Chess Ch. 02


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I held Nora because I knew she was pretty upset with the drama and still a bit mad I couldn't screw her again. So - what was up with that - since we both knew she never got off anyway???

The next morning I was still tired and hungover. Whoever said MJ doesn't leave a hangover hasn't smoked enough. It sure leaves me hungover, when I smoke enough of it. Everyone was pretty somber and wondering about Don. New guy took off before breakfast. Cara had stars in her eyes and the look of love. I read once some marriage counselor once said, "cheating sex is the crack cocaine of sex." Cara was definitely hooked on "new guy" already.

Turned out Don had left the building - he had taken a taxi or shuttle to Denver Airport and flown home. Nora seemed more worried than Cara about what shit Don might stir up. I knew Cara's husband from our bridge club and thought he was a pretty nice guy and they had a nice marriage. Funny, but I wasn't thinking of him when I screwed his wife. I had no basis at all to judge anyone.

Even last Monday I had already told Nora that I thought my own marriage was pretty much toast and that she shouldn't worry that what we were doing affected it one way or the other. I was surprised that by Thursday morning Nora and I were basically "together" screwing or at least sleeping together every night since that first Sunday. Also that Thursday morning I told her I wasn't going out Thursday night but needed to get caught up on my own sleep - she should plan accordingly and could do whatever she wanted to do. I fully expected her to come back with her own new guy that night. I also planned on calling my wife if I could find her and talk to her for a little bit with no one else around. Sure enough, after a simple dinner of some sandwiches everyone went out partying again and I didn't. I was able to call Lynn and she was finally pretty truthful (maybe).

She said that basically she was well enough to get out of the hospital Sunday - the day we had arrived at Winter Park - and that she had "met some guys." Silence from me. "And they're Black." Silence. "And we have been together partying all night". OK - she has been screwing Black guys...

"Well" I said - "I've met someone here and I've been sleeping with her every night, as well". Let's just talk about all this and decide what we want to do when I get home. Don't do anything crazy. See you Sunday when I get back." As if Black gangbangs wasn't kind of a crazy thing to do? I just went back to sleep.

I was still asleep in the back bedroom so as not to be disturbed when they all returned from partying and the fucking started. Cara came back with her new guy, again. The surprising thing was that Elizabeth came back with a guy as well and took him into her bedroom and into her cunt, based on the noises So much for newlywed bliss, I guess. Peer pressure - "everyone's doing it" - trumps "being good" - at least some time.

But Nora didn't and just joined me in one of the twin beds in that bedroom. I was recovered enough that we made love slowly and tenderly. As always, I came - and she didn't - but seemed content and satisfied. I slept very well, thank you.

Friday was our final day before the 20+ straight hours of bus travel back to the St. Louis area. I felt a lot better and had an excellent day of skiing. A long stint in the hot tub helped - and Nora had demanded Elizabeth give up her bedroom - and the one real Queen sized bed in the condo - to her and me for our final night together. After dinner and a quick trip to our favorite bar for a final drink and close dance and so Cara could find her special "new guy" again - Nora and I headed back alone. Elizabeth didn't hook up again - she MIGHT have been just a tad embarrassed. And Cara's "new guy" had disappeared and she was heartbroken and depressed about that (and not Don and his shit or her husband and family) all the way home. But Nora and I missed all that till later. We were naked in bed and she was trying her best to suck my soul right out through my dick. Truthfully that's not my favorite thing, fucking and rear entry fucking especially is. So we did that for quite a while and then fell asleep with me still in her. If I didn't know better I would think she was falling for me, somehow. But really, what is the point of real "love" with a cheater? Not exactly the basis for a longterm committed relationship - how can it be? Another Catch-22. Especially with such an admitted multiple casual cheater.

But we sat next to one another the whole way back and snuggled and slept - but she was also flirting with other guys and let one guy massage her bare feet for quite a while by hanging her legs over the seat in front of her. I didn't care. Couldn't care. She told me he asked for her number and wanted to get together when we got back. So? I was in an 8 day guilt free fantasy "free love" (actually "free sex") unreal bubble.

It was time to get back to "realville". Cara's husband was there to meet the bus as it pulled into the SIU-E parking lot. He asked me what happened to Don? He knew Don had flown back, maybe Don's wife called him. "Oh what a tangled weave..."

All I could say was "I don't really know. He just really didn't like skiing or being there and just said he had to get back home..." Hubby looked unconvinced. Cara just looked depressed. I figured their marriage - like mine - probably wasn't going to make it. I was right.

Lynn cried and carried on as soon as I got back to our house. "How could you do that. Screw somebody else" she demanded to know. No apologies for HER multiple sexual partners this past week - and not even an attempted lie like "I was just lying about that to see if you cared." (Does a lie about a lie equal a truth? Think about it.) Then she said, "OK, I think we should try and get past this and stay married." Really? Maybe for the kids just a little longer I was thinking. And I was bone tired and had to go to work the very next day.

Then Nora called me Monday at home. Cara must have given her my number. Nora actually worked in a local department store's jewelry department and she told me that and what her hours were and asked when would I like to see her again? I couldn't believe it. Just because I had a bigger than average dick? I said that Lynn had just told me she wants us to keep trying to make our marriage work and I agreed and can't be screwing around on her here at home while we try to make it work again. Nora said, too bad, I know a few younger married girls who would love a threesome with you and me and that big dick. Which made me wonder if LYNN was one of her friends??? I just said basically thanks for the memories and she was a special woman and I would always treasure that week we had together...

About Wednesday Lynn insisted we make love. Or at least have some sex. I hadn't touched her since I got back for various reasons - including the thought of her and her Black dick friends - but mainly because I was really, really tired. I think I was actually sick with that virus bug from the Rockies - not one of the really bad ones but it mimics a mild flu pretty well and lasts about a week. Anyway, Lynn was basically on top cowgirl screwing me Wednesday night riding me hard when she just loses it - starts crying and hitting me with her fists. I roll her off me and try to figure out what's going on. First and foremost she just can't comprehend me screwing someone else. She got so used to me loving her all out those first 3 years I knew her, she just didn't realize she could throw it away by not loving me back that same way AND screwing other men casually for her own sex addiction or just attention whore needs when I wasn't in town. And, of course, our own frequency of sex never actually wavered much. She still NEVER said "no" to me, and vice versa. She just took that as the major sign my love for her was the same. She ignored the other ways I was withdrawing from her, and the ever increasing times I spent just "stopping for a drink" after work. She knew nothing of a few women I was getting overly friendly with - approaching emotional affairs if never quite physical ones.

But I also think now that she probably had some really, really exciting sex and strong orgasms (maybe even specific climax events) from that combination of multiple big dicks and excitement of being "loved" by multiple strange men. "Crack cocaine sex..." One man/ one husband just can't compete with that - if that's what a woman wants or thinks she needs. And now she realized my own single big dick just didn't do it for her, anymore. Another Catch-22.

She finally settled down a tad and we fell asleep together that night for the very last time ever - but I had to call in sick the next day and couldn't make it to work. Nora called me again that afternoon and was crying. She was desperate to see me again. I couldn't believe it. It was certainly appealing in many ways but also seemed dangerous and more than a tad crazy. I had one crazy woman - my wife Lynn - already to deal with. I tried to let her down again as gently as possible and I mentioned that guy who wanted her number on the bus trip home - had he called you yet? "Yes, she sniffed."

"Well, there you go - go out with him and have a good time. OK?"

"OK. Goodbye", she said. And I never talked to her again.

That night Lynn asked me to leave the house and give her some time to think. So I went to my parents house for a few days. Saturday morning I went to our house about 9 am to work on Lynn's clunker car that I had bought her - but had a new dent from a minor wreck that made the passenger door hard to open and close. While I was working on her car in our driveway she comes traipsing across the backyard with our kids in tow. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was what. She had been out all night with her Black friends - who let her out a couple streets over so that her neighbors wouldn't see who was bringing her home. I only hoped the kids were safe and were with someone else.

She saw me and hung her head a little. She looked like she had a BAD hangover headache - and that she had been "rode hard and put up wet" - and I am sure she had been. I just said "OK. Thinking time is over, we are getting a divorce." She wasn't about to argue right then.

And I finished her car and drove off.

A few postscripts. I never talked to Nora again and I wasn't quite sure of her last name - but about a year later a short newspaper article in the local paper caught my eye. Seems the husband of a certain "Nora something..." shot and killed another man in some sort of love triangle. Maybe it wasn't my Nora - but I felt a certain chill run up my spine reading that.

Lynn called me about 3 weeks after we separated. I was still at my Mom's and hated it. Dad and I didn't get along at all - though it sure never interfered with that functional alcoholic's drinking - but I needed about one more week for my next payday to scrape enough together to move into an apartment close to work. Lynn was crying and wanted us to get back together. She had made a mistake. Black guys had the big dicks (like me) but treated her like crap - instead of like a "queen" as she first thought they would. And "crack cocaine sex" is quite a bit like real crack cocaine - it wears off fast and tolerance builds up quickly. And Lynn was all about "control" actually. Her own mother completely dominated her father and Lynn always thought she should dominate me and never could. Yet another Catch-22 she could never quite comprehend. And she had "dated" (screwed) several white guy managers from her new job at the local racetrack already - but they all had small dicks. So, she wanted me back. I tried to let her down gently.

Lynn never stopped lying. During our short separation period I gave her several $100 checks for child support. I let her file for divorce and didn't retain an attorney myself. She swore on her court filing for divorce petition that I had not given her a dime during our separation and wanted at least $400 a month support and alimony plus medical and dental for her AND the kids. That would have been about 80% of my net salary back then.

I only shook my head and showed up at the Courthouse with about $800 of cancelled checks to her in hand. Her lawyer was smart enough and experienced enough to want to see me privately alone before we went before the Judge for the final divorce decree. When I showed him the checks he turned white. Lynn was going to lose and might even face a perjury charge for lying under oath. He had to work it all out with me before ever going before the Judge. What Lynn wanted just really didn't count anymore. I offered to pay $300 a month plus all medical and dental bills for both kids until they were 18. I settled with him for $320 a month and was satisfied.

Just a few months later Lynn was married to a pretty good, hardworking, conservative and lay Baptist minister Black man. Probably the best thing Lynn could get at that point. She probably even got to boss him around a lot more than she ever did me. But, boy, did she hate me with a vengeance from the point of our divorce on. And her hatred only intensified when I married again my second even younger than her and much more beautiful wife.

Cara did indeed get divorced. After my own divorce I started taking some night courses at SIU-E for both work advancement and to get free "country club" like privileges to use SIU-E's rec facilities during the summer - especially their filtered swimming lake and beach and rental small sailboats - mostly Sunfishes. I ran into Cara there a few times and she asked me once if I still had any grass...I'm pretty sure that was code for "let's go get stoned and try that fucking thing, again". I should have done it and regret it now but back then as much as I needed and wanted sex, I wanted love and another wife even more - and that wasn't going to be Cara. After I did get married again and then quickly divorced from Jen - my second wife who truly broke my heart - I happened to run into Cara at the St. Louis Airport - I was leaving on another business trip and she was just arriving. She ran up to me, hugged me, and stuck her tongue in my mouth - then gave me her new phone number and said "call me." But I never did and soon moved to Atlanta.

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Pinto931Pinto93110 months ago

Like reading someone’s diary.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotalmost 3 years ago

Your commentary is quite long and really says nothing about your marriage. But let me ask. You left her in the hospital son you could go on vacation with a bunch of womenn without partners? Right? And you expecter for her to stay faithful to you knowing that? Now, about the black men. Did she mention it or did the author just put that in so as to give you an excuse for cheating on your wife? I didn'y seev where she mentioned it. and them having big cocks. Did sopmebody measure them? or is it just a fantasy of tge author tgat all black men have to have a very largev cock just for him? This story is full of crock!!!! And if thuis man left his wife for having an affair while he was doing the same except that he didn't even take the children with nhim. It doesn't say much for him being a good man of any kind. And what makes hime duch an endoewed man and an exceptional lover if he's already lost two wife's before this chapter was ovet. How many more women is this supposed to be great lover going to lose before this story is over?

dgfergiedgfergiealmost 3 years ago

quite a running commentary and a lot of casual sex. Don't know how you guys do it getting all these women, I've been with to women in my life and I married both of them. At 78 there ain't much time left and things don't work as well as they used to. Keep writing, you do need some kind of a plot here though.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Too much cheating and then off to the lala land of crack cocaine and bbc. Too much bullshit for one story.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 8 years ago
Too honest?

We usually assume stories ars pure fiction, tinged with real world experience. I can't say what this is. I have similar schooling, loved english, but engineering paid better. Flunked calculus and physics first semester, but persevered to get an engineering degree.

Anyway, the character likes to tell us how he is so much better than most people in almost everything, which true or not, isn't an admirable trait. Emotionally he's a cold fish. The tale would be better if emotions were expressed.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
From your descriptions of the rampant and widespread adulterous and fornicatious....

....interchanges, I'm thoroughly baffled that venerial diseases weren't also rampant in the groups.

This story was very rough-feeling and perfunctory where it might have better served to offer more detail and more explanation of the mindsets, feelings, etc. you and others experienced through all this.

That you married and divorced twice in such quick succession, suggests that perhaps, your feelings notwithstanding, the institution was not well suited to you and your proclivities.

Thank you.

justbobkcjustbobkcover 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks again!

To everyone who is reading my writings and especially leaving comments.

"Anonymous" seems to be the most critical - perhaps a gentle reminder to "them" that my reminisces are worth exactly what you are paying for them... ;-)

But a few of the more detailed and thoughtful comments I really do think about. I have a feeling perhaps many of those readers are a little older and approaching even my own age now and understand how very, very different life in the USA is now from that time in the 1970's that is now basically two whole generations ago - or even longer.

Chapter 3 should be available tomorrow and I am on Chapter 6 of my "memoirs" on my laptop and still not finished, but have some reediting to do on them before posting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A ** for the effort. Not much else there. Writing your own disjointed biography may well be cathargic for you. But this jumbled mess is not much for the reader.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Boy did this writer kill this story

Part 2 was a ménage a trios. Screwing , fucking, breaking marriage contract. A really mess up story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
might as well have called it Monopoly

Because it had nothing to do with chess. If that's an autobiographical story, sorry for your boring life

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Improving. 2nd Installment should have been the first though. Uncomfortable truths were explored.

It started to get weird ( a good thing ) instead of premiere installment's fumblings and bumblings. The narrator isn't a saint, but has a healthy work ethic and takes fiscal care of his kids. Frankly that's more then many estranged fathers did in those low enforcement days. I was a skier , so featured mountain outing hit a chord.

I don't even blame first wife for straying too much. They got married way too young and stultifying housewife and mom identity left her ripe for temptation. It doesn't help she has mental health issues .

I like that the author is being honest , how ugly incidents aren't being glossed over. This writing isn't polished, but it's comprehensible. Consequences, direct and roundabout, are manifested from extramarital actions. Life isn't a bowl of cherries. I thank the author for hard work and not hewing to cliches.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
Still an autobiography...

Still an autobiography...But not good enough...What happened to his children? He never saw or contacted them again? He fought her because a few bucks and didn't fought for the guardianship of his children, the mother being what she was and having the life she had? So just 2*

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Really bad

So poorly written as to be almost incomprehensible. Seems to be an autobiography of a bunch of really sad, stupid people. You should not write any more. Two bad chapters is enough.

WindySwimmingWindySwimmingover 8 years ago

What a sad boring story. A reader develops no empathy for any of the characters,. If this is reminiscing about your own life then suggest future work be enhanced with more fictional creative imagery in the character development.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
wow what a fucked up life

2* why leave two kids with a whoring BBC dope using slut?

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