Clare's Sexpedition Episode 01


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She couldn't see it either but earlier she'd moved her hand to grip him there through his pants. He sometimes caressed himself during long oral sex sessions perhaps enjoying how hard this sex act made him. Their combined efforts to get her to orgasm suddenly bore fruit. His quickening of the pace took her over the elusive edge and into ecstasy at last. Her growl turned into strong gasps delivered in a quickening stream and as he heard them he continued his diligent servicing to her intimate core.

The climax coursed through her body causing her to judder and then cry out. It continued for several seconds, peaking and then beginning to slowly subside. He cautiously tried to track its flow so as to maintain every part of it for her. It reached its conclusion and she was quiet and still. He slowly halted his actions. They lay motionless, only their hearts and breathing were still heightened.

Perhaps two minutes passed and then she quickly lifted her pussy from him and turned herself, kneeling to face him. Without speaking and with heaving lungs and ruffled hair she looked at him as though hypnotised. Flushed cheeks were another symptom of her condition. Clare moved over the bed upright on her knees and straddled his neck. Though strained by the recent effort he was thrilled to have got her to a climax and readily responded to her obvious demand.

Still without speaking she cupped his head in one hand and pulled his face between her thighs and straight into her soft mound. He didn't need telling and began to work on her again. As she steadied her balance by holding the bed head he re-kindled her orgasmic embers, quickly reviving them to critical levels. He worked on, probing, chewing, with tongue flicks and lips on lips. He drank her lovely juices, feeling them travel down his throat with a warming sensation. Whilst enjoying her sexiness he let one hand go to his own excitement, hard within his pants. He sensed the dampness of his pre-come as he gripped himself, satisfied by the bulge of his head and the power of his erection. He became aware that Clare had begun that moan once again.

She began to rock herself from her knees and drove her pussy harder onto his face. She steadied herself with one hand and placed her other palm onto her left breast, squeezing her own nipple very firmly. With his spare hand he now pushed her more firmly onto his face and stepped up the pace of his rousing of her. Her womanly cleft was hot, his cock was like granite, his tongue ached, her clitoris was highly excited. Then she suddenly gasped and arched her body forward as a new climax created some involuntary movements. The sensations ran through her and she practically cried out, exhaling the excited state she was in for those precious moments.

From the excitement a brief stillness ensued and then she slid her vagina from Nick's face after the fulfilling climax and sat lightly on him. He felt the heart of her womanhood, very hot and juicy, press into his breastbone. He was pinned down by her slender thighs on his chest, her knees taking some of her weight each side of him. She was breathless from her exertions as well as the powerful orgasm. She pinned him further, placing a hand on each of his shoulders.

Clare slid a little further down him in order to press her mouth to his. He felt her sensual wet heat travel down his torso. His erection was still strong and firm, almost to the point of the tightness of his bulbous head hurting slightly. He could now feel the pre-come on his belly and around the elastic of his pants. She raised herself from his lips and having also released one shoulder she felt behind her.

Without a word she located his cock and slid her hand along its length inside the pants. She raised her wrist to push the front of the pants down, now wrapping her fingers around his hardness. A gentle squeeze produced some glistening pre-come onto her index finger and thumb. She released him and brought the crystal clear juice to her mouth and carefully licked it with the tip of her tongue. Still she said nothing but she did utter some approving sounds.

Having enjoyed this small delight she again felt behind her and lifted his pants where they held his erection to his body. She travelled down his length and gently explored his balls, cupping them and applying soft caresses. With more wrist actions she manoeuvred his pants down until all of his hard erection was uncovered. Again she lowered her mouth towards his and started to slide further down him whilst holding his penis off his body. It occurred to her that there was a bit of weight in this cylinder of hot pressured blood.

Now she pushed her stomach back to lift herself slightly from him so as to present her vaginal lips at an angle to receive his hard cock. As soon as Nick realised what she planned he exclaimed "No! I said I can't. Don't! Don't do it!". She ignored him, continued to move down him, noting that he had not moved one muscle in resistance. She guided his hot head to her moist slit. Without needing to see, she deftly connected the two at the first attempt. As they actually touched together, he exhaled a short compressed gasp as the sensations hit him. She allowed only slight penetration, perhaps just over half of his head was between her labial lips when she began some slow motions, almost stirring her hole with his hard shiny head, extending her lips out to the sides.

After some moments of this she slid some more of him inside herself. She was enjoying the feel of this penetration. She now had all of his head within her and it felt large compared to her previous encounters even though Nick's length was similar to some of those others she'd allowed to join with her. His emotions were struggling, he knew he could not resist this experience, he consoled himself that she'd initiated it but he didn't want a sex hangover to occur and strain their friendship and he had other reasons buried in the past which he could not share with Clare.

He remembered an old adage he'd heard years back, 'A standing cock has no conscience!'. How he was demonstrating that now! But Clare is gorgeous and very sexy and in any case, she'd started the whole thing off with him, he reasoned in order to convince himself. She felt great so far too, as far as he was in her that is. They all feel unique to him. They must be like finger prints he thought. Every woman that he'd entered felt different. Come to think of it, they all taste different, he mused. Clare moved again which broke his chain of thoughts. She gradually drew his full length within her and then, as he was assessing her internal shape, he felt her use some amazing womanly muscles cleverly to provide intermittent flexing gripping of his shaft. Nick momentarily recalled that he'd once experienced a girl who was so adapt at the technique she had brought him to a climax by those movements alone. 'Where did Clare learn that' he speculated to himself.

She was quite big inside, more so than he had anticipated which was a mild surprise to him but he was taken yet again by how incredibly moist she was. To his pride, he was now hearing Clare say "You've got such a great cock, Nick. I love how wide it is, especially the head. There was no way I'd have let you keep it from me". With that she eased her back upright and began a gyratory movement of her hips which served to ease his erection in and out of her by just an inch or so whilst also gently grind her clitoris on the trimmed hair just above his cock. He placed his hands on her breasts and rubbed the nipples between thumb and forefinger in time to her rhythm. He had to be careful to control himself now. He was so aroused by this girl, her fabulous body, the passion she showed and engendered, he'd need to be alert to stave off an early climax.

As he used every trick in his book to take his mind elsewhere he could hear Clare give slight grunts of breath in time with her very sexy movements. He thought of the oak tree, but that brought his mind back to Clare who'd held his hand there and who was now riding him with her aroused wetness flowing slowing from her pussy to his balls. She was very wet indeed and the room had taken on the distinctive aroma of a fulfilling sex session.

He thought about their meal earlier but then he remembered the slit in her dress and the missing underwear. She'd obviously dressed so sexily with her end result in mind.

He thought about things in the room they were in and held the subject for some prolonging moments but she distracted him by increasing her pace and the volume of her gasps. He realised she was close to climaxing again and he turned his attention to the characteristics she was displaying. Clare pressed her hands into his shoulders, her eyes were closed, her mouth pouted to add volume to her breathing. He placed his hands on her hips and helped provide energy to her movements but letting her decide the speed. She stepped it up again and let her head hang back. She'd entered that other world that some women go to, to experience their orgasms. She'd not hear anything now until she'd gone through the shudders of extreme thrilled sensations.

His distracted thoughts were working and his own potential to climax stayed in check. He continued observing her as she rode his cock very firmly indeed now, firm to the point of seemingly trying to bend it which induced a pleasurable ache along its full length. She dug her nails into him which coincided with her gasps becoming practically unbroken and she ground herself deeply onto him, his shaft buried firmly inside her. Clare was totally absorbed into her sex. Suddenly she was there. Her gasps became more guttural and intense. He was sure he felt several shudders ricochet through her and she slowed to a stillness before going quiet except for getting her breath back. Then she slowly fell forward onto him, temporarily exhausted. Her hair had flailed across his face, her mouth was on his shoulder and she bit into it quite firmly but not to the point of real pain.

Some moments went by. He stroked his left hand down her back following the contours of her spine. He slipped it between the cheeks of her bum and rested a finger tip on her bum hole which felt slightly warmer than the rest of her. She didn't respond to this at all. As her breathing became normal he fleetingly tensed his cock which was still erect deep inside her, causing the knob to swell a little more. "Hey, I felt that!" she said, her first words since her orgasmic experiences began. Then she raised herself, allowing cooling air to react to the sweat from the two bodies in contact. She looked down into his eyes. He smiled up at her as she said "Thank you. This is better than I could've hoped for. And I'm really looking forward to whatever's next."

He paused before replying. "You know some great moves considering you had a dilemma about being satisfied."

"Long story, - for another time!" was her enigmatic reply as he began a slow gentle movement inside to keep his erection topped up.

She eased herself off his still hardened cock and held it for a few seconds with a playful squeeze. Then she adopted a position that enabled her to rub his cock on and between her breasts, particularly pushing the head into her erect nipples. Having coated herself with as much of her own juices as she could impart this way she swung around and presented her tits right in front of his face. "Lick my pussy juices off my tits -- I like that!" she commanded and though a little shocked by her forwardness, he obediently began the process of completely removing the scented juices from her tiny sweet orbs. She thrust her head back to push herself at him more. He enjoyed her request, relishing the taste of her and detecting his pre-come.

He softly clamped his teeth on each nipple in turn, biting to inflict gentle pain but nothing more. As he did she said "I'm going to do some of this later." and with that she moved lower, bent over him, let her hair loose to fall all around her handful of cock. Forming an O with her lips, Clare slid his knob through where she greeted it with flicks of her tongue. She followed this with attentive licking of the entire length, revelling in the taste of her own juices which by now had flowed widely. She concluded with a smack of her lips.


Suddenly Clare said "I'm very aroused and I want to tell you about something but I hope you won't judge me. I've never shared this story with anyone, not even Alison, but now we've fucked I feel that I can share it with you. You'll see why I don't easily share it. It's very steamy, it's raunchy and, to be honest if I'm feeling horny I still get turned on by it but if I'm not I can still be embarrassed but not quite ashamed. Can I tell you?"

Intrigued as he was there was only one reply. She continued "I was in my final year at Uni. A load of us had been out and there was a lot of drinking. Gradually people dropped out and in the end I was the only girl and there were five lads left. We ended up back at a flat where we drank some more. We were messing around deciding what to do and one of the lads suggested that we make it a specially memorable occasion for the six of us and create a special bond. We were all up for that suggestion and he went on to explain his idea. He asked if we were all on board for 'Guess Whose'. Of course, it meant nothing to me so I asked what it was. I was drunk but still in control, but reduced inhibitions and a sense of adventure, however raunchy. He said that I was the key person if we were to do it, putting me on the spot. He took me aside so as not to keep me on the spot and he explained it. For the life of me I don't know why but I agreed. I do know why really -- it was to do with a phase I was in then, in fact a phase I'm still in. I'm not sorry because it was a very hot game and nobody got hurt. Anyway it started with everyone stripping off. I wasn't shy. I topless sun-bathe so it was just a bit more. Then I had to give each of the lads a bit of a hand job, not to bring them off but more to size them up, so to speak. They were all hard by the time I got to them, quite a nice selection of pricks too. I'd already fucked two of the guys previously, just one night stands, but I could've gone with any of them there and then was what went through my mind. Then we get to the crunch. I was blind-folded and I got down on all fours. One by one they entered me briefly. They weren't allowed to fuck me properly, just enter me, hold inside for around ten seconds then out. I had to guess who was who. Do you know, telling you this is getting me very, uhh, very turned on again. There was a variety of lengths and curves and knob sizes and I got three right, not bad. The last one was easy, Jules, a Caribbean guy. Good job he was last too or I'd hardly have gripped the others! In his case, that rumour is true! It was memorable like we'd wanted and we pledged to keep it between us. I don't know if they did and I've got the most reason to keep it quiet. Anyway, I know it's safe with you and I can see you find it, - shall we say - interesting."

She nodded towards his erection which was at bursting point, such was the effect of her tale. "After the guessing game there was still loads of sexual tension in the room, we're all there wondering what's next and another suggestion came up. I was horny but I wasn't going to take them all on, even though I genuinely, just briefly, considered it and I wasn't going to choose only one of them either. There's a name for what we did and I can't remember it but they persuaded me to lie on the floor and they all stood over me. They all wanked off onto me. I got covered in their spunk, jets of it. I teased them by holding my mouth open and one managed to get a bit on target. I've always been turned on by spunk from a very early sexual experience. I've also got very excited from seeing these lads turned on by me and for this lot to have each been in me and then jizzing onto me got me so aroused that I started to rub it all over my breasts and between my legs. Then I began frigging myself, lubricated my clitoris with their spunk. I was rubbing it in deep."

"That spurred on the two who still hadn't come on me. Jules was one of them and I watched fascinated as he brought himself off. His knob was big, and I mean big. I just wanted to suck his come out of him. He was last to come and had a determined look as he got near to his climax. I propped myself up with my arms behind me and held my head in a seductive way with my mouth open. He had moved nearer to my face and put his knob nearer my face. He shot his load and it deliberately sprayed onto my face, some of it went into my mouth. As he shot some more out, much slower now, I raised my head and sucked his knob briefly. It was not fully pressured now but still very big and I got to taste his spunk which I swallowed. His spunk - and there was a lot of it - was running down my face and I managed to lick some more of it. I made a promise to myself to fuck him one day but that's yet to happen. Anyway, once they'd all shot they calmed down a lot of course -- like you men do! One of them took me off to the bathroom so I could shower. It was this guy's flat. Once he got me alone he turned me to face him and unbelievably he began licking their stuff off my tits. I was so much further aroused by this I realised that I was letting him finger me too while I held his cock and boy was I wet inside. I nearly came it was so horny and dirty and sexy."

"He'd got another hard-on now, he was so excited and I was very tempted but I didn't want the others to find us doing anything. We got into the shower and he helped me wash. I washed him too, in parts, really rock hard again by now. I was still so sorely tempted and I gave in to it. He was one of the bigger boys after all. D'you know, Nick, I'm getting really thrilled by telling you this. We ended up that I did him mostly by hand and then I turned away from him and casually bent over on some pretext, still while we showered. He didn't need telling twice, he grabbed my hips, placed his knob where it was needed and he pulled me back onto his full length. He didn't take long - unfortunately. He managed a few really strong deep thrusts and he came inside me. He's one of those guys who comes in real volume, loads of it. I remembered that from earlier and I felt him burst inside me, very hot and powerful, even second time round. I felt a little bit disappointed that it hadn't lasted longer but still, that was better than the others realising what had gone on and them getting jealous."

"We cleaned up and returned to the group who were all at least partly clothed now. We reminded ourselves that it was all to be kept between us and we all crashed out. As a post script to the story, I slept on the sofa. Some time during the night, I was sleeping on my front and I was joined on the settee. It was totally dark and no words were exchanged. I felt someone there and my quilt was just pushed aside and my legs were parted. I felt a very hard cock flop onto the crack of my bum. I wasn't forced, but, d'you know, I actually offered my pussy up in the air, I fully allowed one of them to take me from behind, not knowing who it was. I was still on such a sexual high. He put about three fingers in me first and then I felt his hard cock slide into me. It was all still very wet and sticky inside me and that added to it for me if I'm honest, probably having a mix of come inside me. He seemed to enjoy what he'd helped himself to and he left another measure of my favourite creamy stuff in me before he slid out, bit my bum and crept away. The only sound he made was a bit of involuntary squelching and a few grunts as he emptied himself into my wet pussy. I realised that I'd been keeping my eyes closed to keep it a mystery even though it was really dark. I think I know who it was but it adds to my thrills that I don't properly know and that I willingly let myself be just taken and fucked by a mystery man, albeit no stranger. He knows, of course but he's never let on to me. I reckon it wasn't Jules though if you know what I mean although I would have quite liked him inside me again. I noticed that when he jizzed on my face there really was a lot of it. And a good size cock, head like a large plum. I'd really like to get a proper fucking by him."