Class Mates

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A posh girl spends a weekend with a chav girl.
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Summary: A posh girl spends a weekend with a chav girl

Author's note: Growing up, I was a Rebecca. I never really got in trouble, or even really thought about it. And yet, it was hard to deny the appeal of the chav students, especially as I spent my school years on a fairly rough estate. I would secretly be quite envious of the lives they led -- smoking, drinking, fucking. I never said that, of course, but I thought it.

In many ways, Class Mates is a look at a road not taken, but one that a little part of me still wishes had been taken.

There are two things worth noting in advance. Firstly, I think the appeal of this story is in the transformation, and the idea of a posh girl becoming something that she's not -- there is sex, but this isn't a sex story, and I think it's worth knowing that from the off. If you're after lots of sex, and lots of descriptions of sex, it may be worth looking elsewhere!

Secondly, I originally published this story in chapters elsewhere, and I'm too much of a lazy hack to rework it, so that explains all the sporadic breaks!


Class Mates

"Don't worry about her - she's just council scum."

'Council scum' - that was how it all started.

Well, that wasn't strictly accurate, but that was the crack that pushed Courtney over the edge.

That was the jibe that made her realise she had to do something to deal with the problem once and for fucking all.

Courtney Miller was from the rough part of town, and she was what would have been referred to a few years ago as a chav. She wore her white shirt as unbuttoned as she could, untucked and hanging loosely over her tight black miniskirt, her school tie in a loose knot around her neck. She wore black tights and scuffed black trainers - she'd been warned to change to more appropriate footwear a few years back, but those warnings had fallen on deaf ears. Instead of her school blazer, she wore a black tracksuit jacket, in which she kept her cigarettes and some gum.

At school, she always wore her black hair pulled back in a ponytail. She ignored the school policy on jewellery, wearing a pair of hoop earrings, and makeup, opting for thick black mascara. There was something pretty about her, but she generally tried to conceal that with a scowl and a foul mouth that was always chewing gum or having a cheeky fag.

The way she wore her uniform put her in stark contrast to her rival - Rebecca Lunden, the fucking snooty bitch who thought she owned the place.

Rebecca's family was well off, and you could see it in the way she carried herself. She had that kind of walk, and that air of smug superiority, that you only get with money. She wore the school uniform as if she was in the school's catalogue - white shirt, neat tie, blazer, black pleated skirt and matching tights with flat shoes. She never looked anything less than respectable, little miss perfect.

She oozed self-confidence - she had a friendly smile and an easy air, and she had all the boys wrapped around her little finger. It helped that she was stunning - long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was pretty, and that was just one of the reasons that Courtney hated her.

They'd been in the same year in school since they were 15, and they were always competing with each other. Courtney was naturally cleverer than she let on, but she couldn't be bothered with the work - that meant it was easy for Rebecca to show her up academically, and that only served to frustrate her more.

They didn't hang out - Courtney had her friends, Rebecca had hers. Courtney and her gang took great pleasure in intimidating the clique of snobs, threatening them and bothering them in class. They liked to hang out near the school gates, smoking, waiting for Rebecca to pass on the way home so they could heckle her. There was nothing more enjoyable for Courtney than waiting for Rebecca to get into a groove in an essay, or answering a question in class, and then throwing something at her to put her off.

Their days were spent slinging passive-aggressive remarks at each other, and delighting in besting the other. It went on for years - they were now nearing the end of sixth form, and it was still going on. Their relationship hadn't improved - if anything, the years of competing with each other had almost become a ritual of sorts. They were both now 18, and showing no signs of changing their ways.

And then, unexpectedly, it all spilled over one Tuesday afternoon and hit breaking point.

Courtney was in after-school detention, something that was not unusual. Mr Parsons, the geography teacher, had told her off for texting in his lesson - in response, she'd told him to fuck off. It was worth it, even if she wound up wasting the best part of her fucking afternoon sitting in the school's own prison.

Detention was a dry experience - she'd sit in a bland room for an hour, playing on her phone or staring out the window. A teacher used to sit in and watch, but they'd quickly realised that they were just wasting their time - Courtney would sit with her feet on the desk and give them hell for all that time, just because she could.

That day, Courtney was looking out one of the open windows into the school car park, and she saw Rebecca walking out with one of the art pupils. The school musical was coming up, and clearly Rebecca was involved somehow - they'd both be leaving soon, and this was clearly her trying to do one last thing. Great, just fucking great, Courtney thought - because what we all need is to her more of her fucking voice before we're out the door.

Rebecca's car was parked near to the room Courtney was in, and as she came closer, she met Courtney's eyes. She offered a casual, almost sarcastic smile to the chav girl - in response, Courtney offered a snarky smile of her own, and a pair of middle fingers.

Courtney heard the artistic girl gasp.

"Who's that?" she asked Rebecca.

"Don't worry about her," Rebecca said, "she's just council scum."

Courtney was furious - angrier than she'd ever been. Rebecca had come out with snarky comments before, but never anything so nasty. She was in her car and pulling away before Courtney could reply - and lucky her, the bitch. If she'd been here, Courtney would have climbed out of the window and fucking strangled her.

From that point on, their rivalry became something else. Courtney had hated Rebecca for a long time, but now, that hatred was going to translate into action.

She didn't have long left - they only had a few weeks of school left, and then Rebecca would be off to some fancy uni and Courtney would never see her again. That thought should have been a blessing - now, it was a ticking clock.

Courtney only had a limited amount of time, but she knew that she was going to take the bitch down.

The only question was how.


Courtney had gone home furious that Tuesday night, with nothing but Rebecca on her mind. She was angry and she wanted to do something - but what?

She'd spent half the night scrolling through Rebecca's social media, but she couldn't turn up anything useful. It was a total fucking waste of time, she thought - there was nothing good. It was everything she'd anticipated - photos of Rebecca smiling, hanging around with her rich friends on horses and going to fucking tea parties. She didn't follow any dodgy accounts, and she didn't post anything dodgy. Little miss perfect couldn't even do anything interesting online.

In frustration, Courtney threw her phone onto her bed and swore out loud to herself: "Fuck me!"

Her head was muddled - she needed a break, and a quick smoke.

She climbed out of bed, wearing nothing but a loose hanging top and a pair of panties, and opened her bedroom window. She grabbed her lighter and a cigarette from the open pack laying on top of her TV cabinet, and lit up.

As she inhaled the smoke, she could feel herself getting calmer, that niggling voice at the back of her mind quieting down a little.

She exhaled the smoke - fuck me, I needed this, she thought.

As she took another drag, she briefly entertained the idea of getting a few of the girls together and just beating the shit out of Rebecca. That would be a good way to teach her a lesson - if she told some of the girls what Rebecca had said about her, she knew that they'd be more than happy to find the posh bitch and beat her black and blue.

Just the thought of seeing Rebecca's beautiful perfect face left bloodied and bruised made her smile a sick smile.

But something about it seemed wrong somehow. She needed to get her own back on Rebecca, and this wasn't the way to do it.

It was one thing to break her body, but Courtney wanted more than that.

She wanted to break the stuck-up bitch's spirit.

"Fuck it, Courtney," she said to herself, "you're always saying that you're smarter than Rebecca - now's the time to prove it."

She took another drag, and she realised the issue was that she couldn't get the kind of information she needed about Rebecca from social media.

But she knew where she should look.


The next day, Courtney put her plan into action.

She skipped her lesson and stormed through the admin corridor at the school, just before lunchtime. The reason - she knew that, a few minutes before the lunch period began, the headteacher Mr Dacres liked to drop into the cafe and grab a meal for himself.

He was a serious man, fat but not particularly jolly, and not a fan of troublemakers - and that meant that he certainly wasn't a fan of Courtney Miller.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded of her.

"Oh, put a fucking sock in it, dickhead," she responded.

He reacted as she knew he would - he went red, furious at what he'd heard. He ordered her to follow him to his office - she made a show of skulking behind him, but she was secretly pleased that her plan had worked.

He opened the door, and pointed to one of the chairs by his desk.

"Take a seat, Miss Miller. I've something to attend to, but I'll be back in a minute and we're going to discuss your unacceptable language."

And then, Dacres left her to go and grab his lunch. Courtney knew she could count on two things here - that Dacres would not look kindly on her foul mouth, and that the fat wanker wouldn't miss his lunch for anything.

She knew she didn't have long until Dacres returned, and she certainly didn't intend to waste any of that time.

The headteacher wasn't out of his office for a minute before Courtney was on his computer, looking to find any information she could about her snooty rival. She had her phone out of her pocket, taking pictures of every bit of information she could find. She didn't know what would be useful in her quest to destroy Rebecca, and she didn't have the time to be discerning.

She found a lot of info that she knew would be useful - Rebecca's address, some contact numbers - and some stuff she didn't - Rebecca's exam grades, for instance.

There was a file attached to the grades with a red exclamation mark - that must mean something.

She clicked on it, and was amazed at what she read - she'd hit the goldmine.

Rebecca Lunden had cheated in her exams - her grades, and her place at uni, were all based on lies. She remembered the school's pride - it was on the local news, as Rebecca was the first person from this school to head to Oxbridge. No wonder Dacres was keeping it quiet, the fat bastard - he'd have been a laughing stock if it came out.

The school's golden girl, lording it over everyone in the school because she was heading off to some Oxbridge uni - and all this time, she'd cheated. Going around, telling Courtney that she was far cleverer, and she couldn't even get good grades without a little extra help.

Courtney smirked, delighted at this revelation. She'd never anticipated coming up with anything this useful - it was perfect. It was exactly what she wanted. She made sure she had all the photos she needed, and then she sat back in the chair.

Dacres eventually reappeared and gave Courtney a boring and endless lecture about swearing, and how it wasn't too late for her to put her poor behaviour behind her and make something of herself, in between stuffing his fat face with food.

She sat there, not really listening.

She had something major on Rebecca now.

Now, the question was how she was going to use it - Rebecca would do anything to keep this news quiet, and Courtney could exploit that for all it was worth.

And some ideas about exactly what to do were already coming to mind...


It was lunchtime on Friday.

Rebecca always took in a packed lunch, finely prepared at home, and ate in one of the sixth form study rooms, almost always on her own. She liked to read, and the study rooms were often quieter until people started to reappear at the end of the lunch period.

That was true today, and it made her an easy target for Courtney.

The chav girl sauntered into the room, hands tucked into her tracksuit jacket, and a big smirk on her face. Rebecca looked up as she heard the door go, and wasn't pleased with who she saw.

"What do you want?" she sighed.

"I want to talk," Courtney sounded chipper, brimming with excitement of what was about to happen, "and I want to talk in private."

"Here is fine. I trust it won't take too long," Rebecca couldn't hide the contempt in her voice, "I'm nearly at the end of my chapter, and I don't imagine you have anything overly interesting to say."

"You're such a stuck-up bitch, you know. Look, we can talk wherever you want," Courtney smirked, "but I don't think you want all the stupid fuckers who look up to you to know that you cheated in your exams."

The posh girl's face went white - the comment hit her like a sledgehammer.

"I don't know what you mean," she lied, her voice trembling.

"Yeah? Tell that to your face, Rebecca."

Rebecca's eyes went wide - she was desperately thinking of what to say, what to do. Here was her hated rival in front of her, holding a piece of information that could destroy her.

"Let's talk in private," Rebecca said, rising to her feet. She didn't know what she was going to do, but this seemed the best option in her mind.

She followed Courtney into one of the school's disabled toilets. The black-haired girl locked the door behind them - that wasn't a good sign.

"You don't know what you're saying," Rebecca began, but she was caught off by a big laugh from the chav girl.

"Yeah, it's all untrue, isn't it? That's why you followed me into the disabled's to lie about your innocence - that makes sense, doesn't it, you fucking moron. Honestly, if you're this thick, Rebecca, no wonder you needed to cheat."

Rebecca blushed a little at the comment, and she got angry.

"Shut up, Courtney, you little scumbag. You can't prove anything - you're just trying to mess with me, and I'm not having it."

The blond girl went to the toilet door, and unlocked it. Courtney took a seat on the closed toilet lid, and folded her arms. She smirked as Rebecca opened the door.

"Fine, you don't have to stay - I was just giving you a fucking chance, you stupid whore. I'll go talk to someone else - you reckon I'm smart enough to find the exam board, Rebecca?"

Rebecca froze in the doorway, and closed her eyes. A thousand thoughts flew through her mind in a moment, but one key one forced its way to the top - would Courtney be making these kinds of threats if she couldn't carry them out?

Reluctantly, slowly, feeling sick to the pit of her stomach, she re-entered the toilet, and locked the door again.

She looked at Courtney, who had a huge triumphant smirk on her face.

"What do you want, Courtney?"

"It's simple," she said. "So simple even a thick cheating fucker like you can understand. What are you doing tonight, Rebecca?"

She was meant to be attending a function with her parents, but she didn't dare say that to Courtney - she knew that was the kind of answer the chav girl would hate, and the last thing she needed was to annoy her any more at the moment.

"I'm going to a party," she mumbled.

"Not any more, bitch. You're dropping out of that party, and you're spending the weekend at mine."

"What?" Rebecca sounded disgusted. "Like hell I am."

"It's your choice, but here's the deal. You spend the weekend with me, and you do everything I tell you to do, and I'll give you all the proof that you cheated. I'll never mention it - no-one will ever know what you did, or what a fucking snooty cheat you are."

"And if I don't?"

"I'll take the proof to some who actually gives a fuck. And then, it's goodbye to your future - goodbye Oxbridge, goodbye uni, goodbye reputation," Courtney stood up and got in the posh girl's face, "and goodbye Rebecca."

Rebecca gulped.

"How do I know you'll keep your word? How do I know you'll actually give me the things you say you've got?"

"You'll have to trust me," she shrugged her shoulders. "But some of us actually keep their word - we say we'll do something, and we fucking do it."

Rebecca hated herself, and she hated the offer put on the table, but she realised there was no real choice. If Courtney could prove this, and Rebecca believed she could, a weekend was a small price to pay for the rest of her life.

"Fine, I'll do it."

Courtney smiled - she knew that Rebecca would do as she demanded, but she sounded furious and miserable as she said it. It was like music.

The posh girl turned to leave, but Courtney cleared her throat.

"Oh no, we're not done yet, fucker," she said. "We're going to have fun this weekend, Rebecca, but I want the fun to start now."

Rebecca did not like the glee in Courtney's voice.

"What do you want?"

"Give me your pants," Courtney said.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Do I sound like I'm fucking kidding, Rebecca? Take them off - now."

There was something in Courtney's tone - so dominant, so sure - that told Rebecca this was going to happen, whether she wanted it to or not.

She was disgusted with herself, but she did as Courtney demanded. She stepped out of her black ballet shoes, and reached under her skirt to find the hem of her tights. She hooked it with the line of her pants, and pulled them both down quickly - she wanted this over with as fast as possible.

She stood on that toilet floor, bare legs under her skirt, and she noticed that Courtney was holding a hand out.

"I'm not going to wait all day - hand them over, bitch."

Rebecca was furious with herself, but she placed her expensive black lace pants in the chav girl's hand.

Courtney stood up:

"I'll see you at mine at six - dress nice, and don't be late."

And with that, she went to the door and left the toilet, leaving it wide open as Rebecca tried to put her tights back on as fast as she could.

She put the pants in her pocket and smiled to herself.

Rebecca hated that.

And the weekend hadn't even started yet.


Rebecca's skirt was much too long for anyone to notice the lack of pants, but she felt like she was blushing for the rest of the school day. Thank God, she thought, that she only had two classes on a Friday afternoon, and that she'd be out of there at three. She could go home, put some underwear on again and relax.

That didn't help her now, as she sat in the music rooms feeling disgusted and embarrassed and just a little bit turned on every time she was aware of her sheer tights rubbing against her pussy as she shifted in her seat, or as she walked anyway.

What the hell had she done, she wondered? She knew that Courtney was threatening her, but why did she give in quite so easily?

She didn't know, but what she did know was that she was glad to be home at the end of the day. Rebecca lived in a large house in the middle of the country with no neighbours and tons of land. At the moment, it was completely isolated - her parents rarely came home before six, giving tons of time to do whatever she wanted.
