Class Project Ch. 03: Phys Ed

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My boyfriend and I ravish an athletic TA for our professor.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/12/2022
Created 08/06/2020
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Note: This is a fantasy about acts that would be evil in reality.


My alarm went off and I immediately sat up, pushing back the covers. Edward mumbled, and I turned on the light beside his bed.

He blinked in the sudden light, and I smiled at him.

"Ready to go ravish Trinh?"

He smiled at me. "Your bed head is the sexiest thing that exists."

I blushed. "You're just saying that because you're extra horny."

"That's not the only reason," he insisted.

I grinned and handed him his shirt.


We'd gotten our target a week before. Professor Connor had called us into her office late on a Wednesday, when the building was almost empty and our footsteps echoed in the halls.

"I wanted to tell you that I appreciate everything you've done to get the cheaters out of my classes," she said with a smile.

I smiled back. At the beginning of the semester, we'd been assigned a group project with a notorious slacker, Gianna, who had skipped out on us. Since our group project was about rape fantasies, Edward and I had decided to involve her whether she liked it or not, and ravished her out in the woods behind our campus. When Gianna dropped out, Professor Connor found out what we'd done and recruited us to ravish another cheater. Now, both girls were taking some time away from cheating to get ready for motherhood.

"We aim to please," I said.

"Well, that's good," she said, "because you've got another chance to earn your keep. One of my TAs has been accepting bribes to pass people in 100-level classes. If that keeps up, you're going to have more girls to deal with in my 200-levels than you have time for."

"We'd be happy to try," Edward volunteered, and I squeezed his hand.

"I'm sure you would, but it's better to nip these things in the bud," she said. "If she's knocked up and can't teach, those slackers all fail, and I don't have to deal with them."

I stifled a frown. "Isn't there an official process for getting TAs out?"

"There is," she admitted. "But Trinh's parents are leaders in the Vietnamese-American community and huge donors to the school. I'd get the stink-eye from the board if I booted her. If she drops out because she got knocked up, though, I come out fine."

"That's...oddly political, but alright," Edward said.

"She's a cutie, so don't complain," Professor Connor said.

"Alright," I said.

"Speaking of which, make sure you get a good video," she added. "They're quite stimulating."

I looked at Edward, and he nodded. "Alright," I said.

"Alright," she repeated. "I'll let you get to it."


Edward and I stepped out into the early morning darkness, our masks already on, and walked through the woods towards the neighborhood on the opposite side. It was mostly rentals for students, either undergrads like us or grad students like Trinh. Her roommate was another TA, and they rented a two-bedroom that backed up to the forest.

We crouched in the bushes and watched the door through a pair of binoculars. Just past six, Trinh's roommate stepped out and piled her teaching materials into her car, then drove off.

"She teaches until ten, right?" Edward murmured.

"Yep," I replied. "We'll have the house to ourselves."

Trinh stepped out a few minutes later. In spite of the fall chill, she wore nothing but clingy leggings and a sports bra. She slipped her earbuds in, then jogged down the driveway and along the sidewalk.

Once she was out of sight, and once she'd had a few minutes to jog away, we stepped up to the back door. Trinh had hidden a copy of her key in a decorative fountain, and I slipped it out and unlocked the door.

It was dark inside. Edward and I fumbled our way down the hall, then found the bedrooms and stumbled into Trinh's.

"She usually showers when she gets back from her run," I said. "So if we're quiet, she might get naked before she knows we're here."

Edward nodded. "Camera in the bedroom, then?"


We set the camera up, then hid in the closet. It was near the door, with her dresser on the opposite side of the room, so if she did start changing we'd have a good view, and even if she just walked in we'd be between her and the door.

"How long is her run?" Edward asked softly.

"About half an hour," I said. I reached over and took his hand, giving him a quick squeeze. We'd refrained from having sex the past two nights so that he'd have a really big load for Trinh, and I knew he must be horny as hell.

He leaned close to my ear, and I closed my eyes, expecting a kiss or a flirtatious nibble.

"I didn't bring a book," he whispered. I giggled and gave him a playful shove.

"You're supposed to be working," I whispered back. "Don't get distracted."

"Whatever you say, boss," he said, but he was leaning in for a kiss when he said it, and I couldn't do anything but kiss him back.

Anything forbidden was a source of excitement for us. We had broken into a woman's house, and we were kissing in her closet. The fear of discovery was just another form of excitement, and it made my heart race as surely as Edward's hand on my back, or his lips on mine. I panted, leaning back to let him kiss my neck, moaning softly even as I tried to keep an ear out for the door.

I didn't think we were kissing for long, but my sense of time is not the best when I'm kissing Edward. We both froze the instant we heard Trinh's key in the lock, though. She set something down in the entryway, then padded back towards her bedroom. I whimpered a bit as Edward pulled back from our kiss, and he squeezed my hand.

"Soon," he whispered, and leaned forward to peer out at Trinh. Silently, I followed suit.

She didn't waste any time putting on a show for us. She walked into the bedroom, still panting and sweaty from her run, and went straight to the dresser. Without any preamble, she crossed her arms down and pulled her sports bra off, then tossed it in the hamper.

She stood up again, and the moment stretched out as I watched her bare back. Her skin was pale, and it glistened with sweat as she stretched her lovely shoulders. Her short black hair had been tied into a rough ponytail. For all of her athleticism she was only maybe five foot three, and I wondered what her muscles would feel like as she struggled against us.

She kicked her shoes off, then turned towards us as she unzipped her pants. She was gorgeous, muscular yet petite. I could see the shape of her abs, and the line of the muscles in her thighs. Her breasts were modest yet curvy, with dark little nipples. Her small bush pointed a path between her legs, and I strained to catch a glimpse of her pussy.

As I leaned forward, I brushed against one of the dresses hanging in Trinh's closet. It rustled just loudly enough for Trinh to pause and look up. I froze.

Edward didn't hesitate, though. Before Trinh could make another move, he threw the closet door open and rushed her. She squealed, and brought up her arms to fend him off, but he grabbed her left wrist quickly and pushed her back. By the time I stepped out of the closet, he was reaching for her right wrist as she desperately tried to push him away.

"Help!" Trinh cried, looking confusedly at me as Edward grabbed her wrist and held her arms above her head. "Call the police!"

"I'm sorry," I told Edward.

"It's alright," he said softly, sending a smile in my direction. "I got you."

Trinh looked from Edward to me and back in confusion. "Who are you?"

"We're personal trainers," Edward said.

Trinh frowned for a moment. Edward smiled, then glanced at me.

"She's had some exercise," I said. "I think she should lie down for a bit before she gets any more."

Edward nodded. Then, before Trinh could react, he moved back, pushing her towards the bed.

"No!" she cried. "Stop!" She twisted in his grasp, then raised one leg to kick him. She hit his hip, and he gave her a swift push onto the bed, and she stumbled back. Before she could get her balance, he was pulling her back and climbing on top of her. I watched her struggle, kicking out at him until he was perched atop her hips.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Edward said. "I've got her in hand."

"Let me go, assholes!" Trinh cried. She twisted beneath him, trying desperately to break his grasp and push him off of her hips.

"Stop struggling, sweetie," I said. "You've gotta rest between exercises."

Trinh didn't take my advice. She redoubled her efforts, twisting and screaming in Edward's grip. I had thought she was pretty before when she stood naked in the middle of the room, but she was a different kind of pretty now, helpless and furious in Edward's grip. Her delicate eyebrows furrowed and her cute nose wrinkled as she struggled in his grasp. No one else would get to see her quite like this.

"She's feisty," Edward said.

"Maybe she's ready for some more exercise," I said. "Hold her still and I'll check."

Trinh figured out what I meant before I reached for her pussy. She squirmed, trying to put herself out of my reach. I climbed onto the bed and perched on one leg just behind Edward, keeping her legs just a bit apart.

"Tell me what she's doing," I said. Then, reaching down, I ran my fingers up her thigh, a bit at a time.

She couldn't throw me off. She twisted beneath me, and I could hear her squealing higher and higher as I drew close. Her bush was soft beneath my hand as I reached her cunt, my fingers sliding gently along her lips. I heard her gasp, and felt her struggles pause for just a moment.

"She liked that," Edward murmured.

"I did not!" Trinh cried. "Get off me!"

"She likes exercise," I said as I began to stroke her. "But I don't think she gets enough exercise like this."

She fought me, every step of the way. She bucked her hips to try to throw me off, and pushed her leg against me in a futile attempt to block my access to her pussy. I could hear her squealing, and I knew that Edward must be seeing all of her pretty struggles.

Her body had clearly not gotten her message about resistance, though. As I ran my fingers along her lips and gently circled her clit, I could feel her heat rising, and feel her getting wet. I couldn't be certain, but I felt as if some of her rage was directed at her own body.

"She's working up a sweat," Edward said. "And her breathing is lovely."

She squirmed, and I chuckled, imagining her pretty tits rising and falling as Edward watched.

"I bet it is," I said. I slid a finger inside her, marveling at how tightly her cunt gripped my finger.

"I think she has been exercising, just without anyone to spot her," I said.

"Is that true?" Edward said. "You poor thing."

"Get off me, you asshole!" Trinh cried. "Stop touching me!"

I leaned forward and kissed Edward's back. I'd meant it as a playful gesture but I continued, kissing between his shoulder blades as I slid a second finger into her tight cunt. He sighed happily, then glanced over his shoulder at me.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," he replied.

"But she needs your help," I went on. "She's been exercising her pussy but I don't think she's been stretching."

I love that Edward knows, in my tone, exactly what I want.

"I'll help," he said. And, with a quick smile, he climbed off, keeping his hands on Trinh's wrists. I reached my free hand over and pulled his pants down, revealing his proud cock.

"No!" Trinh cried. Somewhere, she found the energy to fight harder, nearly breaking Edward's grip on one of her wrists as he kicked his pants and his shoes off. I imagined what it would feel like for Edward in just a moment, feeling her struggles even as her body welcomed him inside. I knew that he would share his pleasure with me, however I asked, and I basked in that feeling.

"Stop it!" Trinh demanded, a note of panic in her voice, as Edward climbed back on top of her. I lifted his shirt up and off of his shoulders, and he let it slide down his arms and onto Trinh's face. I stood, giving Edward room to move back onto her hips. I walked forward, and smiled at him as I held Trinh's right wrist so that he could shed his shirt. He sat atop her naked, his hard cock inches from her bare cunt.

"Stretching is important," I said. "So he's going to make sure you get a good stretch, and I'm going to supervise."

"You can't!" Trinh wailed.

I walked to the foot of the bed and knelt, looking up between their legs. I knew I was probably blocking the camera angle, but I didn't care. Edward forced his knee between Trinh's legs, driving them apart, then situated himself between her legs. It was beautiful, watching her muscular legs flail and kick as he calmly lined himself up, his hard cock pointing towards her wet pussy. I couldn't hear what they were saying anymore; I could only make out her desperate indignance and his tone of soft reassurance.

"No!" she roared as the head of his cock pressed against her lips. She pushed mightily, her legs straining against the bed, but all she achieved was keeping her hips still so that his shaft could slide in another inch.

"She hasn't stretched much," Edward moaned.

"Poor girl," I replied. I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. She kicked wildly, her small feet trying in vain to find some purchase on the soft sheets. Edward moved forward slowly yet determinedly, his hard shaft venturing inside her an inch at a time. In spite of her struggles, her wet pussy opened eagerly for him, her lips parting to welcome his cock.

"Oh," she gasped, in spite of herself, before bellowing and straining against him.

"It's alright," I said, standing and walking up towards the head of the bed, where I could see their faces. "There's nothing wrong with enjoying your exercise."

I pulled her chair over to face the bed. I pulled my pants and my panties down to my ankles, then sat, letting my fingers begin to caress my already-wet pussy.

Trinh didn't know where to look. As she twisted futilely in Edward's grasp, she watched me enjoy her predicament, then looked at Edward's half-hidden face, then watched his hard cock slide in and out of her helpless cunt.

Edward was looking at me, though. I could tell that he was smiling under his half-mask, watching me enjoy his efforts, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm lucky to have you," he murmured.

"You're lucky to have her, too," I noted.

He looked back at Trinh. Her pretty brown eyes glared back up at him, and she wrinkled her cute little nose. Sweat covered her skin, and her petite breasts swayed as she struggled in his grip.

"I am," he agreed. "Her muscle tone is wonderful."

"I bet," I said. "It must feel so good to have her pussy squeezing your cock like that."

Trinh roared in defiance. "Get off me, you assholes! I'll kill you!"

"Oh, sweetie," I said, sliding two fingers into my pussy. "We're just helping you exercise."

As if to illustrate the point, Edward lifted himself up just a bit. We watched, together, as he thrust into her and withdrew, again and again. We watched her hips squirm, her toned little muscles no use against Edward's calm strength. She was so cute compared to him, with her slender arms twisting in his iron grip, and her legs flailing on either side of his lovely ass, and her demure little pussy opening for him.

"No," she moaned.

"Oh, yes," I replied. "If you keep this up, I bet we can get you to your peak heart rate in no time."

She squealed with outrage, and I smiled. "Sweetie, it's an important part of your workout. When he gets you to your peak, and you fall apart, that's how we'll know you're getting your exercise."

"I'm not gonna cum for him!" she declared.

"It'd be good for you," Edward said, watching her face. "And it'll be so pretty to watch."

She shook her head, tossing her short back hair. She looked up at Edward, just a bit of desperation creeping into her anger.

"Let me go!" she insisted.

"Once we're done," Edward replied.

One of the things I love most about watching him ravish another girl is seeing him work from the outside. He knows me well by now, knows what makes me gasp and moan and fall apart, but every girl is different. When he ravishes someone he discovers what makes them tick, what drives them higher no matter how they fight it, and I get to see every moment.

Trinh was fighting, harder than either of the first two girls had. At times she roared in defiance as she pushed against his grasp, and at other times she squealed with each thrust of his cock into her wet pussy. She kicked against the bed, trying to push herself away from him. She twisted her hips, trying desperately to stop his invasion.

Her struggles shifted in focus as he got to know her better, though. He shortened his strokes, staying deeper inside her so her squirming couldn't dislodge him. She gasped as his hips pressed against hers, and he repeated the motion, searching out her pleasure. She gasped, and couldn't quite keep the pleasure out of her voice.

"Stop it," she insisted.

"You are so pretty when you're all sweaty like this," I said. Edward smiled, and I watched his hips rise and fall, her slender body opening up for him even as she struggled in his grasp. Her body was responding so beautifully, as though this was another exercise that her body knew she desperately needed. Her dark little nipples were hard, her skin was flushed, and I could tell by the sounds they made that her pussy was dripping wet.

"She's getting such a good workout," I went on.

"I've got some protein for her recovery, too," Edward replied.

"No!" Trinh cried. She struggled again, but even her adrenaline-fueled thrashing couldn't disrupt Edward's efforts. She looked down, in shock and apprehension, as her wanton pussy welcomed his cock.

"No," she repeated.

"He will, though," I said, my fingers picking up their pace as they slid inside me. "Once he makes you cum, he's gonna fill your pussy up with his seed."

Edward's pace began to pick up. Trinh was still struggling against him, but her outraged noises were getting higher and breathier as he went. I tended not to like a fast pace, but the desperation in her face told me that it was working for her. It was lovely to watch Edward figure out how to get her going, no matter how different she was from me.

Her pace was rising, too. Her struggles were growing more frantic, driven as much by her unwanted pleasure as by her desire to escape. Her cries were somewhere between desperation and pleasure, but she glared at both of us as her struggles rose, unable to give in.

I was moving along with the two of them. I didn't try to match them for speed; she clearly liked it faster than I did. But his excitement was infectious, and Trinh's struggle against her own pleasure was intoxicating. I felt my own climax rising up, along with hers; I wasn't as quick a start as she was, but I wasn't fighting against my own body.

"Stop," she moaned.

"You're getting close, aren't you?" I said.

Trinh shook her head. "I won't give in!"

"Oh, I know," I said. "You're fighting so hard, and it's terribly pretty. But he's going to win."

Edward groaned, and smiled at me. I smiled back and kept going.

"It's not your fault that you're going to cum for him," I panted. "You did everything you could. It's just that your body is on his side."

Trinh made a wordless, angry sound, but she couldn't entirely keep the moan out of it. She looked down at her hips, as if her angry glare would work any better on them than it had on us. Her breath came in short, sharp gasps, and I could tell that she couldn't fight everything off. Staving off her orgasm was taking every bit of energy she had, and my words were a distraction she couldn't afford.

"Your body wants to cum," I said, feeling my own desires rise up with hers. "Your pussy wants to flood you with pleasure, and squeeze his cock."

"No," she groaned.

"Your body wants you to finish your workout, so you'll be all well-fucked and helpless for him," I went on.