Children of the Night


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I'm not nearly as sore as they'll be tomorrow, the way they're going at it...

Their pace did not stop or slow, that crashing of bodies a brutal metronome, the relentless whack of flesh on flesh ringing loud in the room. Marceline snarled as she bucked atop her husband, driving herself down onto him, his hips jumping to make sure his shaft was buried inside her. He was quieter, but still growled and grunted, a hand now at her breasts, squeezing at the jiggling mounds, his other hand still tight on her hip.

Even when Nat reached an orgasm several minutes later, the climb there slower and more gradual this time, there was no flagging in their intensity, nothing that indicated exertion, not even breathlessness. Their fitness was evident in their physiques, but she nevertheless found herself in awe of such strength and stamina.

"I want to taste more of her," Marceline snarled down to her husband.

Nat moaned, expecting to be drawn back into the proceedings.

But he only turned his head to the side, now staring straight at her.

Marceline swooped down and closed her mouth around his exposed neck. Enthusiastic slurping replaced snarling, while he just groaned lewdly, his eyes not quite seeing Nat even as they were aimed at her. The mindless lust there was intoxicating anyway, enticing her to send her fingers back through her slit. She still did not care that she was left out, even with the implications of what Marceline had said.

The rhythm did not waver while the older woman slurped at her husband's neck. Their bodies crashed together, rocking the bed, her channel easily swallowing every inch of him again and again, her breasts smushed against his chest but still jiggling from the impacts of their hips.

After another orgasm, Nat slid her fingers from her over-stimulated sex and sank back into the pillows. Her eyes felt heavy, but she battled against the encroaching exhaustion, and won easily, the promise of watching more debauchery a potent motivator. Despite the temptation to masturbate more, especially with the couple still fucking, she kept her hands busy by teasing at her breasts, circling her stiff nipples, caressing at the soft swells around them.

She lost track of time, but did not care, concerned only with watching the couple. They seemed to forget her existence, as even when Marceline leaned back from her husband's neck, neither of them looked in her direction, their eyes locked on each other. Even then, she did not care, already utterly satisfied with the amount of pleasure she had found tonight.

It's more than I've ever had in one night before...hell, it's more than I've had over the last few months...probably longer than that even...

And still, even as her battle against exhaustion grew more difficult, Sebastian and Marceline showed no signs of exertion, no sweat, no breathlessness, nothing but their increasingly ragged growls and groans.

But ecstasy finally claimed them. They succumbed to it together, her slumping down against his chest, him throwing an arm around her to hold her close.

Nat had not dragged her eyes from them, and did not now, even as their ecstasy became afterglow, and they luxuriated in it, also doing so together, her nuzzling deeper into his arms, him kissing at her neck. The violent viciousness gave way to doting affection quite thoroughly.

Aww...that's cute.

Her sigh drew Marceline's gaze, the older woman smiling apologetically when she saw her reclining back against the pillows.

"Sorry we left you out for so long," she purred, resting her head on her husband's chest. "We always get so caught up in each other..."

"Ever since our first time," Sebastian added.

Nat smiled back, hers of delight.

"I loved watching you guys. It was amazing. I thought you'd never stop..."

"We've had some marathons. Times when it would've taken an army to separate us."

"One actually tried once..." Marceline murmured wistfully.

"Mm...that was a fun night."

Nat giggled.

They're weird...but I like it...

She yawned then, and Marceline perked up, looking over to her.

"Are you tired?" she asked, climbing off Sebastian.


She crawled over Nat, who was tired but eager to have that cool figure settle atop her. Instead of settling, however, Marceline continued higher, until she was straddling her head, offering that drenched slit, the pink folds gleaming with slickness, strands of semen leaking out as well.

"Stay awake just a little longer, darling..."

Marceline brought that slit against her mouth.

A wonderful flavor met her taste buds, the combination of those sweet juices and that musky semen. She let her tongue roam over the folds, slurping up more of that flavor, appreciating its piquancy.

The bed shifted by her feet, and she felt hands on her thighs, their grip careful instead of possessive. Marceline looked over her shoulder.

"Go easy on her, my love."

"Of course, angel."

The pleasure that the trio shared was calmer now. As Nat drank deep of the mingled bodily fluids staining those folds, Sebastian licked all over hers, both taking their time, indulging in a more laid-back lust. Marceline smiled down at Nat, stroking at her hair, staying still to let her work at her own pace.

Mouthful after mouthful trickled down her throat. The mix of feminine dew and creamy seed did not lose its luster even after she had gulped down plenty. In fact, she found herself more enthralled by the flavor with every curl of her tongue.

Down between her legs, Sebastian was just as enamored with her juices, his slurping just as loud as hers, his tongue just as thorough as hers. She cooed into the delicious slice of Marceline, very receptive to the splendid sensations even though she was tired and sore. It helped greatly that he made sure to be gentle.

But soon, Marceline moved off her and leaned back against the headboard, still stroking at her hair. Sebastian, at the same time, left her slit, and kissed at her thigh, on the spot he had sunk his teeth into, the bite mark already beginning to disappear. His mouth found her belly next, and he made his way up, peppering her sweat-dappled flesh with more kisses, at both breasts, between them, over her collarbone, her shoulders, her neck, before finally kissing her on the lips.

She cooed as the couple eased her onto her side, facing Sebastian, Marceline sliding in behind her, his arm slinging over their hips to bring the three of them closer together.

"Sleep now, darling," Marceline purred, kissing at her neck, sending an arm around her to rest a hand on her belly.

"You guys are weird," Nat murmured blearily, closing her eyes, "but really hot..."

The last thing she heard before falling asleep was their laughter.


Nat woke up.

I need to pee.

She eased the blanket off herself, and remembered, as a slight ache cropped up at her hips, where she was, and what had happened.

Mm...that was so much fun...hey, where are they?

The room was dark, but when she reached out, she did not find anyone else in the bed.

Still half-asleep, she slipped from its luxurious swath, and padded to the door.

It took her a few seconds to find the light switch.

She bit her lip at the sight of her clothes discarded on the floor, and even half-asleep, a heat bloomed inside her at the memory of the desire in the couple's gaze as they had stared at her nakedness.

That heat was cooled by the banana on the makeup desk, and the note reading 'you should eat me' next to it.

I guess they're...just health-conscious?

She shrugged and snatched the banana up.

Out in the hallway, it was quiet and dark, another light switch turned on showing no sign of the couple.

"Marceline?! Sebastian?!"

Neither answered.

Maybe they're downstairs...

Shrugging off their disappearance, she padded towards the bathroom, starting to peel the banana. Halfway there, a chuff sounded from one of the rooms further down the hall, and Hugo came ambling out.

"Hi, baby!" she chirped, crouching to let him wiggle into her arms and lick at her face.

He chuffed at her again.

"I don't know where they are either."

She continued to the bathroom, him right next to her, accompanying her there as he did if she woke up to pee when she stayed over to take care of him.

Of course, those times, he sleeps in the guest room with me, instead of me sleeping with his owners...

Once she ate the banana, and finished in the bathroom, she padded back to the bedroom. Hugo chuffed at her as they neared his room, and she gave him a kiss on the forehead before he ambled inside.

As she neared the bedroom, she heard voices from inside, and felt a cold breeze.

"Natalie really whet my appetite," Sebastian commented.

"Oh yes, our darling Natalie is quite exquisite," Marceline purred.

I've never been called that before...

Nat blushed as she slipped back inside the room, the couple over by the open window, in each other's arms.

"Where'd you guys go?" she asked, shivering from another cold breeze.

"We could ask you the same thing," Marceline replied smoothly.

"I had to pee..."

"Well, we were hungry, so we went to get something to eat."

"Oh, cool," Nat said, going over to the bed and climbing on. "What'd you guys have?"

They shared a quick look.


"Cool," Nat said through a yawn, that yawn mingling with another shiver. "I love Chinese food...sesame chicken's my favorite."

"Close the window, my love," Marceline directed her husband, "we wouldn't want her to catch a cold."

As Nat burrowed back under the blanket, he closed the window, and drew the black curtains securely.

"Go to sleep, darling." Marceline said. "We'll join you in a moment."


But as the couple began to undress, she watched them instead. They were wearing the same outfits as at dinner, and she looked back and forth between them, at his muscular physique, at her slender figure, biting her lip as they revealed more and more of their alluring bodies, until he was wearing only briefs and she was clad in just panties, her bare breasts bouncing lightly to her approach, him right behind her. Nat noticed dimly that their skin was pinker, the paleness she had gotten used to replaced by a heady blush.

Marceline slipped under the blanket on one side, and snuggled closer, purring as she wrapped an arm around Nat's hip. Nat cooed, returning the favor, and noticed another difference: she was warm now, her body giving off a delightful heat that helped Nat forget the cold that the open window had allowed inside. The older woman gave her a tender kiss.

Sebastian slipped in behind her, and she shivered as another source of delightful heat nuzzled up against her, his hand landing on her thigh, the bulge of his cock nudging into the small of her back through his briefs, that contact making her coo again. Now intimately hemmed in, trapped between husband and wife, she turned her head, and he kissed her.

"Close your eyes," he murmured, "go back to sleep."

" guys are so warm now..."

Marceline laughed lightly.

"A good meal gets the blood pumping."

" guys should see a doctor," she answered through a yawn. "Maybe you have anemia or something..."

Marceline smiled in amusement while Sebastian kissed at her neck.

"Go to sleep, Natalie."


She closed her eyes, luxuriating in the heat surrounding her.


Nat woke up.

The room was still dark, but this time, she could feel the couple on either side of her.

What time is it?

Carefully, not wanting to disturb them, she extricated herself from their arms, and slipped off the bed. They did not stir even a bit.

They must be really tired...

The curtains were heavy, but she managed a peek around them, not wanting to open them in case it was light out.

The sun shone high in the sky, hanging over the grounds.

Huh...we might've overslept...I should probably get home.

There was a brief temptation to simply climb back into bed with the couple, but errands called.

I hadn't planned on spending the night.

Still moving carefully, she found and gathered up her clothes.

Maybe I should say goodbye...nah, I'll let them sleep.

She dressed in the hallway, and after stopping at the bathroom, headed downstairs.

Her purse was in the drawing room, where she had left it last night, and her phone let her know it was already past noon.

Wow...they are late sleepers...and I guess I was tired too.

She headed back towards the foyer.

"Leaving so soon?" came a voice as she stepped into the foyer.

She peeked back into the living room, and saw Sebastian at the foot of the stairs, wearing briefs and a gentle smile.

Huh...he must've come down those stairs really quickly...I didn't see him at all...

He came forward, her eyes glancing down to the bulge in his briefs.

"Yeah," she said apologetically, "I should get home. Have a few errands to run. I would've said goodbye, but I didn't want to wake you guys. Seemed like you were sleeping deeply."

"Well, we sleep very well after a big meal."

She frowned.

" guys didn't have much at dinner."

His smile widened as he stopped in front of her, just outside the foyer.

"We ate after you fell asleep. Positively feasted."

"Yeah, that's right, you guys said you got something to eat. Chinese, right?"

"Mm-hmm. It was quite delicious."

"I didn't take you guys for Chinese food lovers," she teased.

He chuckled.

"We appreciate all cultures. How did you sleep, by the way?"

"I slept great. Best sleep I've had in a while. Probably because of you guys."

She bit her lip as she remembered how they had hemmed her in so intimately, Marceline's smiling face in front of her, Sebastian's soft sigh on her neck, the former's hand on her hip, the latter's on her thigh.

"And did you enjoy yourself, Natalie? With us?"

"Oh, of course! I really did. You guys are...really hot. Weird, but hot."

He chuckled again.

"I remember you telling us that last night."

She smiled.

"Yeah. It was fun, though. I had an amazing time."

"We did as well. Our only regret was that we couldn't have more of you."

"You could've had as much of me as you wanted," she murmured.

You little slut...

His eyebrows raised.

"We'll keep that in mind for next time."

She blushed.

"Next time?"

"If you'll have us again."

Her blush deepened.

"Of course. How could I say no to that?"

"Good, very good! I look forward to it, and I know Marceline will as well. See you hopefully soon, Natalie."

With a nod, he turned and headed back towards and up the stairs.

She watched, appreciating his physique, until he was out of sight.

Outside, the sun was shining brightly, the chilly morning warmed by its rays.

She took a few seconds to bask in that warmth, before pulling out her phone to set up an Uber.

A bark sounded from nearby.

Hugo came running towards her, and she crouched to let him run into her arms.

"Hi, baby, good morning! Or should I say, good afternoon..."

He chuffed, wriggling in her embrace, his goofiness making her giggle.

"I might have to come visit you more often," she told him, "so I can see your parents."

He chuffed again, completely ignorant to the heat that bloomed inside her at that thought.

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CasualnagaCasualnagaalmost 3 years ago

This is extremely well written. I would love to see more from this. I couldn't stop reading it.

nadaliwnadaliwalmost 4 years ago
Great story 5 stars

Well written story that was laid out perfectly. I felt Nats nervousness and affection for this eccentric couple. Can't wait for the second dinner party.

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