Claire and the Boys Next Door Ch. 03


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After a little while our guest did speak. "My God, darling, I thought your tits were probably big when you had that top on earlier, but they're huge. And those pert little nipples.."

So, there was no doubt I wasn't staying fully covered all the time. Maybe he'd seen them as I bent to let Jim smack my ass earlier.

"Yep, she's great, isn't she. I hope this is enough of a tip."

"Hell yes!"

I wondered what to do next, the instinct to put on a show was eating me up. I tried to think what I'd done the last few times apart from just taking more and more clothes off, but the fact that this outfit was so precarious seemed to restrict my choices quite a bit.

"Well, I guess I need to pass judgement on those knickers of yours, honey."

In my excitement to show off I'd forgotten the obvious.

"Yeah, step over here Claire." Jim indicated the space directly in front of the right angled part of the sofa where he and the pizza guy sat on either side. I'd been wondering how I'd play this part of proceedings, but it seemed that, as was becoming the norm, Jim wanted to take a hand directly.

I started to move unsteadily towards him when I heard Tom speak. "I think after what you just helped with it's maybe my and Andy's turn to sort her out, isn't it?" Good for him, I thought.

Jim looked slightly put out, but obviously couldn't really object. Andy, whose name I now knew, sat back and laughed. "Hey, I don't mind, why don't we let her decide."

I brought my finger up to my lips and made a slight pantomime of looking from Jim to Tom, then I tottered around to Tom's side of the sofa, stopping between himself and Andy about a foot in front of them. Jim slumped back in his seat a little ways away, he was being a bit childish but I'm sure his view for what was to come was still very clear.

"It's your lucky day, man." Said Andy, slapping Tom on the back as he sat forwards, presumably to better reach me. I wondered what his plan was and whether I was expected to show them my knickers.

"Honestly, Cl.. Candy, you look amazing. Again." He looked up at me with almost adoration in his eyes. I say almost as there was a healthy dose of raw lust as well, I was sure. I vaguely wondered if Andy was picking up on their slips with my name. I was sure he realised Candy wasn't it, but I doubt he had guessed what it really was.

I looked down and mouthed thank you to Tom, but that was almost certainly useless with my veil.

He reached out and grabbed the bottom of the apron. "OK, we should probably take a look.." He lifted it against my belly and held it in place, the two of them (plus Jim from his vantage point no doubt) stared straight at my knickers which were basically at eye level. I remembered I'd noticed they were slightly see through earlier and the guy's view point was much closer than I'd been when I realised. Who knows exactly what they could make out.

"Beautiful, baby." That was Andy. "Maybe I should check the back out as well?"

"Oh, yeah. Can you hold the apron in place, please?" I didn't know why that mattered, but I reached down to hold it up in place, then I carefully stepped round on my shoes to let the two of them repeat the process for my bum. If anything not being able to see them drove me even more slightly crazy, all I could think about was how exposed I was and how I was surely about to become even more so. I stared to wonder how I'd take them off and would I be able to conceal my pussy as I did so? Would I even try to?

"I can't resist." Said Andy, and shortly afterwards I felt a light slap on my left butt cheek.

"Hey!" Said Jim, actually sounding slightly angry, he really did think he was in charge of my body.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't think she'd mind."

I wondered if I really did, I knew I should but it also seemed a bit ridiculous to draw the line there. It sounded like Andy probably wouldn't push his luck again. Though, almost immediately, Tom had other ideas.

"So, should we take them off?"

"Hell yes!"

In Andy's enthusiasm I wasn't sure if he'd noticed the verb construction Tom had used, but I certainly had. It wasn't me who'd be doing the undressing, it seemed they were going to be doing it for me. My stomach, as predicted, did a few somersaults. I wondered who it would be.

"Well, over to you." Said Tom. I looked back over my shoulder, he was looking at Andy and pointing to my bum.

Andy actually looked slightly shocked. I had turned my head to the same side that Jim was sat and I could see that he was outraged.

"What are you talking about?! He can't do that!"

"Why not? We both have, haven't we? Besides, she can just say no if she wants, can't she?"

Jim once again slumped back in his seat, defeated. He waved his hand. "Fine". He's the jealous type, I was realising. Tom, on the other hand, seemed to get a kick out of offering me to others. Jim did it to show off, but Tom actually wanted to watch them with me. I filed all this away for future excitement.

Meanwhile Andy was staring up at me, still hesitating but getting his jocular confidence back. I saw Tom's incredibly expectant face and realised I had no intention of thwarting any of their pleasure. To signal my OK I hoisted the apron a little higher in front, tuned my head back round and again wiggled my bum.

"Hot damn!" I heard Andy clap his hands, no doubt preparing to strip me. I took the opportunity to squeeze my legs together, almost crossing my feet to try and make sure my naked bum was all they were about to get a look at. It was slightly difficult to balance like that, but crouching a little helped.

"Here I go." Like with Tom and then Jim I felt Andy's hands suddenly on my body at either side of my underwear. I was getting used to the sensation, I realised. He used a slightly different technique to either of the others, hooking his thumbs into my knickers and letting them slide down inside against my skin. He began to tug downwards with force, my almost crossed legs actually meaning there was some resistance as the crotch tried to make it's way down between them. He stopped when my underwear was around my knees.

"You're not making this easy on me, honey. Though that view sure makes up for it." I presumed he was talking about my bum, which was probably only a few inches from his face. I wondered how effective my leg crossing really was as Andy got back to work. As he tugged again I felt myself wobble on my high heels, gallantly Andy stopped what he was doing and reached up to grip me on either side of my lower hips to steady me. He had a decent handful of each bare ass cheek as well which was surely deliberate, but I couldn't deny he stopped me from possibly falling over.

"Steady there, darling. I'm not done with you yet."

As I regained my balance he let go and turned his attention back to my knickers, which were still dangling around my calves. Eventually I felt them around my feet. Knowing that this bit would be difficult I turned my head and reached behind me to steady myself on one of Andy's shoulders. I'm sure he was momentarily confused, but as I obediently lifted a leg towards him he realised it was so he could slip my knickers off first one and then the other foot. It was predictably fiddly for him to ease them over the heels, but he managed both of them.

After I was stood back up under my own steam I heard him from behind me. "I was right, you do look better like that!" I looked back to see Andy actually twirling my knickers round one his fingers whilst contemplating my arse. "That is one peachy behind, young lady, no mistake at all." I couldn't help but let out a slight giggle, he was a pretty corny guy.

I realised that throughout I had swapped hands to keep the apron clasped to my tummy, and that meant I was now on full display again from the front. Andy and Tom wouldn't see anything, but there was every chance Jim was getting another exclusive show, though probably just a peek at my pubic hair from the side. Nothing he hadn't seen before, but the thought made me drop my apron back in place anyway.

"Aww, spoilsport." Said Andy, though his view of my nakedness wasn't affected at all.

Jim continued his disinterested slump, though he wasn't looking at anything other than me it seemed. I decided to continue to ignore him for now and walked back to the centre of the room, where, holding the apron in place below, I turned back round to face them. I felt I was maybe getting the hang of these shoes, now.

Tom's expression was still one of lustful delight. "Your bum looks amazing when you wear those heels, Candy." He was getting used to my 'name' now, at least.

"Too right, you are hot stuff, babe. I'm sure you know it, too, showing off like this. How many guys have you given this little show to?"

"You're the first." Said Tom.

"Wow, well, when this gets out to the other guys at work you'll have them queuing up to take your orders."

I wondered how many times I would be expected to perform. I wondered if I would continue to just go along with it. I can't deny that the idea of guys lining up to watch me triggered all the same sensations that were driving me at the moment.

"Well, I don't think we can give out this sort of treatment every time, you can't go telling people to expect it." Said Jim, once again joining in, though still seeming pretty sullen.

"Well, damn, I guess so, but I can't keep this to myself. Jesus, look at her!" He pointed to me, and I felt the need to do something for him. I went to curtsy again, but this time despite gripping the apron in the same way as before I held it in place rather than flipping it up.

"You tease."

"Well." Said Tom. "Maybe you can tell people, but not where it is. Say you're sworn to secrecy, but that we said it could happen to them. We might do it again after all."

"Yeah, that sounds good." No doubt the exclusivity and mystery appealed to Jim.

"OK, fine, whatever you say, I don't want to rock the boat. Definitely not." He looked back to me. "So, how about that little dance you did for us back through there. I think I was promised a version with a lot less clothes, and your current outfit definitely qualifies."

"Yeah, give us a spin, Candy." Jim was trying to get back into the swing of things.

I wondered how to do this, what I'd done before wasn't really a dance but I wanted to perform for them. I started by wiggling my body as I crouched slightly, running my hands down my breasts, tummy, along my thighs to my knees and then back up. I rested them lightly on my boobs as I continued to gyrate, I could feel my breasts sway, no doubt the nipples had been peeking out one side and then the other.

A thought flashed into my head and I couldn't resist, I quickly squashed the apron together from either side so my tits hung freely for them all to see. Then I raised my arms above my head and spun around. Keeping my legs close together again, and my arms straight up above my head I continued to shimmy my whole body and again bent at the knees for a few seconds, before straightening up. I couldn't believe I hadn't fallen over, I'd sort of balanced on the toe part of one shoe for the spin and somehow pulled it off.

"Good lord, that is gorgeous, darling. Keep it up."

Keeping the dance going I ran my hands now down the back of my body, going over my bum a couple of times. Another move I'd seen strippers do online popped into my head, I couldn't believe I would do it but I was already starting. I straightened back up and placed my right hand tightly cupping the apron against my pussy and up between my legs, stepped fairly wide apart and then bent fully at the waist keeping my legs straight and holding my left hand out in front of me. I fell forwards onto that hand and into the position I'd ended up in in the cheerleading outfit a week or so back, only this time I had no underwear on. The movement also caused my hair to fall down. I knew I couldn't look back between my legs this time, however, as my veil would flip down to cover my eyes.

I didn't need to look to know this position pleased my audience, though. Andy actually broke into applause and I think Tom joined in briefly too. After a few seconds I stood back up, smoothed down the apron and turned around to face them again.

"Bravo! Enore!" Andy was grinning like a madman, still clapping.

"Wow, Candy, that was quite a show." That was Jim, back in his element it seemed. "OK, though, I think you've had your tip now. Time to head back to work."

"I would protest, but my boss is going to kill me as it is. You were amazing, though, honey. These two don't deserve you. I mean, no offence boys, no one could deserve that." He chuckled to himself as he got up from the couch.

Jim and Tom started to get up as well. Tom followed Andy towards the hall, but Jim came to stand beside me.

"You know." Andy started. "I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I'd chosen a different mix and match outfit."

"What did you have in mind?" Jim placed his hand on the small of my back and gently pushed me to go with him as he walked towards the hallway to have this conversation with Andy.

"Oh, well, I was wondering. If I'd asked for the stockings, suspenders, maybe that barely there fabric top and, you know, nothing else, would she really have come out pretty much naked?"

By now I was stood next to Jim in the doorway, he still had his hand lingering on me though it had shifted downwards to cup one of my arse cheeks. Andy was paused in front of the front door, and Tom stood on the other side of the hall by the kitchen door.

"Yeah, why not? Better luck next time, I guess." Jim had certainly got his cocky attitude back.

I saw Andy glance down to where Jim was casually holding me, regret and envy were making their way across his face a little bit. "Awww, man." He started to reach up for the latch.

"Maybe I can help you out a little bit." I felt Jim's hand creep up my body till it gripped the knot in the apron strap around my neck. I held my breath as Andy swung the door open and started to step out, his eyes however fixed on me. I didn't move even though I was pretty certain what was going to happen and sure enough I felt Jim start to pull on the knot.

Things happened fast, but also seemingly in slow motion. The apron straps came loose and it fell down to my waist, my boobs completely on display for the pizza guy as he stepped over the threshold and onto the driveway. He obviously stopped there and turned back to keep looking, I couldn't help but clasp the apron back to my chest after a few seconds, using both arms crossed in front with my hands together.

We all looked pretty shocked apart from Jim, who reached out and lightly grabbed my hands. "Come on, our guest is leaving." He gently pulled my arms down, and then the one nearest him to my side whilst I moved the other of my own accord. I'd offered no resistance to his pressure so it stayed gentle. My tits were out in the open again. Without really pausing he then used his other hand to reach behind me and take hold of the end of the knot around my waist, holding it out to my side so Andy could see what he was doing.

Still none of the rest of us moved, I didn't have a thought in my head and just waited for the inevitable. I can't say I wanted or didn't want it at that moment, it just seemed out of my control. If Jim wanted to strip me completely for them to look at, what could I do about it?

Jim handled this last part almost as if he planned it. I didn't think he had, but you never know. As he started to pull the final knot that would leave me naked he kicked the door firmly but not too hard. It started to shut, and when I felt the apron slip completely off my body and crumple on top of my feet, I had maybe half a second of Andy's amazed face staring at me before it closed completely and he was left on the other side. I hadn't moved my arms from my side, it was a quick glimpse for sure but he'd no doubt seen all of me.

The three of us left inside stood still for a moment, then I turned and walked past the boys into the front room.

"I can't believe you just did that to me! What were you thinking?!"

They followed me through, obviously. I had a vague inkling I was still wearing nothing but some stockings, suspenders and high heels, but all the tension, excitement, fear and anger I'd been holding in this past half hour or so was pouring out of me. I absolutely wasn't thinking straight.

"Letting some random pizza guy come in here and have me pose for him! How dare you!"

I was gesticulating pretty wildly as I almost shouted this, pacing up and down whilst the boys watched from near the couch. I reached up and mostly tore the veil off my face, flinging it to the ground. Tom meanwhile was back to his sheepish look, Jim was looking mostly bemused but with, I think, a bit of embarrassment.

"If he ever recognises me out on the street! If he finds out where I live and starts telling people! Oh god!" Even at the time I don't think I truly believed what I was saying. It's not that those points weren't correct, it's just they weren't really what I was thinking. I was still in the high of exposure, I don't think I really cared much who could see me at that point. It was all just an outlet for the whirlwind of emotions, the sort of stuff the 'normal' part of me thought I should want to say.

"I'm sorry, Claire, we thought you'd get a kick out of it. You seemed to enjoy what happened the other times, and you didn't know us any better than you knew Andy last week." Tom's words were obviously somewhat reasonable.

"We sat up half the night coming up with that plan and headed out really early to that dodgy mall across town to get the outfits." Jim was defending himself. "Besides, who are you kidding, you know you're still naked, don't you?"

"Right!" I turned to face him, his tone provoking me to flash with anger again. "And who do I have to thank for that?!"

I knew what I looked like as I stood face on to them both, my hair was a slight mess now it had escaped the ties and I stood with my hands on my hips, my body no doubt flushed with anger and embarrassment. I was basically begging them to stare at my boobs and pussy, to stare at my whole body really, but my anger seemed to give me a sort of protection from shame. Now I was stood still they both took the opportunity to have a lingering look at me.

"Yeah, you really look like you don't want to be doing this."

"Honestly, Claire, we didn't want to upset you. We were just thinking of ways to keep it exciting."

I paused again for a little while, beginning to cool down a little. I crossed my arms under my tits. "OK, fine, I suppose I accept your apology. You have to tell me what's going on next time, though."

Once again the words 'next time' brought smiles to both their faces. It hadn't been intentional to mention it, but I didn't regret it, there was almost certainly going to be a next time. I couldn't resist this kind of feeling.

"Oh, yeah, absolutely. I've got some great ideas." Jim, as ever, was blowing his own trumpet.

"Yes, definitely." Began Tom. "Though, and I hate to say this, Claire, I think you're going to have put some clothes back on. My Mum might be home in a little while, and we probably need to tidy up a bit first."

"Are you insane?" Jim stepped over to stand beside me as he said this. "She can stay naked whilst we tidy up, I mean, she is our maid isn't she?" He was trying to return to the dynamic of a bit earlier, a slightly cocky grin on his face and his hand once again finding its way onto my body.

Sadly for Jim the more matter of fact, boring talk about Mums and tidying up snapped me out of things quite a bit. I stepped forward away from his hand and started to look around for the clothes I'd arrived in. My nudity also began to seem more like something I needed to cover up so I cupped a hand over my pussy with the other arm across my breasts. I could hardly be said to be decent and Jim was no doubt watching me from behind anyway, but I was at least acting almost like you might imagine someone in my position would.