Clare's Nightmare Pt. 01

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Criminals breaks into a family home and forces them to fuck.
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/11/2022
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"Mom, have you seen my new bikini?" Clare shouted from her room.

"I washed it, it is in the laundry room on the drying rack." Alisa shouted back from her bedroom down the hall. "Don't let your father see it until we get to France, otherwise he will not let you take it."

"I know, why is he so strict about things?" Clare asked.

"He is just trying to protect his little girl."

"I'm not little anymore mom, well, except for my height, I'm 18 now, I'll be going to university soon."

"Your father still thinks of you as a 5 year old. He'll come around."

Clare grabbed her bikini from the laundry room and went to put it into her suitcase. Clare was really looking forward to this trip, spending an entire month in southern France in a nice villa on the coast. It was her high school graduation present from her father. "There are going to be so many cute French guys there." When her sister Kate graduated two years ago their father took them to Sweden. "I don't know why my sister wanted to go there, it was nice, but not very warm. Oh well, it is my turn to choose, and France it is, and Kate isn't even going."

"I'm home!" Daniel shouted as he came in the front door. Alisa walked out to greet him.

"Hi honey!" Alisa said as she kissed him and hugged him. "You are home a lot earlier than I expected. It's great."

"Yeah, Malcolm has everything covered, that guy is great. I feel I can leave the company to him to take care of while we are gone, he has been doing the day to day operations for the last year." Daniel said while hugging his wife. "Are you two all packed?"

"Just about, I'm just finishing your suitcase and Clare is almost done." Alisa said while walking back down the hallway.

"Have you heard from Kate?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, she texted me earlier, she will be here to watch the house on Sunday."

"Watch the house, I'm sure, and have a party or two with her friends." Daniel muttered under his breath while following his wife to their bedroom and walking past Clare's bedroom.

The three had an early dinner and went to bed early since they had to catch their flight tomorrow morning at 6 AM.


Knock Knock "Get up Clare." Alisa said while sticking her head in her bedroom door.

"What? What time is it?" Clare said as she squinted and looked at her mom standing in the doorway.

"It's almost three, Get up and get dressed, we are leaving in 45 minutes."

"Okay mom, I'm getting up." Clare said while blinking her eyes. She quickly put on a pair of shorts and tank top then went to the bathroom to quickly brush her teeth and check her hair. Clare fished around in her purse on her side table digging out her birth control "Can't forget these, hopefully I will need them."

"You want some toast Clare?" Asked her mother when she walked into the kitchen.

"Sure. Where's dad?"

"Oh, he is in the garage loading the car." Alisa said.

The door to the garage opened and Clare looked over to greet her dad, but it wasn't her dad. Clare suddenly sucked in her breath and took a step back. Alisa looked around the corner and saw a man standing there in a light jacket and slacks.

"Who are you? Where's Dan?" Alisa asked with a worried expression.

"You must be Alisa and Clare." the man said calmly, still holding the garage door open.

"DAN!" Alisa shouted.

"Your husband is currently with my associates outside. He will be in shortly."

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Alisa shouted at him while backing into the kitchen.

Terror was slowly creeping up Clare's spine making her whole body shiver.

"Alisa, Clare, why don't we go have a seat in the living room." The man said. Alisa turned around and grabbed a knife from the rack on the counter.


Clare was looking around for her phone quickly but realized she left it in her room on her night stand. Clare didn't see her mother's phone anywhere either, the normal charging spot was empty.

"Alisa, please put the knife down. My name is Richard. I will be working with your husband's company." Richard said while slowly walking towards the women.

"STAY BACK!" Alisa shouted.

Clare was back against the kitchen counter and her mom was slowly backing up to stay away from the intruder. Suddenly Richard's right hand shot out and grabbed Alisa's wrist holding the knife and pulled her towards him. Using his other hand he pulled the knife from Alisa and spun her around and pulled her close to him and put the knife to her throat.

"NO!" Clare shouted. Richard was staring at Clare while holding the knife to her mom's neck. "Don't hurt her, please!" Clare wailed.

"Now why don't you two join me in the living room." Richard said while backing out of the kitchen and forcing Alisa to walk to the living room. Clare slowly came out of the kitchen and went to the living room scared to do anything else, she didn't want him to hurt her mother.

Richard pushed Alisa onto the couch and pointed for Clare to join her, which she did. Richard sat down on the antique coffee table facing the two and stabbed the large knife into the table top next to him, causing the women to jump a little. Alisa grimaced looking at her stabbed table.

"I approached Dan with a business opportunity recently, but he turned me down. Maybe I didn't make it clear to him that he didn't have a choice in the matter. Malcolm, Dan's 2nd in command was much more willing to work with us. So we have been forced to take some drastic measures and remove Dan from his business temporarily." Richard said slowly looking between the two women.

"Where's Dan?" Alisa asked again with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, don't worry Alisa, we aren't going to hurt Dan, he is the sole owner of the company and we need him alive, but he doesn't actually have to be at the company for us to get what we want. Now I know you were supposed to go on a nice trip to France today, but we are going to need to cancel that. You three will need to stay home this summer. Sorry." Richard told them.

The door to the garage opened again and the two women turned around on the couch to see who was coming in. Two strange men came in, one was half carrying Dan who looked like he was knocked out.

"Oh god!" Alisa said.

"Daddy!" Clare shouted.

Dan didn't look up, one of his arms was around the man's neck and head was hanging down. The man carrying Dan was a large muscular man with a shaved head. The other guy was skinny with short brown hair and squinty eyes.

"These are my colleagues that I told you about. The big guy is Gus and the other fellow is Mark. These two fine gentlemen will be staying with you for a while." Richard said. Gus brought Dan around and sat him in the rocker recliner chair in the corner. "These two men will be in control of everything. They are very good at what they do, but they do have some sexual fetishes that I don't particularly enjoy, they are free to enjoy whatever they like. Whatever floats your boat is what I say." Richard said while Alisa wrapped her arm around Clare and pulled her close when hearing this.

"Let my daughter go, please!" Alisa begged.

"Sorry I can't do that, if Dan had accepted my offer things would be very different, but it is what it is. Now I'm going to look around your house. While everybody gets acquainted." Richard said while getting up and walking down the hall towards the bedrooms.

Gus sat on the coffee table where Richard was earlier and pulled the knife out. "You two are quite the lookers. Man just look at their tits, they are huge." Gus said.

"Please no, let us go." Alisa asked again while holding Clare.

"No, no, can't do that, boss says we need to keep you here for about a month." Gus said. "Hey Mark, you just about got their vitamins ready?" Gus asked.

"Yep, one second here." Mark said.

Alisa and Clare looked behind them to what Mark was doing. He had a small overnight bag on the kitchen table and was holding a syringe that he just finished filling from a vial that he put back into the bag.

"Oh god, please no." Alisa begged, both women were actively crying now, tears streaming down their cheeks.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you, like Gus said, these are just vitamin shots. First one is for mom." Mark said while walking over to the back of the couch that was facing the dining room where Mark was.

"No, no, NO!" Alisa started yelling while moving away.

Gus leaned forward with the knife and grabbed Alisa's neck. "Hold still, we wouldn't want to hurt you." Gus said. Clare moved away from the large man and scooted over to the far end of the couch. "Don't you go anywhere either." Gus said while pointing the knife at Clare.

Mark lifted up the sleeve on Alisa's silk blouse and dabbed her arm with a small cloth and jabbed the needle into her arm and pressed the plunger.

"Mom" Clare wailed.

"She is fine, soon she will be better than fine." Mark said. Gus released her neck and sat back down on the coffee table. Mark grabbed a second syringe and came to Clare.

"Time for daughter's vitamins shot." Mark said. Clare didn't try to fight back, just took the shot in her arm. "There we go, you are all set for a while." Mark said. "We will have to give you a booster each day while we are here, but you will soon like them." Mark said while putting his medical stuff away.

Richard came back into the living room carrying some stuff. "I found their phones and I have the internet router, nobody will be contacting anybody. I also found a text in mom's phone saying Kate will be here tomorrow. So it looks like you will be having somebody else to play with. Lucky you." Richard said.

"Not Kate too..." Alisa mumbled with her head resting on the back of the sofa.

Clare looked at her mom, she could see that her injection is affecting her strongly. 'That is weird, I don't feel much of anything.' Clare thought.

"I'm taking the phones with me, you can keep the router Mark, just be careful with it." Richard told him while handing over the router.

"Clare, looks like your mom is starting to feel real good." Gus said. "How old is your mom? She is still smoking hot." Clare just looked at Gus with a disgusted look on her face. "How OLD IS SHE CLARE?" Gus yelled at Clare.

"I think 38 or 39, I'm not sure." Clare said while recoiling.

"Gus, go get the other bags out of the car. We need our supplies." Mark said rather loudly.

Once Gus was out the door Richard started speaking "Okay Mark, you know what you are doing. I don't want any problems."

"You got it. You know you don't have to worry with me, I've never let you down." Mark said.

"I know, that is why you are here. Keep an eye on Gus and send me daily status updates like before and I'll be in contact. Thanks Mark." Richard said as he held the door open for Gus with his arms full of duffle bags. Richard walked out the door.


"Boss leaving?" Gus asked.

"Yep, it's only us now." Mark replied.

"All right, the fun can begin." Gus said while rubbing his hands together.

Clare was realizing the dire situation they were in. Everybody she knew was aware that they were going away for a month. Her friends might wonder why she hasn't posted anything to Instagram, but other than that they won't know anything is wrong. They also didn't have any nearby neighbors, her dad really likes the privacy of this house, even though they could afford a much nicer place. The only hope she could see was Kate coming home tomorrow, but these guys now know about it and might just capture her also. This is bad, really really bad.

'Why is my pussy tingling and my boobs feel tender. Oh god what did they do to me.' Clare squeezed her thighs together trying to dissipate the arousal she is feeling. My dad seems to be alright, he is moving around some anyway, same with mom.

"Gus, let's get started." Mark said. "Get mom and dad naked. I'll work on the young one. How old are you girl?" Mark asked.


"How sweet, legal age, not that it matters to either of us." Gus went over to mom and started unbuttoning her blouse, she didn't resist in any way.

"What did you give us?" Clare asked.

"Just some things to make you three more receptive to us." Mark stated.

"Like what?"

"Well, your dad got a special cocktail that has a number of drugs which will make him rather pliable, he also got some hallucinogens and a large quantity of my own special boner drug. He will be awake and ready to fuck for a long time. The initial effects will cause drowsiness which is why he is passed out right now, but soon he will awaken, and we will mold his thoughts to the situation he is in. Oh, and he will be as horny as he has ever been. Your mother received similar drugs, but the boner drug was switched out for a female version that will increase her arousal. You received the simplest cocktail, just the arousal drug, but just more than mom or dad received. Clare cringed during the description and squeezed her breasts together, her nipples were rock hard and her panties were so wet.

'I'm already feeling so horny, oh god.' Clare thought.

"I can see it is having the desired effects on you now Clare." Mark said with a smile.

While Mark was talking Gus had taken off my mom's blouse and her bra and was fondling her breasts. I could see that my mom's nipples were hard as rocks. She was actively moaning and pushing her chest out to him. Gus unbuttoned her pants and she actually raised her butt off the couch to help him get them off. She is really out of it, there is no way mom would be doing this in her normal state. Mark was smiling at Clare.

"Are you enjoying the show Clare?" Mark asked. "I ask because I couldn't help notice that one of your hands has snaked down to you pussy."

Clare pulled her hand away as fast as she could.

"Ah, don't be like that Clare, we won't judge you, we encourage it." Mark sneared.

Gus stopped playing with mom and moved over to my dad and stripped him also, just without playing with him. I guess Gus isn't Bi or gay he avoided even looking at my dad as much as possible. I couldn't believe it when my dad's dick came out, it was huge and standing at full mast sticking straight up in the air while he sits in the recliner.

"Wow dad's pretty hung, you like that Clare?" Mark asked again.

"Yeah, that fucker has got a bigger dick than me, and I'm eight inches, he must be at least nine inches." Gus commented. "Mom must be a happy girl. She will have to make do with my dick from now on, she isn't fucking him again." Gus commented while taking his own clothes off.

Mark leaned down and started whispering to Alisa. She would mumble things periodically like "Ok", "That's nice", "Sounds like fun". I don't know what he was saying to her, but I didn't like it anyway. Mark moved over to whisper to my father next who also mumbled similar things.

Mark went into one of the duffle bags that Gus had brought in earlier and pulled something out. It looked like a long black thin stick with a flat part on the end. "Clare, time for you to get naked also." Mark said.

"No, no, no, please!" Clare said.

"No complaints, do it now, or you will be punished. Maybe you like that kind of thing" Mark told her while walking around to the front of the sofa. Clare just sat there hugging her knees to her chest trying to be as small as possible. Mark suddenly swung the stick around and hit Clare's outer thigh.

"Ahhh" Clare screamed and jumped.

"I said undress now, everything!" Mark yelled. Clare started crying again and started to lift her shirt off.

Gus was completely naked and sitting next to Alisa pulling her head towards him and kissing her on the lips, she started kissing back and Gus started playing with her boobs again. He was whispering into her ear between kisses. Gus reached over and grabbed one of Alisa's hands and put it on his dick. She instinctively grasped it and started stroking it up and down.

Clare lifted her butt off the sofa and removed her shorts and panties. "Well aren't you the looker, shaved your pussy and everything." Mark commented. She now regretted shaving her pubic area for her new small bikini. "Now go give your dad a hug." Mark said.

"What?" Clare asked.

"You heard me, go sit on your dad's lap and give him a nice hug. I know you love him."

"But, we're naked, that's my dad."

"I know, do it now." Mark ordered. Clare walked over by her father but just stood there looking at his huge dick standing straight up. Clare looked over at her mother who was making out with Gus and her legs spread and Gus's hand rubbing her crotch. Suddenly a loud smack hit Clare's ass and a sharp pain. Mark had swung his crop and left a bright red mark on her right ass cheek.

"Now that ass is fantastic, so tight and fuckable" Gus shouted. Clare just glared at Gus.

"Climb on now!" Mark said while swinging the crop again to leave another mark on Clare's other ass cheek.

"Owww" Clare started to scoot her butt sideways onto her father's lap but another stinging hit from the crop stopped her.

"Not like that, face your father and straddle his legs." Mark instructed.

Clare with fresh tears in her eyes put her knee between her father's thigh and the recliner arm rest and brought her other knee on the other side. Dan's head turned to look at who sat on his lap and saw a beautiful naked woman sitting there. Dan in his drug addled mind didn't recognize his daughter and brought his hands around to cup her ass.

"Daddy! No!" Clare shouted. But Dan just pulled her closer bringing her stomach in contact with his raging hardon.

"Give daddy a kiss on the lips." Mark ordered while smacking her upper butt with the crop a couple of times. Clare leaned forward and put her lips on her father's who actively started kissing back and bringing a hand up to the back of Clare's head holding her close to continue kissing. Dan lifted Clare up trying to get his cock into her pussy.

"You feel that cock between your legs, you love it don't you. You are so horny you want to fuck it don't you!" Mark stated. "Now, grab Daddy's cock and guide him into your cunt." Mark ordered.

Clare hesitated so he gave her a couple more smacks with the crop until she grasped it and slid it back, rubbing along her slit sending a shiver up her back, it felt so good.

"Dan do you remember that whore I promised you? This is her, she has a kinky incest fantasy, and she likes it rough. Her name is 'Whore' but she likes to pretend she is your daughter Clare" Mark said.

"Oh, you sick whore, you got a dirty mind don't you." Dan muttered.

Dan felt his cock hit the mark and started lowering her down, the tip entered her and she bit her bottom lip.

"Oh Daddy!" Clare muttered.

"Oh, fuck, yeah, Whore take it!" Dan muttered to himself. Dan lifted her up and down a couple of times until his cock was about half way in it started twitching.

"Oh sick, he is cumming inside me!" Clare screamed out loud.

Dan suddenly pushed Clare down the rest of the way and held her there.

"Looks like Daddy has a hair trigger." Mark laughed.

Clare had tears coming down her face, that last push hurt a little, but It also feels so good, but she is having sex with her father and he just came inside of her, Clare's emotions were all twisted up, hating these fuckers for what they were making her do, but enjoying the feeling in her pussy. The twitching inside her pussy finally died down and she leaned forward hugging her father.

"Sorry" Dan muttered "give me a minute."

"He thinks he came too early for me, his dick is still hard also." Clare thought.

"Clare, start fucking your dad now." Mark ordered. "Soon you will only be able to cum with Dan's dick inside you." Mark continued while giving her some taps on her ass with the crop. Clare raised her butt up a little and then pushed back down.

"Don't have to worry about lube with my dad's cum greasing me up." Clare thought. She raised her butt up again and shoved it back down, not going more than an inch or two.