of your hair and back to work," she said with a smile, standing and making her way to the door. "By the way, Valentine's Day is coming up. Think you'll have a date by then?" she added with a wink, and left.

I chuckled, shaking my head before getting to work.


I looked at my watch. Cherish should have been out of school by now, and I was due a break. Better tell her I was going to be home late. I typed out a text message, thumb hovering over the send button, then changed my mind. Time to push limits.

I switched to ComeDaddy, pulling up our messages. Chuckling at the picture of Lexi made up as my daughter, I typed out something wholly different.

Me: So when is our next tryst, beautiful?

Lexi: you know its me, right dad?

Me: Of course. That doesn't answer my question though

Lexi: um

The app indicated she was typing haltingly, most likely drafting a message and then erasing it, debating on what to say. I smiled and awaited her response. What I got instead was a file, and upon opening it I was treated to a delightful sight of pale nipples barely covered by an arm across her chest. I swallowed and wet my lips, staring hungrily at the nude, the thought that she sent it to me whilst I was at work completely escaping me.

Lexi: in case you wanted to see me hehe

Now that I thought about it, I could sort of recognize her surroundings in the pictures she sent. They were taken in such a way as to avoid any identifying features like furniture, but now that I knew it was Cherish sending them, I could figure out where in her room she'd taken them.

Me: And just where did my little girl find all this boldness and courage?

Lexi: i guess lexi really did rub off on me

Me: Did she teach you what to say and do the whole way?

Lexi: i wouldnt say 'teach'

Lexi: she gave me some tips and i kinda extrapolated from there

Me: Extrapolated? You learn well

Lexi: what can i say? anything for my daddy~

On reflex, I felt myself stiffen in my pants. It was frankly shameful how little it took to get me going. I had to make sure she didn't abuse the power she had over me. Already, it was looking like she had an idea of just how in her palm I was.

Me: Baby, I'm at work. I can't exactly enjoy this as much as I'd like

Her reply was another nude, this time with her hand pinching and stretching one of her nipples. I moaned involuntarily, before my eyes darted up to double check that my office door was closed. Perhaps a little teasing wouldn't hurt. I reached down and squeezed my manhood through my trousers, exhaling heavily and trying to stay silent.

Me: Lower, baby

Lexi: aw dad

Lexi: this is getting kinda embarrassing

Me: If you start something, you have to see it through

Me: Daddy taught you better than to leave people hanging

The next nude was full length, displaying her entire figure from behind. Her red hair was pulled to the side to expose her back, her porcelain skin looking soft and delicate. I gasped with need, hand rubbing my length as I pictured running my fingers down between her shoulder blades. The dip at the small of her back, before the swell of her round cheeks--

"Hey boss, I got that report you wanted--" Jasmine stopped dead in her tracks when she burst into my room and saw me leaned over my phone. Wide-eyed and startled, I didn't have a chance to explain myself before she nodded to herself and backed out. "Aight, I'll just wait 'til later, boss."

As soon as my door clicked back shut, I groaned. I was supposed to set an example at work, but instead I was just caught practically jacking off to nudes on company time. Get it together, Leon.

Me: Thank you, princess

Me: I'm sorry, but I'm gonna be home late. Just fix some dinner for yourself

Sighing, I put my phone away and focused back on the documents before me. I'd have to go retrieve that report from Jasmine. No doubt she'd already told Colette about what she'd seen. Hopefully Colette would counsel discretion.


I bid farewell to Colette, the last person to leave work besides me. I couldn't concentrate on work, and it was making it take longer. I groaned and leaned back in my chair, thoughts once again drifting to my daughter. My brain was clogged, itching only to have her in my arms again. This was going to be truly detrimental to my productivity if I was going to be like this every day.

A knock at my door brought me to attention, and standing there was my princess. I blinked a few times, dreading if I had begun hallucinating. She smiled shyly and approached, a coat wrapped tightly around herself.

"Cherish, what are you doing here?" I was so out of it that it didn't even sound like my voice. Had I fallen asleep at my desk and dreamt up this whole thing?

She bit her lip and closed the door behind her, making sure the blinds to the windows were shut as well. "Just wanted to pay my dad a visit at work," she announced. She sounded playful, but also meek, and the end result was even more adorable. That is, until she took off her coat and dropped it to the floor. My breath caught in my throat, and my cock raised to full mast immediately.

She was absolutely naked, standing right there in my office with her copper locks spilling over her shoulders, knees turned slightly inward to preserve the barest level of modesty. I think all my blood rushed to my head, because I suddenly felt dizzy. Perhaps it was in fact my blood leaving my brain en route to another head entirely. Hard to say.

She sashayed over to me, spreading my knees and kneeling between them. "C'mon, dad. Enough of this. Just call me Cherry, especially when we're like this, alright?"

I could only nod, and she beamed at me. Then, with her angelic face right there, she unzipped my pants and took me out. Gasping as she marveled my cock up close in the light, she seemed to lose some of her bravado. Not enough to stop her from giving me a little lick, and I moaned and slightly pitched forward. She looked up with a naughty grin, then backed up until she was under my desk, pulling me along with her.

"Anyway, I'm here to make sure your work gets done," she continued, before taking a deep breath of my musk. Her voice gained a coquettish lilt as she continued, "Daddy's probably been backed up all day. No way you can focus at all."

Her lips rolled over my tip and I gasped, hands flat on the desk. She sank more and more of my cock into her mouth, and I heard the squelch of her throat as she gagged ever so slightly. After pulling herself off to take a breath, she spread thick saliva all over my length before making a second attempt.

Where did she learn any of this? Based on our time at the hotel, it didn't seem like she had any experience whatsoever. Internet porn? I didn't have the capacity to think as she forcibly shoved me down her throat, eyes rolling back in her head. Because of her small stature, my girth still spread her lips wide, looking quite substantial in her mouth. I took her head in my hands and helped her to slowly move back and forth. She mewled each time I withdrew from her throat, sometimes accompanied by a cough, but she didn't complain, nor did she give up.

There was a knock at my door, and I barely had time to make sure Cherish was under the desk before it opened and Colette popped her head in.

"Hey, Leon. Still here?" she asked.

I cleared my throat and rested my other hand on the desk. "Uh, yeah, y'know, just going over everything one last time."

"Right. Hey, I passed Cherish on my way out. She was here to see you, so I let her in. Have you seen her?"

"Yeah, yeah." My daughter's throat clenched around my cock, and I resisted the urge to moan. "She's... She's in the restroom."

"Oh, right, that's her coat. Why's it on the floor?" Colette bent down to scoop it up, folding it and placing it on the chair.

"Fell off the seat back," I managed. Cherish wasn't giving me a break, continuing to suck even as I spoke to Colette. She was getting more and more confident by the second.

"Anyway, forgot my keys here. Just gotta grab 'em. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." Colette closed my door, and I heard her walk down the hall before the elevator dinged, signaling her departure.

Immediately, Cherish resumed more vigorous motions, slurping loudly and making me curl up over my desk. I reached down and forced her to take my whole length, her tongue sticking out as I went balls deep. One last lick to the base of my shaft finished me off, and I erupted straight down her throat. She couldn't even make a sound as she gulped down my seed, and when my fervor finally ended, I gently pulled her off my cock. She gagged silently as my sex left her throat, then gasped for air and pulled strands of hair away from her face.

"Cherry," I groaned, and despite the state she was in she giggled, proud of herself. I gazed down at her adoringly, and she took a moment to collect herself before she gave my crown a lick, prompting fresh jism to spurt out onto her waiting tongue. She swallowed it and smiled, before taking me deep again unexpectedly. I groaned as she subjected me to exquisite torture all night, draining me of everything I had.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Quality. I want more between the two of them but not at the expense of the high level of what you’ve written so far, so many stories just devolve into a dry uninteresting play by play of events.

Keep up the great work!

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