Clone Saga: Final War Ch. 01


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Streek wasted no time grabbing his hard, wet cock and pushing it through her soft lips and deep inside the tight hole. His groin pressed up against her ass as he completely buried his member inside her. Bernie let out a loud pleasurable moan. Streek grabbed her ass and started rocking his hips back and forth with deep, hard strokes.

Bernie continued to moan loudly as he banged her from behind. There was a constant slapping sound as he fucked her with a steady rhythm. After a while he could feel a powerful orgasm coming on.

He grunted and groaned as he sped up his thrusts and Bernie moaned even louder. "Ooh Yeah! Aaaah!" cried out Streek as he spurted into her. His warm, wet cum filled her tight hole. Streek groaned as his cock throbbed again and more cum spurt out.

He slowly pulled out from Bernies' sopping wet hole and some pearly white cum dripped out after it. Bernie stood up again and turned around. "I'll be a good whore and clean you up." she said as she got back down on her knees.

Streek sighed softly as she took his slimy member in her mouth and softly sucked and rubbed her tongue around it. "Baby, you're the best." Bernie mumbled something around his cock. "Hey, didn't your mother teach you not to talk with your mouth full?"


They jumped through four more systems without incident, passing into Federation controlled territory. Around fifty two hours after launching from base, they were approaching the planet of New Heidi.

"There's a Federation presence here, but nothing like the blockade last time." said Bernie from the captains seat.

Streek looked at the blue green planet slowly growing larger in the viewscreen. There seemed to be quite a bit of activity around it, with ships coming and going. New Heidi was a busy trading hub. "Do you think the war will find its' way here?"

"So far the Pirate Alliance has just been raiding along the borders, but I'm sure that will change. Listening to General Bolton and Dr Arnott talk, there's no part of the galaxy that's safe."

The Ivan Drago made its way through the blazing atmosphere and to the huge city of Rodfern. It was currently in the middle of the day cycle, facing the systems' large yellow star. The city began to fill the viewscreen as they flew down to it. It was grey and infinitely complex, with jagged buildings poking up everywhere. Craft of all shapes and sizes were buzzing about.

Bernie piloted the Drago down through all the activity and into the shadows of the undercity. The concrete walls seemed to be closing in around them as they descended. Then Bernie landed the starship onto a relatively clear platform, very close to where the Avatari landed last time they were there.

Fairly soon, Bernie and Streek were walking through the dim, slums of the undercity. The concrete ceiling loomed around four meters above them, stretching out into the darkness.

"We're not far from the place where we first had lezzo sex." said Bernie smiling.

"Great lezzo sex." said Streek. "Too bad things got so fucked up after that."

"Because of me. I told you I was sorry about that right."

"Yeah, so let's just move on. We gotta find my sire and clone brother. If they're even still here."

"If they're not, then we'll find out where they are."

"Why does the Resistance even want them anyway?"

"You should be flattered. The General obviously thinks you're useful if he wants a couple more of you. The clone can take some mind-writes at least."

"Oh, and I'd be useless without the combat experience loaded into my brain eh?"

"Not totally useless, you'd still be sexy. Would you consider it cheating if I did those two?"

"Yes!" said Streek turning to her.

Bernie smiled at him, "So we can't have a nice Streek sandwich with a Bernie filling?"

Streek just shook his head, "You're a naughty girl. I might have to spank you later."

"Oooh, now your talking."

They walked on further through the dank, trashy undercity. They could vaguely remember where they encountered the original Streek last time, it seemed a good place to start.

"I think we might be on Rusty Razors turf." said Bernie. "No sign of them though. Maybe they learned their lesson last time." In fact the whole area seemed eerily deserted. The mangy dogs and human trash they saw littered about last time was quite scarce.

They looked around for a while until they found the old abandoned shop where Streek and his clone were hiding out last time. It was in a deserted area of the undercity that had trash and rubble everywhere. It was also dimmer there than other areas and dark shadows were everywhere.

Bernie called out, "Hello? Anyone here?"

"You there Streek? It's me ...Streek." He pulled the large broken door away from the front and set it aside. Inside the dilapidated building was dark and it smelt terrible. Bernie pulled a glo-stick from her pocket and snapped it on. Both of them cautiously entered. The stick brought a dim light to the small room. It reminded Streek of the dark interrogation room of the Resolve, the last time he came to New Heidi.

Streek was stepping in something wet, he looked down at the wide dark pool of liquid under his feet. Was that blood? Then Bernie let out a gasp. Streek looked over at the dusty counter and saw them, two lifeless heads, exactly like his. Streek reeled in shock. He suddenly felt very ill.

"Oh fuck! Who killed them?" said Bernie. She seemed as disturbed by the sight as he was. Both the Streek heads had been placed side by side on the counter, facing them. Their lifeless eyes were open and staring blankly. Streek couldn't hold back any more, he turned and bent over and threw up on the floor.

"Streek..." Bernie sounded very worried now. "...They were left here for us to find. I think we're in real danger here." She glanced out the doorway and suddenly yelled out, "Get down!!"

She bowled into Streek and knocked him to the ground as something shot into the building. There was loud explosion and a shockwave ripped through them. A fireball erupted around them as the old abandoned shop was ripped apart by an explosion.

Bits of fiery debris were rebounding off Bernies' personal energy shield. She looked down into Streeks' eyes. "Are you okay Streek?"

Streek nodded, "Yeah." he was a little shell shocked, but was otherwise unharmed. Both of them slowly got up from the rubble. The air was thick with smoke around them, but they could see several figures across the street.

"They're still alive." called out someone. Streek looked them over, he counted eight of them. All were heavily armoured and heavily armed.

"Don't see any black jackets." said Bernie, "Looks like mercenaries or bounty hunters. Let's take 'em out."

"I'm with you." said Streek. The two of them began sprinting across the street toward their attackers. The bounty hunters seemed surprised to have their targets running straight toward them, they soon opened up with their weapons. A barrage of laser and bullet fire struck their shields.

Streek ran up to a big guy in green armour who was firing a laser rifle at him. He swiftly jumped and delivered a hard flying kick to his head, knocking him back. Another big guy let off a powerful shotgun blast into his shield from nearby. Streek leapt forward with a straight kick to his chest. He swiftly kicked the shotgun out of his hand, it could do some real damage if he let it off inside his shield.

There was the sound of gunfire all around him. Nearby there was the thwacking sound as Bernie struck out at other bounty hunters. They seemed to be professionals, but they weren't expecting personal energy shields, or their marks bringing the fight to close quarters.

Streek ducked as the big man swung a large knife at him. He came up with a strong right uppercut and was surprised when an intense painful surge shot through him. He had forgotten about the modified shock ring he was wearing. He could feel the power build up within him. Streek grabbed the mans' hand before he could swing the knife again and delivered a straight right punch to his head, giving himself another painful shock.

Streek felt strong. The big bounty hunter was surprised when he grabbed onto his armour and lifted him up off the ground. Streek tossed him into the other big guy. He quickly leapt onto them, pulling out his vibro-blade knife from his belt. His knife plunged into the base of the bounty hunters' skull, killing him.

Streek pulled his bloody knife from the head and brought it toward the other man. The bounty hunter reached up and grabbed his arm trying to stop him. The man was much bigger than Streek, but Streek was powered up. He growled and lunged down, stabbing the blade through the mans' neck. Dark blood gushed out from the deep wound and he stared wide eyed at Streek as he died.

Streek caught some movement in his peripheral vision and quickly rolled away, but a blade slashed through his right shoulder. Streek cried out and dropped his knife as he felt the intense pain. The attacker came at him, continuing to swing the long blade as he moved back, barely dodging the attacks. He stepped back, barely dodging a swift sword-strike and then came forward, kicking his attacker away.

It was a brown skinned woman, in black, light armour. Her black hair was tied back and she had a hard look in her eyes as she stared Streek down. She was holding a vibro-blade katana in front of her. Streek clutched his shoulder as blood spilled out and ran down his arm. The cut went deep. His regenerating nanobots would heal it, but the blood loss could affect him. He could still hear Bernie fighting nearby.

"So you're the thirty million dollar man." she said, looking at him coldly.

"Some jobs you just shouldn't take." said Streek. "Walk away now. I'll let you."

"Why would I do that when I have you at a disadvantage? Get him Rizzla."

Streek quickly turned to see the android coming at him. He struck out at it with his left fist. The clunky, metallic grey android swiftly grabbed his arm. Streek struggled against it, but he was immensely strong. He cried out loudly as the android squeezed and snapped the bones his wrist.

The woman stepped forward raising her sword high, "Dead or alive. I always prefer dead!" Suddenly Bernie bowled into her, knocking her away.

Streek roared and started hitting the androids' hard torso with his right fist. Between the shattered wrist, the impact running through his wounded shoulder and the electrical shocks from the ring, Streek was in a world of pain.

"Your punches are not damaging me human." said Rizzla.

Streeks' fist was now glowing. "No, but this will!" He threw his hand up at the androids' head and a ball of blue light shot forward, sending the head up into the concrete ceiling where it smashed to pieces.

He looked over and saw Bernie on top of the female bounty hunter, slamming her fists into her face. Blood splattered out with each hard punch. Bernie stopped punching and the woman wasn't moving. "Yeah, stay away from my man Bitch!"

"Is she dead?" asked Streek.

"What am I, a doctor?" said Bernie getting up and wiping blood from her fists.

The androids' body was standing there motionless, still holding Streeks' arm. He flinched as he tried to pull free from it. "Here, I'll help you." said Bernie, coming over and straining as she pried open the metal hand. Streek got free and grabbed his wrist. "Is it broken?"

"Yeah." said Streek. He started punching the android with his right fist until it toppled over.

"I think you got it Streek."

"Just building up some power. The Doc said I heal faster when I'm carrying a charge."

"Right." They heard some loud groaning nearby. "I hope our friend there is in a talkative mood."

Bernie and Streek approached the man lying on his back. His arm and leg were broken and bending out at awkward angles. He wore a pained expression on his bearded face. "How did you know we would be here?" asked Bernie looking down at him.

"Nnnagh, fuck you bitch!"

Bernie crouched down and pulled out her knife, "No, you're the one who's fucked." she waved the blade in front of his face. "Do you like your eyes? I like your eyes, maybe I'll keep them." The man grit his teeth and stared at her with hatred. "How did you know we would be here?"

"Nnnngh, was a woman, ...with the Pirate Alliance. She told us where we could find you."

"Who is she?"

"She didn't tell us her name. She had dark hair, and big tits."

"Drakk!" said Streek. "It's her, my clone. She wouldn't send others to kill us, she knew we'd beat them. I bet she's waiting around to finish the job."

"Fuck!" said Bernie, getting out her TAB. "Captain Anders to Ivan Drago, come in." she waited a moment and there was no reply. "Ben-Two, Ben-Three, come in." She looked up at Streek with fear in her eyes, "We gotta get back to the Ivan Drago now!"

The two of them ran through the dank undercity, back to where their ship was docked. They kept alert, scanning for more possible dangers. By the time they got back to the landing zone, Streeks' wounds had healed. His wrist still hurt like hell, but he had full use of it now.

They slowed down and cautiously approached the ship with their shields active. Streek scanned the area, but could see nothing unusual. The entrance ramp to the ship was open. "Ben?" Bernie called out. "...Are you there? Either of you?"

Then a figure was walking down the ramp. A skinny woman with large breasts. She was wearing a dark green jumpsuit with a black vest and had a black slave collar around her neck. She looked exactly like Streek, when he was a woman. His clone. She walked right up to them.

"Hello Sire."

"Hello McKenzie." said Streek coldly.

"I go by the name Maxine now. So much for your ships' security. It thought I was you, how insulting."

"What did you do with my crew bitch?!" said Bernie.

She looked at Bernie and smiled. "Bernie, I saw the holo-vid of you getting tentacle fucked at the arena. You seemed to be enjoying yourself more than you aught to."

Bernie growled and clenched her fists. "Where's my fuckin' crew?"

"They're not in the ship, but somewhere nearby, and they're in trouble. Or maybe they're already dead, I don't know."

"Where are they bitch!! I'll beat it out of you!!" yelled Bernie, raising her fists.

"I'm not going to tell you. Are you going to go and look for them? or are you going to stand by and let more crew members die, like you did back at the holo-arena?"

"Go Bernie." said Streek. "I can handle her. I've beaten her twice already, this time I'll make sure she doesn't come back again."

"Yeah, run along Blondie. I'll see to you later."

Bernie hesitated as she stared at Maxine with hate filled eyes. "Kill her Streek." she said as she turned and then ran off, scanning with her TAB.

Maxine smiled at Streek as they were left there alone. "Tank says hi. He wants to kill you himself, but I'm gunna have to disappoint him. I'm glad you showed up. I gave it a fifty fifty chance you would come back here for your sire."

"Why did you have to kill them?"

"Because I hate them. You should have heard them begging for mercy, they were pathetic. You're much stronger than them, but I hate you even more. So I'm going to make you suffer more. The pre-match entertainment is over now, let's begin the main event." she said raising her fists.

"What, no mech this time? No pirate buddies? I thought you liked having me at a disadvantage."

"Who says I don't?" said Maxine, tapping her slave collar. "In response to you're previous question; yes, I do learn!" She suddenly lunged at Streek with a strong right punch. Streek was dodging as she came at him with frenzied attacks.

Maxines' slave collar was surging as she attacked, filling her with power. Streek noticed her getting faster and stronger. She was able to do the shock absorption trick too. He knew he had to get on the offensive to charge his own power.

He swung his fist at her, but she swiftly grabbed his arm and let off a series of hard kicks into his torso and head. She finally kicked him hard in the chest, knocking him back several meters as he crashed onto the hard ground.

Maxines' eyes were glowing, she looked scary standing over the dazed Streek. "Feels good doesn't it? ...the raw power. The release feels pretty fuckin' good too. Especially when it kills." She suddenly threw her arms forward and the blue ball of light shot out at high speed, slamming into Streeks' energy shield. The shield dissipated around him, and his belt beeped loudly, warning him that it was down. Streek slowly stood up again.

"An energy shield." said Maxine. "Impressive. But it doesn't look like it will save you a second time." Streek just raised his fists again and stared at her intently. He Was hurting, but he knew he needed to focus here in order to survive.

Streek lunged at her and started attacking. It was far better to be on the offensive, charging his power. The painful shocks surged through him each time he connected with his right fist. His power built. Maxine was striking out as well, charging her power. Streeks' fists started glowing and so did Maxines' eyes. Their fighting got more intense as they pelted each other with strong, fast blows.

Maxine jumped into the air and shot a ball of light down at Streek. He barely managed to jump out of the way as it smashed into the ground with a thunderous boom. He tried to seize the opportunity to catch her off guard and roared as he threw out a bolt of light. Maxine rolled back as it shot past her and into a far wall, just missing her.

They quickly resumed attacking each other, letting fly with their fists and feet. They had worked their way out past the Ivan Drago, and toward the ledge of the large gap the ship flew in through. The gap stretched down a long way into the darkness below them.

Streek stepped back onto a small rusty platform the jutted out into the dark void, as Maxine laid on a series of high kicks. He was quickly running out of space behind him. She continued to press her attack, trying to force him over the edge. Streek suddenly reached forward and grabbed her and headbutted her face with a loud crunch.

Maxine cried out in pain, "You Prick!!" Her eyes were glowing again. Streek took the opportunity to get the other side of her, away from the edge. She lashed out in anger, throwing her arms forward and releasing another energy bolt. Streek barely managed to dodge it and it slammed into the platform. The rusty steel platform suddenly dropped and tilted on an extreme angle. Maxine and Streek both cried out as they tumbled off the platform and were sent falling down into the darkness.

Streek screamed out as he plunged down into the dark void. Maxine had managed to angle herself so that she flew over and grabbed onto him. She roared as she started delivering punches to his chest and head. Streek couldn't believe it, she was still trying to kill him as they fell to their death.

Streek started fighting back and the power surged within him. Both of them were filling with more and more raw power as the attacked each other. Then, deep within the depths of the undercity there was a huge, powerful explosion. It could be felt for hundreds of blocks, and heard all throughout the huge city of Rodfern.

Up above, Bernie was knocked off her feet. She had just rescued her crew and defeated the several pirates that were holding them hostage. They were rocked by the loud explosion. "Oh my god! ...Streek!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent first chapter

I was hesitant excess sex doesn't cover for no plot and few characters . Now your on track.


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