City of Love


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"What?" she said, faux confusion her expression. "I packed with a romantic weekend in mind. Remember?"

"Jesus! Poor Barry!"

"Say again?"

"Uhh...Nothing," I said, quickly picking up the glasses. "Here you go."

"Ah, you read my mind. You're pretty good at that."

Wine glasses clinked. Eye contact remained unbroken as the rich liquid tumbled past slick lips.

"I take it you haven't found anything to watch?"

"Nah. Can't figure out this French system."

Niamh laughed and placed her hand in mine.

"That's ok. Not really in the mood for a film anyway."

I squeezed her slim fingers.

"Today was fun," she said. "And thanks for sticking with me. It's nice having someone actually be here."

My hand found her shoulder again, before drifting up the side of her neck.

"A warm body so to speak..."

We both put down our wine. Her minty breath grew stronger the closer she got.

"I felt so nervous sending you those pictures. Figured you'd think I'm some sort of weirdo."

I rolled part of the satin fabric between my fingers.

"Well, I was the one who asked for them. Sure, I got more than I expected. But I liked them, Niamh. More than I should have. Guess that makes me a weirdo too."

I lightly tugged her bangs.

"And hey, they did show off your new hair colour."

Her breath was warm as she shuffled closer. She kept eyelids down the whole time. I felt zero guilt as I drank in the sight of her juicy breasts.

"Today was fun."

"You keep saying that, sis."

"No, use my name."


"Sorry. Anxiety I guess. I've been thinking about this moment for so long. Now it's actually here."

Her top hung loose as she leaned into me. I saw hard nipples at the end of luscious breasts before our mouths met. I caressed her face and tasted her lips. Both of us getting used to each other's mouths again, it didn't take long for tongues to touch. Wrapped in my arms, we used our noses to breath. Niamh's soft moans made kissing her neck all the more intimate. My top trapped mischievous fingers from reaching past my abs.

"You must be hot under there?"

The hoody slid over my raised arms. I exhaled as she slowly dragged her hands down my smooth chest. Her eyes still shut. Wet lips roamed over skin and tribal ink in an unapologetic act of worship. Fingers drifted further until they hooked on sweatpants. She would have felt my heart pounding. She knew where the blood was going. I watched in anticipation as the first traces of my manhood emerged. Slowly at first as pants were eased down, I studied Niamh's reaction. Her mouth fell open as the thing she'd teased earlier finally sprang free.

Hungry eyes never wavered from my veiny erection. Soft fingers clasped the base. Usually so calm around women, one can never really be ready for the prospect of his sister's mouth. Hair glancing my thighs followed by lips enveloping my shaft sent the breath from my lungs. Quick and unflinchingly, Niamh knew the way.

"Oh, Sss--Niamh..."

A woman's devoting gaze was one of the best parts of a blowjob. But I guess I shouldn't have been too disappointed. These weren't normal circumstances. The flashing screen of her phone did its best to distract me. With some hesitation, I knocked it to the floor. 'She's busy!' Some messed up part of me wanted to press the little video answer icon and point the camera down. It made no sense that, as tongue twirled and saliva spilled, another unsettling thought struck me.

Earlier that day, Niamh wanted me to hold her; to mimic being her boyfriend. Her playful restaurant phone call and persistent lack of eye contact was part of it too. Shit, was I just overthinking things? Perhaps it was some form of subconscious incestual guilt? Or was it actually possible? Could it be that she was sucking Barry's cock vicariously through me?

She said she'd been thinking about this moment for so long -- of course she had, probably ever since her boyfriend announced the most perfect Valentine's trip. I dropped my hand on her bobbing head. I reminded myself that the photos were a good sign. Normal girls don't share such intimacy with family. My roughness snagging her hair betrayed a brother's lingering irritation.

She touched my chest as she spoke. Dark eyes looked spectacular.

"What's the matter? You're all tense."

I responded by taking the small of her back. Light in my hands, I laid her down on the bed. She looked so beautiful, her hair splayed across the pillow. Rolling on top of her, her lithe body felt incredible beneath me. Saliva bridged our rapid kisses. A man's eyes relayed a lot of information about a woman. But it was the hands, running over Niamh's thin nightie that educated me thoroughly. There was the hardness of her nipples in contrast to the softness of her breasts. The contours of her sleek figure. My hand found its way under her nightie. It pained me that I was unable to shift my unnerving thoughts. 'Please open your eyes! Let them see that it's me!'

Dragging fingers up her smooth thighs, was I going too far? Did she really want this? Did I? Picturing panties crumpled on the bathroom floor, I strummed her moist vagina. Moaning as I switched from trimmed bush to wet skin, her creamy legs parted.

Pants violently stripped from me; it's funny how two bodies in heat care little about the ethics of incest. Cock glanced her inner thigh as I positioned myself. Lean legs fell further apart. It all happened so fast. At the speed of insatiable lust. Her breath warmed my face as the tip slotted inside. Her eyes still closed, who the hell was she really lying with? Some phantom of her romantic weekend? My hips rolled as I sank deeper. I tried not to care. Clay into clay, we were just man and woman finding comfort in one another.

"Oh, Matt!"

Did she know the elation it brought when she graced me with diamond eyes. Legs hugged my lunges as balls tapped her soft hind. I should have been on a barren metro. Niamh's warmth felt much better. Fingers crawled up my greasy back. Restricting myself to slow, gentle thrusts; there was a renewed sense we wanted to make love. Not just have empty sex. The body under me made it near impossible for a man -- brother or not. Her moans a song, my thrusts grew stronger. Her gasps emboldened me. The fool I was to think I could last inside her, I resigned myself to a quick release. Perhaps she'd forgive me. Palms flat against my chest, sharp fingernails punctured me.

I rolled on my back to let my aggressive lover mount. Holding her hair in my fist, her frenzied lips made a trail from my chest to the designs around my torso. Shadows hid the union of our sex.


Hair slipped through fingers as she rose. She moaned, returning attention to the meat inside her. She flicked brunette strands away and churned with her heavenly hips. I placed my hands on her trim waist as my cock discovered unknown delights. Blonde highlights bounced as she rode. The hem of her nightie sitting gloriously high, a thin strap hung loosely on her arm. Light shrieks accompanied the rapid slaps of flesh. The sounds of our mating, the embrace of her forbidden passage, the beauty of her silhouette framed between antique bedposts -- this woman was simply intoxicating. Palms bearing down on my chest, Niamh performed her sexual CPR.

"Yes! Yes! Matt!"

Cries of orgasm filled the room as my balls soaked in her juices. Niamh, thankfully, wasn't a selfish lover. A wry smile on her lips, the aggressive bouncing resumed as she hunted the sensation of my warmth. Palms sliding over my chest, I could never have imagined how good she'd be. Clutching with demented claws, I claimed the clammy cheeks of her bubble butt. Vagina lips contracted as my heart pounded. Eyes locking, mouths fell open to release our silent moan. Niamh rested a hand on my fluctuating belly. Her legs pouring either side of me, she clamped tight the base of my pulsing cock.

"Renée was right about us." she said. "I love you, Matthew."

Her eyes rolled as if savouring each rampant punch of my reckless expulsion. The corner of her mouth curled into a grin at the unrelenting flow of my geyser like deposits. The body on top of me trembled as she took deep every drop I had to offer. She was sleek and soft to the touch. I couldn't be anything but rough. A satin nightie came apart in my hands as lust gave way to life.


Protective arms folded around her as she collapsed into my chest. Not sure what a man might say to his sister at a time like this, I said nothing. I chose instead to run fingers through her hair. Breathing hard, it's not like I had the strength for words anyway. Niamh obviously did.

"I wonder how she really feels? Happy or sad?"

Sexy brown eyes found my confusion.

"Mrs Mona Lisa. Let's go find out tomorrow."

"Maybe she's a bit like you, sis. Neutral."

I adored how she kissed my injured chest.

"No, Matt. Now I'm happy."

I pulled bedsheets around our cooling bodies and turned out the light.

"First we need to swing by my apartment. You can look around while I get a shower and a shave. Not to mention a fresh pair of clothes."

There was no answer from my sleeping beauty. I kissed the crown of her head and closed my eyes. Not for one second did I think my day would end like this. Well, maybe just one. I pressed fingers against flesh to make sure she was real. As part of me softened inside her, I could only hope I'd done a good job of salvaging her Valentine's day. Without question, she'd given me my best ever.


"Do I feel guilty about it? No. You're not just some guy, Matt. You're my brother. I love you."


The light breeze drifting across the room woke me from my dreamy slumber. Despite the return of a February chillness, the place looked even more impressive bathed in the morning sun. I slid out of bed and stretched. The mild sting in my chest brought a grimacing smile to my face. Niamh's phone charging on the locker told me it was just after nine.

I walked barefoot towards swirling curtains and the source of the breeze. Her back to me, she was leaning on the balcony that overlooked the city. Unlike myself, it wasn't technically correct to say that she was in the nude. She wore her beret after all. Hair hung over her left shoulder. Placing my hands on the rail either side of her, chest glanced her backside. It was no effort at all to bring cock snug with bum. Morning stubble scraped her chin as I planted a good morning kiss.

"Let me warm you up mon amant français."

A weak smile was her only response.

"It looks a whole lot smaller from here, doesn't it?" I said.

"But still pretty amazing. Imagine, The Eiffel tower from my bedroom window. Every girl's dream."

Her voice quiet and contemplative, I knew that she was thinking about him. Having booked the room, he would have known about the view. How perfect it would be on this balcony with his arms wrapped around her. It was his vision that I was living. Stealing. Girth swelling between the crack of her cheeks made her forget. She pushed back into me. A hand sliding up to cup succulent breasts, our morning kiss morphed into a snog. The French way.

"Did you hear back from Eloise?" she said.

"I sent her a message saying I wouldn't be around for a few days."

"Ah. Ongoing family emergency?"

"I figured it was more palatable than saying I've fallen in love with my sister."

Not so subtle hips rolled causing cock to prod moistness. I planted kisses around her earring.

"Come back to bed," I whispered

"Why?" she said. "No one is watching. And even if they were, they don't know, Matt. Nobody knows."

Niamh's slim fingers positioned my cock. Gasps collided as I sank into her fertile warmth. Squeezing her breasts, I gave her my impatient thrusts.

"What don't they know, Niamh?"

She whined and moaned as I marked her shoulder with my teeth. Pelvic bone thrashing, she took well my determined drives. Hands roamed over her sexy body as I kissed her neck. I didn't need to look down to know. Wet slaps told me that my cock was already doused in her juices.

"Say it for me."

The divine tingling in my balls grew more intense. She wasn't like any other girl I'd ever been with. I truly struggled to contain myself with Niamh. As rewarding as her cries were, I needed to hear something else. My lips glanced her ear.

"Say it...Before I cum."

Punctuated only by the soft thump of bodies, her sweet words carried across the Parisian sky.

"No one knows how much I love my brother!"

"J'aime ma sœur!"

"J'aime ma frère!"

Her softness caressed my plunging cock. Sweat glazing my chest, I was seconds from giving her everything I had. Far below, passers-by must have looked up when a red beret drifted down on top of them. Throwing her head back, our mouths connected. My warm palm crossed her tummy. Knees buckled as climax consumed us.

There were a thousand good reasons as to why this shouldn't be happening. It should have been Barry's seed flooding a condom, rather than mine flooding his woman. A thousand good reasons vanished into nothing. Fused together on that balcony, our young bodies did what they were always destined to do.


The hotel manager was very polite on the phone. He, more than anyone, understood the passion that filled these rooms. He had to inform us, however, about the complaints received, and if we could just be a little bit quieter next time. We kept the windows shut from then on. We made sure no one else was around when we used the swimming pool.


We did actually manage to fit in some touristy things too. It was Niamh who reminded me that we couldn't spend all day in bed together. I presented some strong arguments as to the contrary. The sights of Paris were stunning. The Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Versailles. They paled in comparison to the balconies, beds, and whatever else was available when alone with my Valentine's.

Niamh held my hand and studied Mona Lisa. I studied my sister in her beautiful summer dress. Perhaps someone had created such wonderful works for the women they loved. Niamh deserved a monument far grander than them all.

But like the saying goes; all good things must come to an end. It was no surprise that emotions ran high on the morning of her flight. Seeing a rare tear, it was like a break up of sorts. But it was probably for the best. Leave behind whatever magical thing my sister and I had as an unforgettable Valentine's in Paris. I mean, it's not like it could realistically go on forever?

On the third day we started swapping photos. It's fair to say that they told a story of their own. The first few weeks were more fantastically inappropriate images of each other. The ultrasound soon followed. As weeks became months, she documented the progress of her bump. Soon it'd be too big to hide. I told myself that it might not be mine. We both knew it was. We didn't really know what we were going to do. If and how we'd break it to Barry? Our family? We figured we'd discuss it all soon. Try and do what was right. I'd buy her a new beret first. I'd give it to her in the airport when she arrived next week.


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Nice story. You should include translations in [brackets] so non-French speakers can enjoy the story too.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

That was lovely and quite erotic. I felt like it ended too soon though. I don't condone cheating at all but I got the sense she really wasn't happy with Barry and was already in love with her brother and had been for a long time, so I can at least understand her; not like she just hooked up with some random guy. Still, it's like breaking the law - even if your reasons are just, it's still viewed as wrong and punishable. She should have broken up with him on the phone then went with her brother if my perception is correct.

I wish it had a follow up where she comes back to her brother, moves in, has their child, and lives happily ever after. I'll just assume that's what happens.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It's a good story, and it's hot. I agree with the posters who said the diction was excessively erudite, you know. As an example, I had to read the paragraph about him coming inside her twice before I figured out that's what happened.

I thought the use of slightly incorrect French was okay, since the characters weren't native anyway.

The biggest problem I had was that part of the story seemed to be missing. On page 2 it mentioned her having sent him naughty photos earlier, but I read every word of the story and didn't see anything about this before. And when it was mentioned, it was as though the reader should know what he was talking about.

4.5 stars

MfkndragonMfkndragon11 months ago

If you're going to use words from another language then you should put the translation to the words not everyone can speak another language as far as the story goes you should have wrote a part 2 exploring the love that both the sister and brother has proclaimed for each other and how they explain the pregnancy to Barry and there family if they even do or does she just break up with Barry and move to France with her brother the father of her unborn child so many questions that you haven't answered the sudden ending hurts the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
Very nice story 5 stars

BUT why the French words with no translation???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

.... and fill her, as a pregnant woman deserves from her man.

Very hot, quite good

Good luck to them

dezzirabledezzirableabout 1 year ago

Amazingly written and HOT!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Versailles... not Versay.

starfight22starfight22over 1 year ago

This needs a follow up story

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 1 year ago

I was waiting for a line that said they were carrying on the relationship that started when they were much younger in their teens but without that it was still a beautiful story. I always try and project characters into the future and wonder what that would be like for them. Just an old romantic, that's me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Let me warm you up mon amant français." was said by MC to his colder sister so it should have been "Let me warm you up ma amante française."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Is incest legal in France....they shouldn't have a problem then

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Covid is a crutch for a lack of background setup. 1 star.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 1 year ago

(1/26/2023) This was beautifully romantic and erotic with a perfect ending. I fantasize about a tender happily ever after for them living in Paris. Five stars and on my favorites list of course. Sorry, Barry, it was meant to be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Author is a word wizard!

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