Chronicles of a Shared Wife Ch. 20.5


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During our warm friendly conversation, Beryl asked more questions about our relationship with Rita, enquiring how we'd become friends, had she any friends at work, and what we did on our weekends together, where we liked to go out etc.

Obviously I didn't reveal the true nature of our friendship, but as I described most of what we did together I couldn't shake the impression Beryl suspected there was more, silly I know seen as we'd only just met.

The time passed quickly and soon John was off to fetch Rita on his own, she was too concerned about the tiniest possibility of her sister being seen in town by old friends, acquaintances etc...and her presence getting back to Carl.

When Rita did finally arrive back at our house, I watched Beryl's reaction closely as her sister came ambling into view down our hallway, halting at the kitchen door...briefly frozen as the two laid eyes on each other.

There's a look of surprise in Beryl's gaze, as though somehow not expecting to see her sister, I watch her eyes briefly fall to Rita's bandaged hand and wrist then back up again...eyes beginning to glisten as she wells up.

A second later Beryl is up out her chair and striding towards Rita arms outstretched.

The pair embrace for the first time in years, two sisters at long last reunited. It is truly an emotional scene and one that sets the tone of our evening together.

I can't help but shed a tear myself as I watch and listen to them reminisce. However, Beryl is also here on a mission and her goal soon comes into focus.

Beryl's character is the polar opposite of Rita's, her confidence soon taking charge of the situation. Addressing the issue of her sister's latest injury and using it as an example of how she cannot go on 'living like this'.

Rita is significantly quiet as Beryl forces the point by assuring her that she will be getting the police involved if anything happens again, something which in the past would have provoked a very strong reaction from Rita.

But once again she is noticeably quiet, the old defence of threatening suicide not used, just a gentle nod of understanding accompanied by a distant thoughtful expression.

Beryl keeps up the pressure with positive persuasion, once again offering her sister a clean break and a chance of a new life up north with her family.

For the others in the room it appears from Rita's silence that everything is on a knife edge and could go either way, however as I suspected, my friend has already made her mind up.

In the end it comes down to another nod of the head and a quiet, unceremonious, 'alright'.

For a brief moment there is a stunned silence from the small group gathered at our kitchen table...and then...a huge sense of relief engulfs us all.

We have done it, at last our combined efforts have paid off. Everyone gathers around Rita to give her a hug and praise her for making the right decision. It is truly a wonderful moment of collective elation, one that I will never forget.

After the jubilant atmosphere calms down we begin working out the more serious matter of our friend's escape. Beryl wants Rita to go with her and Kathy back to aberdeen on sunday, even accessing the rail website and preparing to book a ticket for tomorrow's train.

But Beryl's enthusiasm is short lived as Rita points out that she can't possibly go tomorrow, she hasn't packed anything, clothes, medicines, sentimental items like photographs and items of jewellery etc.

She has a valid point, and unfortunately it appears that Rita will have to endure another week of living with Carl, it's a horrible situation but unavoidable.

Rita's great escape is rescheduled for the following weekend. It's agreed that Beryl and Kathy will return to aberdeen tomorrow and prepare for Rita's arrival, get her accommodation ready etc.

Meanwhile at this end Rita will identify what she needs to bring with her and create an inventory of items which can be packed as soon as Carl leaves to see his, 'bit on the side' saturday afternoon.

We then pick her up as usual on the evening but instead of coming back here take our friend to the station where she will be packed off for her new life up north.

All that will be waiting for Carl upon his return is an empty house and a short note.

There is a real sense of excitement and camaraderie within our little group, we talk long into the night and it's the wee small hours of sunday before I lay down into bed, feeling contented with a real sense of accomplishment.


The next day there are more tears shed as Rita bids a farewell to her sister and niece and waves them off at the station, after which our friend is returned home and hence once more, placed into danger.

I feel so utterly powerless, we tried to get the police involved but Rita would have none of it, being too anxious of him denying everything and the subsequent court case.

And so, what followed was the most stressful week of my life as we held our breath, praying that Rita would be alright and that Carl wouldn't get wind of our plans.

At work Rita expressed concern about just up and leaving the job, something she'd never done before. Normally you had to work a period of notice but this was not possible as one of our work mates knew her hubby and there was a chance she might mention Rita's leaving during small talk.

Of all the things to worry about, this seemed to affect her the most, particularly friday her last day at the job. I promised Rita to tell Dawn, the boss, after she'd gone why she had to leave with no notice, reassuring our friend that I would not go into detail but explain carefully.

Eventually saturday evening arrived and although she dragged her heels, time reluctantly relented...granting us an emotional farewell.

Setting off in the car to pick Rita up for the last time, I was torn between emotions. Obviously this was a happy occasion because she had been set free and this was the beginning of a new life for her, we, had won.

But equally clear was the fact a very special friend was about to leave us, although not for good of course, we would visit as often as possible. But, there was a sense of finality...another chapter of my life coming to an end.

And as such, it was with a lump in my throat and a fight against the tears that I laid eyes on our friend stood outside the little church waiting, next to a large suitcase.

For so long we had picked her up from here, a secret place, our special place...and now it was the last time.

John stopped the car and got out to put Rita's case in the boot whilst I changed my front seat for the back, next to our friend.

Rita looked very nervous as could be expected, during the journey she was quiet and kept gazing out the window...deep in thought. I tried to imagine what she must feel like, leaving everything that is familiar behind...the good things as well as the bad.

Squeezing her hand she turns briefly away from the window and offers me a nervous smile, smiling reassuringly back I tell her that she'll be alright and we'll be up to visit her as soon as we can.

Rita doesn't reply but gently squeezes my hand and returns to gazing out the window, no doubt contemplating what is about to happen. It's a big step for anyone but she has been through so much and I can't help but wonder if there are second thoughts creeping in, a worrying prospect for sure but one I can't do much about except try and keep her mind on something positive and keep talking.

The short journey to the station seems to drag but we do eventually arrive and John parks the car before we all head off onto the platform with just a few moments to spare.

The moment I've longed for and dreaded at the same time, has arrived. As the train pulls in and begins slowing to a stop next to us I once again reassure Rita that we will keep in touch and be up to visit her, hopefully the following weekend.

We all embrace together, myself, john and Rita, a special moment for a unique trio.

In other circumstances I may have wondered to myself what anyone watching us may be thinking, what they might say if they knew the true nature of our friendship? But all I can focus on is how much I'm going to miss our friend.

With most folk boarded and the final whistle about to sound, John helps Rita on with her case then steps back as the doors close.

We watch and wave as the harsh whistle sounds and the train begins to move, quickly picking up pace.

My last glimpse of Rita, for a little while at least, is of her waving back just before disappearing behind several other folk in the crowded carriage.

Standing there for another moment watching until the train rounds a corner and is gone from occurs to me at that moment that I always seem to be saying goodbye to someone special these days.

With Rita now safely away I'm suddenly hit by a wave of delightful relief, and after a week of anxious torment it feels like bliss.

Turning to John, he beams down at me before stooping for a kiss, then we head off hand in hand...our shared relief tinged a little by sadness as another part of our journey draws to a close.

End of chapter 20.


In the days that followed Rita's departure I was in a kind of daze as I came to terms with what had happened, and my friend's absence, which was particularly noticeable at work.

On the monday after Rita's escape, I requested a private word with Dawn our boss at the store. I told her some of what had transpired, but watered the truth down considerably. She was very understanding and even promised to still offer Rita a good reference despite not working her notice.

As for my friend, the first few days of freedom were a very anxious time. Sunday afternoon was when Carl usually got back from seeing his mistress, only this time he had a shock waiting for him at home.

Rita had previously told me that her note, left on the kitchen table simply said, 'gone to live with my sister and won't be back'.

On sunday evening, Beryl answered her sisters phone to an incredulous Carl. I would have loved to hear the tone of his voice as he realised he'd no more control over Rita...all of it gone.

He was predictably angry as Beryl tried to explain that Rita had left him for good and wanted a divorce immediately. There was no love lost between these two and Carl, in his furious state, lost his own control and made some very serious threats of violence towards both Beryl and Rita if she did not return.

Apparently Beryl let him rant on for a while before calmly informing an irate Carl that he was being recorded. She knew before taking the call what he would probably do, and so was prepared, Rita's phone on speaker.

And so, with this latest proof of how violent Carl could be, plus the threat of Rita going to the police...

Once safely away from Carl's influence, Rita had allowed herself to be persuaded to use the threat of police involvement, only going through with it if necessary, as all she wanted was a quick divorce and nothing more to do with him.

After being given an ultimatum, accept the divorce or the police will be paying a visit, Carl relented and agreed to comply. In the end what he was more concerned about was the latest vile threats which had been recorded, such was his callous disregard for Rita and their marriage.

Carl agreed to a divorce rather than face the prospect of going to prison, and the wheels were set in motion to end something that had never really existed, had he ever loved his wife? I don't think so.

Seven months later Rita got the divorce through, not that it really mattered by then as she was busy getting on with her new life.

We are still in touch with her on a regular basis, by phone as well as email, and travel up to visit twice a year. She's made a lot of friends and her confidence has soared.

The 'special' part of our close friendship has come to an end, due to Rita being in a relationship now. However, in the early days of her liberation from Carl we enjoyed getting up to our usual hanky-panky during monthly visits, being very discreet of course.

Rita's first home, a small one bedroom flat, made for an interesting venue. But soon she moved to a nice two bedroom cottage in a small coastal town to the north of the city, where she has sea views and regularly walks on the beach, indeed, this is how Rita met the new man in her life.

A happy ending? Of course, and a well earned one for our friend. Unfortunately she does still bear the scars of many years of abuse, both physical and psychological.

I honestly thought that she would never trust another guy again, but this man she's with now is very kind and patient and understands what she's been through.

They are taking things slowly, a day at a time.

Everybody loves a happy ending and for me, when Rita first escaped, that was it. She had finally come to her senses and broken free of Carl's evil influence.

However, for John and our good friend Dave who both despise men that treat women like Carl had, just Rita's freedom wasn't quiet enough...and that's all I'm prepared to say about that.

Author's note.

After a short break I will return with our last few adventures to date, the first of which will be posted here in voyeur/exhibition. Thank you for reading.

Pippa x

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averagejimmaveragejimm3 months ago

A heart-warming story

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit513 months ago

I love happy endings! And dear Rita went through so much pain, both physical and mental, at the hands of her cruel husband. It's so satisfying to know you and John were able to break through her walls of fear and reluctance to help her enjoy her life again. More than that, you were able to help Rita blossom sexually. I bet she was surprised to find she could enjoy intimacy again, not only with a skilled lover like John, but with you as well together. It's really so satisfying to see how you were able to overcome her shyness and fears and help her really spread her wings in a sensual way. Of course as you said, she has a long way to go in her recovery. Sounds like she is well on her way, with the assistance of a new loving partner.

Hats off to you, Pippa, for having the courage to piece the torn note from Beryl together and make contact. And Beryl showed strength and patience in her desire to reconnect with her long-lost sister. In the end, she wasn't lost, but found. And you all helped in your own ways to get Rita back on her own personal journey of healing. And with some very hot moments along the way! How you and Rita double teamed on John is the stuff of many wild male fantasies. We all dream of the opportunity to be so seduced. Well played, indeed!

It's also very satisfying to understand the evil ex-husband receives his comeuppance, even as it's obliquely referred to. I believe karma will visit those who do bad things. Sometimes it takes awhile, but life has a way of evening the score in mysterious ways.

Looking forward to your continuing adventures with great anticipation!

Dr_DDr_D3 months ago

Just wow, Pippa. Beautiful. Thank you!

JBEdwardsJBEdwards3 months ago

This has been truly an amazing roller-coaster ride with Rita, John, Carl, Beryl, etc. Here in NYC we have shelters for battered women, as I'm afraid the brutality of husbands towards their wives knows no international boundaries. Much more needs to be done. We need our own Scotland and wealthy sisters! You told the story beautifully (and yes, I enjoyed the sexy bits quite a lot). More power to you and John, and peace on Earth to all (that last wish seems especially elusive right now...) Love and hugs, JB

Anjin1962Anjin19623 months ago

This is something you and John can be truly proud of, as without your love and caring support, Rita may not have escaped. A shame that the new partner isn't open to joining you both, that could be the fuel for several adventures. Well done Pip, you write so well, it is totally captivating.

lovemesomephillylovemesomephilly3 months ago

Loves this. Hope Dave and your husband gave him as much payback as they could.

Wiz1002Wiz10023 months ago

Yes, everyone loves a happy ending and this didn’t disappoint. So glad the Rita found happiness and was removed from the threat of further physical and mental violence.

It was a shame that the three of you never overcame Rita’s reluctance to “perform” full in your presence but I’m sure John will always remember the shared blow jobs he received from both of you. However I’m not sure I could even ejaculate in the mouth of a woman who would always say “Yuk” at the thought of tasting cum - would be a passion killer for me straight away.

I’m looking forward, as always, to the next period of your sexploits, looks like you may be getting your big beautiful tits out for some lucky guys??!!

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