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She fumed all the way home. Not only had Sensei ignored her, but Sally had been tapped on the shoulder, and held back as the class left. Worse yet, it happened again the next week. Sally was kept back. Daphne thought she was angry, but she knew what she really wanted: for Sensei to notice her, to praise her, to tap her shoulder and keep her back. She worked even harder in class, trying to please him. But her mind was too full.

Finally, the third week after the "lesson," she resigned herself to losing out to Sally, and put thoughts of praise aside. She focused her mind and did it for herself, not for Sensei's eye. The class was over before she knew it, the time having passed unnoticed in her concentration. She was surprised by the hand on her shoulder.

"You concentrated well in class. It is time for your next lesson. Go to my office and kneel on the cushion behind the desk. Close your eyes and wait for me."

Her eyes were closed as instructed when she heard the door open. She resisted the urge to turn and look. She never heard him enter, but she sensed his presence behind her. Silently his hands came around her again. It began as a repeat of the previous lesson. Her knees were already spread wide this time, so no words were needed. When his hands stopped in front of her sex, she could feel the energy and desire build.

Then the phone rang, and his hands disappeared. Between rings, she heard him shift behind her, and then a speakerphone echoed Sally's voice.

"Daphne, Daphne, are you there?" Sal sounded out of breath. Daphne didn't know whether she should answer, but her indecision was made irrelevant when he said, "She's listening. Tell her what's happening."

"Oh God, Daphne, Ken Lee, from our self-defense class, he's here and he stripped me and tied me. He's going to spank me, and you have to help me. You are the..." Whack! "Ow!...only one that can."

He spoke again. "Tell her what she has to do."

"Please, Daphne, you have to come. Ken will spank me until..." Whack! "Oh, shit......until you come."

"Open your eyes, Daphne," he commanded. He was naked, by the door that led to the dojo floor. The half-silvered door. The door through which she could see a naked Sally tied to something like a sawhorse, butt up. A rosy butt, with Ken Lee, naked and erect, with his hand raised. A cell phone lay on the floor beneath Sally's face.

"Tell her what to do, Sally."

"Please, Daphne, touch yourself." Whack! "...Unngh. Do it, Daphne. Please."

As if controlled by an external force, her hands cupped her breasts, and she began to caress them gently. She slowly moved her hands down, blushing furiously. She tentatively stroked her mound, blushing furiously under his gaze.

"Daphne?" Whack! "Are you doing it? Please do it, Daphne."

"She's doing it, but without much enthusiasm. Could be a long night for you, Sally."

Whack! "Shit, that stings! Oh, Lord, Daphne, do it fast. Make yourself come!"

Daphne speeded up her stroking, but she was distracted. She couldn't take her eyes off him, and that erection. But she was seeing Sally in her mind's eye, tied and spanked, almost wishing it were her in Sally's place.

Whack! "Oooow."

"She's doing better now, Sally, but I think it will be slow going like this. Do you think I should help her, Sally?"

"Yesss! Let him have you, Daphne. Let him make you..." Whack! "...make you come."

Once again, his hands hovered over her mons, over her hands, never touching. Once again, the heat seemed to concentrate in her abdomen, then in her groin. And then she came. Loudly, fully, feeling complete release. The pleasure was suddenly overshadowed by a feeling of transcendence in her mind-a feeling of oneness with all, yet nothingness at the same time. And then it was gone, leaving the departing flashes of pleasure like the aftershocks of an earthquake.

She lay back with her legs open in silent invitation. She waited for him to enter her. Instead, his erection wilted and he spoke into the phone.

"She came."

She heard, "Oh, thank you, Daphne. Thank you. I don't know how much longer I could have taken it. Shit, I'm hot."

Then Ken Lee's voice, "I have my finger in her, and she's wet as hell. What should I do to her, Daphne?"

Daphne was surprised when she heard her own voice whisper, "Fuck her hard."

He repeated her words into the phone, "She said, 'Fuck her hard,' Ken."

She saw Ken move behind Sally, and heard a gasp, and then the phone went dead. He pulled a curtain across the door and shrugged on his clothes.

"You didn't concentrate this time, Daphne. You let yourself be distracted. I could feel the chi, but it was unfocused. I thought you had shown me you could overcome distraction. Work on the yoga. When you are ready, we'll have another lesson." He walked out.

She slumped back, her mind in turmoil. In a corner of her mind, she noted that she was not troubled deeply by what she had done, as to how it affected her marriage. Pushing those worries and feelings into an "I'll think abouy it later box" in her head, instead, she was crushed that he had scolded her. And rejected her. What did he want me to do? she thought. Sally on the phone, me naked and masturbating in front of a man not my husband... How was I to concentrate on chi, damn it? Deeper, where she could pretend it wasn't so, she wondered why he didn't find her attractive enough to take her.

Keeping the incident in a mental box, she went about her normal routines. Some guilt trickled out, usually expressed by going out of her way to please her husband, but mostly she applied herself to acting as if nothing had happened. With two exceptions: she tried to avoid having to speak to Sally, and she skipped her classes at the dojo. She knew if she saw either Sensei or Sally, she would not be able to hide her embarrassment.

After missing two classes, he called. "Be in class tomorrow."

No greeting, no inquiries as to why she had missed, just a one-sentence command, and a connection broken. She tried to feel anger, outrage at his presumption, but couldn't sustain it. She was in class the next day.

And nothing happened. She and Sally had exchanged blushes, and sealed with their eyes an unspoken pact not to speak about it. They found that they dropped easily back into their prior relationship, with only the tiniest wariness of each other. Sensei acted no differently, making his usual critiques of her technique and focus. A great weight, that she had not known had existed, was lifted from her.

After a while, though, she began to get depressed. Three classes... three weeks... and no instruction to stay late. She was not sure she wanted to get the summons. She still wasn't letting herself think about how this all related to her husband, but she couldn't help wondering what was wrong with her.

Twice in those three weeks, Sally had stayed late. Daphne had waited outside, parked down the street. Sally had come out about an hour and a half later, obviously bantering and flirting with Ken Lee and Sensei as they locked up. She wondered what Sally had that she didn't. But she knew what Sally had. Comparative youth and that gorgeous body. How was she to compete?

The depression didn't last. Daphne was strong-minded anyway, and she found that her work in the dojo had given her discipline to go with that strength, when she used it. She found that she could now easily put aside her jealousy of Sally, and enjoy the intimacy that her friendship offered again. Indeed, she found the inner resources to transcend many of life's small intrusions, while concentrating on building herself from the inside. Her husband had noticed the change, commenting on her serenity and self-confidence.

The feeling of energy built inside her easily as she did her exercises now, leaving her feeling vigorous and refreshed, even after a strenuous session. And her sex life had blossomed. She sought out her husband often, and performed with an abandon that she had never had before, even better than with the novelties of youth.

Her husband had not commented directly, but after many years of routine, he was suddenly inclined to impromptu gestures of affection: unexpected flowers, mouthing "I love you" across the room at a party, hand-drawn cards and notes. Neither of them complained.

Having put the strange and sexual "lessons" out of her head as some kind of experiment by Sensei that didn't work, now given up as a failure, she was surprised when he called. As usual, there were no polite inquiries as to how she was doing, just a statement and a command. "You have progressed well. You are ready for another lesson. There is an envelope on your front door with instructions." That was all.

She quickly put down the phone, and hurried to the door. The envelope had been wedged between the door and jamb, and it fell when she opened the door. She grabbed it and ripped it open. "I will be at your house tomorrow at two. Leave the front door unlocked. You will be on your exercise mat, nude, blindfolded, in the extended Child's Posture. When you hear me approach, you will raise your hips off of your heels and wait. You will not move, take off the blindfold, or speak, or the lesson will end. To confirm that you are ready for your lesson, and that you understand your instructions, you will tape a note to the outside of your door, written out in your handwriting, that says exactly the following: 'Nudity is required. No talking, or it will be ended. I am on my exercise mat, in the correct posture, waiting.'"

He can't be serious, she thought. Does he really expect me to kneel, blindfolded, with my bare butt up for whatever stranger tries the door? She tore the note in half and tossed it in the little trash container by the door. When her husband arrived and went on to the bedroom to change, she had quickly pulled the note out again, hiding it in her current book. To make sure he doesn't happen upon it, she told herself. It took all her newfound discipline get through that night without seeming unduly distracted.

The next day she told herself that she should call Sensei to tell him not to bother. But she remembered he closed the dojo on Wednesdays, and she didn't know his home number. Well, she thought, he'll get the message when the door is locked with no note.

At five minutes to two, she was no longer trying to kid herself. The door was unlocked, the note was there, and she was nude on her mat, making the salaam that was the extended Child's Posture. She was doing every meditative exercise she could think of to stay calm. When she heard the door open, her resolve almost faltered. Her hands started for the blindfold, as she began to raise her forehead from the mat. But then she mentally shook herself, and focused inward. She pushed her fear from her mind, and let it clear. She had already begun to feel the warmth, the energy, gathering in her as she relaxed. Her will was gone, dissipated like dew under the sun. She knew she would submit to him.

When she heard the steps behind her, she raised her hips, keeping her forehead on the floor and her arms extended in front of her. In a corner of her mind, she knew the vision she presented. There was only one reason for her to be in this position, and she knew she wanted it. She was going to be fucked. She assumed it would be Sensei. If not, it would be at Sensei's command. Either way, she was here, now, to offer herself; to be fucked. She felt her labia blossom under the eyes of her unseen observer. She felt like her essence had begun to flow to her mound, a charge building as if she were a thundercloud, getting ready for the lightning to strike.

She sensed him go to his knees behind her. She was not surprised when she felt him enter her in one sure thrust. She had expected his entry to discharge her build up, but instead, his steady, long strokes seemed to pump her up. She was surprised when she heard someone walk to her front and kneel. It was a man's smell. She almost spoke, before accepting her position.

The man in front of her put his hands gently on her head and raised her up. She felt something on her lips, and took him into her mouth. She half expected this to break the spell, but instead the erection in her mouth also seemed to pump that charge, that energy, into her.

It couldn't have been long that they were in her, but to her it seemed like forever. The two men pumped, literally and figuratively. She felt almost like a balloon, getting bigger and bigger. Wanting, needing, to burst. But getting no release yet. And then she heard the door open again. The two men held her still. The cock in her mouth began to spurt, and she was forced to swallow. She thought the man in her vagina had also come. Then, as quietly as they had come, they withdrew. She heard them exit through the glass doors.

She put her forehead to the floor again and waited. Again she heard the footsteps, and sensed someone kneeling behind her. She felt a hand rub her wet slit, and then another erection entered her. But this time it was no long steady stroke-it was fast and hard. Hands gripped her hips and pulled her back against him. Her cheeks bounced off his pelvis. She felt herself reaching the breaking point. She could take no more. She exploded in orgasm. She felt the built-up charge arc out of her body like a spark - no, like lightning. Her sheath convulsed again and again, and her silence was no more. She moaned out her pleasure and her release. Her fervor was too much for the man behind her. He jammed his cock in as far as it would go and grunted out his own release, convulsing himself several times. Again she felt that fleeting sense of transcendence, the feeling of all, and of nothing. Then she lost consciousness.

When she awoke, her blindfold was off and her husband was pushing back damp, stray strands of hair from her forehead. His own forehead showed beads of sweat, but his flushed face sported an enormous grin. She idly wondered if he had seen Sensei and the other man leave, if knew he had slid into another man's come. Still not speaking, he got up and offered her his hand. They walked, nude, to the bathroom. It wasn't until they stood, arms around each other in the shower spray, with a newly erect cock pressed between them that a word was spoken.

He said, "I love you. I can't believe you did this. I was hard all the way home after I got your message." For a second, she was puzzled. She had not left a message. Then she smiled, and pulled him down to her and kissed him.

"That was amazing. Incredibly intense. I swear, it almost felt like you were taking my excitement and adding yours, and then giving it back to me. Is this some yoga trick? I approve."

She knew then that the power Sensei had over her did not come from him, but rather was given to him by her. She had just demonstrated to herself she could share that power with her husband, her love. Sensei was exciting, but he was no longer necessary.

"Yeah, the yoga has done something for me that makes the sex with you great again. But it also affects me in class. Sensei has hinted that my chi is tied up with my sexuality, and that I will only progress if my lessons involve sexual activities. I think he is right. Lord knows I get so hot I want to fuck the nearest man when I feel the pressure of chi. So I've decided to quit the classes."

"Are you sure? I've never seen you so happy and confident, and I know I enjoy the side effects."

"Babe, let me make it clear to you. He mentioned tantric sex to me in the last class. I looked it up on the Internet. There was a lot of mumbo jumbo about chakras and delayed or continuous orgasms that affect spirituality, but there is no doubt in my mind that the lessons will involve real sex. Sensei, and maybe others, having sex with me. I belong to you, my husband. I know that as sure as I know anything. I won't do anything to hurt you." She blushed and looked down, remembering what she had already done, but determined not to let it happen again.

"Daphne, do you love him? Do you want him?"

The questions shocked her, but helped her resolve her last bit of confusion. "No, honey, I don't love him. I respect him and admire him. And yes, I want him. Or rather, I want to continue the journey. If I go back, sooner or later, I'll let him have me. So I'm not going back."

He bent her over and took her from behind. As he thrust himself into her, he said, "Go back to class next week." Again the heat built in her. She hardly noticed as the hot water began to tail out.

This time, when she saw Sensei at the next class, it was she that nodded. His return bow was deep. It was better than effusive praise. She wondered what the next lesson would be.

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WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Great storey, are you going to add to it, please do! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

HighpikeHighpikealmost 2 years ago

Very fine writing indeed and the ending was quite beautiful. Thank you.

HighpikeHighpikealmost 2 years ago

Very fine writing indeed. Thank you.

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