Clara's Cleavage


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"A young woman." She replied. "A young woman who feels like she's just waking up from a long sleep. Not Sleeping Beauty perhaps. More like Sleeping Busty!" She giggled.

She kept surveying herself.

"You know," she went on, "I don't think I've ever really spent any time studying myself without thinking how grotesque these were!" She emphasized her point by grabbing both tits and crushing them against herself. When she snatched her hands away her breasts tumbled back into their normal low attitude and continued to quiver and shake as Clara declared, "My breasts are NOT ugly. They ARE really big. But they are also well shaped and quite firm for how big they are, right Rich?"

She turned to glance at me over her shoulder and I smiled and gave her thumbs up!

"Guys like big breasts, they should like bigger breasts even more, right? I never felt I could attract a boy. I know I am not real pretty. I'm kind of plain. But now I feel different and I owe it all to you."

She walked over to the bed and plopped herself down on the bed. We both watched and waited until her hooters had finally come to a rest.

"Rich. We've just fucked our brains out. Can I ask you a question and will you give me an honest answer?"

Uh oh. Where were we going now?

"Well, you know we guys don't like to talk about our feelings. Ouch! Hey!" Who knew she couldpunch like that? My shoulder was going to be black and blue!

"Rich, c'mon be serious. For a moment at least. Now tell me the truth. Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Well, Clara, um. well. Ah, honest?" She nodded her head which did some real interesting things elsewhere. "You aren't ugly but you're not pretty either. When you said you were plain you were right."

"So if I want to attract a boy is it right if I try to use my body? My Mom made it clear that guys were only interested in one thing and that I shouldn't let them see my body or let them touch me. She taught me to dress so that no one could see how big my tits are. And it works. No boy has ever given me a second look until you asked me to this party.

"I was so glad to be invited tonight that I went out to buy a real dress to wear. But I gave up. None of the shops I went to had anything that would fit. The clerks seemed real rude when she saw how I was built." I saw a tear start to form but Clara dashed it away.

I was a little embarrassed too. Clara didn't know what had motivated me to invite her to this party. I vowed then and there that she would never learn either. Besides the fact that we had mutually taken each other virginity and fucked our brains out, I found that I really liked Clara and didn't want to hurt her in any way.

"So I'm no beauty. Right. That's okay. I have other assets. You said earlier that I have magnificent breasts. The largest breasts you've ever seen you said ... the largest you'd ever imagined. You should be proud of your body you told me. You weren't just saying that were you?"

"No, Clara, "I said. "It was all the truth. You also seem to be a reasonably nice person when you don't start in about being a witch or warlock or whatever?"

"But I am descended from witches!" She stated. "But never mind that now. Lets get back to the subject. I've got a good body. I'm not fat, my legs are fine, my butts real tight from all the walking I do every day and I have really great big, stupendous tits! Is it okay for me to use my body to attract a man. And would it work Rich? Would a man be attracted to me?"

"What do you want me to say, Clara?"

"Tell me the truth, dammit."

"Um, well. Stand up for a minute. Yeah, good. Turn around. Slowly, do it again. Okay you can sit down. Clara, you have real good legs, if you wore heels I suspect you're legs would be terrific. You've got a nice tight butt and stomach. But Clara, you are unique."

"How so?" I think she knew where I was going but she wanted to hear me say it.

"You have the biggest and best set of tits in the world. I've seen my share of pinups. I've never seen anyone that comes close to having breasts as large, firm, shapely and tremendous as you do. They stand out proudly, they have a span that is incredible. I still can't believe that you would want to, or be able to hide your shape the way you did. It's almost criminal. And you seem to have a natural sexual freedom about yourself that really sets you apart from all the other women I've ever known." Well, that part was true but she didn't have to know that I'd not really "known" any other women.

"Clara, let me tell you the truth. If you stood next to Ms. Miller in English Lit with both of you dressed the way she usually dresses I doubt that most guys in the room would even notice her."

"Really?" Her eyes were as big as saucers. "Do you really think so, Rich? Wow!!"

Ms. Miller was one of the sexiest women on campus. A sultry, willowy bodied brunette with an impressive set of tits. She usually displayed a little cleavage and always flashed some thigh in class when she sat on the edge of her desk in front of the class. She was the reason I had fought for a front row seat and ended up sitting next to Clara. She was said to be dating the quarterback coach of the football team who was regarded as the campus stud in most circles. Guys said she was a hot number and a dedicated crotch watcher. I think they were just blowing smoke.

"Ms. Miller is so hot. I couldn't compete with her!"

"Yeah, Ms. Miller is hot. She dresses to tease more often than not, she seems to know what attracts men and is not afraid to dress to attract attention. And she is pretty. But seriously, try to imagine how you would look in a form fitting skirt, good fitting bra and a tight sweater with a scoop neck under a fitted blazer instead of an oversized men's sport coat, bib overalls and flannel shirt. You'd cause accidents. Men would walk into light poles as you passed. Girls would be trying to claw your eyes out! Don't misunderstand. You may not be "pretty" but you could attract as much attention as you wanted to if you dressed to show off your assets." Jeez. I was tired. But thinking of Clara dressed as I'd described was a stimulating thought. Could we knock off the chatter so I could get some sleep? I guessed not as Clara continued.

"So you think if I spent a little more time with my hair and makeup and dressed a little differently I could really attract some attention, Rich? Rich?"

"Um yeah, sure." I mumbled wearily. "Clara, I'm bushed. Can we continue this in the morning?"

"Oh Richie, Rich, I mean. Hang in here with me. This is so exciting to me. I think there are new horizons opening up before me. I'm going to start a new life tomorrow. And I have you to thank in so many ways."

She leaned over me, crushing her leviathan breasts into my chest and planted a scorching kiss on my lips. As her tongue worked its magic in my mouth I wished I had more energy but I was about fucked out. Nevertheless, I did manage to respond to her kisses and returned them with interest.

Clara slowly broke the kiss and settled herself on top of my chest. With her arms crossed over my upper chest her boobs completely covered my lower chest and upper stomach. I slowly stroked her back which caused her to wriggle in pleasure. This, of course, caused all kinds of interesting movements on my chest and upper stomach but I was almost too far gone to notice. I did feel her nipples trying to dig into my chest however.

"So first thing tomorrow I've got to find a good foundation specialist." She declared.

"Huh? What? A what specialist? What are you talking about?" I asked sleepily.

"Oh honey. Honestly. You said! A good fitting bra." In response to my still baffled look she went on. "Women's underwear are called foundation garments. Who knows why?"

She sat up next to me and proudly jutted out her chest. "A girl built like me can't find much off the rack in the way of dresses. I proved that to myself yesterday!" A frown flitted over her face and was gone to be replaced by a smile I can only describe as proud.

"I sure can't expect to find a bra in my size in J. C. Penny's!" She seemed to gather some satisfaction from this pronouncement.

"Why?" I wondered aloud. "What size do you wear?" It was a thought that had flitted through my mind before but I'd not thought to ask it.

"Well, lets see." She looked thoughtfully down at the huge swells of flesh that hung from her so solidly, jutting out over my chest. "I had to measure myself before I went shopping yesterday. My chest right here below my boobs is 37 inches. Add five to that. That means I would wear a size 42 bra. But the real measurement of breast size is the cup. That's the difference between the size, 42 in my case, and the fullest part of the breast which was, um, uh, well," she was almost blushing! "This is kind of embarrassing, Rich."

Maybe so, but my ears had perked up, so to speak.

"No, go ahead. You have my full and undivided attention!"

"Oh," she chuckled, "you guys are all alike with your pinups! You just want to know how big a girls boobies are."

"You wound me." I shot back. "There are no pinups in here. You said yourself that I had no idea how built you were when I asked you to this party! And you were right." Which was God's truth. No one could have been more surprised than I was when Clara's tits first surged into view from under her wrappings.

"Well, I suppose so. And," Clara continued happily, "if I'm going to attract attention I suppose I'll get used to people wondering and, in some cases, asking." She paused.

"Well?" I prodded. "How big is the fullest part of your breast measurement?"

"Zizdy tinches" Clara mumbled as she turned her head away in embarrassment.

"What? You tease! Go on then, don't tell me. I'm going to sleep." I said as I rolled onto my side away from Clara.

"Richie, I said I was embarrassed. But I do want you to know so roll back over or I'll tickle you till you puke." The fingernails in my ribs weren't moving but the threat was there so I rolled back over.


"Sixty Two inches. Around the fullest part, that is."

"Yuh, I would say so. Sixty two inches? SIXTY TWO Inches?" You could hear the capital letters in my voice. "Your breasts are, um, sixty two take away thirty seven. Um, TWENTY FIVE inches bigger around than your chest?

"Twenty five inches. But only twenty inches larger than my chest band measurement"

Clara was watching me closely. I think she wanted me to ask.

I had to ask.

"So what cup size does that mean you would wear?"

"Each foundation manufacturer has their own system. Each cup size is an inch in most systems. So that means that , um, well, if I can find one or have one made, I wear a 42T bra."

Christ. I'd dreamt of dating a girl with a D cup. Clara was a girl that was developed so far beyond that she was in a different world entirely. Wow!

"Thirty seven inches. Sixty two inches," I was mumbling to myself in exhaustion. "Twenty five inches. A T Cup for God's sake." I was having a hard time putting all the numbers together. Some how, knowing the facts, the stats, made Clara's improbable bust even larger!

"Yes the fullest part of my breasts is sixty two inches and two feet, one inch bigger than my chest. And in case you want to write it down my hips are 40 inches and my waist is 28. And I'm five foot five and one half inches tall and weigh just over 140 pounds. I'm a VERY healthy young lady!" She said this last with a real note of pride in her voice.

"Yes indeed you are!" I agreed.

"And, Rich?" Clara murmured as she nuzzled my neck.

"Yes, Clara?" I responded as I started to drift once more.

"I'm a very HORNEY young lady. Can we do it one more time? Tomorrow starts a whole new life for me and I want to start it out with another bang." She snickered to herself at her pun. And licked my ear. That made me shiver.

"Clara, we've already done it four times." Or was it more? I'd lost count. "You've worn me right down to the nub! I don't think I can go again tonight."

"Oh, give yourself some credit. You've got tremendous stamina. I always know about these things. I can tell you have untapped reserves. And I'll help you. Besides," she said as her right hand spider walked its way down to my groin, "I don't think this is exactly a nub."

Sure enough, despite the lethargy that was sweeping my body my dick had started to raise its head, and shaft, in response to Clara's conversation and clever handiwork.

"See? It wants to come out and play with Clara." Seeing my eyes open a bit Clara leaned over and shimmied her boobs in my face. "Here. Suck on Clara's big, big tittie. Yeah, like that. Oh, good. That feels so good. My breasts want lots of attention and you're the guy to do it aren't you. Oh, yes suck them hard. You know I love that."

"Here, wait a moment. Let me show you something. You like to watch me suck my own big nipples? There, see? Have you ever seen bigger nipples that these? And they so love to be sucked. You showed me all this tonight and I'll never forget you for it.

"My life is going to be so different now. No more hiding all this every day. I'm going to flaunt and tease and take any man I want. I'll jiggle these huge tits in their face like this, oh you like that? It feels so good to jiggle and shake them. I've seen the way men watch the girls that go without a bra.

"Can you imagine the reaction when I wear a skin tight T shirt and let all this bounce and shake all over my chest? Watch how they dance when I shake my shoulders. I like shaking my tits for you. It feels so sensual. I can see you get excited. You like to hear me talk about how big my boobs are and how much I like to have them squeezed and sucked and licked? Oh you DO like that! I felt your dick twitch. That's good, you can suck this one for a while.

"If guys ask, I'll let them feel me up in the park, in the supermarket, at the beach - I can buy a bikini! With T cups! I'll have guys crawling over burning sands to meet me and I owe it all to you Rich. Every time I let a guy catch a glimpse of cleavage I'll think of you. Every time some lucky guy gets to run his big dick between my huge breasts I'll tell them about you. When I press these mammoth tits into the back of some unsuspecting subway rider I'll thank you. And if he turns around I just may let him pinch and play with my big sensitive nipples. Just like this. Watch. See how I twist them and pull on them? Oh, God, yes. And look, your big dick is standing at attention already. You really like to watch me tease you with these giant titties of mine don't you? And you like to hear me talk about them too, I can tell by how big your dick is!

"Golly, it's so big I can barely get my hand around it." Clara's voice seemed to fade in and out. Her hand was clutching and stroking my thick shaft, pounding up and down as her voice grew more and more excited talking about her breasts and how she was going to change her life. Her nipple in my mouth seemed to pulse and grow harder and larger as her excitement grew.

"Rich, I love how big your dick is. I can just barely get the head into my mouth. Mumph, oh I want to feel you fuck my titties and slam into my cunt and everything. Mrumph. slurp, slluupp. MMMMM. Yeah, baby. Yeah, oh YES, come for Clara."

And I was! Once again my balls were being emptied. Not nearly as much as before but Clara went after every drop with real dedication. I could feel her immense breasts spread and rub all over my stomach, groin and legs as she crawled all over me in her eagerness to collect all of my seed.

"That's enough, Clara" I whimpered. "I'm all worn out. Please let me rest."

"Oh Rich, don't be a spoilsport. You've had your fun, now its my turn."

The next thing I knew one of Clara's grape sized nipples was tickling my lips and out of reflex as much as anything I latched on like a hungry baby.

"There honey, I knew you weren't done. You suck on Clara's tremendous, big tits and you'll be ready to go in no time. There, that's right. You like how my huge titties feel as I rub them all over you? Look, Rich," she went on, "my boobies are so big and sensitive, I love how it feels when you squeeze them like that. See how my nipples just get larger and longer? Oh yeah honey, squeeze me, touch me, suck me up!" Clara's hand was still stroking my dick which was twitching, unsure whether to respond to her urging or to curl up and die. As I nursed at one breast Clara mashed the other against the side of my face.

The last thing I remember as the darkness claimed me was hearing Clara crooning softly, "Grow bigger for Clara, Honey, grow bigger for Clara."

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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Great story!! Well thought out and written with plenty of angst, drama and sex. I've always found that 'plain' girls usually make the best girlfriends and wives. I look forward to reading more of your work. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 2 years ago

Very Cute and Romantic!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

An interesting witch story, Rich and the Witch. He's not really out to hurt her, and it seems like he really does get a threefold return from backing off on the drinks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This was so good! I remember reading this a long time ago. Good memories. Can you make another story like this but with roles being reversed with the girl going through breast expansion. (Non-consent is implied here.) Please make it happen!

roveroneroveroneover 5 years ago
Read this quite some time ago and really liked it...

and 2nd time around still liked it, a lot...still worthy of 5 stars...

and yes, a 2nd chapter would be nice...!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

Wow!! I wish I could have had an fifth of the size of just that cup size! Man, I would have loved it. I do love having my tits played with too. Great job, keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
i could only wish

o.k. when ur done with clara let me know can't wait to meet your next story...... good job and good luck finding your real clara

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent Writing

You have real talent!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Do you have more like this. Breast and penis growth?

DDDDaveDDDDaveabout 12 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback!

This was posted elsewhere first. I did not think to post an index here so the story can be hard to follow. Sorry 'bout that! And Clara's story was the first in a series of chapters with out thought to how it would all work out. So Clara goes away for a long time and only comes back so I could wrap it all up. Sorry 'bout that, too. I don't think I'll be returning to Richard and Clara or Hillary. So that makes three "Sorry 'bout that."

Shadowforce1Shadowforce1about 12 years ago
Great story

Cant wait to see where the Clara character goes

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I remember this story from the other site long ago. I enjoyed it this time just as much. It certainly made my cock grow :)

TheTitLoverTheTitLoverabout 12 years ago

Great story. I really like the way you crafted Clara. I love that something so sensual and beautiful came from something intended to be cruel. I don't know where you plan to take either character, but I for one would like to see a relationship between Rich and Clara. Is he being honest with her? Not completely. Do they have anything in common other than sex? Who knows? It also appears you're setting Clara up to sow some wild oats. All I know is that he's trying to protect her feelings and she is unfortunately a bit naive and so could use the protection. Relationships can grow in some strange places and based on fact alone seem like they'd be horrible. I'd like to see Rich and Clara work out. Again, great story.

brian358brian358about 12 years ago
One Of My Favourites!

Really great story!

mBrowmBrowabout 12 years ago
Funny and erotic!

And nicely written, too! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
more more more , please please !!

i think i like this story. perhaps.

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